List of 65 countries where homosexuality is illegal

Updated January 2025: Mali criminalizes homosexuality

Gay sex is no longer as widely criminalized as it used to be, but a total of 65 nations still have laws against homosexuality.

The total had dropped to 64 before the West African nation of Mali, which formerly had no anti-LGBT law, adopted a homophobic new penal code in December 2024. Before that, the most recent countries to have repealed their anti-gay laws were Namibia in Africa, Dominica in the Caribbean, Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, the Cook Islands in the South Pacific, Singapore in Southeast Asia, Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Kitts & Nevis, and Barbados in the Caribbean, Bhutan in the Himalayas, and Gabon in central Africa.

<strong>Map of the 65 countries where sexual relations between people of the same sex are illegal. <span style="color: #ffff00;">YELLOW</span> countries have sodomy laws that are currently being challenged before local courts. Sri Lanka, in <span style="color: #ff00ff;">PINK</span>, currently has a bill before its parliament to repeal its sodomy law. Indonesia, in <span style="color: #ff6600;">ORANGE</span>, has laws that criminalize homosexuality only in some subnational jurisdictions. All states in <span style="color: #ff0000;">RED</span> have nationwide sodomy laws and no known legislative efforts or court challenges to remove them. </strong>
Map of the 65 countries where sexual relations between people of the same sex are illegal. YELLOW countries have sodomy laws that are currently being challenged before local courts. Sri Lanka, in PINK, currently has a bill before its parliament to repeal its sodomy law. Indonesia, in ORANGE, has laws that criminalize homosexuality only in some subnational jurisdictions. All states in RED have nationwide sodomy laws and no known legislative efforts or court challenges to remove them. 

Below you will find:

THE LIST: A tally of nations with anti-homosexuality laws.

HISTORY: Recent history of many nations repealing or overturning those laws and a few nations newly adopting them.

COMPARISON: A comparison of this blog’s list with the similar list compiled by ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. (Mostly the lists differ only in relatively small ways, such as whether they are limited to United Nations member nations.)

The list of countries that criminalize homosexuality

Here is this blog’s list of 65 countries and independent political entities with anti-homosexuality laws, with links to the blog’s coverage of them.


  1. Algeria
  2. Burundi
  3. Cameroon
  4. Chad
  5. Comoros
  6. Egypt
  7. Eritrea
  8. Eswatini (Swaziland)
  9. Ethiopia
  10. Gambia
  11. Ghana
  12. Guinea
  13. Kenya
  14. Liberia
  15. Libya
  16. Malawi
  17. Mali
  18. Mauritania
  19. Morocco
  20. Nigeria
  21. Senegal
  22. Sierra Leone
  23. Somalia
  24. South Sudan
  25. Sudan
  26. Tanzania
  27. Togo
  28. Tunisia
  29. Uganda
  30. Zambia
  31. Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Brunei
  4. Indonesia (Aceh Province, South Sumatra Province and four cities in other provinces)
  5. Iran
  6. Iraq
  7. Kuwait
  8. Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court in 2014 and disqualified for use against same-sex intimacy in another court in February 2017)
  9. Malaysia
  10. Maldives
  11. Myanmar
  12. Oman
  13. Pakistan
  14. Palestine (Gaza Strip only)
  15. Qatar
  16. Saudi Arabia
  17. Sri Lanka
  18. Syria
  19. Turkmenistan
  20. United Arab Emirates
  21. Uzbekistan
  22. Yemen

Also in Asia, Kyrgyzstan passed a law in 2023 that bans anything that “promotes non-traditional sexual relations,” which has been used to target LGBT people and organizations.


  1. Grenada
  2. Guyana
  3. Jamaica
  4. St Lucia
  5. St Vincent & the Grenadines

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 12 states: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police occasionally still arrest people on the basis of them. In the recent past, dozens of LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on laws that have been ruled unconstitutional. Recently, on Supreme Court Justice has opined that the Court should revisit its decision that decriminalized sodomy.


  1. Kirbati
  2. Niue
  3. Papua New Guinea
  4. Samoa
  5. Solomon Islands
  6. Tonga
  7. Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on the list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online. In 2022. Russia extended that prohibition to cover all positive mentions of same-sex love in any traditional media, social media, advertising or movies, not just in those with children in the audience;
  • Lithuania, which passed a similar law but subsequently weakened it. The seldom-enforced Law on the Protection of Minors has been repeatedly debated by Lithuanian officials and challenged in court.
  • Hungary, which passed an “anti-LGBTQ” law in 2021. The law aims to prohibit minors from having access to information about transsexuality and to content that “promotes” homosexuality.

As noted above, Libya and Nigeria also have anti-“gay propaganda” laws in addition to their laws outlawing same-sex intimacy.


Overall, a strong trend is moving the world away from homophobic repression — though it’s happening slowly.

When the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) published an updated report on “State-Sponsored Homophobia,” began documenting the laws that are used to persecute LGBT people in 2006, it counted 92 countries that criminalized same-sex relations.

The latest countries to end the criminalization of same-sex intimacy are Namibia (2024) in Africa, Dominica (2024), an island nation in the eastern Carribbean, and Mauritius (2023), an island nation in the western Indian Ocean. Also in 2023, the Cook Islands, part of the Realm of New Zealand in the South Pacific, repealed its sodomy laws by an act of its local parliament.

In 2022, the southeast Asian island nation Singapore repealed its colonial-era sodomy law in Parliament, the Caribbean island of Barbados had its laws against buggery and gross indecency struck down by its high court, and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) struck down laws criminalizing same-sex intercourse in St. Kitts and Nevis and in Antigua & Barbuda. The ECSC is currently considering challenges to sodomy laws in St. Lucia and Grenada.

The number of nations with anti-gay laws had dropped to 71 on Feb. 17, 2021, when Bhutan repealed its anti-sodomy law.

In June 2019, Botswana’s High Court overturned that nation’s colonial-era laws that criminalized “carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature.”

Chad adopted a new anti-gay law in 2017 and Gabon did so briefly in 2020, but Gabon repealed the law the following year. Otherwise, recent changes have been positive.

In Trinidad, the High Court overturned the country’s anti-sodomy law in 2018, however that decision is subject to an appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the UK, the country’s highest court. That year in India, the Supreme Court overturned the nation’s 158-year-old prohibition of sex “against the order of nature.”  Angola adopted a new Penal Code without an anti-gay provision in January 2019. Bhutan did the same in February 2021.

Another recent step away from repression was the defeat of the terrorist regime known as the Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL, which operated in Syria and Iraq as a harshly anti-LGBT government. This blog had listed it as a de facto country, but now it has been removed from the blog’s list.

Protest targeting India's anti-gay law, Section 377 (Mujeeb Faruqui photo courtesy of Hindustan Times)
Protest targeted India’s anti-gay law, Section 377, which was overturned in September 2018. (Mujeeb Faruqui photo courtesy of Hindustan Times)

Other countries that recently made progress have included:

  • Belize, where the Supreme Count in August 2016 overturned that nation’s anti-sodomy law as applied to consensual sex.
  • Seychelles and Nauru, which both repealed their anti-gay laws in May 2016.
  • Mozambique, which adopted a new Penal Code in the second half of 2014 and was dropped from this list in early 2015.
  • The tiny nations of Palau in the western Pacific Ocean and São Tomé and Príncipe in the Atlantic Ocean off the shores of Central Africa, which both decriminalized homosexuality and were dropped from the blog’s list in 2014.
  • Northern Cyprus, which repealed its anti-homosexuality law in January 2014, eliminating the final European location with such a law (Northern Cyprus is recognized as a country only by Turkey).


This site’s list of nations with anti-gay laws is essentially the same as ILGA’s. As of spring 2019, the ILGA report stated correctly that “70 UN member States still criminalise consensual same-sex sexual acts between adults (68 by explicit provisions of law, 2 de facto).”

This site’s list includes three nations not counted on the ILGA list. Two are not members of the United Nations:

  • Palestine/Gaza
  • Niue, a self-governing country that is part of the realm of New Zealand. Niue had previously been omitted from this list due to a misapprehension (shared with ILGA) that its buggery laws were repealed by New Zealand in 2006. In fact, Niue did not accept the new Criminal Code passed by the New Zealand Parliament, so its original Criminal Law Code with its buggery laws is still in effect. The country is not known to actively prosecute cases under the law.

The third is:

  • Indonesian police escort several of the 141 people arrested in the May 22 raid. (Photo courtesy of Inquirer News)
    Indonesian police escort several of the 141 people arrested during an anti-LGBT raid in May 2017. (Photo courtesy of Inquirer News)

    Indonesia, where a large province and some cities outlaw homosexual acts. ILGA mentions it in its category of “subnational entities” with anti-gay laws.

In a change from its past practice, the new ILGA report included Egypt in its main list, labeled as implementing “de facto criminalization.” In this site’s view, Egypt’s vague but harshly enforced law against “debauchery” is as much an anti-LGBT law as many other countries’ vague and often unenforced laws against “unnatural acts.”).

Erasing 76 Crimes has resisted including Russia on its list simply because Russia does not have a law against homosexual activity. That doesn’t mean that Russia isn’t homophobic, of course. It sometimes enforces its notorious law against “gay propaganda” and the Russian government did not intervene in the anti-gay crackdown in Russia’s semi-autonomous Republic of Chechnya.

Under the regime of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechen forces arrested and incarcerated about 100 allegedly gay citizens in 2017. Kadyrov denies that the persecution occurred, taking the absurd position that “such people do not exist.” (Photo courtesy of ABC News)
Under the regime of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, police arrested and incarcerated about 100 allegedly gay citizens in 2017. Kadyrov denies that the persecution occurred, taking the absurd position that “such people do not exist.” (Photo courtesy of ABC News)

Although Russia and Chechnya deny it, in 2017 Chechen police illegally arrested at least 100 men on the grounds of their suspected sexual orientation. Detained in two known illegal prisons, they were tortured, humiliated and beaten. At least three were killed. The anti-gay violence continued in 2019.

This site’s current total of 66 countries would be 68 if the list included Russia and Lithuania, two countries that do not have laws against homosexual acts but do have repressive laws against “propaganda of homosexuality.” (Lithuana’s anti-“propaganda” law has been challenged before the European Court of Human Rights, which has not yet made a decision.) Libya and Nigeria have similar anti-propaganda laws, but they also prohibit same-sex relations, so they are already on the list.

Back in 2012, based on a separate, nearly complete count, St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation cited a total of 76 countries. That list was used as the basis for naming that year’s Spirit of 76 Worldwide program aimed at repealing those laws. It also inspired the name of this site — “Erasing 76 Crimes.”

For more information, download these PDF files:

See also this blog’s article on nations that impose the death penalty for homosexual acts.

Related information:

Overall, this article’s content is in these often-searched categories:

  • Countries where homosexuality is illegal
  • Where is it illegal to be gay
  • Countries where being gay is illegal
  • Most homophobic countries
  • Anti-homosexuality laws
  • Anti-LGBT laws
  • Anti-LGBTI laws
  • Anti-LGBTQ laws
View Comments (1,299)
  • Some have also suggested that Namibia has no place in the list. The ILGA report bases its assertion that it criminalises homosexual acts on Dutch common law, but the Namibian constitution prohibits discrimination, and takes precedence over Dutch common law. Maybe something to keep in mind for the 2013 review…

    • I think it a shame that any decriminalization for homosexuality has happened. What a shame, we should probably bring it back.

      • Homo?; It is a shame that ignorant hate speech is allowed or that it is practiced by the under educated. Why do people like you hate such a small portion of the population, they want nothing from you. All they want is to be left alone and to live their lives in peace and to love the person that they love, without the bigots crawling out of the woodwork and spewing hate at them. What have these people done? I don’t mean for you to answer this with the hateful interpretation of the Bible or any other holy book. Just answer it, what have these people done to you? People start to live up to the teachings of the Prophet Issa and the others.

        The following applies to you as well – “And turn not thy cheek away from people in false pride, and walk not haughtily on earth: for, behold, God does not love anyone who, out of conceit, acts in a boastful manner. (18) Hence, be modest in thy bearing and lower thy voice: for behold, the ugliest of all voices is the loud voice of asses. . .” (19) Holy Qur’an S31v18-19

        DesertFox 1A
        A Proud American and Veteran (1969-94)
        Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam / Unity through diversity and knowledge.
        LPN/ret, HM2c(FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, CWVet, VNeVet, GWVet, DAV/VFW Life Member

        • Desertfox1A, what the hell are you talking about? Since when you become law giver? God teaches you and me, and all the human race, in His holy word the Bible– which word shall judge all sinners– that it is an abomination for mankind to have sex with mankind, as with womankind. Is it hateful to speak against wrong that people are doing? Do you not know that it is possible to hate the sin that a person does, but still love the person who is sinning? Where is your moral sense? The person you called a hater is not subject to your poor, sick judgment. If you don’t even know your Bible, how the hell can you judge someone who stands up for God’s truth and righteousness? If you want to go to hell with your damn sinful, satanic shit, then you can go. But I would prefer that you repent of your sin, in supporting the Devil’s stinking philosophy. You are very, very ignorant of the truth and righteousness of almighty God.

          • There is no God. If you want to believe in that fairy tale that is fine but don’t force it on others.

          • you can’t admit to being created because self deception is your only refuge. Biology cries out against you. You pretend that there’s no absolute right or wrong so would you have sex with your dad? Lawlessness just makes wrong, not a special minority class. Find help away from your gay/pedo circle.

          • There IS a God and he is the God of the Bible. His instructions for living have always been there for all of us. I don’t understand why anyone would want to ignore them. When we leave this world we will spend eternity either separated from God or with God in heaven. YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ETERNALLY SEPARATED from God.

          • Everyone’s entitled to give their own opinions but in the bible its Adam and eve not Adam and Steve, god made man and women to love each other the fact that people are BI, Gay, Lesbian etc, is wrong its a sin and not believing in god is just what you believe yourself and you will be questioned by god about that in the hereafter. I am Muslim and have studied the bible and Quran and it is clearly against all religions I think if a person wants to be Gay let them be as God Himself will punish them Himself. There is no hate against these kind of people its just a sin and disliked everyone commits sins but asking forgiveness after realising the sin is liked by god people are made to sin but will have to repent regardless of what religion you follow but being gay means a person doesn’t care at all about God’s Decisions and rules and so will remain gay and so don’t repent.

          • Berris D Joseph
            Being gay is not a crime and it is not against gods will. If you have ever read the Bible you would know that the lines that people consider to me “anti gay” are actually in the context of a different subject. Before you speak on a matter such as this that you should be educated. It is horrendous how many people come of here to stop other people’s lives. You only have one life. These people are so tired of hiding who they are. It is not something they can help or control it is simply something they are born with. It is like banning having brown eyes, you can wear colored contacted but at some point your eyes get dry. I have upset by the fact that people like you have nothing else to do with your lives except ruin other people’s day. But hey, it is your choice of weather you want to be on the right side of history our not. I support LGBTQ+ all the way! Please be kind and don’t forget to educate yourself.

            -Borela Milcow

          • I personally don’t believe that there is just God. I believe that all religions are correct, I just choose not to practice any of them. I understand that you have an opinion, and everyone has one, but please don’t say that someone will go to hell if they kiss the person they love. Are you married? How would you feel if your significant other was trans, and they wanted to be the opposite gender. Would you support them? Would you stay with the love of your life, or leave them because they felt uncomfortable in their own skin, and felt more comfortable as the opposite gender, and, in your eyes, supported the “Devil’s Stinking Philosophy”. This is not a situation where this kind of behavior is acceptable, and please stop with the “Holier Than Thou” attitude you have going for you. This is just a basic human right, to love who you love.
            Sincerely- Cassie R.

          • There is no god. He kills his own creations like sea birds dying of bird flu. And he alone has killed 37.000 innocent people and babies in Turkey. I have renounced all connections with religeon, rather following Stephen Hawking’s teachings of the big bang and evolution.. When some one shows me God that no one has ever seen then maybe. The Bible is full of killing, slaughtered, drowned thousands, persecution, stoning, and no understanding why God made some people gay or Lesbian, and then tells them “they can’t lie down together”.the whole books a fairy tale of horror fantasy

          • Where is your God? We are told that he knows when a baby bird falls out of the nest. Yet does nothing to stop the slaughter of innocent children in such places as Ukraine. Your God as been asleep since the dawn of time. He told Moses to free Israel from bondage. Where is your God now! He does not exist. There is no God. There is just us. And the world’s tyrants like Ping of China. Putin of Russia. I have no faith. I only believe in me so if you think getting on your knees in a church on Sunday is your ticket into heaven. Go ahead. But NEVER attempt to force your ideas on anyone.
            Jonathan. A gay englishman here in the UK

          • Gays? Listen Allyson, Im sorry that you may be dealing with such poor brain chemistry as consequence to the egocentric tendencys you justfy in contempt to the very nature of being gay that Id say defines you. Im sorry to say that your ill mannered expressions in contempt are merely a self defensive response to the truth that you yourself are actually in denial of, accepting that you initally are another repulsive abomination must be taxing, Aknowleding the fact you are forever lesser must hurt . Coping with the disgrace you bring your bloodline must be hard, but have faith, organs are needed.

          • Look to all people here who think all gays are going to hell and all that crap. Think about it this way being gay is like being left handed some people are. Its not right or wrong its just the way things are.

        • Its quite simple!! Being a part of the LGBT group is another way of saying you suffer from sexual perversion!!! Beyond popular belief sexualism has become a thing of normality because the ones in power want us to relinquish ours! Truth is you are a being!!! Just existence (image of god) you were put on this earth to accomplish 2 things! Discover who you are! & find your way back to our creator! Anything and I mean ANYTHING that leads you away from those 2 things are distractions!!! Nothing normal is ever talked about!!! Creating a norm involves conditioning (Sigmund Freud) since we don’t talk about the sun every morning or how fresh the air is! One must question why!!! In plain science our biological identity is also for the purpose of populating the world!!! Since bill gates wants to stop “global warming” I.e people using energy! Why not condition society to believe in same sex to prevent procreation! √ kill others with vaccinations “covid 19” √ systems are always and will always be controlled!

          • Things you could be executed for in the Old Testament
            • Adultery with a married woman.[19] Both parties are to die.
            • A woman falsely representing herself as a virgin before the marriage ceremony
            • Cursing a parent.
            • A son who persists in disobeying his parents
            • Disobeying the decision of the court
            oh, yeah, and having sex with the same gender…doesn’t seem to fit with the others. You bunch of heartless ignoramuses. What happened to the love of Jesus? LGBTIA The A is asexual…doesn’t have sex. Hmmmm.

        • Well said, we all know what the Bible says and everyone has the right to believe what the want but preaching it to people won’t do anything it won’t change them, no one chooses to be gay, why would anyone choose to be a subject of hate and bigotry by ignorant people who think they’re “saving” them or whatnot, but newsflash, you’re not doing anything to help them, you’re just wasting your breath, because lgbt people do not need saving, they’re not doing anything wrong they’re just being themselves which they should be and making it illegal is just ridiculous, there is nothing illegal about loving someone and making it illegal doesnt change the fact these people are still gay, they just have to live their lives in secret and pretend to be something they’re not, it’s just barbaric what these people have to go through in these countries where it is illegal, why would anyone condone what hell they have to live through, these people that preach hate and what not have no idea what they have to deal with on a daily basis, so open your eyes and see that hate and judgement is not the way.

      • Actually, our species is called “homo sapiens sapiens”. I see you don’t fit in that category, and somehow I’m relieved.

        • well Homo sapiens came from a latin word and homo sexual came from a greek word its literally 2 different things smh.

      • Only 10% of the world’s population’s homosexual, statistically qualifying it as abnormal, which it certainly is, that is, unless of you think a man stickin’ his penis into another man’s anus is normal, let alone in accordance with natural law, which it assuredly isn’t, given it doesn’t entail procreation, inherently the natural purpose of sex, the very basis of life itself. Hypothetically, supposing you’re fully supportive of homosexuality, how would you feel if your son revealed being Gay? Would you be happy? Hm, let me guess…. you’d be initially shocked; subsequently saddened; and then? Why? After all, aren’t you supportive? That said, people are so misled by The Media into assuming The World’s population approves of homosexuality, when, in fact, only The West does. Then again, does it? Be reminded, for example, that virtually every poll in North America opposes same-sex marriage by about 60% of respondents. Can these polls be extrapolated? Moreover, be reminded that no referendum’s ever been held to officially support or oppose Gay Rights; that only the politically correct stroke of a pen has unilaterally legislated Gay Rights, opposed, for example, by virtually every religion. Again, I ask, if your son came out of the closet, would you be happy about his bein’ Gay? If not, why not?

        • Dear Bob,

          You’ve said a lot in there, and I won’t try to respond to it all. But you’re wrong about support for marriage equality in the United States. As this AP story notes, “In U.S., 52% Back Law to Legalize Gay Marriage in 50 States.”

          But the focus of this blog is human rights for LGBT people, whether the majority of their country is for or against same-sex marriage. Just because a majority is in favor of oppressing a minority, that doesn’t make it right.

          If my son came out as gay, I might worry that he would have a difficult life ahead of him, but I’d love him just the same. I certainly wouldn’t wish him to stay in the closet and live a miserable life there, or turn to “pray the gay away” hucksters for a life of self-denial and self-delusion.

          All the best,
          Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

          • How could sining against God’s law be a right of any person? Nothing is a right that is wrong. Your definition of right is wrong. Can a person’s so-called right to do wrong justify him in the sight of God? If it can’t then it is not a right; it’s a wrong. How can this right to do wrong save the wrong doer from the just consequences of his or her wrong doing? One may choose to do wrong, but it is not a right to do it. It is a wrong to do it. And no one who does wrong can choose the consequences of his or her wrong doing. The consequences are inherent in the doing of the wrong. It is so that the wrong doer will, and must know that his or her doing was wrong, is wrong– when the consequences cannot be avoided. In one way one can choose, but in the other way one canot choose. The broken law chooses the consequences. God has already wriiten the codes of law in all 5 laws, the moral law, which is forever binding, the ceremonial law, (which is no longer necessary as Jesus Christ to whom it pointed had already come to take over its place), the natural law, which is still binding as evidenced by an object falling when committed to the pull of gravity, the health law, as in eating and drinking the foods that promote life and well being; and finally, the civil law, as in obeying the traffic light system, as an example in each category.

      • Bob: If you define anything that less than the majority does as abnormal, then being a man is abnormal.

        (Also so is being white, being retired or being blonde.)

      • You are so right. One day a class action suit will take place against PP and the educational system for teaching kids how to get infected for life.

      • Get with the times mate, some people r gay, I’m bi and have dealt with abuse my whole life and my adolescent years were very difficult because of this. Yofu don’t mind seeing a man and a woman kiss, but put that man with another and suddenly ur offended by seeing two people of the same sex showing affection. And many straight couple have anal sex now so if that’s bugging u about gay guys then u need to start hating some straight people for that too. And if it’s a religious thing, well I’m religious but smart enough to know love between two people regardless of their gender is a beautiful thing. Instead of giving u a message such as I hate u or something like that, I ask u to review your opinion on homosexuality and why u feel the need to go online and make people feel isolated. Homosexuality is not a choice, u could have just as easily been bi as I am, then how would u feel about homosexuality if u felt feelings towards the same sex?


        Is homosexuality a sin? And who do we believe?
        God is the ultimate and sovereign judge for sin. Homosexuality is sin by His order; it is not decided by public opinion or deceived/false clergy. Changing societies do not dictate God’s standards. Sin is defined by God for us in the Bible. It is the source for what God says is holy and righteous or sin and abomination. Hebrews 13:8 states that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; he does not “go with the flow.”

        God’s Word says that homosexuality is unnatural, a perversion, an abomination, fornication, vile affections, and a great sin against Him. He states any sexual act outside of marriage is adultery (hetro or homo sexual). Sex is to be between man and woman within marriage.

        Is homosexuality a sin? What does this mean?
        God’s design for natural sexual relationships is part of His plan. Homosexuality falsifies what God designed. Sin often means not only rejecting God but denying or rejecting how and why we are made. Though it may be considered acceptable by some today — even in some churches — it is not acceptable to God. And we need to take that seriously.

        Sexual sins were rampant in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (This is the origin of the word sodomy.) Despite warnings, they refused to repent. God destroyed those cities and it was recorded as a warning to all future generations (Genesis 18:20-21, Genesis 19:4-5, 2 Peter 2:6). Some additional scriptures on homosexuality are found in:

        Leviticus 18:22
        Leviticus 20:13
        Romans 1:26-27

        The price paid for homosexuality and other fornications are told in:

        1 Corinthians 6:9-10
        Jude 6-7
        Romans 1:18

        In spite of the growing secular humanist trend to think “it’s ok to be gay,” it’s not a righteous lifestyle. Most vocal Christians are not homophobic, but are trying to share Christ’s love for homosexuals and trying to keep them from horrific judgment.

        Is homosexuality a sin? Is there hope for forgiveness?
        There absolutely is hope for homosexuals. God can cleanse and purify all persons from sin. As many scriptures as there are that address sin, there are more that speak of forgiveness and redemption. He is able to give deliverance to any who sincerely desire true freedom and salvation. Such is demonstrated in 1 Corinthians 6:11 (KJV): “And such were some of you: but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” This verse says “some of you were,” meaning they became past acts.

        We are offered the empowering Spirit of God to help us turn from our sins. Coming out of drug addiction, homosexuality, pornography, or other sin isn’t always easy but God will provide the way. Christians are to “love” into the kingdom, those who desire repentance and to live by His natural plan.

        Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins and rose again the third day. He desires that we repent and be forgiven of our sins by coming into a personal relationship with Him.

        • believe it or not, the world shouldn’t be run by your fantasy of religion. god is a concept, so you can think you have meaning in your pathetic life. many people don’t believe in god so the rule of Christianity doesn’t apply. the word stated by the thing that you grasp onto for meaning isn’t followed by everyone. love is stronger than hate so if you try to get rid of gay people with your hatred, you should give up. fuck you with your hatred

        • My mother died of cancer in 1989. She pleaded with her god to save her, but he didn’t although she was a Sunday school teacher and devout christian, who once I’m told by my father, considered entering a nunnery. This Bible has no relevance for many decades, while science has moved on and has actually given more credence to other factual universe proof than a mere book. To say some person made the universe and us and animals in 6 days is just a none starter. Egyptian gods are more appealing to me.

      • I find it interesting that although the writer “DesertFox1A” quotes from the Holy Qur’an, many of the countries in which homosexuality is illegal appears to be in predominately Islamic areas.

        • I’m gonna state my opinion. (btw I’m 12 years old) There is no god. Its odd to believe that there is a huge guy who lives it the sky. And also, love is love. And even if there is a god if he hated gay people then why would he create us? just saying

          • Thanks for being smart! LGBTQIA+ people are the way they are. Who are straight people to judge. It’s like judging a immigrant for coming to America. You don’t know what they have been through.

            #love is love

            P.s. probably shouldn’t share your age

      • what a shame. homosexuality itself is shame. If people leave to be on their own, we cannot say where they stop their stupid animal instinct. There must be some law to stop them. They shouldn’t be allow adopt a child or do artificial insemination. Then after 50 years this stupid animals will be extinct.

        • hating somebody or saying that they are a shame just because of who they love is an awful thing to do. News flash: people have a right to love.

      • How can people be so awful?
        If you keep denying that it’s happening, your going to get blown into the past, because when time comes being homosexual will be considered “just another normal thing”. May take hundreds of years, but it’ll happen.
        And for the people who keep referencing the bible, who are we to paraphrase God’s word? In reality, doesn’t that mean you are sinning, changing his word into something that could potentially mean something totally different?
        Homosexuality though may be considered a sin, but were all sinners, so why is it such a big deal?
        You can continue to hate on gay people for your whole life, but why? What’s the point? Just to make somebody feel awful about who they really are? That’s pretty disgusting, if I do say so myself.
        So maybe you still don’t accept gay people and their rights. Really, that’s okay. It’ll take time for people to get used to it and accept it as well, and I’m not here to scream at you for feeling uncomfortable about something you can’t change. But that doesn’t mean you can just go say extremely awful things to people just because they are of a different preference. It’s just like the different between white and black, why does it matter?
        So please take this into consideration when you think about how you really feel about homosexuality. If you keep hating on it, I’m very sorry for you, and hope that something will change your mind.
        That is all, thank you.

        • For u to support gay.u are doom already because u have no I deal what is waiting for u after death, gay is abomination to human race and to our creator God ..may God have mercy on your soul …

          • religion is no excuse to be rude to people i don’t know how many times just scrolling through these comments i’ve had to say that love is love. to hate somebody because of who they love is awful and you are a horrible human being. you won’t go to hell to loving somebody so go think about that before you shame all of us and why tf would you even read this article if you’re so against the community.

      • I’m more concernd about bigots, racist, and people like Bob who “think” they have the right to tell another human beings how they should live their life, than I am about what two people do in bed or who they love. Feeling the need to control others is a mental illness, get help.

      • Agreed!! And anyone who speaks against you, let them spend eternity inside a man’s asshole if they love homosexuality so much!

      • homos and their relationships can only lead to a an extinction of a species , since there can be no continuation of life from their relationship…any relationship such as that can only be construed as ridiculous in any form, since it has no future for any life-form…Whether one believe in a creator or evolution, there can be no continuation of life from same-gender relations. These creatures are in genetic terms, chromosomal abnormalities…..

      • Sometimes the old ways are better. We need to purge the land of such sick and mentally ill acts as queers commit daily. Bring back the one true God and overthrow all the altars to Satan and immoral conduct. It is not natural to produce children with same sex. First they would kill their children with abortions….then people got so ill they thought queers should get married…now they are so messed up in the head that they think they can choose their sex and change at will or go into any bathroom they choose. Stop the madness and bring back shock theapy for these queers!

      • I am 17 years old and I am gay. For those of you who think it’s a choice Just think to yourself why would someone chose this? Not just now but even in the past. Back in ancient society’s people were killed for being gay, yet there were still gay people. Or today look at the suicide rates of gay people (especially teenagers) compared to the rest of the population.
        Every gay person I know (witch is few and far between) hates it. Personally I sit down and cry about it every day and every day I wake up and hope I will suddenly turn straight. I have attempted suicide twice because of it (unsuccessfully of course) and constantly put myself down about it and unlike people who come here for attention I am reading this to work out where I can travel in the world without worrying about being arrested.
        I also never appreciate people quoting the bible or other holy texts as they are outdated in regard to this issue. Back when they were written there was no welfare so people had to rely on there kids for finnancial support when they retired. This caused gay people to be an economic burden so of course it was frowned upon by God. I have also studied them and generally people quote it out of context too making it sound worse than what it is.
        I am not particularly supportive of gay marriage purely because marriage is given in a church and most priests would not be supportive of it making it unfair to make them associate with gay people but surely it should be legal to just exist. No one (gay or straight) goes around talking about their sex life so why should it be relevant in the legal system?
        And for those who say it will stop the human race look at the rapid rate it has been growing at. People are dying because the world can’t produce enough resources for everyone so the lack of reproduction could actually be considered as a good thing. Plus there are also many straight couples that choose not to have kids but they are not frowned upon how are we any different in regards to that argument.

        I get that some people just don’t like gay people and that’s fine but don’t try to make them feel bad about it as it does not benefit you. If you don’t like them then just say it to their face and never speak to them again. And if you don’t associate yourself with gay people how do these laws affect you?

        My guess is that it will be the same as black people were treated 100 years ago. We will be treated very poorly with laws that discriminate against us for many years but eventually people will just accept that it does not really make any difference and although they do not partially like it they will just deal with us.

      • All of you saying how homosexuality is wrong are idiots. If it were a choice, which some say it is, then you try being gay for a day.
        Can’t? What a surprise.
        Sure, in the Bible God seems to hate gays and it is a crime, but maybe he’s moved on. You have to remember the Bible was written thousands and thousands of years ago, and not even by God Himself.
        Any random person could have written it, making up lies about God’s opinion.
        Unless you have directly spoken to God and asked Him whether or not He likes gays, then don’t jump to conclusions and attempt to back it up with an ancient book that wasn’t even written by Him.
        The scum of the Earth isn’t the gays, it’s you disgraceful beings who think that something that can’t be changed is wrong.
        Something I’ve noticed about you beasts is that whenever someone asks you why it’s wrong, without using the Bible as evidence, you have nothing to say and brush it off with another topic.
        Why, answer me this without the Bible, are you so scared of gays? Sure, they can’t repopulate, but neither can older straight men and women whose reproductive organs don’t work anymore. Should we kill them since they can’t repopulate?
        You disgust me. You are horrible influences on younger generations, such as myself who is ten, and I’m more than certain the Lord Himself frowns upon you for hating without reason.
        If you want to say that 80% straight partners stay together and only 25% of homosexual ones stay together, take into consideration that 6.5% (not 10% like some say) of the population is gay, so of course there will be a lower rate of them staying together! There are many more straight people that break up in numbers, not percentages, because there are so many more of them!
        Also, even though you may think that child abuse is more common in gay couples, this is false. Gay men have noticeably lower testosterone levels, making them have less violent tendencies. Now, don’t go spreading lies how lesbian couples are more violent due to their raised testosterone levels because the two of them together remain much calmer due to “company placating”. Them both having near equal levels of testosterone to each other doesn’t make them want to fight, but instead stay calmer when around each other.
        Besides, as in one of my previous arguments, there is a 93.5% straight population, so there would be greatly increased statistics in child abuse.
        If you think that any girl touching another is an act of homosexuality, does that mean that female infants can no longer feed on breast milk? Doing so isn’t an act of homosexuality, but an essential to living. Sure, there is bottle milk, but studies show that breastfed babies have a higher intellect rate than those who are bottle fed.
        Another thing I’ve picked apart from your badly designed arguments is that more STDs are spread around. This is bullshit. Anyone can get STDs from any kind of sex, so saying specifically gays contracting it is rubbish. Even blood-to-blood contact and kissing can cause STDs to spread, which happens with both gays and straight people.
        If you want to propose that “God never intended for homosexuals to exist”, then why are we here? He could easily get rid of them if He wanted, but He chose to let it happen, therefore He must be okay with it.
        But do you fall in love with someone’s body parts, or them? A good example is if a man gets in a car accident and he’s fine, but he has to get his genitals amputated. Is he no longer male? Can he no longer like females or males (depending on his estrogen and testosterone levels)? Of course not! Because you fell in love with him, not his no longer existent dick.
        The sooner you accept that homosexuality can’t be changed, no matter how many laws you put in place the better. Nothing can change us, we stay and we are here. We will be heard and we won’t be changed.

        • all that ranting you did about how people should accept homosexuality only equals one thing about you….that you are one sick ass person!
          if you can’t tell that you’re not supposed to be with the same sex then you can’t tell that you’re not supposed to be with your own mother either! when one goes against nature nature goes against that person…and guess who always wins..not you that’s for sure!

          oh and by the way…I didn’t even mention the Bible how about that!

          you’re hopelessly sick and that’s the bottom line

        • Your problem is that you think you are smart, the sooner you learn to know that homosexuality is not a choice the better this houtkop of yours will be open. Gays are eating at your mother’s place, if you hate them so much, how did you manage to read articles that concerns homosexuals. Many of you here are gays, it’s just that you are bitter and scared of coming out. Your comments change nothing and has no impact at all in our lives. In every family there is a homosexuals unfortunately they are in closet and living a false life. Why do we have so many old peoples, pastors who are gay more especially those of Catholic and Episcopal churches. If homosexuality was or is against your believe, God wouldn’t have had us here. And the biggest sinners on this earth are you the so called proper people busy killing, rapping, robberies and murders, instead of focusing on that you are busy with something that will jot even make your miserable life better🤣🤣

      • I’m the sick one?
        You people can’t control yourselves enough to accept something that will never change. Homosexuality is coming, and it is already here, whether you like it or not.
        Also, saying homosexuality is unnatural is bullshit! It is in every single species of animal, and there is only one who doesn’t like it.
        If you babies can’t grow up enough to accept something that is never leaving, no matter how hard you try, how many laws you make, how many people you kill, it will always be here.
        The sooner you realise that there is nothing wrong, as it is something completely natural, the sooner you might actually find something productive to do with your lives.

      • Homosexuality is unnatural. Like any other affliction, a foundation dedicated to finding a cure would be appropriate. What are we going to include, mass murder as a natural process?

      • I think its a bigger shame that heterosexuals disgrace the God given gift of having children because of one night stands or straight men who used the woman for his sexual need and abandons her when she is pregnant. I think it’s a bigger shame that thousands of irresponsible heterosexual people abort thousands of unwanted children. I think it’s a shame that heterosexual people created a need for orphanages for the unwanted children. I think it’s a shame bring children into this world but they don’t even have the resources to even feed them. I think it’s time to bring in sterilization laws for irresponsible, selfish and ignorant heterosexuals. There’s the shame.

        • You 1million correct Carlos, these so called heterosexuals are the worse on this earth and they think they are smart and good, phew🤮🤮🤮🤮why abortion clinics, why one night stands, why do we have so many fatherless children and others are running away from their responsibilities, why? Instead of fixing their empty lives and making them better, their focus is on gays, and after all, how did they read this articles if anything that has a a name tag ofLGBTQI on it disgust them🤔🤔they don’t have life, so that’s why they spend their times trying their best to be against gays 😂😂shame guys, we are here for good, make peace with it or go to your own planet.

        • Towards heterosexuals……autofill plugged in homosexuals right when i went to click on it…..even computers are pro gay….lol

      • Thank you for being a normal human being. I fully agree, make it a 1st degree felony, mandatory life sentence…let them rot. The worst human beings I’ve ever met were homosexuals. They are very judgmental…..towards homosexuals…like we’re the “odd balls”….lol
        Maine is FULL of queers that are seriously anti-american….they are a terrorist organization and should be dealt with. It’ll get worse….many violent crimes them homosexuals commit are covered up by media…
        Clown world !!!

        • Wow – I cannot believe the hatred felt by so many. Homosexuals are not eyeing up your butt, stop being so homophobic! I am not overly religious, but am pretty sure that your level of hatred and non-acceptance would not bode well with Jesus or whatever deity you choose to believe in. The quotations, as one comment very astutely noted, are from heterosexual men thousands of years ago. Pretty sure that Maine is also full of heterosexuals that are anti-American. Statements like “supposed to be” and “normal”? In whose books? If you are an example of normal all of us should be afraid. You are hateful, mean, self-righteous. I am not name calling – these traits are so obvious. A terrorist organization – seriously?? The biggest terrorist organizations in the states would be organizations that you may belong to – paranoid, full of hate and loathing; so self righteous that you believe that the only people with rights are those who agree with you. If you are going to make claims about homosexual crimes that are covered up by the media, cite actual facts to back your claims. Otherwise, shut up about it. In my opinion, you may well be one of the “worst human beings” ever. First degree felony, mandatory life sentence, for what???? No harm is being done to you. And for those of you quoting religion, how many priests have been found guilty of homosexual activities involving innocent children? You are becoming less of an odd-ball, unfortunately, because your hateful and spiteful views are becoming much too common.

          Here is a bible quote that you haters should consider:

          John 8:7-11 King James Version (KJV)
          “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

          Stop judging others, your time will be better served if you work on being less hateful. Perhaps spend some time learning about the realities of sexuality as more of a spectrum than wrong or right.

    • Nope. I know people who’ve been deported from Namibia for being gay. Namibia should definitely be on this list

      • It is not a question of minority and majority. “The same as blonds or whites etc”. It is not the same at all.To be a blond is not a pervertion, not against the nature. And there is nothing in Bible about “minority”. Harp players are also minoruty, but it is not a sin or pervertion. The idea is to keep your pervertion to yourself, do not demonstrate and intrude your pervertion. Do what you want if it is not a harm to anyone or anything, If it is disgust to someone who is natural, mentally healthy, do not demonstrate it to such people. By the way it is a fact – some people are born like this, but some people – not, there were perverted by someone when
        very young. How about that? I know one girl who was normal girl, had normal natural interests. Once one old pervert wanted to make her a sexual “toy” for herself. First the girl got shock, shied, did not want. But the old pervert slowly slowly through financial help, presents, fast-talks made the girl. a lesbian. I think it is the main reason for antigay activity. And it is the same for men and women.

      • Is prostitution not between two consenting adults. Does it make it morally right? or cheating with a consenting adult on your spouse morally right? i always say that even animals don’t practice same sex mating because its unnatural and abnormal. Anything abnormal is associated with lots of complications.

        • Once you start comparing animals and humanbeings you are now exposing your stupidity to the world. Don’t you know that an animal doesn’t have a thinking capacity than you, 😱😱😱😱😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🙆

        • They wont respond because it’s their disgusting behaviour and they see nothing wrong in it. What about the abortion clinics, fatherless children😱

        • Oops, big mistake. You really should check the facts before you state your “I always say”…Don’t make things up to conform to your own agenda. Apparently same sex mating is not “unnatural and abnormal”. The following is from an article on, with the title “The evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in mammals”.

          I quote: “Same-sex sexual behaviour, that is, any attempted sexual activity between members of the same sex1,2,3,4, has been reported in over 1500 animal species, including all main groups from invertebrates such as insects, spiders, echinoderms, and nematodes, to vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals1,2,3. Same-sex sexual behaviour is particularly prevalent in nonhuman primates5,6, where it has been observed in at least 51 species from lemurs to apes7. This sexual behaviour is not limited to one sex or to the existence of artificial conditions, as it has been observed in males and females both in captivity and in wild conditions1,2,3,8. Same-sex sexual behaviour is also frequent in humans, existing throughout most of our history and in many societies and cultures9,10.”
          I encourage you to read the rest of the article:
          Copy and paste: Link:

          Gómez, J.M., Gónzalez-Megías, A. & Verdú, M. The evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in mammals. Nat Commun 14, 5719 (2023).

    • what a surprise – it is mostly sh*thole countries that people whether they are gay or straight are dying to get out of.

      • It always looks more appealing to do the wrong thing rather than the right thing. Yes people want to come to America where they can do and be what ever they want and there are no longer any morals. and yes ONLY God can and will judge, its just no one wants to acknowledge there are consequences for their actions at the last point in their lives.

        • Have you ever been to heaven before and see what is happening or anything regarding heaven that you know you have been told
          If I can say to in South Africa it is compulsory to sleep with a man everyday will you believe me? Without checking first for yourself? I do believe that God exist and wvefyth6that is on this earth belongs to GOG, you have no shares in heaven to can dictate terms on earth, yiu are just a creature like us and for you is to live life the way it is because there is no change you can bring in this earth. Rather go and stay at planet Mars where you won’t fibd gays and lesbian ok. Otherwise hang yourself please and leave us alone. We don’t eat at your house, your parents didn’t take us to school, we were never found at your house stealing. Is it wrong to love who I love? Is it wrong to be who I am from creation? What about the so called straight men who rape, abuse women and children, killing and kidnapping children and turn them their sex slaves, what are you saying about that. Id rather have a bisexual child who is serious about life than a straight boy who is a junkie, spending times in prison and becoming a predator in my community. Make peace with your heart because you don’t know what your child is in his private space. Till then go and place a bet and make mo wy than focusing on something you can’t change irrespective of the laws they are creating. Sies🤮🤮

        • Wow, you must be god then. Since you are being judgemental, stating “the wrong thing rather than the right thing”.

      • Yeah. Soon people will ask for the legalization of marriage between human and animals and will want everyone to accept it as normal. Everybody cannot pretend to be foolish. This is beyond human understanding.

        • You’re absolutely right! I can almost understand one or two sick people here and there but this is a government backed epidemic that threatens to destroy this county and beyond!

    • Are you freaking serious. It’s people like you that is why the world has so much hate. I will pray for you. God hates hate. You are a very disturbing person.

    • God created all species. I’m a hemaphridite and I was born with both testies and overies . I find all of this dialogue interesting. God has tolerance for many things. There is so much that many of the arguing parties do not understand about the body and mind. At the end of day God made us all different. It’s a test for us to learn how to love one another. If people can learn to stay in their lanes just like traffic we can get along. I’m one of 5 children.47 years old my dad is 88 and mom passed this year at 79. I have over 40 nieces and nephews and I’m a great great uncle. My family doesn’t have all the issues that are argued here beacause we know how to love. I’m a mentor and role model. We don’t have these debates. My brother n laws were wired at first and they developed tollerence once they learned in time I’m not a threat to them. I love and support their children and my niece named one of her 8 children, son after me . We live in truth, God and love. Pehaps if you saw a family be suucessful it may expand your views. We all have a purpose in life. God is on my side and loves each one of you. I love our country. People can be free here in the United States. No one should live in bondage. Things can not remain the same. We all have to continuously grow and not come from a place of fear and negativity. I love being different because people just see only gay. Life is lived in color. Educate yourself on all scenarios. Becareful what you say about people and treat them because it could be one of your children or friends like me. Karma is for all. Keep living and life will give you answers.

    • Hate is a sin. As a Jew me and my wife of 7 years are welcoming to the GLBTI community. God loves everyone. Everyone is different. In the Holocaust the Nazis arrested gays and they were treated even more harshly then the Jews if you can imagine. It all started (the entire Holocaust) from some hocus pocus nuts that made some fake propaganda like on here. Homosexuality is not a sin. That’s like saying it’s a sin to be a different color of skin. Or someone who has a different color of hair. It’s bigotry. Then the try to use religion to fight peoples rights. That’s pure ridiculous. I thought religion taught peace and love. Religious freedom ? What about liberty and justice for all that’s in the pledge of allegiance. What about my religion ? We don’t celebrate Xmas or Easter. I feel my religion is discriminated against because I am Jewish (God’s chosen people). All this hate on here brings tears to my eyes. Talking about these vicious and inhumane views towards someone they don’t agree with. If your still against homosexuality just mind your business. I will go on and welcome all in the temple I belong to so we can follow what God has told us to. Then at the end you can answer to God about the hate in your heart.

    • My heart is breaking as I read this hatefull comments, you have no idea how hard it is to be a Lesbian, to deal with the word: “Man” as if it was written. You people say us gays have no right in adopting kids, but in the end who takes care of the kids you didn’t want?
      You talk about kids needing a mom and a dad, but when your son/daughter turns out gay, you throw then away so they have none.
      Why give so much hate to a person that has done nothing to you, if you see a same sex couple in the streets, will they kidnap you and force you into the gay? No, they wouldn’t. You care more about people living each other, more than you care about rape, kidnaps, child and women abuse, hunger and racism.
      Hope this got stuck in some of yours ignorant brains.

      • Its also not easy for the drug addict, prostitute nor the thief neither were they were they forced into it but they are vices they pick up from the society. So why are they jailed? Do you think they also don’t have rights. They also wished to be loved but they need to be reformed to be normal.

      • I agreed with you Laura, some of these nasty comments seriously make me sick!!! We are all humans!!! Hate is not the way!!! One comment said that “what’s next legalizing marriage between humans and animals?” Seriously people what is wrong with you? Marriage between 2 consenting adults who love each other is not even remotely comparable to animal abuse, even thinking it’s the same is a sick individual and needs help! You people should be ashamed for that barbaric behavior! Grow up people

      • The world’s children are much safer in the hands of child-molesting church leaders who cover up the abuse by relocating predators and shaming victims! Religion is the true blight here. Religion and it’s inbred followers who think a 2000 year old book written by genocidal bigots knows better than modern science.

    • Dear Colin, i’m sorry that you’re investing your time in a blog that supports something that’s against God laws. You people have no fear of God or of Hell. God says clearly that a man sleeping with a man as with a woman is a great sin in front of Him. Repent or you’ll burn in hell, my friend. You know it well.
      How can you say that if you son was gay you would have loved him and all? Are you sick or something? Being gay is not sonething you are born with, its a sickness of the mind, an evil desire, and we need to show these people the right path to having a family, a normal family blessed by God. Colin, there are already cases where some organisations take the kids from families and give them to be rised by gay families. All these is turning to a wrong direction.
      Are you supporting sick people ?? At your age? Where is your wisdom??
      Dont you see gay’s atitude? How they protest naked, how rude they talk and how abusive they are? Kids rised by gay families are emotionaly devastated man. What are you trying to do with this blog? You wanna live in a perverted world? Arent you affraid of God? Even if you dont believe in Him, He still exists and you will be judged for all these! You are one of those who support ruining our kid’s lives , ruin countries , people and everything, you are carrying people to hell man! Repent !!!! This is gross man! Shame on you!

      • Dear Robert,

        Thanks for writing, though we’re far apart in our understanding of what’s real and what’s right. I’m focused on what Jesus says is the second most important law (commandment): Love your neighbor as yourself. He didn’t say to love your neighbor only if the neighbor is behaving as you’d want him to do.

        So, yes, I love LGBT people and of course I would love my son if my son were gay.

        There’s plenty of evidence that being gay is NOT a choice. Trying to straighten a gay person results in great trauma and misery — and doesn’t work.

        So I’d urge you to obey God’s law to love your gay neighbors, even if you dislike the lives they live.

        — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

      • I agree wholeheartedly that anybody that supports this gay sickness is contributing to the demise of any society that they’re targeting!

        • OH, big al! Do you not realize that those stories you believe were written by MEN, written thousands of years ago, so that they would be able to control the people they chose to control? Besides, Leviticus was written to put down rules for Levites? And that human language from thousands of years ago does NOT translate completely to modern human languages? How many languages do you think those rules went through to reach your tiny little English language? Try some research into ancient languages, and the translation problems over those thousands of years. THEN, you will find out that the rule you are so fond of stating regards only the BED that a woman of a Levite should not be shared with another man. I know it is beyond your beliefs, but try looking at information other than what you have been told.

          • Thank you so much Jeffricon! I appreciate you making light of these facts. I am completely flabbergasted as to why all of these homophobes feels the need to express their ignorant hate on such a great blog!

    • Here’s what the ILGA report states in its 2019 edition: “In Namibia, there is no codified sodomy provision, but it remains a crime in the country under the Roman-Dutch common law in force. A report issued by the Ombudsman of Namibia in 2013 specifies that sodomy is defined as “unlawful and intentional
      sexual relations per anum between two human males.” The definition excludes sexual relations
      per anum between heterosexual couples, and sexual relations between lesbian women. This
      definition also does not take into account whether the sexual intercourse takes place in public or in
      private or whether it is consensual or nonconsensual.

      “Section 299 of the Criminal Procedure Act (2004) makes reference to evidentiary issues on a charge
      of sodomy or attempted sodomy. Schedule 1 of the Act groups sodomy together with a list of other
      crimes for which police are authorised to make an arrest without a warrant or to use of deadly force in
      the course of that arrest, among other aspects (Sections 38, 42, 44, 63 and 112).
      Public displays of affection between two men can be considered ‘immoral’ behaviour, which
      punishable under the Combating of Immoral Practices Act, 1980.”

  • The world should BOYCOTT all these BASTARDIZED IGNORANT countries! Will make every effort to NOT travel to these cesspool countries. Every country on this list is POOR either in consciousness or monetary, or both! DESPICABLE disgrace to HUMANITY!

    • When since is it a crime to be poor? And when did it become okay to despise persons because of it? You want acceptance for homosexual behavior and you are yourself guilty of unfair prejudices. Did you even stop to consider that the laws on the books were imposed on these ‘poor’ countries in the same way that they are now being bullied into changing them. Do your homework before you throw passionate mindless comments around the place

      • Poor = uneducated = ignorant towards science, religion, history, gender, sexual orientation, business, economics, politics, and life in general. Lots of “poor” places are quite beautiful and the people are very nice. I’ve lived in Ghana and worked in many parts of Africa. It’s a pity that the “old laws” were imposed. It’s an equal pity that the people still follow them out of their own ignorance. Yes, lots of ignorant people live in the US and Europe too. They are largely poor and uneducated as well. If Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu can love and accept gay people, then who are you? They are two of the most enlightened Africans on the continent and forced South Africa to include gays into South Africa’s constitution. If you don’t accept homosexuality, it has nothing to do with God; it has to do with your own hatred. When people “hate” on the anti-gay religious people, it’s because they hate their ignorance. And if you think God is against gay people, then you should also remember that God doesn’t make mistakes. Besides, the Christian bible wasn’t written until 300 years after Jesus died. The first gospels were written at least 60-70 years after Jesus died. They were not written by Jesus or during his life time. They were written by stupid men who supposedly tried to write down what God wanted. Look it up. The continued ignorance and hostility of the poor is a real shame, and it’s because of that they will continue to stay poor and can only blame themselves for it.

    • You are so ignorant for referring to a huge population of the world as bastards just because they are poor countries. Talk about discrimination.

      • The fact that they don’t have money doesn’t mean they are poor there is a big difference between riches and wealth. These so called country you call poor have more wealth than you can think of thus i don’t see why you refer to the country as beautiful. I hope you also don’t jail the prostitutes and drug addicts because its their body they use and thus you have no business judging them as well. its equally an infringement on their rights.

    • In the cases where Gays might face execution or extreme civil rights violations, yeah, but otherwise it’s not our place to tell other nations what laws they should pass. As an American, I’ve had enough of this world police BS. And quite franklly, with th actions of Gay activists in this country I don’t think I’d ever willingly jump on any bandwagon they provided since they’re THE most irritating and hateful pieces of crap I’ve ever had the misfortune of encountering. The ones who claim they’re discriminated against the most are almost always 10 times as guilty as those they accuse for their own brands of hatred and intolerance.

      I’m sick of hearing nonstop about how those evil white Christian rednecks all need to be hung to save the noble gays/blacks/fillintheblank…and how we need European Union and Canadian style hate speech laws and possibly, in the future, manditory daily insertions of electric batons up our arses should we not march in lockstep with the Rainbow Coalition. But rednecks aren’t trying to pass bills in favor of execution for gays…but you listen to the cackling hens on the view and you’d think there was a second holocaust going on. Meanwhile, you’ve got Perez Hilton basically stripping the Ms. America title off of a women he asked a question there was no right answer to and he penalized her for respectfully expressing her own opinion. In other words, he discriminated against her because of her beliefs. And that’s “kosher.” Were it the other way around? OUTRAGE!

      And besides…add them to this list of groups getting screwed over. It’s a very long list. But in our selective outrage we focus on only one because of emotional attachment to that certain issue. You boycott them. You boycott til’ your heart’s content…but if I see a Persian rug from Iran and I’ve got 5 grand to blow…fvck you and your stupid cause. Because in the end all activists become what they despise. They become vengeful, hateful and petty. Just like everyone else who is to full of their own crap.

      • Hi, Sammy —

        It seems we agree on “the cases where Gays might face execution or extreme civil rights violations,” and that’s the main focus of this blog. We differ on much of the rest. Thanks for visiting the blog.

        Colin Stewart
        Erasing 76 Crimes blog

      • No you are in violation of Gods law you are a clown! If I gave you a dog and it started to moo like a cow would you think that normal???

        • Hi, Anthony —

          A clown?? If you gave me a dog and it started calling me names, I wouldn’t think that was normal. But if you introduced me to a religious person and that religious person started calling me names, I wouldn’t be surprised — just disappointed.

          But I certainly would not think, “This is such a loving, wise person. I should pay attention.”

          Colin Stewart
          Editor/publisher of the Erasing 76 Crimes blog

      • sammy I couldnt have said it better…. we are tired of this gay discrimination BS… they are the ones making themselves victims over a sexual preference nothing else… theres no gay dna or biology… just a sexual preference. We dont have to agree with it,… you dont like pussy thats your mental problem but dont blame the world for not being abnormal. We are tolerant but that doesnt mean we have to like it or accept it. Tolerance and acceptance are 2 very different things.

        • Hi, Jean —

          “We are tolerant,” you say. If that tolerance includes disagreeing with the laws in 76-plus countries that consider same-sex love to be a crime, then you and I agree on the topic that’s this blog’s focus.

          If you consider yourself tolerant but support jailing homosexuals, then I don’t consider you tolerant.

          All the best,
          Colin Stewart
          Editor/publisher of this blog

      • Dear Sammy,
        The same can be said of you who clearly has hatred in your words. It seems that you have experience in becoming what you despise. I’m not saying anyone should be forced to live my lifestyle but i should be able to live the way i want, we wouldnt need activist if we were granted the same rights but were not so we need a voice. We don’t want to throw it in anyone’s face, we just want the right to live our lives. I apologist if you have been the victim of radical movements but i doubt it. Gay activism is our attempt to gain the rights you already have and you should be ashamed for hating people that disrupting your life by trying to gain the same rights you are granted just by liking the opposite sex. i hope you will think about how you would feel if people only thought you should live but have no rights and maybe that will help you understand the activists and deal with the anger that lives through your words.
        not an activist but an open LGBT member

      • Perfectly stated. Much of America feels the same. Gay activists have crossed some visceral line, and I fear some backlash of horrible proportions is coming as a response to being bulied by the LGBT or whatever .

      • Personally I’m sick of people who get irritated with other people who want NOTHING more than that same rights that they have. They try and rationalise and justify their ignorance, impatience and narrow-mindedness by stereotyping the one’s who want those rights. Always going on about the ‘us’ and the ‘them’. This is how selfishness and hate has always been. Gay rights, black rights, women’s rights – it doesn’t matter – are all HUMAN RIGHTS. It’s that simple. And sadly, we have a world where they all have to be fought for.

      • your anger is misplaced on Black people. we do not want to take anything from you and we do not want you talking anything from us. now you have already shown that you will rob, steal, discriminate and even kill Black people. Black americans have survived and contributed many things to this culture. we did not ask to come here. you beef is with your own people, white people, who allowed a more aggressive tribe among you to rub you out and perpetrate the lie that they aren’t even white people, your own kind. don’t feel bad, it happened to Black people in africa, too but I cannot allow you to say certain things about Black people unchallenged.

      • Oh boy, you feel so discriminated, do you, for not being able to openly insult gay or black people. I’m feeling very sorry for you, but maybe you should think of the fact that heterosexual people almost never get beaten up for being heterosexual. Homosexual people are very very often not safe on the streets… and white boys rarely get shot by the police for no reason at all without crimal charges against the police officers afterwards… check your statistics before writing such mean and aggressive filth based on your biased perception.

      • Soon, and very soon, every gay, homosexual, lesbian whatever will realize that the true Christians who were trying to lead them to the salvation of Jesus Christ was their ONLY FRIEND…Believe me when I tell you that there is coming a time when Christians are going to be the Gay persons least concern. When America and Europe becomes a predominantly Islamic religion, then HEADS will roll; literally. I am a Christian and I think it’s time that Christians leave the Homosexuals to their own end. Save those that want to be saved. Mark 6:11 says, “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgement, than that city.”

      • Dear Colin and everyone out there reading this, greetings!
        I commented to a friend a few days ago that I felt that we didn’t need gay rights, black rights, etc., etc., We just need human rights that are good for everyone, no matter who you are or what you believe in.
        He was very angry at me and, basically said that our 15-year friendship was over. He said he was glad that he knew me when I was “RATIONAL”. He has always been like that – quick to discredit anyone who didn’t share his exact ideologies. Sadly, I felt as though I could discuss anything with him. I look up to him. He is almost 70, and his partner is about 56. They reside in Chicago and Florida. They recently were married. I expressed my opinion that I felt the word “marriage” was something that I would reserve for heterosexual couples only. And I explained that I meant no malice by it. For me, it is like comparing apples and oranges. Just my opinion. I’m not condemning anyone. Yes, gay couples need unions that protect their assets and rights.
        I feel that society is getting bogged down by all these labels for rights. We are all humans and we all deserve to be loved and accepted.
        I recently made a comment to another friend, who said he was through with his gay step-son. I told him that you can’t just disown someone because they are different or have a different idea or opinion. No one asks to be born nor do we get to pick our weaknesses, strengths, sexuality, etc. EVERYBODY NEEDS A FAMILY! Certainly, a lot of us would change things about ourselves if we could. I wish I didn’t stutter, didn’t have ugly teeth, didn’t have red hair, wasn’t mildly autistic and didn’t have diabetes and Tourette’s Syndrome…but, hey, it’s ok. I can’t pick every aspect of my physicality or mental ability. I just do the best that I can. In spite of it all, I feel really lucky and blessed. It’s amazing how easy it is to love others when you accept yourself.
        So, to my friends who live in Chicago and go to Florida for half of the year, I didn’t reject your marriage or insult you. Congratulations on your marriage. I was just expressing that it wasn’t what I would do, or what I would call it.
        Also, my friend said we WERE friends” A LONG TIME AGO”. Now, if I am always keeping track of my friends, Why would I insult them? There is no” A LONG TIME AGO” for friendship. We are all busy. Jobs and life drag us along and we reconnect and take up where we left off. I love all of my friends very much. That is what friendship is.
        Another important thing: How Americans act in the public eye affects the whole world. I have lived and worked abroad for almost six years of my 60 year-long life. I have a vantage point that many do not have. I see how people perceive Americans right where I am. When people are screaming for gay rights, and they sometimes are acting out of control and are dressed outlandishly – that really hurts gays in other countries. Homosexuality is a crime in 76 countries. When people are protesting, they need to understand that, if they are really outlandish and wildly disrespectful, leaders of other countries interpret that as the norm of how the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender community will act. If they don’t like the way people are carrying on and protesting do you think they will soon legalize gay rights in their own countries? Again, I am not judging you. Just be aware of the impact we may have on others around the world. You never know, you may travel to another country and be arrested and imprisoned for being gay. Think globally and act locally. Thank you.

        • so true, maybe their hatred for homosexuality is because they have tendencies themselves. One finger pointed forward, and three pointed back. Maybe they’re angry because they aren’t living the life they want, and take that anger out on gays. Anyone who thinks gays were not born that was is absolutely ignorant.

      • Why is it that when a person that upholds God’s Laws and believes a sinful act should be illegal its called hatred? It does not have to be Hate towards any person to want to protect the Holy Act of Marriage. There are some that believe even between a man and a woman sodomy should also be illegal as it too is a sin.

        • Dear Datrebor,

          Why call it hatred? It’s understandable that the classification of hatred is used for beliefs that lead to murder and imprisonment of those who love the wrong people without doing any harm to anyone, except discomfort to those who consider that type of love to be sinful. That’s especially so when other religious decrees about adultery, eating shellfish, etc., are treated so very, very differently.

          All the best,
          Colin Stewart
          Editor of this blog

      • Why call it hatred? I don’t know, how do we know if its causing anyone harm? Besides how others see and act because of that. Do we really know if it is or not causing harm? We have other types of love between two or more that is still illegal should that too become legal. They too say they are not hurting anyone, whether its true or not, they say it. I think adultery should be illegal and about shellfish (from the sea if it doesn’t have scales and fins don’t eat it. Matthew 15: 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

        • How do we know if it’s causing anyone harm?
          We know that people are imprisoned for being homosexual — that’s harmful.
          We know that people are murdered for being homosexual — that’s harmful.

          Please get to know some LGBT people. Otherwise, it’s too easy batting harmful words back and forth. Having direct, caring human contact is needed to understand what’s at stake here.

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • It’s not a disgrace; instead, a natural aberration shared by 10% of people, who, other than sexually, are contributing or non-contributing members of the human race, who deserve human rights’ protection.

      • Alan Turing, who helped us win WW2 was gay. As was Oscar Wilde, Proust, Tchaikovsky and countless — *countless* — other men and women who elevated culture, helped and cared for people and brought kindness, and caring, beauty and light into the world. “It” is not a disgrace to the human race. On the contrary, the hatred and moral blindness of people like you, Bob, is the true disgrace.

      • Christians are being made to be the villain here. Obama could have avoided all this friction between the gay community and Christians (and Muslims for that matter) if he had had upheld the constitutional right of freedom of religion when writing this law. It has been purposely and cleverly left out to divide the two groups. Americas constitution gives all American citizens basic human rights and the pursuit of happiness. Christians are not trying to take away that basic right, the gay community is trying to take away the basic right of Christians to believe and abide by their faith. Any person or group that dares to think different than them or does not accept their life style choice is ridiculed, harassed and sued for discrimination. This is not showing tolerance and respect for the rights of others to believe different than you. In effect this law is being used by the gay community to silence Christians and any condemnation they might make them feel by living and standing by their Christian values.

        Would anyone ever believe it would come to this in America? The basic right of freedom of religion was one of the most if not THE most important issue this country was founded on…now it is seen as a flaw, outdated and no longer needed…

      • Well said mate !!! If my son turned gay, I’d never have anything to do with him. I’d be totally DEVISTATED, I certainly would NOT accept it. It would be the biggest kick in the teeth for me & his mum.
        I think, if you are gay & flaunt it “in public”, swinging your handbags & wearing womens clothing,,, what do you expect ? You WILL 100% be ridiculed ! How pathetic does it look, a bloke mincing down the street, with a limp wrist, wiggling hips & expecting “us” real blokes not to say anything !!!! Yeh right,,, you filthy pathetic little freaks deserve all you get !!!!!
        The U.K. should be 100% ANTI GAY like so many other countries.
        If you read the bible, it talks about Adam & Eve NOT Adam & Steve !!

      • “Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death,” Exodus 31:15. So by Biblical standards anybody working in a nursing home, hospital, Walmart, McDonalds, etc etc etc should be put to death. The Bible SAYS SO.

      • Tmara75: That’s because Christians are the villains here. Oh, yeah, and the Russians. They are really annoying.

    • You have absolutely no right to call all the people in an entire country bastards. Don’t tell Africans how to run their countries. Last time I checked the US isn’t such a great place either.

      • you are right on Sophia!! I think that President Obama was doing really well until he picked up this sickening and disgusting issue! as if we don’t have more important things to worry about like teen pregnancy education and poverty! what gay people do is not only immoral but it is sick and detrimental to the human body itself. it should never have been taken off of the list of mental illnesses.

      • Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Africans are seeking and getting asylum in the United States-as well as Europe. Thats why we are involved-they asked for help because they are being imprisoned- and beaten.LGT Activists FROM AFRICA- are seeking help.
        We are also being asked for and giving asylum to Russian LGT-because they are seeking it.

      • Actually, America is pretty kick ass. I have been employed most of my adult life and when I wasn’t I was able to live on unemployment until I found a job. I have never missed a meal or not had a roof over my head due to poverty. I have been harassed by law enforcement only a handful of times but walked away unscathed each time once they knew I was not guilty of anything. I have also been allowed to voice my support of everyone having equal rights in a peaceful matter without fear of reprisal or having my social media accounts shutdown. Finally, I am more likely to die from a luxury related disease than environmental disease or starvation.
        I know my experience is not the same as everyone’s but it is relatively standard and I am thankful every day. I want everyone to share it. I am not bragging just addressing the comment that America isn’t such a great place.
        I can’t complain!

      • Name the passages in the Bible where God say being gay is a sin. Also, find the passages where God says that it’s a sin to masturbate and the other sins that are deserving of death. Do you approve of stoning a woman to death for adultery? Will you murder you son for masturbating? How dare you justify parts of the Bible for your own prejudices and ignore others because YOU don’t think they’re relevant anymore. You can’t pick-and-choose only those Biblical things which suit your needs anymore than you can pick-and-choose those parts of science that support your beliefs and convictions in the Creation while denying those that don’t. Remember the Golden rule (common to most religions) to love/treat your neighbor as you wish to be loved/treated. That statement is at the base of Judaism. “Judge not lest you be judged” and “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is the basis of Christianity..

      • And what makes you think that we, gay people, are sinning? Your bible? Did “God” actually say the word “Gay love is bad”? No, I didn’t think so.

      • Another simpleton trying to speak for God. Yet forgetting God loves EVERYONE. As a straight Jew God loves all. I will pray God relieves your black heart full of hate

      • If you don’t believe in God the you can say it’s not a sin but if you do then it is says the Bible. On common sense female dog does not make love to another female dog . I don’t hate you as a person, I just hate your action

    • So according to Will, poor people are unable to form intelligent argument, to use logic. This statement is purely ignorant, get to know a poor person before you talk, over-generalize, and create negative stereotypes about poor people. Fire can’t extinguish fire, stop the ignorant comments

      • He’s not saying that. He means that their education is not as good as you or I may have, that makes them ignorant towards certain things such as sexual orientation. He does not mean that they spend their days walking into walls.

      • Dessert Foxx, David Aris, et al, read this simple piece. To begin with, David, it is obvious with all your efforts at selecting portions of the bible to justify your position, you’ve never read Romans 1vs24-30! Sure you understand it. Also read about Sodom and Gomorrah and reasons for their destruction. These succinctly, establish God is against homosexuality. He created both sexes with an intent and anything other than that is gross perversion. For believing in God, your refusal to obey his laws-human punishment notwithstanding-is regarded as rebellion and trust me,God’s punishment is more severe than human’s whenever unleashed, hence the need to collectively, instruct ourselves, like Moses did, to refrain from rebellion. Your concept of freedom and human right is an open invitation for humanity to disregard God’s laws and live in rebellion. It is as applicable to rapists, murderers and armed robbers as much as thy are to gays, lesbians, drug addicts etc. Just like we owe the society, our kids and NEIGHBOURS, a duty to propagate peace and urge all to eschew violence, it is also our collective responsibilities to condemn acts that are capable of subjecting nations to Sodom and Gomorrah or induce individuals to becoming self destruct. And you are doing the contrary to the ignorant, in ironical love and freedom crusade.

        • Hi, VIP. You misread both the Biblical texts that you cite, although I’ll admit that your misreadings are shared by many people. Romans 1 sets up Romans 2, which begins, “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself.” So, for your own sake and for others whom you would condemn, step back from your judgmental condemnations.

          As for Sodom and Gomorrah, the point of the story is God’s displeasure with people who are violently inhospitable. You might want to ponder whether you are being inhospitable too.

          Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

          • I just reread the first 3 chapters of Romans and it seems clear to me that the idea of not judging others has to do more with what I am doing. If I’m acting in such and such a way and condiming you for the same act then I’m in the wrong. Thats not to say your right in what you do, but that I need to change my action and not worrry about yours. Or at least remove the plank form my eye before I try and help you with the speck in your eye. That said, I still judge you if claim to follow GOD. As long as your not claiming to be a follower of the one true God and are not claiming the saving grace of his Messiah then your behavior is not my business. See I Corinthians 7:12
            How people change for a past of immoral behavior, I can’t tell you exactly except it involes grace and faith. I can say I once practiced many behavior that I no longer find acceptable, and find shamefull. I give credit for this change to the one true God that loves us all and wants all to come to repentance. If one wants to change and seeks God for help, he will find a way for you, as he did for me.

    • For me, I have no trouble with individuals who “freely & willingly” wish to have their kind of sex life. I ‘would’ have loved to just ignore them LGBTs and allow it to be a ‘Live & let Live’ issue, but come to think of it, these people won’t ‘simply live’ when they are allowed, rather they go on to influence, propagate & create the inception that such ideas are normal on our children & teenagers who are most vulnerable to their sermons and arguments, because they won’t be very successful with thinking adults like the people here who are giving them such a hard. Big problem here is, like intelligent lawyers do, they may convince you to believe that all you ever learned was wrong and that what they now have to say is essential truth and hence, it is the way to go.
      Forgive me, cos I coudn’t seem to agree better on Govts imposting stiff laws bcos that seems the only way this menace could be slowed as its trying to become a global epidemic.
      In summary, for the sake of our kids who are in great danger of this movement, I still maintain my support for govt anti-gay legislations.
      Many regards

      • Noreligion, From your writing you are obviously poorly educated. Not a surprise. Explain to me at what age you decided to become a heterosexual? Were you so strongly influenced by straight people that you felt that you had no choice but to become straight?
        People are born either gay or straight. Sexuality is NOT a choice. I mean, considering all the hatred and negativity associated with being gay, who in their right mind would choose it as a lifestyle? We are who we are.
        Your children cannot be harmed by knowledge and education unless that education comes from a place of prejudice and hatred, bigotry and intolerance. Gay people are not evangelists for homosexuality. Gays are not out to convert your children. Your children are at more danger from your ignorant beliefs or from that trusted neighbor next door who pays too much attention to your daughter than they are from learning that gays simply want all the same rights and earned privileges your enjoy.
        Ten to seventeen percent of the world’s population has always been and will always be gay. There are more non-white people in the world than white people.
        You talk about not judging governments for passing anti-gay laws; would you have a different opinion about a law prohibiting mixed racial marriage? Or re-instating slavery? Or outlawing alcohol?

      • @David Aris…poorly educated bcos i expressed my opinion and it doesn’t seem to be similar to wat u think?? i don’t think so bro. U should understand one simple thing here: we all are going to differ on issues of sexuality. Mr David Aris, got it? u aint always gonna have it ur way all the time!

      • You are forcing yourself to understand the scriptures and it doesn’t work that way. Thought you’d painstakingly express your understanding of the Roman reference I simply made in response to your quest to know which portion of the Holy bible condemns homosexuality. Not I but God calls and judges the act as evil and I’m simply referring you to His position which I believe. Left for me and most others, we would have considered even murder and rape as human right. If your approval and encouragement for rebels against God’s injunctions is your ironical idea of tolerance, hospitality and love! So sad! You can as well, in that context, encourage drug addicts rather than educate them on the danger and gravity of the consequences. Those who indulge in vices in defiance of the Almighty only dare Him to act and are taking His patience for granted. I can tell you that for free.

      • To DAVID ARIS on “who…would choose it [homosexuality] as their lifestyle” – the same people that may be choosing heroin…it’s not pretty, it’s addiction…it crept into one’s life…and now they’re a slave to their sin…God help us, open our eyes…we all must be warriors against our sins…not a people commending the indulgence of one’s sin as an act of nobility.

    • Haley,
      You are advertising here the impression homos don’t and can’t think deep. In their evolution to fame and wealth, were the rich nations thinking homo? Your mentor Obama got to power when those nations’ economies enriched by exploitatve wealth form the poor countries were even stronger! Wealthy,strong and famous empires existed and collapsed with time. Hope you know your history! Then came the “nations under God!” Whoever would have reckoned with Japan, China and India in the community of wealthy nations in the 80s? Curse induced laws are capable of wrecking the economy of the wealthiest of nations and reversing the world order with time,my shallow minded friend! Romans 11vs9 even makes it more grievious for those who revel in riches. In a certain version it says”let their bountiful table (wealth) presents the illusion that all is well!” It beats my imagination that any sane being should take a swipe at those hating homo,rape,robbery,slavery,drug addiction et al.even if perpectuated by the critic.
      For all I know,there is noone called by those names ,and thus can not be the subject of hatred! Sanity must prevail over invading demonic insanity.

    • Who cares whether you travel or not. Ha ha, ur such a joke. I bet if u came, no one would even notice. So pls stop acting important when your not.

    • Haley,
      Yes I support you! BOYCOT! Homosexuality is infectious and endemic and those” poor” countries may be “enriched” with the demons responsible for this infraction if you and your cronies are allowed to travel there. You “Rich” people may, on the other hand, travel to one country so rich with your likes-HELL. Safe journey!

    • I shall make every effort to support these nations that remain faithful to the truth of life. Those governments that refuse to cave into lies which will give their people over to destruction. Homosexuality is destruction of humanity— a great evil indeed which will prove more deadly than any man-made weapons of war. The west is now the cradle of evil with its many crimes against humanity.. However, homosexual marriage has failed every referendum when put to ballot in most western nations. The courts and the media have forced this on people in a corrupt act of tyranny. It mandates an act of mass brainwashing directed specifically toward younger generations. Also it must be said that Russia is an Asian nation with three fourths of its land mass in Asia. The eastern way is far superior to the west which has taken its course of destruction. While the East will prevail for it has chosen the way of life & truth.

      • No one is brainwashed. African and Russian activists are asking for help from Europe and the US. We did not just go in and decide this was a problem.

    • As much as it is wrong to imprison someone for whom they are and what they stand for, I find it equally wrong to impose and force sovereign nations to adopt policies that they don’t stand for, just because another nation has enacted these. What is the purpose of a nation ruling its self, yet the West and Europe can do that for them? Isn’t that bullying?
      I am African and we struggled to attain independence from our colonial oppressors because they suppressed the very core of our existence and society. So why should we accept everything they demand of Africa to do yet we gained our independence, for self governance? As far as I know everyone’s right is covered by the “UN Bill of Rights” including homosexuals. So how different are they from other human beings?
      Must we accept the gays and lesbians just by the mere fact that it happens in America and Europe? I don’t think so. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. America has in the past enacted Anti Christian laws such as that pertaining religious. I have not heard other nations rising up against such a move.
      It is sad that, in the name of aid (strings attached), we are forced to take in whatever the America and its friends deem to be good. I personally do not hate the gays as humans; they are equally human as I am. I just don’t agree with what they do. They do deserve to live and interact.
      But for people in these 86 nations, what is it that they should know about the LGBT? Why should they take them in? Why should they compromise? How should they treat these minorities? You don’t have to force them to take in what they don’t want. It only heightens the anger and revulsion over homosexuals.
      I read a comment on this blog whereby someone thought that since these 86 nations have not adopted the LGBT policies, they are backward, poor and their education is of lower value. This is wrong. Africans and Asians are vastly educated. It is stereotype to think they are not. Some of the curriculums used in these nations were taken up from their colonizers; who are the Europeans. How then is it bad? It should be noted that some of these nations lost their cultures and education systems due to colonialism. Who knows if they were any better compared to what they acquired.
      Isn’t imposing sanctions on nations like Uganda, a form of neo-colonialism? And won’t this justify their actions and compel them to keep at what they do? We should all agree that Africa is FREE. Once that is established, and then there will be room for dialogue. Sanctioning, profiling, and imposing bans on these nations only makes it worse and it is no different from what they have equally done against the gays and lesbians. Hate begets hate, love begets love.
      Yes it is wrong for these nations to imprison homosexuals, infringing their basic human rights. But it should be up to them to determine how to respond to this issue, depending on the set up of their societies, rather than be compelled to accept blindly, and threatened with sanctions.

      • Dear Luanda,

        Thanks for your comment. I’m curious what implications you draw from your statement, “As far as I know everyone’s right is covered by the “UN Bill of Rights” including homosexuals.” Does a nation’s acceptance of that Bill of Rights have any meaning, or is it just a meaningless piece of paper?

        — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • I just noticed that you think that nations are being asked to “take in” LGBT people. That’s not so. LGBT people are native-born. They’re your children, your relatives, your neighbors. As you say, they shouldn’t be imprisoned for who they are.

        I agree that national sovereignty is important, but so are human rights. Where would you draw the line? Don’t try to persuade nations that imprisoning LGBT people is wrong? Don’t try to persuade nations that genocide is wrong?

        Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Thank you Colin for your response.
        Slight correction before I move forward, I did not say that countries are being asked to take in LGBT “people”. I said they are being asked to take in LGBT “policies” that they do not stand for.
        Of course not all countries; including the developed, uphold all rights under the bill of rights. Anyone has the right to stand up for the minority in society. In some instances the minority have had an upper hand over the majority, such as economically. But who fights for the poor majority?
        The comparison of genocide and imprisonment of homosexuals is far too great in comparison for, having witnessed the brutality of people killing each other. However, preservation of life is paramount.
        People have been imprisoned over their political and religious views, yet their cries still go unheard. My main argument, and not to go off track, is that the question of homosexuality should be left to a society to determine for its self. But we have to uphold these people’s rights as humans. By this I mean that we should first treat them as humans. When the question of homosexuality arises then the dynamics of these conservative societies becomes defensive. Some people will be tolerant, others will be cynical.

    • Shame on you! Poverty isn’t money and richness isn’t eloquence. Uprightness knows no social status. Never should you dare stepping your infectious foot and brain on the Zambian soil. Whoever begged anything from you is your fellow snake.

    • Please find out from any of your leaders the effect of self reliance of the listed countries and its effect on your country. You will realize you are not rich after all. Most of the riches you feel you are enjoying is from such countries. They even buy your waste.

  • When since is it a crime to be poor? And when did it become okay to despise persons because of it? You want acceptance for homosexual behavior and you are yourself guilty of unfair prejudices. Did you even stop to consider that the laws on the books were imposed on these ‘poor’ countries in the same way that they are now being bullied into changing them. Do your homework before you throw passionate mindless comments around the place.

    • Hi, Anna. Thanks for your comment. I don’t know what you think ought to be done or believed, however. Probably that’s because I don’t see where you infer that I’m saying it’s a crime to be poor. Here are some of the ways that I don’t understand what you’re saying …

      In the first place, do you think it’s OK for a country to imprison its citizens for their sexual identify if the country has a low standard of living?

      Secondly, while it’s quite true that many countries inherited their anti-homosexuality laws from their former colonial rulers, what are the implications of that fact? Does that mean that former colonial powers such as Britain can change their own laws, as Britain did, but must not communicate with their former colonies?

      Thirdly, wouldn’t it be more despicable to ignore poor countries’ problems? Are you suggesting that poor countries should be left alone, or merely should be given money with no strings attached?

      I hope you’ll write more.

      Colin Stewart
      Erasing 76 Crimes blog

      • Colin, I think the real question we need to ask is can a country be ran by religion rather than by government? And do we have the right to force our beliefs on other countries who choose to be run by religion rather than by government? And is it a hate message to slander those countries who choose to operate under religion rather than by government? I would never be gay, I don’t support gay life and would not teach it to my child. I’m not in agreement with it, it goes against my nature, my core being. Does that make me a hater or just different?

        • Hi, Tonya —

          You ask, “Do we have the right to force our beliefs on other countries who choose to be run by religion rather than by government? And is it a hate message to slander those countries who choose to operate under religion rather than by government?”
          I do think that it’s OK to urge all countries, including those with religiously dominated governments, to abide by universal standards of human rights, especially those countries that have signed treaties pledging them to do so.

          You state further, “I would never be gay, I don’t support gay life and would not teach it to my child. I’m not in agreement with it, it goes against my nature, my core being. Does that make me a hater or just different?”
          I don’t think those beliefs make you a hater, unless you move on to encouraging the imprisonment of LGBT people for the sexual orientation they were born with, as 76-plus countries do.

      • The discrimination, stigma, harassment and attacks of gays, lesbians and bisexual are sometimes unbearable. What two or more consenting adults decide to do in private should not be the business of anybody. The freedom we want for ourselves should be the freedom that we should want for others, homosexuals and lesbians not excepted. The media, religious bodies some civil socitie, associations and organizations sometimes condemn same sex relationship and marriages. News of killing and molesting of Gays and lesbians is rampants. glass murder attempt. this must stop and time is to end it.

      • hey man don’t think that the colonial powers are feeding our families .In addition Africa is not 18 century . So think twice before talking your nosense okaaaayyy.

      • Mind u people who say africa is poor we are the richest contintent in the world that’s why you keep in africa we have never gone to white countries for minerals so keep yo male anus loving theories to yo selves ib white counties

    • you re write, these countries shouldnt be bullied into accepting these western laws. it might be acceptable to your countries but not acceptable in our culture and christian values

      • U are so ignorant! God said that its an abomination to have sex with the same sex!- what part of that dont u understand?! God hates that!- all sin!- especially being gay or homo! Or beimg a lesbian! Wake up! Love one another but hate the sin!- not support it ok!- u need to repent of this sin! If u support anything God hates u are sinning against God!- thats wrong!- not hate speech!- its the truth!- whether u or anyone else here lije it or not!- that is why God destroyed sodom and gomorrah before!- and he will do it again! Genesis 19! So shame on you!- and those who support this disgusting and nasty lifestyle! Im proud to be anti gay!- anti sin!- thats a good thing! All gays are worthy of death! God said so! And they will all burn in hell for it!- thats theyre own fault!- not mine or Gods!

        • To be fair it’s also a sin to lie.
          If you think like that just don’t hate the people hate the sin. You should not discriminate against then any more than you would to someone who lied or committed any other sin.
          Also remember it’s not a sin if they don’t believe it’s wrong.

        • Amen!!!!!! it’s just a shame that those stubborn homos will refuse to listen to reason! but like you said I can hate the sin but love The Sinner. just like I can hate the use of drugs but love the drug addict him or herself.
          yet they coin these anti heterosexual phrases such as homophobes! No one is afraid of them they just hate what they’re doing!

          • Exactly thats what im talking about God hates the sins that people do but he still loves us but we must hate din too like he does and love one another keep it separate! Im glad u understand that unlike some people thank u

          • All quotes seem to be of religious nature, so don’t forget the part spoken “Judge Not that you be judged more harshly” ? God of all is to be the judge, so leave your judgement out of anything, and let people live their life as they wish, since we are given this choice, and love all as told in loving our neighbor as our selves and let God be the judging at the appropriate time and place.

      • No LGBTQ allowed because it is GOD commandment, an abomination. I don’t understand ! 71 countries ban the legislation bill to LGBTQ, but ignore all of the child sex prostitution that is adamently rampant throughout those 71 countries. Cancel and do away with LGBTQ, but let’s keep the prostitution going for a couple of more millennium’s.

        • Recognizing the human rights of LGBTQ people and the problem of child sex prostitution are very different issues. A country’s approach to one of them doesn’t affect the status of the other.
          — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of Erasing 76 Crimes

    • I’m unaware of that.
      What conclusion do you draw from that, regarding the information that ILGA has collected?

      Did ILGA remove NAMBLA from its membership?

      — Colin Stewart
      Editor/publisher, Erasing 76 Crimes

      • I just don’t understand why you all homophobes visit this website. I think that you all have a serious issue with your own sexuality. I suggest you revisit this problem.
        Secondly, Tonya, if stupidity could fly you would hit the ceiling. A country is for ALL citizens, not for a religious group. And if you don’t mind that, why don’t you move to Saudi Arabia? They would shut you up quickly, you will have no rights, you will have no right to drive, no right to vote, and no right to be on a street with a man who is not your husband. You wouldn’t even have legal rights to your children! How do you like that?
        Or go to Congo, where there are 48 rapes per hour, or 1,252 a day, or over 400,000 rapes yearly. How would you like that? You want to keep your woman’s rights but you deny gays to have them? How thoughtful and civilized of you.
        And to all guys who hate gays: what is your problem? We don’t want to be with you, we don’t like you, and you are not attractive to us at all. We will not be, ever, after your girlfriend or wife – so why are you afraid? Or as I said, you have an issue with your own sexuality. Think about it.
        And regarding religion, any religion is for the soul, for being a better person. It is to love and forgive, not to hate and kill. Which god asks to hate others? So all of you supposedly “religious” people, I suggest you think about what your god actually tries to teach to. And if you are so religious, changing god’s words is a sin.
        To all of you, try to accept and love others, regardless of their religion, ethic background, color of the skin, or sexual orientation. It will make us all better people and a better planet.
        We are all here, the entire spectrum of the rainbow – so let’s live together in piece and harmony.
        What you want for yourself, let others have it too.

      • Matthew 7: 13-14
        The Narrow and Wide Gates

        13“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.14“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

        I don’t know of a God that says hate people but the Sin itself as he himself Loves people but hates Sin. Others can be accepted with out accepting their sin. As in the quote above not all religions lead to Heaven. Jesus Christ is the one and true way to Heaven.

      • How do you define a ‘crime’? The independent countries use their own laws to define homosexuality illegal and not laws in your laws which you think should be overlapping over all humanity. If I don’t believe in your laws don’t force me to believe/accept them except when I become your hostage.

    • Wow. Ok…HISTORY TIME!

      Here’s the deal: NAMBLA in its early years was a member of ILGA, but very early on they realized that what NAMBLA stood for was no good; the LGBT movement wanted equality amongst consenting adults, not the unusual right (one which even hetero adults didn’t have) to see engage in sexual acts with underage minors. Thusly, they were booooooted.

      Oh yeah, there were some which protested this decision. Namely one Allen Ginsberg, the influential and much celebrated gay jewish beat poet, who was known to take in underage lovers, and mingled with known pedophiles – most famous was his relationship with William S. Burroughs, a gay heroin junkie who made no attempts at hiding his penchant for young hispanic boys. Hell, Burroughs even fled to South America, so he could practice his boy love with impunity, where he also allowed the molestation of his own teenage son, Billy Burroughs, Jr. who would grow up to despise his father and die young, after authoring only two books (Speed & Kentucky Ham.) 🙁

      What matters here though, is that ILGA cut out a lot of bad apples, and these are just skeletons in their closet now – and at no point was an agenda such as NAMBLA anywhere near the forefront for ILGA.

      • There are lots of things that happen in this world that are wrong but sex is for making children. Men should sleep with women. Should we legalise crack because crack smokers deserve equal rights, should we change the law regarding underage sex because people that sleep with kids want rights. In my opinion rights must be weighted against each other. Heterosexual people have the rights they have for the furtherance of the human race. Same sex couples cannot contribute to the furtherance of life on this planet. I had always been under the impression that marriage was about companionship (and too an extent it is) but men naturally, instinctively seek the companionship of women because they want kids. Maybe gay men want sex without the complication of kids but that is not natural. Governments seem to be making the impossible possible and visa versa. There are plants that grow naturally in every hot country on this planet and it’s use by adults that consent via their conduct/use is prohibited, yet same sex male couples can have kids. The world went mad ages ago. Leave the mad people to be mad. Just make sure you bring your children up in a natural way and hope they are not tarnished by all the rubbish they hear about same sex being the way to go.

        • Do you realize that heterosexual couples give up kids for adoption? Also by your definition women and/or men who can not have children are therefore wrong and should be thrown in jail or killed for something they can’t control. At least couples who can not produce children such as cis gay man and a cis gay man can adopt the children that the heterosexual couple gave up because they didn’t want to raise it.

          All points aside I hope for your well-being and that one day you can feel safe and happy with your partner in the future or currently.
          #Love is Love

    • In that case it is pointless jailing prostitutes, drug peddlers, murderers and thieves. Because God says Judge not. we do not hate them but we dislike the act. they are two different things. God says for who he loves he chastise. It is because the country loves the Gay that is why they are jailed to be reformed.

  • Russia may be join soon in this list of 76+ countries((( This is very bad. And many LGBT-people (as I am too) want to seek asylum in USA or another progressive country.

      • Bob, I hope that you learn one day what it is like to live in mortal fear every day of your life, that you are attacked viciously and relentlessly for being who you are, that you are psychologically and physically tortured and abused until it breaks you, that your family disowns you and tells you to go to hell and leaves you with nothing, that you are humiliated and scorned and called every name in the book. That you drown in shame and self loathing and feel submerged in unending darkness. Because then you will be at the very tip of understanding what it is like to grow up as a gay person in this wretched, sick,
        violent, extremely brutal world. And maybe if you can begin to understand it you can learn to show a little kindness and empathy for other people.

    • Be careful what you wish for. The US has as many as 14 states that make it illegal to be gay in the same way that there are states that allow the consumption of cannabis although it is against federal law. The country allows it’s states to decide what laws are made in it’s locality.

      Instead of going to the states (I might wanna go there) go to mars and hope the Martians are more tolerant of your right to be homosexual.

    • Get someone to cleanse the demons in you. You need Jesus, how can a man fuck another man and you think that is normal? Thank God Russia is progressing. Go to you US Sodom and Gommorah

    • I disagree and am mad at all these countries on that don’t allow gay marriage or lesbian rights.You can love who you want. Don’t let your religion take over all your life decisions.

    • Where do the straight people go to get married?
      You sick people keep re-defining marriage, there won’t be a place where there is real marriage anymore. Thanks for destroying this country. Civilization as been dealt a blow, and you don’t actually realize it because you are barking mad. It is sad when the insane are in power. It really is.

      • No one is forcing anyone to accept homosexuality. However, people who are born with same sex attraction can not switch to the opposite sex either. I assure you, a gay person wouldn’t choose to be persecuted, beaten, killed, bullied, discriminated against, as no one would choose a life such as so many gay people are in this world today. All gay people ask is for equal rights to be treated as all others, and none are trying to force their life upon anyone ! However, if the constitution says “all men are created equal, then that means ALL men, not just heterosexuals” Even when this was written, Thomas Jefferson wrote it and he owned slaves, but in those days, black people were not considered a whole man, thus the white man deemed this not viable to black people, and it was this way for centuries until civil rights laws were passed, and even today, there are still a minority who feel the same. All gay people want is to be treated equally with the same opportunities and rights as any other person, not special rights either, only the same rights, and to live their life to love who they choose without bullying, discrimination etc. Homosexual people have contributed a lot to the world, especially in art, so all people have a contribution to our world, culture as well. We all have our own talents we are born with, as same with sexual attractions that differ in every person.

        So if marriage and sex is only to pro-create, then what do you do with men and women who can not conceive or those who do not want any children ? Do you remove sex from them because they don’t want to pro-create and have children ? People can love and share life with sex without having children, so should they be punished because you say it is the duty or purpose ?

        Hate is what rots and destroys a country from within, so remove your hate in this country, and it will prosper and be just fine. Preach and practice hate as the Westboro Church Group, and watch this country burn !

        BTW, quoting form Leviticus isn’t wise, as you can’t pick and choose, so do you follow all laws written there ? Do you want to stone a person for adultery, or give up your shell fish because it also is an abomination ?

        You can’t have it both ways, so go back to live your life with laws from the old testament or come into the real world today.. So many sins, and don’t think one is any worse than the other, unless you are talking a life, in my opinion. Oh and the part written “judge not, that ye be judge more harshly “

  • you people do realize that no law you change will effect reality, you still wont be able to put a bolt into bolt, you still wont be able to have children, you wont be able to change God’s beliefs no matter how much you complain, and you will never be accepted. Sooner or later your going to have to face that fact and stop reffering to every group that decides to stand up for its morals a “hate group”. Seems to me the only hate group Ive seen is a majority (but not all) of gays/lesbians, you spout acceptance but instantly jump on anyone or any group that doesnt see things your way. Might want to look up the definition of “equality.”

      • Colin… most people who show that they are not in homosexuality favor are view by gay groups as haters. We have our opinion. We dont accept homosexuality in our lives or the lives of our children . That doesnt mean we are haters… just dont want that for us. The same way you dont want religious entities to force beliefs into others we dont want you forcing your beliefs into us, that are nurtured by a sexual inclination ,orientation, taste or whatever you want to call it. Theres ample scientific evidence by real scientist that homosexuality is still a mental illness and it still falls within the definition it had pre 1973. When you want to impose all this beliefs that homosexuality is natural and want to compare a human being to an animal who have no way of reasoning or morals and when you want to convince the world that homosexuals are better than the rest in any way, you are making yourself a religion and a hate group.The only hate you perceive is the one that you create towards yourself. Neither I or any other poster here want gays to die or hang them or punish them. If you want to have your lifestyle do it but dont try to impose your beliefs and actions over all society and accept it. We wont impose you our religion or beliefs , dont try to do it to us either . And dont try to make us believe that marriage is not a religious institution in the USA and all the twisted rethoric you use to try to prove a point that never existed. Thats when you by being hateful toward the rest bring hate towards you.

      • “…when you want to convince the world that homosexuals are better than the rest in any way…”
        No one is trying to convince anyone that we are better than anyone else, just equal to everyone else.

    • I’m sure people who are in support of LGBT rights are quite familiar with the definition of equality. These people may “jump on anyone” because they are constantly submitted to to hatred and rejection like your statements. You need to understand that a lot of the time “standing up for morals” means ostracizing people who have no control over their sexual orientation, that’s why people get defensive. I’m sure you would be pretty defensive if the tables were turned, you don’t see groups of LGBT people walking around actively trying to take away your human rights. THAT is the difference here, one is fighting for equality, the other is trying to suppress them. This is NOT a two sided argument, it is a bunch of people not ready for change prosecuting others.
      Also I’m pretty sure LGBT people do not believe that changing the laws will allow them to have children and change their biology, they just wanted to be treated like human beings. That’s quite the ignorant statement, you should really educate yourself.

      • No one have taken human rights from any homosexuals… the right to marry have been recognized from hundreds of years as a man and a woman in this country. No one takes civil unions away from you and the right to have children is given by nature not goverments. This was founded a Cristian nation you like it or not and the fact that there have been more liberties allowed wont take that away. There have to be a point in which stretching liberties and rights dont get to a point of going against the culture and identity of a nation. Im sure you wont go to Iran to try to made them change their religion or culture,. .then why try to change the culture of this nation so much toward the other side of what it was founded on? The reason there is no specific on the Constitution about this is because it was understood at that moment that marriage was between a man and a woman and no one in their right mind at the moment will propose the contrary.In fact in that time they would have hanged someone with this ideas. If you already have rights that give you the same why you want to come and shove up the face of religious organizations your ways knowing that its part of this country culture. If you wont do it to other nations you should not expect to do it and be accepted here. No one is killing you or suppressing you. Human rights are unaltered and the law applies equally. Now to try to raise a children in a way that exposes them to wrong concepts of sexuality since an early age is plain wrong. it is not for you bc thats your preference but you have to allow kids to grow up normally and have the option of finding themselves , not imposing your ideas of right or wrong that obviously by all that is good and sacred and logic is not what you have. While you dont accept that being homosexual is still a mental illnes like any other mental illness and try to push in others that is normal you will keep having this struggle not mattering what laws they approve or not. Laws wont make the poblation homosexual or accepting.. they will make people more aggresive toward homosexuals when being forced by law to accept something most dont believe in ,..much like making x religion mandatory for the whole country. Remember its a preference and orientation,. its something you can choose and scientifically even cured of as there are methods to cure it and people cured of it. The fact that you choose to believe what you want to believe reinforces even more the religion like manner in which you are treating this.

        • “No one have taken human rights from any homosexuals”?

          That’s quite untrue about the 76-plus countries that are the focus of this blog, where same-sex love can put you in jail.

          — Colin Stewart, the blog’s editor and publisher

        • I believe that The God of all World destroyed two cities because of same sex ,Sodom and Gomora!!! I don’t know if you have any Fear of God but I take it as the Truth that I give you this warning for those who would persistent and allow for as it was written!!

      • @jean jones
        ” the right to marry have been recognized from hundreds of years as a man and a woman in this country.”
        Just because something existed for hundreds of years or was part of the founding of the country is no reason to keep it.
        Slavery existed as part of the founding of the country. Doesn’t make it right.
        Woman couldn’t vote. Doesn’t make it right.
        Mixed racial marriage was banned for hundreds of years. Doesn’t make it right.
        Women have been viewed as property thousands of years and were given very few allowances. Doesn’t make it right.
        The bible forbids women from teaching scripture and says they should be stoned to death for doing so. Doesn’t make it right.

        I’m not trying to change Iran because I don’t live in Iran. I live in the US. Here in the US we do have a continued process of expanding freedoms. That is a tradition in the US that has existed from the beginning. The Founding Fathers were subjects of the King of England. They decided to change that. If they followed your advice of not questioning the country you live in,there would be no USA. Also, Thomas Jefferson himself advocated for atheists saying they were equals in this country.

        I also want to say, I am a Christian. I believe in the word of Christ. Christ himself never spoke out against homosexuals and broke the old covenant to from a new one. As a Christian I will not bind myself to the old covenant as you have. My church believes homosexuals have a right to marry. If you don’t want to allow gay marriage within your church, that is you and your churches right. Allowing gay marriage should be allowed as a right within me and my church.

    • Late to this,but nevertheless,I am now so pissed off at the whole lgbt bs! They are the oppressive scum that is bullying everyone; at universities where,btw, students have to pay so that THEY could have their own lounge ! They are stigmatizing businesses,churches,neighborhoods,everything. I hate the gays now!

      • Dear Bill,

        I don’t know the situation that has you so upset, but I do know that the focus of this blog is elsewhere — on the 76-plus countries where being gay is a crime, where LGBT people are the people who are inhumanely oppressed.

        — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • I agree with the bullying bit…..if anything they want to have more rights than normal people…..the minute you open your mouth to complain about them straight away you are labelled. Adopting kids is wrong too….that means all the children’s book will be re-written because alot of it is a normal ‘mum and dad’..if its 2 gay males, how do you explain that to a child you are adopting? The child will become confused from an early age when he/she sees other kids with “mum and dad” and yet she sees ” dad and dad”..You are ruining a childs life .

      • @richard

        They want to have more rights or special rights? as in the right to only allow a certain group to marry or adopt kids? that’s exactly the definition or having more rights, how is that cognitive dissonance working for you?

        “how do you explain that to a child you are adopting?”
        you are underestimating children, unlike you, they are still not bigoted assholes, a kid will probably be happy knowing that he will have a home and parents who love him.

    • Dear randomcitizen,
      do you often talk to god? are you made aware of his beliefs? if you are ignorant please stop and think about what you said first. The definition of equality has no relevance to what you just said about acceptance. I do accept your view, I accept that you are a straight person on a website about homosexual rights who has chosen to ignore that god makes no mistake especially not in so many people as the LGBT community is quite large. Just because you go to church doesn’t mean you know what god believes, especially since casting judgment upon others is a sin. You should really reflect upon yourself and how god feels about you before trying to tell others how god feels about them.
      P.S. the definition of “equality”- is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
      This has nothing to do with the fact that people jump on you for hating others, you put yourself above homosexuals and we want to be on the same plane, be do not ask that you agree with what we do and we don’t agree with you but we do ask that we do not get a lesser status or different rights, we ask for “equality.” next time you ask someone to know a definition please make sure i is relevant to your topic and also that you know the definition first.
      a concerned citizen

        • Did you know that homosexuality is in more than just the human species? While homophobia is only the human species. What happens when someone is gay and come out of the closet? They are bullied and criticized and harmed and forced back into the closet of their younger self and that is why suicide is more likely in LGBTQIA+ people. You are the type of person that is probably closeted but takes out your anger on others when you can not find your own truth.

          Good Luck with your life


    • Right time for an educated home truth here. The world is buckling under the strain of severe overpopulation as it is and if everyone were to have these religious beliefs that the sole purpose of sex is to procreate then the world would be in even bigger shit and more recession than it already is. Next time you have to get on a packed train or sit miserably in hours and hours of traffic or wait in a massive queue in a shop just think that is all because of straight procreating couples who just can’t stop breeding like animals. Secondly there are millions of abused and unloved children out there already born so why create more when you can adopt, foster or take in a child whose life would be utterly awful without someone to save them (Many gays and lesbians adopt or foster and give an unloved and unwanted child a loving and nurturing home)

      • Ironically,JJ Truth, over-population from procreation is death and starvation. Also, no one here knows that this so-called ‘God’ actually exists, I think you’re either autistic or just trolls.

    • Thank you for saying this, I could not have said it better, they will never be able to change what GOD has decreed. And they will never number accepted, why not because me or you said, but cause GOD said so. That’s the real problem they think they are better than GOD, or they dont believe in GOD, that they won’t have to answer to him on the day they return to him. And if they want to call me apart of a hate group because I’m talking and taking actions against them because of what GOD says then so be it.

    • Dear Anti-gayDoc,
      Such a sad, angry, uncalled-for comment. I’m sure that you won’t move, and I hope you can shake off your bitterness.
      Colin Stewart
      Editor/publisher of Erasing 76 Crimes blog.

      • I Just don’t get it They cant reproduce they have zero families unless they adopt which isn’t there’s. so no way any of them can move forward they just die so be patient they all die off soon its just pathetic that we have to here about it. and be forced on us the government tried getting rid of them in the 80s and didn’t realize that bysexuals existed wide spread of aids over night back fired. Like the heroin in 70s with the black race back fired again. and it leaves America in a waste land morallus, selfish and now we advertise it like its a beer and reality you dumb asses thinks its ok your nuts you cant reproduce your way would kill the human race but I guess since everyone thinks of themselves first itll be ok fuck the future. I really don’t think that’s plan though Hope I didn’t offend any one but if your to stupid to figure out the queer life is extinction prison probably wont help they’ll just get with more of there kind im thinking lobotomy shock therapy nut houses we as American’s classify everything as a diese so treat it like one. but the liberals democrats & republicans are to scared to loose a vote than do the right thing. Last thing I took my daughter to an amusement park on fathers day and they changed it to guy day. I guess since they will never be real parents they will ruin it for everyone else cant blame the Christians. Just use common since your way extinction there way millions of yrs of life. Have a great day Americas been sold out

        • Dear Duane,

          Clearly you have a lot of hate for LGBT people. You really ought to get to know some LGBT folks. Many are quite upstanding citizens; generous, loving people.

          By the way, no LGBT rights advocates are saying that everyone should be gay. Do you really worry that humanity will become extinct (in our over-populated world!) because of same-sex marriage? Homosexual men obviously don’t give birth to children, but gay men are the children of heterosexual parents.

          Society will continue to be a mix of gay and straight people, no matter what laws we pass. The only question is whether society will tolerant and peaceful or angry and repressive.

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • 1. you don’t fear God, the creator of the whole universe.
        2. You don’t know that heaven is real and hell fire is real.
        3. You should be living this life to please yourself or your flesh but should be living it to please God almighty .
        4. Your body is the temple of the most high God, keep it holy.
        5. Either you like it or not homosexual is a big sin and offensive.
        6. God has place before good and evil but he is advising you to choose good.
        7. The wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life.
        8. give your life to Christ now is not late.
        call me for more enquiry. 07036494203

    • Try Belize. It is still a moral country and it is retirement friendly with low to no taxations. That is where we are going.
      Great beaches and the govt obeys the people, not interest groups buying them off.

  • It has been said that ignorance is bliss. If that is the case we should all be drowning in bliss. Those that say GLBT people are reprobates are the ones I feel most sorry for. They hide behind their holy books and condem others simply because they do not fit the criteria laid out in these books. God did not write these books. Men did. Please don’t throw up on me the line I hear most often that these men were “inspired by god” to write these books. Look around you. You can use that line on anything. God is our creator. He is not our keeper on this earth. Look at world history and all the murders that have been committed in the name of god. God made humankind. Kind should be removed from that word.

    Simply put – God does not make mistakes. Humans makes mistakes. Anyone that believes god made a mistake by making someone gay, trans, bi, or lesbien will have a much harder time getting into heaven than those who feel it is their duty to persecute others.

    PS – I hope Madam Curie looses some ignorance and does some real research about Belize. It is much worse than the United States on every key indicator for economic freedom including nearly twice the unemployment rate which of course leads to more crime against the elderly.

    • I thought humans were the highest form of animals. Animals that humans are supposed to reason better than do decipher between the sexes when it comes to mating. They do not mate male and male nor female and female because its unnatural and abnormal. God did not create anyone gay. You cant tell me God created some people thieves, prostitutes or drug addicts. They are only vices that people pick up from the society they live in. I believe being Gay is a mental ailment and mostly associated with suicide, child abuse or neglect. Most gays also possess low self esteem thus the need to be accepted by society. It can be cured with lots of love and the word of God. Africa is not rich but very wealthy, It has more wealth than you can imagine. i bet most westerners haven’t been to Africa. The USA and Europe cannot survive without Africa but that cannot be said about the Latter. Africa can survive on its own, It has all the natural and human resources needed for survival. There is an intentional effort by the West to keep Africa from being independent. Same cannot be said about the middle east or Arabs because they don’t depend on the west to govern their countries. they are doing so well and mind you they haven’t accepted Gay.

  • Lets see….
    For those who believe,,, God created man and woman to be together
    For those who don’t believe and believe in nature,,, male animals mate with female animals
    Ok, for those who believe in neither,, they believe in the human intelligence,,,, so you get female attempting to bond with female and male with male. Hmmmm there seems to be an identity crisis amongst these so-called intelligent humans.

    “Shake the dust off your sandals and never return. They are stiff-necked people”

    • Thanks for visiting, Jack.

      As I recall, one of the two great commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself. I’d say that should rule out throwing your neighbor into jail if he loves someone who doesn’t conform to your understanding of who God wants him to love.

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart
      Editor/publisher of this blog

      • Colin.. i get amused when people like you try to rebuke the Bible with one verse or though without having read it whole. Yes the Bible tells you to love your neighbor but we dont have any problem with our neighbors or gays. God have a problem with homosexuality. If you want you can read the whole 1st chapters or romans and you will see what the Bible says about homosexuality. Im not for htrowing gays into jail and Im sure most of the people who comment here are not either. God loves man,.. he doesnt love man’s sin. He said homosexuality is a sin and wrong and in the chapter I just told you it explains not only why but WHERE homosexuality comes from. The action of us loving all people have to be more with showing God nature of loving good ones and bad ones as to have mercy for them all and we to try to show that nature thru our actions. Now thats one thing. But it doesnt matter how much we love each other even the ones that would kill us , it wont erase the judgement of God(not man) towards those that dont follow His teachings. The reason behind homosexuality being a sin goes far more than just the sexual act, but the sexual act its an expression of the perversions and depravation inside man that causes it to go against God. Homosexuality most of the times comes from a number of reasons which have been identified and none of them are good. Could something good come from a rooten root? No. So we are just wanting you to recognize that there is help for homosexuals. Its not hating. But when homosexuals get defensive and militant and start saying that God doesnt exist just because the Bible dont accept homosexuality you will find hostile atittudes against them from most people. Most homosexuals have been : abused either mentally or physically, not had a positive masculine figure while growing up, have a authoritative female figure who despises men most of the time, grown up insecure about their sexuality without any positive reinforment from a make figure, ridiculed for their lack of confidence since childhood. No communication with the father. This and other facts create an insecurity and lack of confidence that put them in doubt during the formative years and make them join groups and practices that allows them to not face the pressures of properly being formed.

        • Hi, Jean —

          I know what you mean about picking out small portions of the Bible. I fear that you have done that yourself in judging people on the basis of Romans 1. That’s the sin that Romans 2 condemns:

          “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”

          Let’s be merciful.

          — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

      • You know what I dont undetsand? Is how come gay and lesbian people wont TRY to become straight again and I know that some people would reply saying, “oh well because they’re born with it” okay so? It doesnt mean that they still cant get help to become straight. I learned in religion class a few years back about how a gay guy was being non stop bullied by these other men so the gay guy seeked God for help to save him and God in return made that gay guy straight. The guy never had any problems of being bullied any more. He got married to a wonderful wife and had kids and grandkids. God does help gay people, but not in a way some people think he does. Im positively sure that if a gay guy is absolutely desperate and can’t take anymore of the harrassment and also believes in God just like a normal Catholic/Jewish/Christian/etc would, he/she would be saved. God does love all of us and he’ll help us but we have seek for him first.

        I know some people would be thinking, “yeah but a gay/lesbian person should be who they are and shouldnt change themselves not even for religion”
        Okay so youre saying that a
        psychotic person who has a mental illness of wanting to rape children should be who they are and not change their personality not even for the safety of others?

        Oh and yes, i understand its bad that we “haters” throw homosexuals in jail, okay? Its not like all of us think the same alright? Maybe some people want to kill and hang homosexuals but then there are different haters who just dont want to be involved with anything that has to do with homosexuality (im one of them).

        There are two (probably more but I just cant think of any others for the moment) hate groups, you know. And besides that, i cant say im a “hater”, i just think its wrong, period. Doesnt mean i want to see them burn to hell.
        I just think that its a mental disorder that can be fixed if actually tried.

        And i agree with most people here that say that we shouldnt force other countries to go all gay and lesbian. Please, lets all not be hypocrites, okay? Collin, Im SURE youll agree that forcing someone to believe in the same religion is bad, right? I mean think about it. During Stalin’s rule in Russia, he made schools force students to believe that God isnt real, where the new religion; atheism, was created in the 1920’s. Im sure A LOT of people were pretty mad but couldnt do anything about it because Stalin would search you down and have you killed. Well some say its gonna be the same thing for us in a few years (maybe not that severe that the government would kill you). I mean its sort of already starting.
        For example:
        I heard one of my teachers say that a mother told her child to stay away from homosexuals -and i know thats mean but hang on a minute- the school found out (or was it the homosexuals mother?) and the mother got either sued or fined. Whatever it was, she got in trouble and had to pay a lot. Im not saying that we should all just attack the homosexuals, Im trying to say is that we all have our own opinions and our own “human rights” and im sorry if there are people out there that harrass homosexuals. Honest. As human beings, we should find other ways to show our dislike but we also shouldnt force it on others. So big deal that 80 other countries decide to stay original? At least parts of Europe and the freaking USA is allowing it.

        • Dear Guest,

          1. You ask, “You know what I dont understand? Is how come gay and lesbian people wont TRY to become straight?”
          Many LGBT people have tried to “become straight.” It doesn’t work. The example you give is either false or a very, very rare exception. LGBT people can’t “become straight AGAIN” because they never were straight. They were created gay.

          2. You also say, ” i understand its bad that we ‘haters’ throw homosexuals in jail, okay? ”
          Good. That’s the main point of this blog. If everyone agreed with you on that, the world would be a much, much better place. We could argue about the rest, but not kill or imprison anyone because of their sexual orientation.

          All the best,
          Colin Stewart
          Editor/publisher of this blog

      • Loving your neighbors, does not take presidents over what God says about man being with man and women bring with a woman, and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Please no, we try to obey GOD to the best of our ability, this is what GOD says not me. No one’s perfect, but we can try to be to come out having the best results.

        • Jesus said the great commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and spirit and to love your neighbor as yourself. He did not say that “what God says about man being with man and women bring with a woman, and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah” take precedence over those. Indeed, Jesus said nothing about those issues, but he did sit down with sinners and did love them.
          — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

          • Yes he sat down to talk to them, yes love them because if he didnt love them he would not have sat down with them, but thst still doesn’t mean he condoned the sins, how do you just condon what a sinner does, so if thats the cast if my son or daughter is a murder im suppose to condon it. Not talk to them and say hey this isnt right, you can not do this. Cause that what people do, say oh its ok and its not ok, all im doing is speaking the truth and if people dont like well so what. You will never get a person to change there mind about what GOD says, and these people will never be what they want to be, because you can not change what GOD has made you man or women. Period

  • To those who will potentially move to these countries….really? you would really uproot your entire life so you could avoid gay people? Because it is an abomination? Point that out, where that says that, not in the form of a metaphor which can be interpreted in any way, but where it directly says that. I’m aware it says a “man should not lay with another man,” but what does it say about lesbians? Oh right, nothing, I forgot that women aren’t really people, so why would god even talk about them? While you’re at it, could you find me the part of the bible where it says I’m allowed to sell my daughter into slavery? Maybe you could quote me a price?

    Why does this even bother you? Do you think seeing gay people will make you gay? If that’s the case, then you already are. By that logic, wouldn’t seeing straight people all of the time make gay’s straight? It doesn’t.

    Go ahead, stand up for your morals, but arguing about distress from a privileged standpoint is a NOT equal to that of the persecuted. The LGBT community is not actively trying to oppress you or your rights; being told you are acting hateful is not the same as being told that God hates you. It is your right to happiness, then fine, don’t be gay, don’t marry a gay person, but don’t for one second act as though you are choosing to be a heterosexual. It is NOT your right to decide what makes other people happy and to pass judgement on them, I think you would agree that that is God’s place, and claiming to speak for God is taking the Lord’s name in vane is it not? That’s a pretty big sin. At the end of all of this, if God turns out to be real and we all end up meeting at the gates of heaven, you really think God is going to pat you on the back for taking away someone else’s rights? Does your mom pat you on the back for ordering around your younger siblings?

    And for this comment:
    “Ok, for those who believe in neither,, they believe in the human intelligence,,,, so you get female attempting to bond with female and male with male. Hmmmm there seems to be an identity crisis amongst these so-called intelligent humans.”

    Maybe you should open a biology textbook. A large portion of species engage in homosexual activity as females are not fertile all year round, and in some species they prefer it, only straying when the females are ready to reproduce. In many others, especially birds, the younger members never mate and instead help take care of the older siblings offspring, and those offspring turn out a lot better than if everyone were to have kids and raise them themselves. Birds are descendents of dinosaurs and have been around for more then 250 million years, who are we to criticize that?

    Approving of homosexuality does not make you a homosexual, it is not infringing on your rights, only one party is vulnerable here. The world is slowly already changing, in 50 years when people talking about gays being immoral, the subject will be a joke, in the same way that being against a white and a black person is now. This is already happening, so all of you can lick your wounds and take a step off your pedestals. I sincerely hope none of the prosecuted in these countries lose hope, it gets better, please hang on!

    And after all of this, God does exist and those opposed are right, then living with people like you in heaven for an eternity would be my own personal hell, so I guess it doesn’t really make a difference what I believe.

    • Go read 1st chapter or Romans… it tells you that woman left the natural practice of man also and that started having relations woman with woman. Just FYI.

      • “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” The Bible tells us many, many things. Do you follow them all? How about Deuteronomy?

    • I loved your speech and your wonderful logic. Better to go to hell a supporter of gay rights then to stay in heaven for all eternity with homophobic bigots

  • I think that everyone has a choice about what life-style he or she wants to live, and we as human being must not judge or kill a gay person, just because he or she choses to live the alternative life-style.

    I am a Child of God. I do not support homosexuality or any organization that promotes it.
    Homosexuality is a decision that a person makes, not a birth mark.
    But I feel that everybody has the right to be whatever they want to: gay or straight.

    God has given human being living on this earth free-will, whether they follow his Standards or follow the life-styles of the majority that deliberately disobey JEHOVAH GOD.

    • Thanks for the comment. I think, though, that you underestimate the extent to which sexual preference is part of God’s creation rather than a personal choice. Do you really believe that you CHOOSE (each day?) whether you’ll be heterosexual or homosexual and then, I assume in your case, choose to be attracted to the opposite sex?

      Thanks for visiting the blog. Do come back.

      — Colin Stewart

      • Yes, I believe that being gay is a choice.
        I never underestimate the creation of God.
        God’s thoughts are above our thoughts.

    • if your dumb than you don’t have a choice? If your dad was gay you wouldn’t have been born. Animals in nature don’t do gay either. I wonder why animals don’t?
      its your choice to be gay but not push your opinions on me or my children!

      • Hi, Tim —

        “if your dumb than you don’t have a choice?”
        I don’t understand what you’re saying.

        “If your dad was gay you wouldn’t have been born.”
        If my dad were gay and only had sex with men, he wouldn’t be my dad and I wouldn’t be me. And therefore what? (I don’t follow your logic. Are you worrying that the human race will die out rather than suffer from overpopulation?)

        “Animals in nature don’t do gay either. I wonder why animals don’t?”
        You’re wrong about that. Here’s a list of dozens of species the exhibit homosexual behavior:

        Are you telling me that humans should model their behavior after the behavior of animals? That sounds bestial to me.

        “its your choice to be gay but not push your opinions on me or my children!”
        It’s not a choice.
        I’m not gay.
        I’m expressing my opinions, which is different from pushing them on you or on your children. Can you see the difference?

      • Once again, God’s view on homosexual behavior quite clear.
        It is an abomination in his eyes Leviticus 18:22 Holy Bible. I’m still standing on my views not supporting same sex marriage.

        • OK, Laventure Alix. I understand your views on same-sex marriage and homosexuality as a sin. The particular focus of this blog is not at all on same-sex marriage or on sin, but on the laws that imprison homosexuals. Those issues shouldn’t be mixed up.

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Free-will is gift that God gives everyone on this earth.
        Animals in nature live by what they see and hear which is the invention of God.
        I respect and understand your views, but I don’t agree with them.

      • There are over 2000 species of animals that show homosexual behaviour, interestingly there is only one that shows homophobic behaviour.

      • I agree
        I still believe that being a plumber is a choice, just like being a gay is a choice in the human race.

    • Homosexuality is not a decision one makes. If it was, the persecution gays face in the listed seventy-six countries plus many more in addition to them would doubtlessly guide them into choosing heterosexuality.

  • it amazes me how many who champion the gay rights cause (which i do too) also seem to be so in love with islam, and islamic immigration. take a look at a map.

    • overlay that map with christian majority countries and you’ll see that just as many christian countries outlaw homosexuality.

  • I just love how the homosexuals try and twist the BIBLE around to read what they want it to, It is because of such fools that prayer is no longer in schools. Everything that was moral is now just a memory to such stupidity, It does not break my heart 1 bit to see it illegal in these countries and totaly believe it should be illegal in the USA. I dont think it should be the respocibility of legal moral christians to pay for research into a desease that has been brought to us by homosexuals and dopers, if the government would stop using our tax dolors for education and research into the aids virus just maybe the homosexuals and druggies would disapear as well, rather them then our christian tax dolors

    • Hi, James. Do I have this right? As a Christian, you propose ending research into how to cure AIDS and you hope that people who contract the disease will die? Wow. That’s so mean. And un-Christian.

      Still, I’ll send some prayers your way.

    • Considering how many religious texts have been written, and the amount of sub-religions that have formed from Christianity with their own versions of the bible, how do you not think that you yourself read the bible as you want it to read and not what else it could possibly mean? Like in genesis, what I got from that?? God lied, Adam and Eve didn’t die when they ate the fruit, he punished them afterwards for disobeying, but they still didn’t die. Beliefs are great things to have, until they cloud your better judgement on how to be a civilised and caring human being.

      • I REALLY hope you read this!

        First, you are either an idiot, or just don’t understand what you are reading:

        Adam and Eve DID DIE… Are they still alive? NO… That is because they ate the fruit.
        The point is, there was NO DEATH until after they ate it. Afterwards there was, thus they died.

        GOD NEVER LIED, re-read the chapter.

      • Hi Mitch

        Love how the only thing you took from what I said was the way I viewed what was written in Genesis. Being exactly my point, while you read it as they died because of the fruit, I read it as God’s punishment brought death upon them, he didn’t have to cast them out, he could have shown mercy. The bible and almost every other religious text can be misinterpreted by anyone and everyone besides those who wrote it. What I took from it is most likely wrong, but hey, how many times has the bible been rewritten to accommodate the way someone else takes it. The point is, why should something that can be perceived in so many different ways allow someone to wish death upon someone else, just because they are different? I’m not a believer. I’m the first to admit. I respect other peoples faith, right up until they start condemning others for it. I don’t condemn those who choose to believe, I don’t see why people can’t show the same respect to others. Gay people only want the same rights as everyone else. They aren’t trying to rub it in God’s nose, they aren’t trying to provoke Christians, they just want to live like everyone else. It’s comments like James’ that show just how much disrespect one human being can show towards another for no reason other than they are different. Much like your perception of Genesis and mine are different, James’ perception of homosexuals and mine are very different. I hope you understand where I was going with it now.

      • Mr. ABM. if your interpretation of civilization and care is becoming a homo and encourage those who indulge in same, then I’d rather remain uncivilized and uncaring and I believe who ever 1st taught you those words, in that context, was neither civilized nor caring and very mischievous. And for all beneficiaries of his care and civilization message, I simply say; “With a caring friend like ABM, you need no enemy!”

    • Oh, one other thing, HIV has been linked closely to SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), nothing to do with being gays or dopers or whatever you want to put it down to. Yes it has a higher tendency to be contracted through needles and such, but that doesn’t mean that’s how it originated. Heterosexuals are just as at risk of contracting the virus which leads to AIDS as homosexuals are. Hence the necessity for research. But hey, I’m sure if you got HIV you’d turn down all treatment because your god was obviously punishing you for your sins, right?

    • James: We don’t twist the bible near as much as it’s dedicated cherry pickers like too. So while your bumping your gums the USA will Never outlaw homosexuality and guess what I’ll get married anywhere I want to when the time comes and it won’t affect anyone around me but you; apparently. I guess an invitation is out of the question. Christian tax dollars? Pretty sure church’s are tax exempt. Christians didn’t start this nation and if we want to go a step further the Native Americans are the ones who lived here first lets go by their laws where homosexuality was perfectly acceptable and they married the “sacred” two spirit people. You have your head shoved somewhere dark without ever noticing the view from the way in.. You might want to check that.

    • James, it is because of people like you that I left the christen faith. You need to read your bible better and focus on what the Prophet Issa (pbwh) tried to teach the people when he was alive. He was given his holy mission because of how the people where acting towards each other and not following the laws of the Book. When the Injeel was written a few hundred years down the way, the people quit following Issa’s teachings. Then another Prophet (pbwh) was selected to again bring to the people, new laws and rules and as before the people have perverted that text as well. If you really want to be a good Christian then focus on what Issa tried to teach the people and live up to those standards.

      Once you master those teachings, you need to find some of the older unbiased histories of the USA and really start to learn something about this country, the Constitution and the reasons that the pilgrims came to this continent. Also focus on what the Christian church did to the Native Americans, a good example are the smallpox blankets. There are many reasons in history why the founding fathers brought this country to life as a secular nation. There are reasons other than the gays why prayer is not allowed in the schools and never was really legal when it was there.

      When you have really learned something about this once great nation, stop listening to people like Rush Limbaugh – the druggie, Glen Beck – the “cry baby”, Sean Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Pamela Geller and others of the extreme right. Once you have that flushed out of your system, start using that brain Allah gave you and start thinking for yourself. Unless that is just too hard and painful to do, when you start using the power of your brain as God intended you to, you will find life more fulfilling and satisfying. Unless you like people that to tell you what to think and how to act. Shades of Nazi Germany of the 1930’s & 1940’s, you can have it, I love my freedom too much, I enjoy coming to my own conclusions, I love the freedom to pray to God as I see fit, I love the ability to love who I want and when I want to. I love the freedom to move about the country and go where I so chose

      Before you start calling me names, I am a single heterosexual grandmother, I am also a proud Disabled American Veteran.

      As-salaamu ‘alaikum

      Shelly Ann,
      A Proud American (since 1868) and Veteran (1969-1994)
      Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam (Unity through diversity and knowledge.)
      LPN/ret, HM2c(FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, CWVet, VNeVet, GWVet, DAV/VFW Life Member.

    • James. We’re not the ones twisting that terrible book. We just happen to know it better than most Christians. For every verse you Christians use against us we can use an entire chapter to blow what ever you said out of the water. As for aids and druggies, guess what, the biggest group of people with aids are black women in Africa. I know this because I used to work at one the hiv clinics. As for the junkies, there is abuse of drugs in every race, creed, sexual preference etc. If you’re a Christian you should be doing everything you can to help them. Instead you are judging. Typical. Jesus must be so proud of you. One other thing, if you want to take on a gay guy with facts you had better make sure that those facts are true.

    • I live in Africa and I am Gay…and my dear Paul…you are gravely mistaken. Another thing ..don’t force your silly beliefs in Sky fairies onto the rational thinkers. The Bible hold no authority over me. I am an African and we are born freedom fighters ! We will fight these barbaric and hateful governments on our continent,Paul ,watch how morality prevails. Africa is the cradle of humanity…it will also be the birthplace of a new morality…

      • Mr. Gay, it’ll be more grievous to substitute above, the book “bible” with the writer “God.” The creator of the universe and not Africa, says not all things are good for his creatures(children) and homo is clearly one of them. If you chose to disobey him, with the knowing there will be unpleasant consequences, then you are free, but don’t you ever be deceived “whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reap.” In God’s dico, the synonym for homo is rebellion, and I know for sure that even if evil fights and “defeats” Africa, it can’t never prevail against God and God’s purpose.

    • Hey Paul. I live in Africa. I am legally married to a man. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • Hi, Sam —
      Here’s the section on Mozambique in the ILGA report:

      Male/Male Illegal Female/Female Illegal
      Penal Code of September 16, 1886, as amended in 1954 (Inherited from the Portuguese colonial era)
      Articles 70 and 71 impose security measures on people who habitually practice acts against the order of
      nature. The security measures include: confinement in criminal mental hospitals or labor camps (from 6
      months to 3 years), as well as have their freedom restricted (from 2 to 5 years) or the exercise of their
      profession interrupted (minimum of 10 months and maximum of 10 years), under the supervision of a
      probation officer.

      It adds:
      Text of the law is available at :

      And also:
      “At the same time it is interesting to notice a paradoxical development in several states of Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (Botswana, Mozambique, Mauritius and Seychelles), where parliaments adopt legislation to prevent discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in workplaces, while at the same time their respective penal codes retain
      provisions to punish those who engage in same-sex sexual acts among consenting adults – one would hope that it is only a matter of time before these very parliaments acknowledge this contradiction and proceed as soon as possible with an update of their penal codes.”

      Please let me know what you find out about this, if you pursue it further.

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart
      Editor / publisher
      Erasing 76 Crimes blog

  • Its against the law because homosexuality is.not some new thing. Countries have learnedly that it destroys a society. Disease and you would also stop creation if all peoplenstatted being gay. We allnhave our weaknesses andnwe must rulenover sin. Just as adultery was against the law because it is also sin and destroys society. I would like alotnof womannbutnI have to overcome that sin just as a person should stop having gay sexton. You have all these boys acting like woman because they are being raisednby woman!

    • Dozens of countries have learned that homosexuality is no big deal. Those countries have thrived; they have not been destroyed.

      The idea that, without laws against homosexuality, heterosexuals would stop procreating is a strange fantasy.

      — Colin Stewart

      • Hey how come only gay people are singled out ? If anyone hates gay people because they are “sinners”, they also have to equally hate straight married people who have sex outside of marriage, who cheat on their husbands/ wives. If gay sex has to be criminalized, then cheating on a married partner should be criminalized too. I’m sure the Bible has more to say about adultery than homosexuality. Bible thumpers take note!

    • get over your gender stereotypes. that’s like saying “single parent households are invalid” we don’t make it illegal for single parents to raise kids. why? because we can’t force men and women to raise children together. (not in america anyway). my point here is that plenty of alternative families exist OUTSIDE of homosexual marriage. also “wanting a lot of women” is a lot different than sexual orientation. why would someone chose to be hated, killed, bullied, discriminated against, beat, denied BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS just so they could have sex with someone of their gender? does not compute.

      I would also like to point out that the continent that is most well known for it’s problem with HIV/AIDS on this list where the ban on homosexuality is most prevalent.

      • I bet you only speak, and write English “guest”. I also bet Diana is using English as a second language. I further bet, your the only person in the entire world, who can make a decision as to, who you fancy……….. A point not addressed in what I have read so far, in these posts. People simply do not have the ability to change their sexual orientation on demand. I wonder if we all could do this, would this be a good thing? It would certainly shake up some established view’s. Would you try it out “guest”?

        On a most serious note, if all these named countries were to repeal these draconian laws, do their lawmakers really think, there would be a sudden uptake in their citizens “deciding” to become gay?

  • Colin Stewart–prove to me that they have learned? To me they haven’t. Just because a country thrives–means nothing. And the reason they have not been destroyed is because of God’s love that you have mentioned in your previous posts. But read carefully–and try to understand not with your intellect, but with your conscience; if you read the story of Abraham, when Abraham prayed to God about Sodom & Gomorrah (mainly known for the sin of Sodomy)–for God not destroy the city with the righteous in it as well–God indicated He will not destroy the city if there were even 50 righteous, then it got down to 10–but the city did not have even that–it had less than 10–Lot’s family–which was saved. And the reason why countries thrive is not because of what you have stated–but because of the righteous living in it!! Also read Ecclesiastes 8:11-13, “Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him. But it will not be well with the wicked; nor will he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before God”. People have and will continue to not fear God–but I am not worried about that–I have to worry about my soul and my walk before the Lord Almighty. Since in your previous post, you have stated you are a Christian, tell me where do you see that God approves of homosexuality and does not condemn it to be not a sin? I can assure you that there is no such place in the “Word of the Almighty God”–but there are a NUMEROUS of places–where it is condemned. If you would like the references–please let me know–I will supply. I know homosexuality is a sin, in line with all the other sins–murder, fornification, adultery, lying, using the name of God in vain, worship idolatry…and the list goes on–but those who practice the other sins don’t demand confirmation in public places of their sin, and don’t demand others to conform to their standards, and push their standards on others and their children. That is the biggest difference–therefore, you see a pushback from the Christians on this subject. What Christian—fearing before God—will want their children to be raised in seeing this sin spread like fire on every corner/block/newspaper/radio/TV/organization/store/work…etc—which is what is happening currently? This is my stance as a Christian. And should be yours—since you proclaim to be a Christian as well—but I see that it is not—let God be your judge!

      • Hi Colin!
        I still did not see where you cite that God Almightly approves of homosexuality or blesses a homosexual marriage. I still await a reply to this–if you can, please provide. Thank you!
        As far as Ron Goetz–you are correct, it is “his” Bible. Did you know that Hitler rewrote the Bible to make it say exactly what he wanted–his understanding? Is this where we are going? Maybe, we are not at this point–but we are heading there. If so, look at where Hitler’s sin took him and where he ended. A great philosopher once said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” (George Santyana). Hitler had envey & hatred towards Jews–which was one of his many sins–but he did not want to acknowledge that–he did not want to acknowlegde what he was doing was a sin before God almighty–so the best he could do was to convince others that what he is doing is right and God approves of it. But he couldn’t go against the Word of God–which pronounced his actions and the intents of his heart a sin before God–so he rewrote it–to make himself feel better and look better before others–is this a way out of sin? Why is it hard for mankind to admit that they are wrong–especially, when the Word of God states that it is wrong? People (including some “so called” christians) sit here and try to make excuses by saying…”oh no that is not what that meant to say–it really said this…” Why do they call on that which is “black” white, and that which is “wrong” right? Like I stated before, this is because there is no fear before God almighty! But I know it will be well with those that fear before the Lord and seek Him and His truths and do His Truth! Hitler tried to change the Word of God to say what he wanted it to say…Hitler came and passed…you and I will come and pass…but the Word of God will not pass! It will not stand to be corrected! Even though many try to correct it! It has more authority to me than any law–as it has withstood trials and tribulations and has come through generations, religions, beliefs…etc. And I have seen and still witness Its power in changing the hearts of man! But I also see the adversary (devil) planting his seeds of sin, disbelief, hatred towards the Word of God—and towards God’s children. I agree with the writings of H.E. Phillips, which state the following: “This lifestyle (referring to homosexuality) is being accepted by a large segment of this nation because they think they have changed God to accept this practice. After all, most of them think that God is everywhere and is whatever they think Him to be. God is not affected with the desires of the flesh. That is the reason God is not tempted to do evil. James said: “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man . . .” (James 1:13). But man is led away into sin by his own lusts. “But everyman is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1:14-15).
        We may be facing an increasing hostile society, whose honor and worship of their god of sexual lusts, greed, murder, blasphemy and all ungodliness will cause them to come upon those who believe in and honor the Almighty God in heaven, with great wrath. We may find ourselves in jail. We may find ourselves without any property, without any money, but we had better keep doing what God says for us to do in the way He says to do it. GOD DOESN’T CHANGE! We are not going to change Him or remake Him into some other being because we are undergoing change ourselves. We do not change the compass when we get out to sea and find the compass is not reading like we want it to read. We do not make things right by bending the hand of the compass to make it point where we want it to point. We will not be going in the right way if we do. We do not change the calendar by just writing in another date. We do not change the Word of God by trying to reform God into the image we want Him to be. That is a fatal mistake men are making. If we think the Godhead is like unto gold and silver, and we can change Him at will, we do not have an understanding of God, and we have missed it all the way along: we are reprobates by God’s definition”. To read full version:

        I wish you this kind of understanding—but a man always has a choice and to choose what he desires. Those who love God—will choose God and follow his Truths—those who love something more than God—will end up with what they chose, but they will be without God.
        You will be in my prayers (and if I say I will pray—I will pray!)—if it is not too late…

        • Hi, JS —

          These aren’t mine, and won’t persuade you, I’m sure, but they’re a partial response to your question. Of course the Bible doesn’t say that “God Almightly approves of homosexuality or blesses a homosexual marriage,” since nothing like a committed, loving same-sex relationship existed when those books were written — which is also why it’s false to say that the Bible condemns homosexuals, since passages that you cite are translations into modern language of ancient words that refer to other things, such as temple prostitution.

          1. The Bible says, “Whosoever…”
          2. Jesus never said anything against homosexuality.
          3. We are all equal at the foot of the cross.
          4. Jesus came to save the world, not condemn it.
          5. Salvation is for anyone who asks for it.
          6. God knew who we were before we were born. Or God knew you were gay before you were born, and it was ok then and it’s ok now.
          7. God has plans for all of us — prosperity, a hope and a future.
          8. God is love.
          9. God wants fellowship with us.
          10. God’s church is not a place of spiritual alienation.

          You imply, without evidence, that God created only heterosexuals and that a particularly willful group of them decided to become homosexuals. That’s wrong.

          In a much more minor way, so is your misquotation of my statement about Ron Goetz’s blog. Not me, but you are the one who thinks Ron Goetz has “his” Bible, while you have the real Bible rather than “your” Bible. For me, I see all of us as falling short of what God wants for us, and I don’t think it’s God’s will to imprison those whom God created gay, which is the point of this blog.

          Prayers back at ya.

    • Dear Js…the most affluent countries in the world also have the highest number of atheists and skeptics . Sweden…Norway…
      I guess religion and God…might be preventing economic well being

      • Lol, that is brilliant and very true. Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Canada and the United Kingdom also. Fanatical religion equals economic doom and the complete destruction and devastation of many countries. Spend less time in church reading about made up crap and more time getting a worthwhile education and bettering yourself and your country. We could all learn a lot from the scandavians (Best countries to live in by far) and why because they are logical, intelligent, accepting and trust worthy human beings and all this without religion.

    • The Bible does condemn homosexuality. But how about those devious pork- and shellfish-eating heathens who go to barbershops and get tattoos – all sinful actions mentioned in the Bible, all happening in public places and shamelessly pushed onto our innocent children even as I write this reply? Why do you not go after them with equal vehemency?

      The LGBT folk is not looking to spread gay propaganda and bring down society. They are only informing people of their point of view, hoping that helps them understand and eventually grant them equal human rights – the rights of those who eat shellfish and pork, those who shave their beards and those who get tattoos despite that all those actions are against God’s law.

      • Simple questions for you, the second and third questions are, of course, conditional upon an affirmative answer to those previous to it….
        1. Do you have a child?
        2. Have your child ever behaved in a manner that is in any way disobedient of either you or their other parent?
        3. Have you taken them to the town gates, and met with the town elders to denounce that child as “stubborn and rebellious, and does not obey us. They are a profligate and a drunkard”, then had the entire male population of your town stone your child to death?

        That also happens to be what the Bible requires you and any other sola scriptura Christian to do. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

  • Homosexuality is a habit acquired by little boys and girls playing with each others’ genitals without any control, that occurs in the absence of any supervision by parents, if at all they do have parents living together. It is not a natural aberration.

    • Ram do you really think you control what you find attractive? Do you not think our sexual orientation is inbuilt in all of us at birth? It is something that we simply have no control over, apart from abstention?

    • I as a kid played with other boys and girls doctor style out of curiosity. I ended up straight. And I do not remember ever making a choice. When did you make a choice to be straight?

    • Oh really, I’m gay and I never played with anyone’s genitals until I was a teenager. I was raised by both parents, I was not molested, I don’t hate women, I went to church regularly and all in all I’ve had a very normal childhood. You said, “Homosexuality is a habit acquired by little boys and girls playing with each others’ genitals without any control”. I’m curious, how does one let children play with each others genitals with “control”? What exactly do you do to your kids? Do you say, “ok kids, it’s play time” and then sit and watch, perhaps show them how to do it properly so that they wont become gay? Sounds to me like you’re the only aberration here.

    • You can I believe, just probably best if you don’t go around saying you had sexual intercourse with your same sex partner the night before or what not. Just to be on the safe side.

  • No, Colin, you are correct—you did not persuade me. God did not create homosexuals or lesbians at the beginning, nor did he create them now. He created Adam and created Eve for Adam. He created the foundation. Whether or not you WANT to build upon this foundation, or not–is YOUR CHOICE. But please do not make your choice, God’s choice for you. It will be as saying God created Cain in order to kill Abel and Cain had no choice but to kill Abel. Or He created murderers and killers to kill. Or He created liars…or you might as well state that God created all of the sins on this planet! Your logic proves to me that you do not know God and just make God whatever you want Him to be. I am deeply saddened and offended by the way you view God. But God will stand up for Himself—He does not need anyone to stand up for Him. My mission here is complete. I have stated what I needed to state. God will do the rest.

    • All people have sinful desires because we are wicked and fallen people. However, God does not make someone homosexual any more than he makes someone an alcoholic. Many people have genetic and social dispositions that make them prone to fits of rage or anger. The person born with an anger issue is still unjustified when acting out in their ungodly passion. Homosexuality is blooming in our country due to rampant fornication, broken homes, and child molestation. People are having a massive identity crisis in America. We all need to humble ourselves and fall at the foot of Christ. Open your eyes people of God. Repent. Everyone, not just those struggling with homosexuality.

      • Hi, BBWC —
        Thanks for your inclusiveness, though I’m sure we don’t share the same theology or the same understanding of God’s creation. But we are all in the same boat, as you imply, even if we can’t agree on the description of the boat, of the other passengers or of the captain.
        Colin Stewart
        Editor/publisher of the Erasing 76 Crimes blog

      • There a many other books to read….put the bible away and read some non- fiction….you will discover a whole new world

      • BBWC is right i his thinking as a follower of the bible. People who believe that there is acceptance of homosexuality are deluding themselves and really making a stretch in what they are reading.The bible does unequivocally condemn homosexuality. So its time for gay Christians to throw that hate mongering book called the BIBLE in the trash where it belongs.

      • I agree totally with you. We are a sick, sick society. I can’t believe these people call themselves Catholic.

  • Thank you Colin Stewart for your terrific work at 76 crimes. We have learned so much as a result. You have nurtured several African journalists and provided a forum for their reports, I note all the news we are getting now from Cameroon. For activists like me, you provide a reference source for the latest news on 76 Crimes. You also provide education and motivation for activists like me to work a little harder. A big Thank You.
    Denis from Canada

    • Thank you, Denis. I’m glad to hear that the blog has been helpful. I hope to be keep it up and do more. I’m especially thankful for Eric Lembembe’s work in Cameroon. If you have suggestions for other people who might want to report from other countries among the 76-plus, please let me know.

      — Colin Stewart
      Erasing 76 Crimes blog

  • One reason you should think twice before shouting “Free Palestine.” But by all means, boycott Israel instead, a country not on this list.

    • Not that the Palestinian/Israel issue has a lot to do with this topic… but since you conservatives like to make sure all liberal causes painted together….
      Yes Israel is better about the treatment of homosexuals as well of women.But discrimination begets discrimination. Those in Israel who are homophobic are all the more emboldened by their society’s acceptance of a culture of discrimination.Consequently they are one of the more homophobic “western”nations outside of AmeriKKKa.

      • Any gay man who has lived in Israel, as I have, laughs at the nonsense Maury above spews. Israel is very gay friendly. One has to wonder what is the motivation behind such ludicrous accusations.

      • Like Iftach, I am a gay man who has lived in Israel. That is the most ridiculous comment I’ve read today. You seem to base your allegations on your own prejudices — I urge you to reexamine them. As a gay man who has lived in both countries, there is definitely less homophobia in Israel than America. Perhaps you should read up on issues before making sweeping remarks.

      • Yes thank you colin you make me proud to be a gay man – Ireland it was illegal to be gay until 1987 we have come a long way since with the introduction of civil partnerships and ongoing support for gay people from all ages including the most old fashioned of Irish people. The key success for this was the fact that Ireland stopped doing what the catholic church wanted and instead what the majority of everyday people who practice their religion believe to be right. Which was equality for all in a just and fair society equality is key. We are soon due to have a referendum to change the constitution to allow for gay marriage with latest polls indicating overwhelming support for equal rights with 82% of the population agreeing 100% equality is only right.

        Once again thank you for your input and your support

  • @Colin Stewart. First thing: people or either born homosexual/ bi, they choose it or forced into it. I only sympathize with people born or forced that way because it is a handicap/ mental illness. mental illness is the butch women who walk around all day with a rubber penis strapped to them desperate to feel like a man. Many do that, very sad. However, no matter what the circumstance I treat it the same. I done some research to see how the majority of countries around the world can find the U.S.A oppressive & insensitive for by having the age of consent from 16- 18 yrs old & throw people in jail for not following that law. Majority is below 16 or have no law. Even U.S. friendly Spain & Japan lconsent of 13yrs old. I dont agree with it & I bet U.S wont go to the rest of the worlds standards. This is to discredit your statement that rest of the world should adhere to universal acceptance on homosexuality

    • @ Colin. If U.S. feel confident & secure on the way we govern & will not waiver to the rest of world on certain issue I’m sure other countries have same confidence to govern how they feel. Bottom line people will never war over this. Attcks, theft, genocide, slavery (yeah maybe)

      • Dear Grant,
        I’m not sure what your point is. Do you think that the U.S. is wrong to try to protect children under age 16 from sexual exploitation? Your list of “attacks, theft, genocide, slavery (yeah maybe)” — what does that mean? You think those are OK, or that they’re difficult to eliminate?

        My position is that people should not be imprisoned for who they are, when they are born gay.

        — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • @Colin. I actually feel that 16 is too young. Should be 19, so the U.S is not protecting children. The point is; other countries can veiw the U.S. too laxed on that issue or to strict-just like they can on the homosexual issue. In most cases children are a products of their enviroments examples: if a child grows up in miltary, ivy leage, football, or abusive hateful household they most likely be follow those footsteps. So if children grow up in gay or bisexual household they will be heavily infulenced. Countries have right to make illegal to if they feel such influence is bad, regardless of person is born that way or not. They are protecting the children with theses laws. That’s they primary reason people have problems with practicing homosexuality. People are born with all kinds of urges & fullfilling homosexual ones should land you in trouble.

      • I sorry Colin if I wasnt clear on my previous post. I was saying that it will not change because if its not genocide,slavery,or terrorist attacks countries will not go to war or put sanctions on others- nor should they. Only thing gays can do is boycott

      • Grant… if people’s sexuality is a product of their enviorment. Then why are the vast majority of gays born into straight families? And your implication that to a degree its a choice…. when did you decide to be straight?

      • Maury……”Then why are the vast majority of gays born into straight families?”
        How is it? Well I guess the same way straights are “born” into straight families. Except for artificially getting pregnant how else is being born into going to happen? Other then that still today that vast majority that have children are straight families. Children are being programed every day even if they don’t know about it. They could be influenced by other children and not even know it. There is a lot of images and words that influence people subconsciously.

  • I’m sorry but I just have to ask……What if there is no God? Then all the discussions about homosexuality is just a waste of time and energy, and all this anger, hatred and finger-pointing is
    based on unsubstantiated beliefs. What is wrong with live and let live? Isn’t there enough hatred and hysteria in the world? It seems to me that there are an awful lot of “believers” out there carrying around an awful lot of venom towards those who have different beliefs and/or different interpretations of certain biblical passages. By the way, before you start attacking me, I am not a non-believer as some may have assumed, but I was raised by parents who taught me that it is not my place to judge, to live life with tolerance and compassion and to treat others in the same way I wish to be treated myself. Perhaps some of the energy manifesting in the hostility which is being directed towards a group of people who are simply asking for equality in the eyes of the law could be better used in empathy and self examination. Surely the bible teaches tolerance and understanding?
    Post Script to Colin Stewart: Your measured and sane responses to some, what can only be described as hostile and bigoted messages posted here, is a testament to your character. Keep up the good work.

  • What and wait for u n ur obviously homosexually induced abominations who defy God In their choices and actions.. Not all who do this openly defy God but since u urself are claiming the tolerance of Jesus n yet have none for those trying to uphold Gods feelings on the matter… Abomination n back then they were called sodomites n they don’t give two shits… God created everything in this universe n yet u decide who is what from birth? Make no mistake u can’t stand with God halfway.. Tolerance isn’t sympathising to appease those who have no intrested and put thier needs first… What authority do u have to dictate any knowledge of ur expetise… No one is born homosexual and if u can’t see open ur eyes… Satan is using weak willed ppl like u against his elect.. I commend all u who weren’t afraid .. This is not ur planet nor is it the sodomites either.. Or haven’t u heard.. They found Sodom n gom
    Mora n the story is true.. Ill take Gods word over mans any day of the week… N no I’m not wrong for speaking out against Satan directed demon bred activities pestilences n abdominal acts… Or would u rather cavort with Satan as if to please him… U need to understand the lake of fire awaits all those who defy God n that ur decisions arguments n feeling n whatever else can change… Quit afflicting his creations quit afflicting his children for they just recently came from there… U need to decide for there is no halfway.. For or against God… U can not be in between… God in the past has rewarded rulers who ran the sodomites out of thier kingdom n called them just in his eyes.. N rightly so.. Is not man aware of duality as uve all been shown.. One was not created the way u speak.. Yet u choose to speak for God.. N as those who back him u negate as well .. This world is Gods make no mistake n those faithful to him I commend u for having the courage where one falters In ur midst… U are loved always for u are a friend to God… N do u care Collin to quote ur dogma to his son when he shows? For his son our lord n saviour whom we proudly serve is coming with an iron rod to rule his kingdom with the saints… Dare u oppose that? Since u find not assurance in his word… Be of faith then and turn for there is only God who is the creator of all .. Yah is his name n he and the father n the spirit laid the foundations long before anything else… What master do u serve… Man or God? For God has no tolerance for the obviously wicked for contempt breeds in the heart.. Be not decieved o ye of little faith for thier words may be sweet n upon thier tongues song.. But verily I say unto u thier hearts are elsewhere than on the lord or God… Pleasure of the flesh is a defilement for flesh was made pure to house the temple yet such abominations defile it…actions speak louder than thier words… For those that lust after the flesh ye shall not inherit the kingdom that is to come.. Nor idolators nor decievers nor thieves nor liars nor adulterers nor defilers nor sodomites nor those that like the pharasees who pray so that they may be seen n heard yet in private no holiness be found among him… Seek therefor the son for he is the way truth n life n thru him only shall u come unto God…seek for there is only one who has the power to forgive as he already has died for ur sins once…. Therefor repent of ur transgressions so that u may be found n made worthy in sight of the father son n holy spirit …be forewarned God is watching at all times n sees all.. There is nothing that remains hidden in his sight.. There is nothing he doesnt know… N nothing he can’t hear… Be mindful therefor of ur works n in ur deeds n let them be in accordance to n with the creator n his order not mans.. For time is but a fleeting thing… N for God u do not speak therefor stand in his word for his word is truth n life

  • I was just thinking n I say this with a heavy heart.. I remember when smoking was a thing till a biased activist decided he knew what was best for everybody else.. He didn’t care what they thought only as long as he got his way… Well push came to shove with them throwin stones… N it started with no smoking in public places that had it before n when they went for it.. It spiralled out of control n do u think that was enough? Give them an inch n they’ll take a foot.. They keep pushing.. Continually ppl like me get taxed way beyond what any of u pay n are they satisfied ? No cuz they want it banned completely n keep harassing till they get thier way.. Take a look at new York n that should give u an example of out of control ppl n what happens when u resort to extremes n yet who is it a better life for? How does any of it get better? It doesnt… One group will have thier way n the other won’t be free for the same will happen each time it does n so I say… Ok u guys get ur way.. What then.. Do u stop n celebrare? N just go home cuz u won? I remember when they apitones civil unions for same sex couples.. Think it was over then n yet they still cried fowl… Wanted more so then it was harrassment laws got enacted n ud think it was over n yet they cried fowl… Then gays in the military n free to be open about that.. Same thing n ud think it was over n yet they cried fowl.. Then it was churches n birth control n all that so against the churches belief they are now forced to offer birth control tho state n church are supposed to be separate but they pushed and forced the church to go against it’s belief… N yet again they cried fowl.. Next was chick fil a n just because someone expressed a view at work it got blown way outta proportion n got thier way n yet again they still cried fowl… Lol just realized I’ve been spelling foul as fowl .. Sorry guys.. Anyways.. So now it’s to marriage n equal rights n nothing was decided for all fifty state n they managed to get a few states but still cried foul.. Do u see the pattern here n yet I wonder cuz I can’t freely smoke n now they tell me where n what place I can n I’m the one who is living free? Made it better how? Theyll push as they did for the smoking ban n they still harass us smokers n no one cares I’m the enemy to the public now… So fine u get ur way.. What then? What’s next? Schools .. Homes… Rewrite every last history book to ur liking? After that what then cuz it never stops n it never ends.. What is going to satisfy u? When will it ever be enough…? N while u get ur way each time how does it make things better? The only thing is uve eliminated anything opposing outside urself but when ur at the top of the mountain n there is no more .. N there’s nothing left to do cuz uve changed it all.. What then? I say this cuz when they take each time they push more as well.. U can change the laws u can forcé them to bow u can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.. So I ask u got what u came for .. Is my freewill next? Until it’s showcase wil cuz I tell u if u thought them getting locked up cuz thier gay is bad? What when the tables have turned? N I know everytime when i state to ppl if they wanna be gay fine but I’m not gay cuz I don’t live that way n I get called every name in the book as if I’m supposed to love n respect thier freewill but am I not entitled to live mine ? So my friend why then if that’s the case am I even alive for cuz apparently there is no place for ppl like me here n I can’t live freely n since they won’t stop till there are laws against ppl like me not being gay.. Funny thing about power.. Humans can’t seem to handle it… So as u say in fifty years anything anti gay will be a thing of the past… So exactly who is going to be free in a world then.. ? Forced n subjected will be for those who aren’t gay… n doesn’t sound like much of a world cuz ppl will be enslaved… Forced to accept cuz that’s the way the world works now n Im sad cuz my daughter won’t have a future nor I.. I don’t foresee any kind of a future… What then is the point? U all fight n no one wins till everyone is miserable n freedom is gone so tell me why be alive? There is no point.. I had freewill n yet this world seems to think it’s theirs not mine… Same with my kid… So what am I alive for .. I have no true choice n I’m hated for even existing… I can’t think freely so how then can there be life? If u cant grow or have room to do that freely? I’m here with a heavy heart cuz I’m done n can’t go no further… Fuck every single one of u… Why bother.. U don’t care u don’t live peacefully.. U don’t love n u all want ur own way… I’ve been judged by all of u… This entire world has done nothing but make my life a shitty exsistence… Then again save ur apologies n respite cuz why bother.. It’s not ur life so why care now…? Why pretend to care at all? I can’t live I have to struggle harder than any of u n In the shit n swallor I scroung for what little s raps u ppl even manage to leave.. N u sit In ur luxury houses n drive ur fancy cars n bitch bitch bitch cuz o no ur not happy… Fuck u all to ur unhappyness u have no idea or the faintest clue what it’s like to struggle In a world that takes n gives nothing in return…I would love to see u all go thru how my life is .. Have urself taken at birth from ur parents then never able to find them then told thier dead.. Then go thru being harassed n bullied all ur life.. Thrown in jail numerous times n prison for stuff u didn’t even do.. Then deal with a whole slew of relationships of cheaters lists n deceit n finally one fucking day I became a dad n I’ve tried protecting her since.. I get judged for being a parent n judged for how u
    I parent n judge cuz I must not act like one.. I don’t get told I’m a good dad n I get doors slammed in my face when I look for work.. The little money I manage to scrounge for me n my kid n what little money we get from food stamps I’m only able to feed my daughter for a week n a half so I don’t eat n she gets to eat three n a half weeks n yet on top of daily hunger I see ppl fucking complain… O wah wah my poor this n they get in thier 20,000 dollar car n drive away… N they go to thier fancy fucking homes cuz all my life I ain’t never had shit.. I only had dreams n dreams are all I got n yet there is no future cuz the trays I have to dig thru to get my smokes then what change I manage to find so I can roll the tobacco I find just to smoke so the hunger goes away n all I hear is ppl bitching… I already know I don’t have much.. I don’t think my kid will even get a chance at college the way shit is goin… N yet ppl fucking bitch o fucking poor ole me… Wah wah… There isn’t going to be a future so why do u care… None of u love… None of u care so why? None of u are happy n u don’t get along.. The youth are gettin restless n the old are dying off…n yet u all still negate n u hate… Y don’t u all just stop living in the illusion.. Stop living the lie u call life? Life means u could live but how can u? Now a days u can’t even do that.. So why care cuz u know for a fact it doesn’t matter to any of u… Why even bother…there is just no point.. To it all.. Anymore

  • Dear Colin,
    I was doing some research about gay rights, but now I really want to thank you for what you do.
    Because reading some of the comments made me sick. I don’t know how you can deal with all these comments full of hatred and intolerance.
    The only thing that comforts me is to look back and remember that my grandmother couldn’t vote when she was young because she was a woman, that some interracial couples couldn’t get married only few decades ago in some countries, and put things into perspective.
    For my grand-father, homosexuality was a crime.
    For my father, it was an illness.
    For me, it just shows the beautiful diversity and complexity of humanity..
    Moral perceptions evolve in societies, and people can like it or not, they will have to deal with it. I’m sure that even now we can find people who are against women’s right to vote! 🙂
    Again, thank you for what you do, I wish you good luck.
    From a heterosexual French girl glad to see her country legalizing same-sex marriage!

    • Dear Anna,

      Thanks! Your kind words are encouraging. It’s good to remember that progress has been made.

      By the way, feel free to tell me if any of the French-language versions of the blog’s articles need to be adjusted to eliminate errors in the language. Or, if you’re super-enthusiastic, feel free to translate some of the English-only articles into French and I’ll publish them too. [But I expect you’re too busy for that.]

      Again, thanks.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Dear Colin, I am a bit shocked by reading all these comments from people.

    You are doing an amazing job here. I hope a lot of people leaving these messages do indeed stay in all day/night writing these misinformed opinions. I wouldn’t like my kids meeting them!

    Our family is surrounded by a great mixture of multicultural friends and different sexual orientations and all that is just part of our daily life, I wouldn’t change it.

    We all should have the right to be who we are and I will boycott these places with my family.

  • Dear Colin,do LGBT people hate religious people?Religious people like christian, muslim,etc.I know it out of topic.But I’m very curious about it. I just want to know.I hope you answer my question.

  • Colin, You have the patience of a saint. The way you kindly reply to your ignorant self righteous critics, so convinced that somehow God supports their intolerant, judge mental hatred of those not like themselves is beyond what I could achieve. I truly admire and commend you.

    • Thanks, Peter. It helps a lot that I don’t have to respond to nasty commenters immediately. I can count to ten, several times, then think for a while about how to respond most humanely.

  • As-salaamu ‘alaikum / Peace be with you Colin, I applaud you for the efforts that you put forth on this subject which stirs up so much hatred and hostility. Please keep up with the work of enlightening those who are not so enlightened. You articles are always full of information that a lot of people are not aware of. What I do not understand is why those who are so anti-gay come to your site here to belittle those who want a harmonious world.

    Please forgive my wording and punctuation, I sustained I brutal head injury while in the military so I may not always write what I am thinking, I try very hard to edit what I post so that I don’t get too carried away.

    Thanks for your efforts.

    Shelly Ann,
    A Proud American and Veteran (1969-94)
    Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam (Unity through diversity and knowledge).
    LPN/ret, HM2c(FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, CWVet, VNeVet, GWVet, DAV/VFW Life Member


    Dear Colin here is a picture in which it shows the ways “straight” couples be little our god. How can they jump on the bandwagon and belittle gay people for wanting equality.

    ” A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin, If the wife is not a virgin she shall be executed” – Deuteronomy 22:13-21.

    How many of those who seem to deny the rights to gay people to have a “civil marriage” can say they where virgins before getting married? I mean if we are supposed to live by the bible and its exact word shall we start stoning now? or when is the right time to start?.

    I believe that a lot of progress has been made globally even here in my own country of Ireland – Homosexuality was decriminalized in 1987 and now we have civil partnerships gay people are free to express themselves in public often seen walking round holding hands like straight couples have done for many years. Gay Irish people are protected by the Irish state with politicians from Sinn Fein, Labour, Fine Geal, all supporting equality for all. The current Government of the Republic of Ireland has pledged a Referendum to change the constitution in order to allow marriage equality before 2015. Recent polls suggest 73% of Irish people support marriage equality. Pretty amazing considering the year i was born it was a crime to be gay and punishable by imprisonment.

    Thank you for your work Colin its greatly appreciated i personally think you are a role model to society. Thank you GOD for people like Colin may god bless you and your family.

    My last word is haters they gonna hate. But people who have a kind heart and love one and other will always have this. So let the haters hate at the end of the day its them with the problem not us .

  • Prosecuting me for being a lesbian is no different then prosecuting anyone for being heterosexual both are wrong I don’t want everyone in the world to believe that homosexuality is okay and god has no problem with it that will never happen if I want freedom of speech religion beliefs I feel those with views and opinions different to mine are entitled to the same I do not wish to force my beliefs on anyone I just want us all to be able to coexist and not infringe on each others rights but hate creates more hate there are ignorant and hateful straight gay white black people I choose to not let it affect me the people who have posted angry things on here must have encountered an ignorant homosexual so in turn become the ignorant heterosexual who creates another ignorant homosexual cause and affect people coexist its about our civil rights if they can dictate who I can and can not love successfully how long do you think all of the things you do will be legal don’t agree with me I have my own relationship with god and I know and love myself I dont want you to agree with me I want you to respect my right to have a different opinion than you as I respect but disagree with yours and I don’t think you should be imprisoned or killed or kept from getting a job if your a heterosexual racist disagree with me in any way or think I’m going to yell so why should I or any other homosexual be imprisoned ect

  • I agree with the laws against homosexuality and gay propaganda. The western cultures have turned into a disgusting pit of sin and vice, due in many respects to gay propaganda. I hate swishy homosexuals, and all people are flamboyant about their sexual practices

    • Dear Daniel,

      Your comment makes it sound as though you would like to imprison people merely because their personal preferences are different from yours. That’s harsh as well as self-centered.

      And do you really think that “gay propaganda” is a major cause of the problems of Western nations? I suggest that you think more deeply about the roots of the problems of the West, the East, the North and the South.

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Being gay is not a choice! It is no abnormal either…. And not every gay person is obsessed with sex. Some don’t have sex at all. It is homophobic people like you idiots who obsess over gay sex because you obviously don’t know what love is. You should love people for who they are not because of their gender, colour, religion etc. gay people don’t attempt to recruit people either. This is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. You can’t turn someone gay any more than you can make someone heterosexual. Records of same sex marriage between men and men and women and women go as far back as the ancient Egyptians. Jesus wasn’t the son of god either he was a very influential person who people made stories up about to try and control society.

  • Id say before the final chapter is written that russia will be a better country to live in then america and more free.

      • Hiding in your closet is whats sickening and using homophobia as a way to hide who you really are come on steeve come out of that closet and stop being a total nob

      • Yep, it not natural like driving a car, flying a plane, scuba diving, eyeglasses, ice cream, jello, nuclear weapons……

        I once had a gay couple as next door neighbors. I was shocked by what I saw when I looked out my kitchen window. They were MOWING THE LAWN and TENDING THEIR GARDEN and WASHING THEIR CAR!!! Why they even…*GASP*….UNLOADED GROCERIES FROM THE CAR!!! Oh the HORRORS!! If we let this “gay lifestyle” continue, there is no telling what will happen!! Why they might even….*gulp*…PAINT THE HOUSE!!!!!!

        You people make me proud to be Canadian!

    • OK, Steeve, I invite you to immigrate to Russia and enjoy the enormous freedoms and economic advantages that they have there. Just so you know, I’d check to see what the HIV infection rate is in your new country before getting a transfusion or other invasive medical care there. Of course, I’m sure that God will protect you from any illness since it won’t be in His will for you to get a “gay” disease. I hope that assurance will give you comfort in your medical treatments. As you’re relocating please invite the people from this website, who believe as you do that the USA is going downhill due to the acceptance of gays, to go with you. I’m certain that President Putin will welcome each of you with open arms and a great job offer.

      I am a born-again Christian who is gay and I love the USA where I live. In my 55+ years of life I have NEVER tried to “convert” anyone, much less a youth, that they give up heterosexuality and pursue a gay lifestyle. For years as an adult I went to counselors and prayed for 30 years to become heterosexual. After praying until I almost had a nervous breakdown, I realized that God’s will for my life revolves around being gay and helping anyone who comes to me to accept his or her gayness. I can swear I never chose to be gay–I was born gay.

      Based on comments like yours, it hurts me to see so many well-intended people be clouded by Satan and his minions into believing that gayness is a sin. I ask you to pray Satan out of your lives and accept your gay brothers and sisters in Christ’s love. Remember you might be included with the other people you believe are committing sins listed by Paul, e.g., gluttony (that includes many past and present portly televangelists), liars (even those white lies remember!), adulterers (hmmmm, remember, this includes thoughts guys!), drunks (remember those high school/college days??), slanderers (I’m sure you’ve never said bad things about someone) or robbers (this includes robbing the government of taxes around April 15th!).

      I wish everyone the best and hope I don’t have my head chopped off for my comments. Thanks for this site and the openness of expression on here. My prayers are with everyone tonight.

  • I am not sure what is more upsetting to me. The list of countries on here OR the amount of awful comments that follow. It breaks my heart to think of how incredibly HATE-FILLED some people can be. It is uncalled for and just upsetting. There is no need for it. The LGBT community of this world just wants to be able to be themselves and love who they wish to love. I will never understand people that want to deny that right. Whether you agree with it or not, its not YOUR life and therefore not YOUR place to deny them happiness, safety and love. Shame on the people that seem to think that hate is the way to live their lives.

    • darleneg77, you have a funny understanding of the word “hate.” Let’s break it down, John Elton I know is gay and is “hated” for that but if he wasn’t, then he wouldn’t be the subject of hatred in that regard. So, it is the act and not the person that we disapprove. I am certain you hate rape, murder, terrorism, armed robbery, awful comments et al. Does that make you a hater in your estimation? I assure you there is good and evil and we can all take pleasure and liberty in indulging in either but others too have the right to interpret and treat them for what they are just like they do those who delight in doping without your express solidarity.

  • Steeve, i’m disabled, a wheelchair users. Thats not natural either but I can’t help how i am. Do you hate me as much as you clearly hate gay people or is it just certain types of “unnatural” you hate. How do you define unnatural BTW.

    • Oh this one I will respond to……

      Peter, sorry to hear that you are in a wheelchair.

      Unnatural is defined as something occurring in nature. The problem is that it is occurring way too often. The description should be changed from unnatural to disgusting. Disgusting means “Arousing revulsion or strong indignation”. That is what the gay community brings out in many. You made a choice to be in a wheel chair? Did you do something illegal or immoral that led to you being in that wheel chair? Not exactly comparing apples to apples are you.

      For me, it is simple. One of the main issues of federal recognition of gay marriage is all about benefits and money. Way the federal government is discriminatory against single people and punishes them more due to a higher tax rate. I say take away ALL tax benefits, everyone pays 10% regardless of marital state and children. This takes away one of the big incentives to them to rush to get marriage.

      The only think I look forward to is that future queen divorce on television. should be more entertaining that the OJ trial.

      I wish my time on earth was over before the SCOTUS decision was out. Hate this country and what it has become. Ashamed to be part of it anymore.

  • I’ve been reading a lot of these comments and I need to say this! First of all if any of you read the treaty of Tripoli you would know that the USA was not founded a Christian nation. Humans are one of 1600+ other animals observed to engage in homosexual behaviour. People are born with a certain orientation and trying to make them change that orientation is not healthy and has been denounced by the psychiatric community has an invalid and dangerous practice. Disagreeing with gay rights is like the nazis disagreeing with the Jew being born Jews. Someone who is born having a homosexual preference needs to still be able to love whoever they want regardless. The line in the bible that is most famous for denouncing homosexual behaviour is up there with don’t were two mixed fabrics or don’t have mixed gardens or put a fence around your roof. You can have your religion but realize that if you believe in God you believe he doesn’t make mistakes and he makes gay people. If homosexuality was a sin and god makes no mistakes than why would he create gay people. Don’t say because it is a choice! If you do then tell me in details when you decided to be straight!

    • I could be wrong, been wrong many times, but I don’t think anyone says God made a mistake any more then he did when someone is born with a cleft pallet or born conjoined. Its a matter of genetics but even so does it make it right?
      I don’t know which ‘famous’ line your talking about but the ‘don’t wear two mixed fabrics’ is explained thus:”These and other prohibitions were designed to forbid the Israelites to engage in fertility cult practices of the Canaanites. The Canaanites believed in sympathetic magic, the idea that symbolic actions can influence the gods and nature…. Mixing animal breeds, seeds, or materials was thought to “marry” them” so as magically to produce “offspring,” that is, agricultural bounty in the future.” Some of what is in the Bible is time and place specific. I’ve also read that mixing these two fabrics can be unhealthy on how they react together.

  • These disgusting and bigoted people such as many of those whom have commented are the exact reason I am an anti-theist. I hope you may all drown in your hypocrisy. Maybe you’ll be reincarnated into something more pleasant; like a cockroach.

  • Unbelief and Its Consequences

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

    Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

    For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

    And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil,disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

    • Hi, “Romans Eighteen” —

      Perhaps you didn’t notice that Romans 1, which you quote, sets up Romans 2, which calls for mercy rather than a judgmental attitude. Romans 2 turns the tables, stating that people who pass judgment on the basis of Romans 1 have condemned themselves in the process:

      “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”

      As I’ve said before: Let’s be merciful.

      – Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

    • No let us not be merciful. I say we take Roman Eighteen to a therapist; it would seem he has an abnormal amount of hate and ignorance. I am sorry you are so mentally impaired, Roman.

  • Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?

    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

    All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. Food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food, but God will do away with both of them. Yet the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. Now God has not only raised the Lord, but will also raise us up through His power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “The two shall become one flesh.” But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

    • Fact: A lot has changed in a 100 years regarding homosexual rights. A lot more will change in the next 100 years. Peoples opinions have changed and will continue to change more and more as time goes by. More and more people , governments, countries , organizations and religions will be accepting towards homosexuals in the future. It’s going to happen whether religious groups moan and complain about it or not. Tick tock. It’s happening every second.

  • Hey guys, I have been reading and thinking about all these posts for the last hour. My husband has too and we’ve been talking with a very open mind about everything that’s been said on this blog. We have left out all emotion and prejudice from our conversation to try and understand why so much hate has come out of this and quite frankly we can find no reason for it.
    We live in South Africa. We have been married for almost 2 years but have been together for almost 5 years.

    In our country we as gay men have the same rights as everybody else. We are treated like “normal” people. Nobody cares that we are gay. We do not promote that fact that we are gay but then again we don’t try to hide it either.
    We live our lives like everybody else. We do our jobs, we go out for dinner, we wash our car, feed our pets, and we pay our taxes. The only time we make a point of not showing affection to one another is when there are children close by and the reason for this is because we think it is unfair to parents to force them to have to explain matters of a sexual nature to their kids before they think the time is right.

    Before 2006 it was illegal for gay people to get married. We had our protests and pride marches and there was a lot of angry words and several gay bashings but as soon as we were protected and treated like everybody else it stopped. Yes, there is the odd gay bashing here and there and every now and then some religious leader says something in a public forum that upsets us but on the whole we get to go about our lives unscathed from homophobia and life is good for us.

    This is all after 2006.
    Before 2006……

    Before our rights were “granted” to us gay men and women lived in total fear. Having your homes burned to the ground and being gang raped, (corrective rape), was the norm for us. We had to find “girlfriends” and live unhappy lives. Men and women were thrown into jail and repeatedly raped and left to rot. Most of us have scars on our wrists from suicide attempts or we have rope burn marks around our necks. For me, I have problems with my liver and kidney from the damage done by the meds I used to overdose as well as many scars on my writs. I survived and I am glad I did.

    What most of the haters don’t know is what personal hell we went through and some times still go through when we discover that we are gay.
    As a small child, age 6 to 10 we know that we don’t fit in. We don’t know why but we don’t really care that much because we are so little and there are cool cartoons to keep your mind off for a while. Then from 11 to 14 we discover that everyone else likes girls. We don’t know why but we think to ourselves, one day things will change. Then puberty really sets in and we discover that we like boys. At first we don’t understand it as it presents its self as a form of hero worship. Later it becomes a full out sexual lust that we can’t control, pretty much the same as straight boys of the same age.

    Then our personal trip to hell begins.
    Now we know we are gay. We hate it, we despise it and will do anything to change it because everyone we know hates gays. We turn to the bible, we force ourselves to look at straight porn and we get girlfriends because we convince ourselves that the right girl will change us. We make sure that we do the “straight” activities and “man up” as much as possible……….but it doesn’t go away. EVER !

    By the time we are 16 the self loathing becomes so overpowering that we lash out at everyone and when that doesn’t work we turn to God one more time. God does nothing and the fact that He did nothing makes us believe that we are the ugly things that the bible and family say that we are…….so we try to kill ourselves. The sad thing is that most kids don’t survive. Those that do face an even worse reality.

    From 16 to about 20 we make peace with the fact that we are gay an that there is nothing we can do about it. We are left with two choices, 1,come out and deal with what ever happens or 2, lie, find a wife and be miserable for the rest of our lives.

    Choice 1, The consequences of coming out vary. In my case I was lucky and was accepted immediately by my family and friends. They treated me exactly the same as before. Most gay people are not so lucky, most of them get kicked out of their homes and are disowned by their families. They are forced to live on the streets and become prostitutes and thieves. Most die from drug overdose or from hypothermia or will spend the rest of their lives in prison. Some of the really unfortunate ones are beaten to death.

    Choice 2. Most of these men and women become nasty angry people. They do what is expected of them but on the odd occasion when the craving gets too much they will go find sex with men and women in dangerous places. Most times no protection is used and they get sick. They also makes their wives and husbands sick. So many people have died from AIDS because of this.

    Now you know what we go through, the point I’m trying to make is this; because gay men and women have the freedom and protection that we do it South Africa we have become happier people. We no longer have to fear homophobia. We no longer feel like freaks. We get the same benefits as straight people and we can live our lives in peace. That’s all we ever wanted.
    Teenagers don’t hurt then selves anymore. We are no longer part of a marriage we shouldn’t in in the first place and churches no longer tell us that God hates us. All this because of 2 laws. First law, no one may discriminate against us. Second law, we are aloud to marry who ever we want. The second things changed for us ALL the propaganda went away.

    This is what ALL American gay people want. This is what ALL gay people world wide want and NOTHING more. Now put yourself in our shoes, would you not want to fight for these rights as well?

  • I’ve spent a rather large sum of my time reading these comments and I’ve come to the conclusion that most people either have an aggressive tendency towards people different than themselves or that they have a creeping fear of humanity becoming extinct. Let’s be honest, regardless of your religious disposition, humans will eventually fade away, like most other species that has ever existed. Just look at what we do to our environment: We use up all of our resources, pollute our rivers, air, overpopulate, abuse other species, etc. If you think about it, homosexuals and lesbians are rather eco-friendly as they help keep our population in check (assuming that they do not reproduce). To me, they’re very human, much more human than some of the violent people I’ve heard about that kill people or harm others due to their sexual orientation. In addition, homosexuality is not an illness as it can be interpreted as a higher form of love, rather than mindless lust (in my opinion). In addition, I would like to see your references as to where you’ve read that homosexuality is an illness from a reputable source. A study where it is not shady, nor religiously biased and is relatively recent (as in the past 20 years, give or take). As a last thought, I really hope that the number of countries that incriminate homosexuals will decrease and that our own neighbors will wake up one day that god (if it exists) is less tolerant towards hateful, ignorant people that he is to same-sex couples.

  • Dear commenters,
    I’ve deleted a few comments that ended up way off topic, sending the string of comments into an argument about abortion and human rights. Whoa!
    — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • The same thin lipped,pale skinned,blue eyed devils that brought us Slavery and Apartheid and along with that rapes, savage beatings, atrocious murders now want to bring us this western disease called homosexualilty? No thank you!!

    • Dear Yal,

      As one of those thin-lipped, pale-skinned, blue-eyed NON-devils, descended from some of the folks (or distant relatives of some of the folks) who definitely did some bad stuff in Africa, I’d say you’re pretending to be blind to what Africans can do both right and wrong entirely on their own. Sure, the British empire gave Africa its anti-homosexuality laws, but you seem to be embracing them as your own, without regard to the grievous harm they do to Africans.

      And don’t pretend that homosexuality was a Western invention! Gay rights, maybe; democracy, sure; but homosexuality, no. It’s common on every continent and in every race.

      Have a nice day,
      Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

    • My family were jailed for helping fight against apartheid. My husband and I are known in our area to be the people you need to go to if you’re black and need help. Be careful when you label people Yal, we live in a different world now. I may be ashamed of what my ancestors did to the African people but I am not ashamed to be a white South African man. I am proud of who I am and what we do. As for the “disease” part, educate yourself!

  • What does homosexuality has to do with poverty? You white people brought Christianity in Africa with Bibles in your hands, you made us abandon our gods telling us Jesus is the only way. I’m very surprised that you are denying Him now. Who is Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu? Are they God my Creator? They will die and be buried like any other person, and I’m not accountable to them, but I am to God. God’s laws never change, they are absolute. Can you tell me why people always change laws and sometimes adopt the ones they had rejected? If you can’t punish homosexuals, why do you jail murderers, robbers, those accused with rape, etc. Let them be because it is how they want to live their lives and that’s how they are created, right? Nobody should be in jail because according to your laws of democracy everyone is free to do what pleases him or her, no one is therefore to be condemned and be jailed. Serve the devil because we know homosexuality is one of His plans to ruin God’s people and leave us alone to serve God and remain poor.

  • Some of what has been written here does make sense, I don’t hate LGBT people, I don’t wish or pray for them to die, we all die in our appointed time. I also don’t think their lifestyle is good or normal for any Country as concerns laws and rights. My view on this is because adults who “choose” to engage in same sex it is of no interest to me. However when it opens the door for every other sexual choice to become ” a human right or equal right ” it does concern me. If it is deemed to be normal and a equal right by a Country to be LGBT and it may be, isn’t it just as normal for those humans who choose to have sex with a child under the age of puberty or for that matter with an animal or your mother or father or any other related person you decide is the right choice for you? I suppose you will say I am wrong that would never happen. Well inter-racial marriage would NEVER be made lawful, being openly LGBT would NEVER be accepted let alone be allowed to marry that also would NEVER happen, but it has. Is it such a stretch to see where this path leads. I know right now there are Countries that sell their daughters into marriage with adult men for a price, in those places our Country will say ” horrible, unacceptable, cruel ” in our own Country is was legal to own and sell people, they were treated well some places but they were slaves none the less, it took several lifetimes to fix that terrible decision. There were also those who came here because they borrowed money and were bound to the lender until the debt was paid most of them were Caucasian or Asian but they were also used as slaves because the “lender” had a signed paper. How many lifetimes do you think this door the LGBT supporters are sticking their feet into to pry moral behavior out of our Constitution and replace it with “equal rights and human rights” will take? For hundreds… no thousands of years there have been LGBT people, it was considered either sinful or at the very least something you only let very close family and friends know. As far as I know there have been very few killings because of their sexual preferences. More killings have happened because of heterosexual relations. All this hoopla is over one thing. Government benefits and insurance coverages, and the need to be accepted. Just because a Government accepts your lifestyle it still won’t make you all happy it will only open the door for the other problems mentioned. As for the Countries on your list, If you win them over it will be by overtaking their Countries, or paying off the current rulers. Those poor people have enough problems if you feel you must interfere in those Countries why don’t you spend your time and money helping the poor to be educated so they may rise above ignorance and if they choose to follow your path at least they will be able to decide whether they accept your lifestyle.

    • Hi, Denise —

      Thanks for your lengthy comment. A couple of your thoughts call out for responses.

      You say, “If it is deemed to be normal and a equal right by a Country to be LGBT … isn’t it just as normal for those humans who choose to have sex with a child under the age of puberty or for that matter with an animal?” Well, no. There’s a crucial difference between sexual relations with a consenting adult and sexual relations with one that does not have the ability to consent, such as a child or animal. That’s like saying that eating bacon should be outlawed, because if bacon-eating were legal, what would keep people from eating each other?

      You also say regarding LGBT people that “there have been very few killings because of their sexual preferences.” That’s very, very incorrect. For the U.S., the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs recently reported 25 anti-gay hate-crime homicides last year. Elsewhere the numbers are much higher. In Brazil, for example, an organization tracking violence against LGBT people reported 118 anti-gay homicides so far this year.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Dear Colin,
    Thank you for your website and the work you are doing.
    My partner and I travel for vacations a decent amount, and we try to only visit countries (and thus spend money and help the local economy) where there are not gay/human rights atrocities (I would say all of the 76+ countries fall into the “atrocities” category).
    I am wondering if you know why there is not a stronger push to boycott travel to these countries, both by members of the LGBT community and also by our many allies around the world. Any thoughts/ideas? Heck, I’d love to do something myself about it, but would have thought it is already being done, just don’t see it.
    Thanks, and again, thank you what you are doing for the world.

    • In Europe, U.S., Canada, etc., I believe people have been focused elsewhere. In the 76 oppressive countries, activists don’t want to step forth perilously and call for a boycott of their own countries.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Just wanted to wish you patience and prosperity. I’m thankful to read every answer you give to the comments.

  • Im a gay 17 year old and I am just deeply saddened by how the world is run today.I am growing up in a world where loving who I want is found disgusting by many! I am growing up with hate already builiding inside me to the intolerance that is going on around me. I want to live in a world where being LGBT is ok. I honestly DO NOT understand peoples stance on being LGBT it’s not like were pushing it upon everyone that we see!

  • Everyone should have a right to live by personal conviction. It’s called free will and was instituted by God. But one’s belief should never be forced on another. That applies to gays, as well as to Christians. If a Christian has a spiritual conviction against same sex marriage or abortion, we’re called homophobic and ignorant. Where is tolerance for someone’s basic right, that being religious freedom? It’s being lost in this country. If a Christian can’t embrace same sex marriage or abortion, that is his right. We are not disagreeing because we’re hateful or ignorant or fearful. It’s spiritual conviction and our interpretation of scripture. Noone has a right to interpret that for us or to violate it. Christian conscience is one’s God given right and should not be misconstrued as anything else.

    • Dear Alena,

      When you say that “one’s belief should never be forced on another,” it sounds as though you’re focusing on debates in the United States or in Europe, where those who believe in the right to marriage equality have been winning in the battle about which set of beliefs should be the basis for marriage laws (and where the beliefs of opponents of same-sex marriage have previously been the basis for forcing those opponents’ preferred laws on others.)

      But this blog is about the human toll of anti-homosexuality laws in 76-plus countries where anti-homosexuality beliefs lead to the forced imprisonment of LGBT people for loving whom they love. That’s an outrageous version of forcing one’s beliefs on others.

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart
      Editor of this blog

      • Collins, sincerely I think your job here on your blog is to mislead these so called lgti Please I will advice you to seek the truth and change your ways. Just an advice. My people perish from lack of knowledge. I notice you always feel like a hero thinking you counter every comments made here by some anti-gays. Please seek God and save your souls, also advice the rest. Your are indirectly aiding the destruction of this world created by God. Thanks

  • It is sad that gays are tormented in other countries.
    But I think a person must not be killed because his or her sexuality whether gay or straight. It is wrong. However, this doesn’t mean I support homosexuality. I don’t support any organization that promotes homosexuality. Everyone has the right to live whatever life-style he or she desires, as long as the person does not commit a crime.

  • tormenting gay people is wrong.
    Human life to me is very precious.
    I still stand on my views of not supporting homosexual organizations in America.

    • sure, tell that to the innocent little boys that were molested by a man. tell me this, why is there not one documented case of a heterosexual man molesting a little male child? if he was heterosexual, he would not be molesting little boys. if a man molests a male child it is because he is a homosexual and prefers the same sex. eventually, organizations like NAMBLA will get their wish thanks to the liberals. just sayin . . . . .

      • Dear Frankie,

        I’m not sure what point you’re making. Yes, there are homosexuals who do horrible things, just as there are heterosexuals who do horrible things. Do you think that all homosexuals should be imprisoned because some are pedophiles? Do you think that all heterosexuals should be imprisoned because some are rapists? As I said, I miss your point.

        As I’ve said before, these issues are easy to battle back and forth on an abstract level, but that’s not the way to make progress in understanding what’s really at stake. Please get to know several LGBT people. Many are good folks. You would like them.

        All the best,
        Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Do you have any idea why there was that massive case of molestation in the Catholic church a few years ago? It was because there were priests who were gay but believed in god and their religion. To them it was shameful to be gay so instead of loving other consenting adults they decided to do it with children in their care. And in any case, there are married men who have molested young boys. It is not a problem with homosexuality rather a problem of acceptance.

      • Actually, there have been cases where straight men molest young boys. Sometimes, they associate these boys with themselves at a crucial age in their development – perhaps an age where they witnessed a traumatic event. Sometimes, it can be about control and dominance, like prison rape.

        So, you know…yeah.

  • crimes and murder against gay people is wrong.
    Different people have different views about life, and we must respect that.
    We all need to apply golden rule to everyone.
    I am 100% heterosexual. I love women.
    homosexuality is a choice for those who desire the unnatural ( male with male).

    • Dear Laventure Alix,

      Did you choose to be heterosexual, or were you born that way?
      If you chose, please describe the process of making that choice of which people to be attracted to.
      Or, if you were born heterosexual, then do you think that it’s not a choice for heterosexuals but is a choice for homosexuals?

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • I believe the Bible and it says God created one man and one woman to be together. If so then we would be born heterosexual but choose to be otherwise. Putting a side as your are right this about how people are treated I think another quote, this was about an adulterous woman: John 8:7 So when they continued asking him (Jesus), he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
        I would not wish any harm on others just because of their life choice. ‘For all have sin and come short of the glory of God’ OTH how many people are jailed and treated bad just because of a plant they choose to enjoy? Almost every country besides Amsterdam and Portiguel and some state here lock people for enjoying the flowering bud of a cannabis plant. This is not right either.

      • yes, I chose to be heterosexual and yes I was born with it. I believe that God made men and women to have marital sexual intercourse ( ).The process of choosing to love women, is when I saw female bodybuilding, which made me more attractive to women. whats not a choice for heterosexuals and homosexuals is paying bills and taxes.

        • Dear Laventure,

          You say you “chose to be heterosexual,” but your description of yourself doesn’t support that statement. If I understand you, you say you were born with an attraction to women, and especially to female bodybuilders.

          You were born that way. Some people were born with an attraction to the same sex, which they didn’t choose, as you didn’t.

          All the best,
          Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Have you ever been scared to death of a group of homosexuals that you have to wait on in a restaurant? These adult homosexuals, talk their evil sex talk, to teenagers, thank god a man working at the place told them to leave me alone, as one grabbed me by my sweater saying she liked girls, not one adult homosexual stopped her, the man stopped her. now tell the truth about how gays can be trusted to be around children , they are as sneaky as satan was in lies and put on a show that they are the ones that are victims. like hell they are. I cannot forget how evil they were to me, the man told them to leave me alone, he told me to go to the back of the restaurant until they left. sicking warped minded evil adults.and that is not the only time a adult homosexual tried to use their sex on me as a child. any one that says what they do is right and they can go to heaven , is a liar just like they are.

      • Because not everyone believes in Heaven, and not every gay person is a sexual deviant. That’s like saying because Catholic and Christian priests molested children, therefore everyone who holds their beliefs or ideals is now a child molester.

        ‘Talk their evil sex talk,’ such as, I don’t know, informing people of sex, safe sex, sex being a completely natural thing; okay. Teenagers are at the age where they need to be told these things, so they know how to do it safely should they choose to have sex at a young age.

        Don’t generalise an entire people on one bad experience. You could wind up ignorant.

  • The aegis of law is to discipline people for their actions and to protect others in some small way from the consequences of those actions. I strongly disagree with any law that seeks to punish people for what they are. I do not believe for an instant that a person’s sexual orientation is a matter of their choice, nor a matter of their upbringing. For example, having gay or lesbian parents, whether one is the natural parent or not, does not result in the child being gay or lesbian… a child’s sexual orientation will manifest itself regardless of upbringing.

    With that said, I do strongly believe that a sovereign nation has the sovereign right to enact laws that conform to the predominant social mores of their citizens. Whether a person agrees with a particular country’s laws or not, when in that country, they are bound by those laws, and must obey those laws, to the extent that it is POSSIBLE for them to do so. It is no foreigner’s place to try to change those laws or to impose their social mores upon the nation in question. The damage done by such imperialism throughout history is impossible to overestimate, and has brought far more death and suffering to the world than “social advancement.”

    As a person of an asexual bent, I have always struggled to understand why flagrant display of a person’s sexual orientation, whether that is heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or preferring the company of animals, is worthy of protesting for. (NB: I in no way condone bestiality, as the animal is generally not a competent or willing participant)
    In my opinion, unless they are a compulsive exhibitionist, a person’s sexual orientation should be neither a cause for discrimination, nor seen as a necessary part of their public persona.

  • Homosexuality is a shameful, disgraceful act which should be illegal period & no homosexuals do not want to be left alone they want the right to be married, adopt innocent little children & be brought up in a shameful environment which defies every law of nature. nuff said 7 end of story.

    • Dear Lionel,

      “Nuff said, end of story” is what you wish.
      But, contrary to your assertion, many homosexuals simply would like to be left alone. That some LGBT people want the right to a family life, which you would oppose, isn’t an valid reason for imprisoning them.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • “Nuff Said!!” Why are people like you so vehemently opposed to allowing those who are homosexual to live under the same standards that, say, you live under? Why should being homosexual be illegal and punishable by imprisonment or worse?. Say you are a red haired person, and it was deemed that all red heads were demons and should be put to death. As it was back in the medieval times by certain sects of the early church. Under your philosophy it would seem to be alright, you seem to be basing your views on archaic religious texts written by a bunch of men who probably had an agenda to push and definitely had their prejudices. If the Christian faith is supposed to be based on the teachings of Issa why then is there no chapters in the bible that where written by his disciples, why were these left out when the Bible was written? Can you explain it with enough scientific and common sense reasoning that it would make it acceptable by the non-christian people that are out there..

      We are all God’s children, so lets act like it.

      The DesertFox
      Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam

    • You are so wrong. That’s not my opinion that is just fact. Over 500 species of animal show homosexual behaviour but only 1 show homophobic behaviour.

  • My statement does support my attraction to women and my decision to remain a heterosexual for life. I still believe that being a gay is a choice, just like being a Republican is a choice.

  • To Colin Steward
    My statement does support my choice for being heterosexual. However, people have the right to live whatever life-style he or she wants to live. No one is born a homosexual. it is something that is learned, like stealing things that don’t belong to you. But homosexuality is something that was taught by people who desire the unnatural. Same sex practices is a learning process, not a birth mark. God made Adam and Eve to produce offspring and bear children.

    • thank God Adam and Eve did not have reproductive problems. Or else they wouldnt be able to procreate, produce offspring and bear children.

      • I totally agree with you, fridge.
        God did a excellent job in creating the male and the female.
        heterosexuality is the best.
        I love women.

      • Ahhhh fridge if you believe Adam and Eve is anything other than a parable would you please explain to me how Kane and/or Abel procreated with anyone other than a woman who was not their mother or sister……………..? Seriously…..there a big flaws in that reproductive story…..astounding people choose to believe it

      • That was told in a parable so people could understand it. I was told that Adam and Eve had many children including Cain & Able and because their strain was pure they was able to procreate with their sisters with no side effects unlike today. Others have said that Adam & Eve was not the only people God created and Cain went to live in a place named NOD, which means wandering, and there knew his wife.

      • It is very sad that us Straight Men have to compete with a Gay And Bi Woman to find a Good Normal Woman now, Isn’t It?

  • If being a homosexual is a learned thing, how do you explain homosexual teen you was raised in a strict religious home? Or those that grew up in religious communes? These young people having had no contact with the gay life style, yet have grown up as homosexual, your statement does not stand up to scrutiny. Please explain how children raised under these circumstances have since an early age been attracted to those of the same gender. Explain in a scientific concept not by the pseudoscience of religion, I am very interested in how this happens if it is learned.

    The DesertFox
    Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam

  • Can someone tell me why God destroyed sodom and gommorah or why the angels blinded the people before leaving the city

  • Hi.
    I have a question to ask. Do you know how many of the countries listed above still consider homosexuality as a mental illness?

    • Dear Fridge,

      I do not have a list of countries that still consider homosexuality to be a mental illness. You’ll find information here from many countries’ medical communities about the issue.

      It’s safe to say that many government and religious leaders in the 76-plus countries still consider homosexuality to be a personal choice. Otherwise, they wouldn’t believe that such laws are warranted.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • It is important to note that as a Christian, I am not opposed to homosexuality but to any sex outside of a marriage between a man and woman. To just pick on the gays is not right but it is important to note that homosexuality is not to be construed with a race, blacks for example, are born that way but homosexuality is a behavior and a choice. Now that this sinful behavior is allowed, it will spiral out of control. Child molesters will demand their rights and those who practice bestiality will want to marry their horse or whatever. You as the one who practices this behavior must understand that God has determined this to be wrong, not the Christian. Jesus Christ loves you and is willing to forgive you of all sin, not just that one but you must confess it as sin and believe on Him. No matter how many of us Christians you may destroy, you are still wrong and God will not be mocked.

    • Dear John,

      Thank you for your comment, though it makes many missteps. You declare that homosexuality is a choice, although that is not the experience of homosexuals. (Did you, presumably a heterosexual, make a decision on whether you would be attracted to women or to men?) You then move on to declare that if LGBT people were granted the right to love each other, then sexual attacks on children and animals would be next. There is a huge difference, which you ignore, between consensual sex and sexual activity directed at those who are in no position to give their consent.

      You then finish with imagining retaliation or violence against Christians (“No matter how many of us Christians you may destroy, …”) In this world, LGBT people are frequently killed for their sexual orientation, including Christian homosexuals such as my friend Eric Lembembe. Straight people, including Christians, are rarely killed for their sexual orientation.

      All the best,
      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Colin, I think most often homosexuals are killed for the homosexual acts not necessarily because they are homosexual. So in other words, someone who is heterosexual and has sexual relations with a married woman, someone of the same gender, an animal or worse a child, will also likely they too would be put to death. I do not condone that behavior, but in many strict Muslim countries that is the law so it’s much larger than simply homosexuals.

  • misconceptions i’m from Jamaica born raised and homosexuality is not illegal marijuana is, no laws against homosexuality most folks don’t like the idea, but the law don’t kill gays matter of fact allot of homosexuality vacation in JA from all over mainly UK, bad stuff only happen when you go to bad areas aka slums just like having money or being well off is not illegal either but if you go to those same areas bad stuff can happen or will happen, and one more thing some guys not all but some which i personal have know that are gay in JA are only gay because they want the tourist money gay for money etc unlike people who are born that way that’s where the JA term “sell out” came from

  • These 76 countries are mostly Muslims. Proud to be Muslim. We will never allow homosexuality. It’s against Islam. And Quran clearly says it is unlawful. They should be punished.
    If anyone does it he will be killed. This is only solution for gays.
    Why it is illegal to discuss about Holocaust??????????????????? We demand freedom of speech about holocaust. I know your law will not allow then why u r asking about homosexual rights in 76 countries????????? That’s your law and this is our law. It’s against freedom of SPEECH. Where is freedom of speech in America and west? Everyone should have a right to live by personal conviction. It’s called free will and was instituted by God. But one’s belief should never be forced on another. That applies to gays, as well as to Muslims. If Muslims has a spiritual conviction against same sex marriage or abortion, we’re called homophobic and ignorant. Where is tolerance for someone’s basic right, that being religious freedom? It’s being lost in this country. If a Muslims can’t embrace same sex marriage or abortion, that is his right. We are not disagreeing because we’re hateful or ignorant or fearful. Its spiritual conviction and our interpretation of scripture. None has a right to interpret that for us or to violate it. Islamic conscience is one’s God given right and should not be misconstrued as anything else.

    I salute to Islamic countries Iran and Saudi Arabia for punishment to gays to death. And in Pakistan and other countries life imprisonment. You people are homophobic if we Muslims don’t want homosexuality then why you people trying to impose your laws to us. We thanks God that Muslim countries are still awakening.

    At the end we respect Christian religious movements to be against gay.

    • Dear Anti Gay,

      I approved your comment for publication, except for the confused parts about “bastard countries” and “gay countries,” although I disagree with much of it.

      It’s true that many of the 76-plus countries are Muslim countries — about half of them, I expect.

      You ask, “Where is tolerance for someone’s basic right, that being religious freedom.” Religious freedom is a good thing, but you’re asking for people’s respect and toleration for a religious conviction that people who are born gay should be killed. The freedom to demand the death of others for who they are, rather than what they do, is far beyond the normal understanding of what freedom of religion should include. So don’t be surprised and don’t complain when you’re criticized by people who you say should be killed. Don’t demand tolerance, acceptance and passivity from people whom you say should be executed.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • I never thought I would ever agree with someone that says they are muslim. but got to stand with you on this one, as my christian liars keep lying to fill their evil pockets, not everyone that knows jesus stands with these anti christ , because jesus would never stand with them either. hell gets broader with those that do.

  • Why is it people want to make an example about poor place they will use africa? well homo is bad,God created man and woman to be together not man and man or female to female. Home is a sin.

  • Freedom! It’s all about Freedom! Look at what’s happening in Russia and Greece.., fascism is back in the governments.., we the people of the world.., need to revolt against all forms of criminal run governments! We need to rise up against hate and unify as a whole! Free Pussy Riot!

  • Too bad Belize has strict gun control laws, otherwise it seems like a pretty nice place to live for values based people. Not that I have anything against homosexuals I just think because of the untruthful movement, we have or are in the process of completely destroying the American family that will ultimately result in a failed society all in an attempt to help gays feel better about themselves. A marriage license isn’t going to do it and few people will ever accept homosexuality as “normal.”

  • People need to stop discriminating gays whether its for religious reasons, beliefs, their norms or values or based on their society. You can’t tell any country what their law should be but you also can’t tell a person who to love. Love has no limits and it has no gender ( god loves all his children, sinner or not). We all have sinned or break the 10 commandments as for christian believers. Am a law, history and sociology student, my country opposes gays, but I support it. Growing up in the caribbean and learning bout the white men who murdered the natives because they resisted christianity ( thou shall not kill being stated in the bible). I sometimes wonder what is the right religion. Is the world to small for us? We need to live together and stop. My religious belief aint gonna be someone elses neither laws, neither government but we need to accept it. Human Rights have been fought by our ancestors, black rights or women rights even religious rights.

  • I can’t believe the world is still backward as it was years ago. As a law, history and sociology student I’ve learnt too much about the world. My question is, is the world too small for all of us? Not everyone would agree on a religion , law, belief, society, norms or values, but we accept their lifestyle. You cant tell a country what law they should have neither can you tell someone who to love. Regardless of being gay is a sin, so is the 10 commandments in the bible. And am sure half of broke one or more. God made no perfect man. Love has no limit neither has it a gender. Human rights is something I believe it, especially being black and a young woman. Everyone has a right to walk the earth a happy man. It was made for all of us, not y’all alone.

  • Im gay, I don’t ask for anything, or expect anything, but to be left to run my own life without stupid remarks from people who don’t even know me, or want to kill me, just for being gay, thank you for being so kind

  • This is in response to Will who posted on June 8th:
    First I’d like to address your inaccurate knowledge of when books of the Bible were written.
    You claim that new testament books weren’t written until hundreds of years after the death of Jesus Christ,, The fact is that they were all written by men that actually knew Jesus, who were around in His lifetime. The last book written was the Revelation and it was written by Jesus disciple John in or around 85 AD.
    Next is your assertion that all of these men were idiots…
    I find it quite interesting that people everywhere, homosexuals and straight, christian and non-christian all have a reverence, a respect, and even an understanding of who Jesus was and to a degree what He was about… And yet so many people (homosexuals especially) disregard the Judgment and keen senses of Jesus when it comes to who He hand picked and taught as His disciples, as well as the doctrines that they in turn wrote down and taught to us through the centuries…..
    By contrast you never hear followers of Buddha criticized for continuing the teaching of their master,, you also don’t hear people condescending to the teachings of followers of the Gnostics or the Kharijites or Mandaeans or Sabians…
    But the teachings of the followers of Jesus Christ come under fire for one reason and one reason only.. Man is rebellious!! And man rebels against Truth and Truth alone!! There is no truth in all these other many religions that cover this earth. Jesus would say this “I Am the way, the TRUTH, and the Life and no one can come to God but through Me”
    The reason that Jesus ruffles the feathers of so many so badly is simply because His Truth is Truth! There is a natural order to this world and those that occupy it, and that order has been twisted into rebellion against the one that created it. This is why there is such contention against Jesus Christ and His Father, Two men can not procreate!! Its against the order of nature!
    The very fact that for centuries homosexuality and lesbianism has been more than just a shameful thing,, yes its been something that has warranted death in many civilizations! WHY??
    Because of the knowledge of what it truly was. Pure evil rebellion against God.

  • why does homosexual always try to force people to accept their life style.If you were born not knowing or use to bread would u want some one forcing u to eat it.

    • Dear Rayon,

      Thanks for your question.
      The mission of this blog is not at all to seek to “force people to accept their life style.” It is to encourage countries to stop throwing people in jail for whom they love.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Do you know how thick that comment is? You would have a point if they made you be gay, however they don’t they want you to accept that them for the way they are.

  • God loves everyone including sinners but He will not save everyone, including sinners who continue to live in their sins after they have come to the knowledge of Christ and the Word. We are accountable for out actions to God (believers or not). If you are a believer then you are held to high standard of morals that God has set forth. He did not say we can go about committing these sins and it would be okay because of Christ’s Blood. Christ said to the prostitute after he forgave her sins, “Go and sin no more.” He didn’t say continue in your sins because I have forgiven them. He said SIN NO MORE! Why do people try to change what God has said? Because they are lovers of sin. They are lovers of pleasure. More than God! If you truly love God and want to DO HIS WILL. They you will do your best to SIN NO MORE! Quit trying to dilute God’s word and make it say something it does not. We may have desires that are difficult for us but with God’s help we can overcome them. Many people have various sinful sexual desires but not all fulfill their lusts. TURN FROM YOUR WAYS and follow Christ. 2 Ch 7:14 – New International Version
    if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
    Again you will see the commandment to TURN FROM YOUR WICKEDNESS. This is a commandment. One that we all need to adhere to no matter the sin.

    • What ever happened to “Thou shalt not judge”? If you’re going to use the christian bible as a means to judge and you claim to be a Christian then you have to play by the same rules that your bible gave you. You are judging. You’re breaking the rules. The only thing I have learned from you silly Christians is that your hypocrisy knows no boundaries. Tell me, what exactly did Jesus have to say about gay people? You see, the new testament is all about love, forgiveness and caring for your fellow man while the old testament is all about doom and gloom and kill kill kill. Christians are Christians because of the new testament otherwise they would be Jews. You’re a Christian right? Yet you keep going back to the old testament in order to justify your hate. PS, your bible also says that one should kill your children if they disobey, should kill people who divorce and should keep slaves. I don’t recall anyone doing that lately so if you’re not going to play by the rules and follow them to the letter then you cant use those same rules to judge others.

      • Michael,
        If you are truly a good “apostle” of the new testament, you’d have come across Romans 25-32 with specifics on your case! Besides,if Jesus could condemn adultery in Matthew 5vs27-29, what do you imagine He’s saying against homo?
        I hope it’ll sink into your IQ that God/Jesus and not, primarily, Christians, judge and condemn sin. We’re only sensitizing our friends about what our master says with related quotations which we believe to be true. Left for man, even cannibalism is right but for God’s light. The only “hate” which we are permitted to practice is hatred for sin i.e hate homosexuality and love Michael to the point where you want him to repent and escape God’s wrath. Any write up which seeks to condemn you is wrong.
        Moreover, in my bible, Jesus never discarded but perfected the old testament, so he said. I wonder which part of the bible you were paraphrasing in your last 4 lines. How can you read/understand a book without opening it Michael!

    • If only whoever wrote the bible didn’t forget to put in there that God accepts homosexuals as they are and the act is not a sin…. The world would be a better place.

  • Having come accross this comment page almost by accident I was tempted to take the view that those who eschew logic in debate are very unlikely indeed to be persuaded to adopt a different stance by being faced by logical argument ie.He/She who is persuaded against their will are of the same opinion still.Most of those who enjoy the prosecution and persecu
    tion of those who differ from themselves use religious metaphysics to attempt to justify tthe hatred of those minorities that seek the very ordinarhy human right to love whomsoever lis their choice male or female – live and let live.

  • I believe that a person is gay must not be killed, because he chooses to be gay.
    I still do not support the union of the same gender.

    • Gay people do not choose to be gay, they are born that way, in the same way that I was born white and English. Do you really believe that people in countries such as Nigeria who are scared for their lives simply choose to be in that position?

  • Wow! where should one start? As a gay man in a wonderful and loving relationship reading the comments on this page really saddens me. In fact it hurts. I never chose to be gay I simply am…besides what does it mean to be gay?

    Knowing there are people in this world who hate “gays” so vehemently is truly a sad day for humanity. Where does hatered end or begin? Can you only hate gays? Or do you hate black people, Christians, Muslims etc as well? How about just loving your fellow human regardless of whatever it is that you may hate about him or her. If we could do that the world would be far better off. What are we faced with today,…economic collapse, mass deforestation, poverty global warming, famine, child rape….the list is endless. Do you in all honesty think that so called rampant homosexuality is the cause? Simple answer…No. It is hatered and a lack of compassion or care that has pushed the world into the position it is in.

    To those of you who hate people like me, I can do nothing more than pray for you, pray that your burden of hatered is lifted. No God could condone hate… least no God I know of…I always assumed hatered was left for “satan” . I’m sure that like myself, many other Gay men and woman will continue to find and enjoy love. Love is not only sex!

    To those of you like me…keep your heads up high and forgive. After reading this thread I cannot express how grateful I am to work as a lawyer in a successful law firm that accepts me, shop in malls where people couldn’t care about my sexual orientation but rather their own life, have a home filled with love, have a family so close and accepting, have friends who don’t even see sexual orientation and perhaps most of all I am grateful not to have people who fill their hearts with hatered around me. I am free….truly free and should I be condemned to hell as described by some previous posts I will be grateful to be able to be there with the free thinkers of this world, the people who love without boundaries…..for being stuck in heaven with those of you who hate us gays would be far more of a hell.

    To those gay and lesbian couples who dont find themselves in the position I do…I pray that you will and thankyou from the bottom of my heart for maintaining your identity in the face of adversity…you are my heros.

    • God’s laws are clear and do not represent hatred for any person, in fact God’s love is so deep that he made a way for, thieves, murderers for adulterers, liars, homo sexuals and all sinners to have salvation and with that freedom from the bondage and results all sin carries with it and no you would not have any pleasure at all in a lake of fire for eternity, hell is real and so is Heaven. You were not born a homosexual any more than a liar is born to lie they are transgressions, sins and you, like so many others like me can be delivered and find peace,joy and happiness in this life and an eternity in complete incomprehensible bliss for all eternity in Jesus Christ the Only begotton son of the living God.

    • The word ‘gay’ does not describe what is an egregious sin before God.
      ‘Gay’ was chosen to soften the reaction to homosexuality. Making it more palatable to the common person. Sin is sin regardless of who believes otherwise, it doesn’t change reality and God’s judgments ,the soul that sins shall surely die.

  • I have tried and retried to write this comment so that my words are read with the meaning they were intended. The best I can do is write this as my thoughts and not worry to much how they are interpreted because in the end we are all different. My thoughts are that should 2 people engage in sex and it is a free of any intimidation, to me that is their choice at what point does it become an issue where total strangers have the right to judge if it is right or wrong.

    From what I see is that we hide behind the very thin veil of politics and religion when passing judgement on others and we use the word of God as justification to do so. Take a look at the counties that are listed, where religion is not the ruling government then it is a country where the ruling government are in fear of their own position.

    It was not all that long ago where interracial relationships were against the law, it was ok to rape (if you were a white male that is) but not to have a consensual relationship, and I can only imagine how the governments & religious leaders of the day reacted. The world is doomed would be my best guess.

    In the end to jail or execute people because they happen to prefer same sex relationships and or sex is really disturbing. I can only say that for governments deal with your starving and underprivileged populations and for the religious off all types out there, stop using the word of God as a reason to justify the imprisonment or death of people because of sexual preference.

    • Don’t blame God for what the devil is doing,,,,, Moses was commanded by God to marry an Ethiopian woman, rape has never been sanctioned by God in any fashion, Christianity and Judaism have been more merciful and supportive to the poor and suffering mankind than any other body of humanity in the history of the world I know of not one person that is a true Christian that condones killing or imprisoning anyone for their sexual activities unless they are child molesters and then I believe they should be put where they will have no contact with children ever.
      It is easy to label someone that has an opposing view from yours and bashing Christians is acceptable in our culture but the Lord told us it would be this way don’t think for a second that I am moved because you hate the Lord Jesus Christ and his pure law or his messengers, we pray for you to be saved and you can be. Repent and God will receive you and say “Go and sin no more”: Jesus is Lord and savior of all mankind he will not turn you away.

      • Why would I believe in a God that, firstly, I don’t think can exist and secondly is meant to love everyone but condemns people to hell and condones the hate of people who want nothing more than to be able to love who they want?

  • Homosexuality is and should be an abomination to God and all that love his law,, He needs no excuse to enforce his holy and righteous laws and homosexuality is against all that is good and Godly and against all natural making it not only repulsive to a civilized people but an abomination and undesireable,it is not homo phobia but rather a love for Gods law and hatred for all sin and more so a sin that has an end goal of spreading to a civilization and trying to make it appear normal which it is very far from. When a person is vexed by a sinful action it is not homophobic it is a natural reaction to that which is abominable. Repent and turn from your sin, God will forgive and deliver you from this horrible disgusting sin and give you complete victory and peace joy and happiness.

    • If you want to I could go into the many reasons there can’t be a God such as the many, many discrepancies in the bible, but I don’t think you want to.

  • Actually, in my 45 years of reading,studying and teaching the Holy scriptures, I have heard all of the arguments you pretend to know and in every instance the Holy word of God is confirmed but you are right about one thing and that is I won’t go there with you because it will net nothing edifying,go look that word up.
    If you disbelief needs to be encouraged to justify your sin, that is your problem and you can not make it mine.
    I know in whom I have believed,Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of the living God and your only hope of escaping an eternity in a burning hell, call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and he will hear you, there is hope for you too.

    • This is one of the many discrepancies in the bible and most holy scriptures, God is meant to forgive anyone, however I will go to hell for looking at facts and making an informed decision over how I think the world and life began. God is meant to have made everyone however he/she/it hates homosexuals even though he/she/it made them. I know that you are barely going to read this and are going to go on, hoping that God will come and save you when it won’t happen, you will spend your whole life waiting for something that will never come, good luck with your days in heaven.

  • Colin, you are way off on your report … the news is just saying there is 52% support for gay marriage in the U.S. … we know because in Hawai’i all our news reported the same thing but guess what 80% voted against it and 80% testified against it … funny how you can buy anything in this world with money … even news reports when you want the whole country to believe that the rest of the country approves … and even though I support my gay family and friends and they support me, I don’t think gay marriage is going to make people in this country like/support LGBT any more than before it passed … survey results are already coming out showing that it is pushing everyone the other way to be less supportive … way to go! … coercion/deceit don’t work … sure hope you’re ready for sharia law which is coming our way next and will work it’s way in on the same pretext of special rights/discrimination laws … guess what? they harass and kill people that are immoral … thanks for relaxing our laws and paving the way for sharia law

    • Dear Maks,

      Thank you for commenting. Although marriage equality isn’t the focus of this blog, which is about countries with anti-homosexuality laws, it’s worth pointing out that I could find no evidence to support your contentions. In Hawaii, for example:

      • A January 2013 Honolulu Civil Beat poll found that 55% of Hawaii voters were in favor of same sex marriage, while 37% were opposed. (“Poll: Hawaii Voters Support Allowing Gay Couples To Marry”. Honolulu Civil Beat. Peer News. January 28, 2013.)
      • An August 2013 QMark Research poll found that 54% of Hawaii residents were in favor of same-sex marriage, while 31% were against.(“Statewide same sex marriage poll indicates greater support, less opposition”. Hawaii News Now. Raycom Media. August 9, 2013.)

      Nor have I seen any evidence of sharia law being adopted as a result of the approval of marriage equality laws.

      Best wishes,
      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • So many of you people keep saying that gay people are bad because the bible says so. Fair enough. The bible is proof that God exists rights? Well, I read a comic book about Spiderman the other day. Does that mean that Spiderman exists?

  • I think the number one reason people disagree with gay rights is because the bible says its a sin. It is God’s place to judge us, not ours to judge each other. Simply wishing to be with someone of the same gender does not harm anybody. It is in no way comparable to murder or rape or actions that actually constitute as crimes. Of course I can’t claim to never judged other people but I would never try to take away rights that we all have humans or attack someone just because of one thing I didn’t like about them. Divorce is a sin, isn’t it? And that’s legal. I never hear about divorcee-bashing but I’ve plenty about gay-bashing. Honestly, if you think gays are going to hell because of their sexuality, why make life hell for them too?

  • Recently Stephen Fry did his series ‘Out There’. Some of you homophobic ‘people’ should possibly watch this before being so cynical. Why does there have to be divide. There has already been enough hatred between black and white communities. It is only now that is becoming second nature for the younger population to lead by example and have jokes between different cultures. It is only through unity, that this world we live in can be freed from all of this hatred. I am not saying that there will be no wars, because selfishness and wish for power will almost always remain, however these could be greatly reduced if we accept the ways and understand the cultures of other people.
    On Stephen’s series, there was a woman in Uganda who had ‘corrective rape’. From this she was left bleeding, she was taken to hospital to find that she was pregnant, at which point she had a abortion forced upon her. Later on when she went in for a check up, she found that she was positive with HIV and AIDS. Are you saying that this kind of act, to ruin this womans life is ‘fair’ because she is gay? If so, shame on you. Similarly, there are hangings in Iran for the offence of being homosexual. So, to those of you above, who say that punishments should come back to the West for homosexuality, are you also bringing with that, capital punishment? Or are you referring to Sri Lanka where they are jailed for 15 years in order to try and ‘convert’ them back into ‘normal’ human beings. Again I repeat, you disgust me.
    I might add that many people above have stated about anal sex being wrong. Anal sex occurs more often during heterosexual couples than gay, as was stated by Stephen Fry on his programme. Taking a relationship down to such materialistic reasons is so shallow, it is embarrassing.

    At the start I referred to the homophobes above as ‘people’. This is because, no loving person being, who has any kind of humanity, would try and cause harm to others with different views to their own. You would not kill another person or jail them for being a vegetarian, or coming from a different culture, or having a different religion – I hope. So how dare you say that people who love and show affection for the same sex should come to this injustice. Surely a loving relationship, is still a loving relationship. I can’t ever see why rape, murder and hangings can ever be justified, let alone when the person in question is just loving a person. I am a girl who is in a loving heterosexual relationship. I have friends who are in loving homosexual relationships. Similarly, I am white and I have black friends. One of my friends calls me ‘Vanilla Cheesecake’ and I call her ‘Chocolate Brownie’. That is the show of two communities coming together to just enjoy one another’s company. If you actually met, talked to, listened to others, maybe you would understand that there is no ‘them’ and ‘us’. There is only people. There is the world. I think that any harm you think other people are deservant of, maybe should be done to you. Just think about life if this situation was turned on its head. What would you do?

    • hei just leave us a lone. Uganda is uganda and ugandans are ugandans. How many people have been killed by police in USA for dealing in Drugs or Ganja and how many people have died as a result of using that ganja??? You will that in 10 peolpe atlst one died as a result of using the drugs while the 9 were killed by the police coz of dealing in drugs. We need these laws so that we can define our heritage and culture not like in south africa where you can diffrenciate a man from a woman. Thats being crazy and having a virus in their heads. You talk of human rights. You can go to a goat farm and find that all the goats are moving freely doing everything they can but you will never see a he goat mounting another he goat. If animals can have that in minds why not we humans???? The end of the earth is near.

  • This it to the sad person bob , I am a gay man an proud of it am only 26 and love like to the max , I can’t believe how sad some people are that they actually hate gay people for no reason I think those people have a mental problem if I must say, I know for a fact in most of them contries gay rights will be accept in many years to come its slowly getting there for accepting that’s we’re normal people an not aliens ,

  • This deeply saddens me to, not only see a list of countries where being yourself is a crime, but to read quite a few comments of those who do not believe that human rights are a necessity regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Asking someone to change their gender expression or sexual orientation is like asking someone not to have blue eyes or brown hair. Sure, they can color it and get contacts, just like many members of the LGBT community hide in closets out of fear, but it doesn’t change how the person was born at the core. Having religion is a wonderful thing, but using the Bible to justify hatred towards any group of people is a horrible act in itself. In the book of John, Jesus says, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” The true test of Christianity isn’t defined by following a set of rules, but in the acknowledgement that we are all sinners, and yet still being able to love everyone for it. The Bible isn’t a book of commands we are to follow perfectly. Every emotion is portrayed in the Bible. It’s a love story. A love story of God’s unconditional love for us, of how much he was willing to do so that he could spend eternity with us. That in itself is an incredible idea.
    As a member of the transgender community, I face hatred on a regular basis. But I can love my enemies. The quote I find most memorable from my studying of the Bible is, “Father forgive them, they do not know what they do.” This is what I try to model my life after.
    I am sure that when I die, I will go to Heaven. Not because I can read the Bible and not because I am sinless. But because with time and effort I can love and forgive.
    God wouldn’t create members of the LGBT community as they are if he didn’t care for them, after all: we’re created in God’s image. In my short life thus far I have yet to find a person; regardless of religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, skin color, who is without sin. Likewise, I have yet to find a person I think won’t go to Heaven.
    Human beings are human beings, regardless of anything else. Every human being deserves to love and be loved and to live in a world where they aren’t forced to live in a closet filled with depression, insecurity, and self hatred.
    I know this article was written over a year ago, so commenting is rather pointless, however, it is something I am passionate about regardless.

    • Dear Serps,

      My impression is that the law in North Cyprus is about to be repealed, but it hasn’t happened yet.
      If I’m wrong, great. Please send me links to news stories about the repeal.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • SAD SAD day today as The Supreme Court of India made gay sex illegal again!!! Taking the country and it’s people back a hundred years!!! 🙁

  • Dear Colin, I am a woman from India (the country which yesterday failed to throw out the law that decriminalizes sex). I came across this blog and have been reading through the comments people have written here. I am straight but I am utterly shocked that homophobia runs so deeply in the countries where it does not criminalize gay sex (I had thought it was otherwise). To face this kind of hatred, ignorance and ostracization on a daily basis must be very painful. I can tell you that the reaction to yesterday’s verdict in India has mostly been that of disappointment, anger and embarrassment. You will see that if you look up the reactions in the Indian media and social networking sites. Though the Supreme Court has not actually criminalized gay sex, but simply said that it is the legislature that will have to take the step to amend a law, and the court’s role is only to interpret it. I do hope that you and your friends continue your fight, and there are millions who are with you and support you in this fight for the freedom to love who you want. The state should have nothing to say about what two consenting adults do within the privacy of the four walls of their house. The constitutions of most countries enshrine the principles of inclusiveness and equality, and most religions teach about God loving all his/her children equally.

  • People are always going to be judgmental and hating towards other people. There will always be wars and unfair treatment of people because we r just organisms that don’t have anything better to do. The comments crack me up. We r smart bacteria literally. We work all our lives so we can eat, have shelter, and spend time with loved ones. There is nothing special about us. We intake energy and give it off we are just aware we r doing it. What makes any person think they can tell another person What to do based on their own beliefs. its fucking hilarious to me how smart yet completely retarded the human race is. I don’t want to start a religious argument because I believe people should have Faith. It gives your useless life a reason to get up in the morning, but it seems pretty obvious to me atleast that there is no higher power and we r just a coincidence. Given that thought all that should matter is to help eachother. Not preach bullshit that was probably written by some assholes who were making guidelines for the human race to abide by. Instead they set up years of opression based on the motion of their hand on a piece of paper. And we still do this shit today, we should focus on advancing the human race helping eachother and doing what we can to make eachother happy so we can enjoy our short lives. Stop worrying about shit that doesnt affect you directly. The only crimes that should be illegal are violent crimes, theft, and vandalism. Otherwise live your life and treat others with respect.— straight white male

  • As far as I’m concerned, if it doesn’t affect you, then you shouldn’t care about it.
    People just like to force their opinions on the world.
    What has homosexuality ever done to any of you who claim gays should be executed? Nothing, that’s what.
    Oh, and you don’t want to redefine the “Holy Act of Marriage”?
    Considering that you can no longer sell your daughters for 3 goats and a cow means it already has been.
    Marriage has been around longer than Christianity, so keep your damn book out of it, it’s the epitomy of hypocrisy.

    To summarise – Don’t get your panties in a twist if it doesn’t affect your life.
    That is all.

    • Well, Affect!
      Yes and no. We live in an integrated society. Act of One affects all.
      Re: Homosexuality. It is against nature. Recent research in Genetics has proven that there are no Genes, i.e., people are not born homosexual. It is their choice. That should be respected as long as it does not affect society adversely.
      What people do in their bedroom consensually is their business and they should be left alone. I am all for it. However, there is a snag: Adoption of Babies.
      A newborn is very susceptible in forming life long traits. It looks at its mother and forms images of gestures, nuances and physical actions. The same is with the father.
      Besides, the newborn needs the mother for nourishment that includes immunization from Amniotic. Lactation can last up to 3 years. Although, there is no milk coming out but the security is provided to the infant through lactation.
      Please do not let the homosexual adopt ‘babies’. It is unfair on the ‘babies’. Look after their Rights.

  • Homosexuality is so innately vile that it’s difficult to describe. It would be like someone asking, “So what’s wrong with cannibalism?” and your mind jumps into overdrive.

      • Mr. Colin,
        Perversion and not love is the rational word to describe HOMO i.e. the unnatural use of an object other than it was originally created. Try eating with your legs and you will come close to understanding contrary views to your campaign!

  • why is it everytime someone says gay is sin, or it should be illegal, the immediate reply is that it is “hate” speech? I think the homos are the haters. They hate everyone who has the courage to call it what it is, sin.

    • I would like to thank you all for letting my voice be heard. I just want to simply say I don’t hate anyone for their lifestyle and just stop judging people for their lifestyle choices. God is the ultimate judge and he’s quite capable of doing his job. My job is to love others as myself and keep my eyes on him. If gays and lesbians are sinning in every Christians eyes, why do you think you have a right to tell them of their infractions against gods laws. Its between them and our heavenly father. Not you!!! Love you all. God bless!!! He loves all his children all!!!

      • Hi Jamie,
        You sound religious and one would have expected you must have read and understood biblical passages like Ezekiel 3v17-21. What were God’s messengers like John the Baptist,Paul etc assigned to preach and what did Jesus charge his disciples to preach? Just as I know your dad or brother warns you against indulgence in certain vices without hatred for you, you can, knowledgibly, warn your fellow beings against destructive vices. Hatred and mischieviousness are depicted in doing the opposite. I, for one, have never seen one homo, so I wonder who I hate, rather I hate the sin holding my beloved friends captive just like our black activists hated and condemed slave trade and not the whites.Did they have to leave that too between God and the slave masters? Now you got the point and that’s the crux of all these!

        • Hi, VIP —

          You’ve made your point clear about whether you think homosexuality is a sin. You believe that it is. However, the issue that this blog focuses on is the imprisonment of LGBT people. I do not believe it is right to imprison people for being who they are, whether you think they’re sinning or not. I don’t believe that all sinners should be imprisoned, because then all of us would be behind bars.

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • I honestly am saddened and disgusted at the blatant ignorance that still diseases much of our population. What is obvious is that too many people fear what they don’t understand and disagree with that with which they can’t identify. I would love to sit down face to face with many of these individuals and have a well thought out debate about why someone should be treated as a lesser-being simply because they don’t find attraction in the opposite sex. Do you think, if I had the choice, I would submit myself to a life of suppression? That I would enjoy reading the hateful, hurtful comments of my ‘wiser’ elders on a website designed to support? Because breaking news just in; I don’t and given the ‘choice’ I would take your lifestyle every time. Take a good hard look at yourselves in the mirror and realise that your pathetic attempts to beat and badger this ‘sin’ out of people is never going to change anything. I don’t think I need to point out that you bigots have flaws too; not only being offensive, discriminatory and derogatory to your fellow citizens. If you think that by posting comments like this here will get you any closer to God, you are very very much mistaken. All you are doing is corrupting and further dementing an already hate-filled world and I really do hope that you change for your own sakes. I am not an activist, but a pacifist and I hope that one day you’ll learn the lesson that I’m sure you’ve thumped into your children’s heads a thousand times over: If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it.

    • So you’re trying to tell me that straight people are not gonna get close to god, but gays are?
      Well my lessons learned; America is going to hell.
      And if it wasn’t wrong you wouldn’t need to convince us that it was. You need to realize it’s not natural..

      And then you guys have the audacity to attack hetero sexual for being STRAIGHT? ! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What do you need to go around turning Heterosexuals gay for? Are you lonely in hell?

      Do you see God humping a man? I think not.

  • l wonder what is special about Gay that people are killing themselves about? if you see any gay or lesbian person, gently ask him or her this questions; if there parents were gay or lesbian , would they be given birth too? common sense should tell us that whatever gaynism or lesbianism represent is EVIL. Why? Can anyone of you you point out Gay dog, Gay bird, Gay fish, Gay cow or better still lesbian goat? in otherwords, animal created are more wiser and interlligent than this gay/lesbian people.

    you people need deliverance from this evil spirit.

  • Every morning I wake up and I thank the Lord for making me the fun loving, thoughtful, kind, caring, non-judgmental, non-discriminatory raging homosexual that I am ,,,

  • Humans are all equal in the eyes of God. That said, SIN is an action, behavior and choice. As children, we are taught that there are consequences for our actions.

    “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”(1 Corinthians 10:13)

    The day you CHOSE to give in to your temptation and be GAY was also the day you gave up your rights to have a marriage, family, children & sex. Stop blaming us for taking away your GOD given rights, you did it to yourself.

  • no body is born to be a gay. its abnormal and wrong. I hate gays and we have horrible prisons for gays in my country Nigeria. so keep off

  • no body is born to be gay. it is abnormal, immoral, UN Islamic and against our beliefs in Nigeria. we are so proud of our anti gay laws and the west can go to hell with their human rights. 10 years imprisonment for gay advocates so therefore, stay away from us

  • I have read some of the comments on here,and I would like to say this. I have been with my partner for 26 years. People should be able to choose who they want to be with. There are too many folk who judge others so quickly and too many who have to lable others. So many problems are around due to religious views . Wouldn’t it be nice if people just excepted people for who they are,not who they sleep with?

  • Kim, you should know better than this. A character is best known for what he does and not to whom he does or doesn’t do it with. One might be called a dog for acting like one. If you’re struggling with acceptance and self identity/esteem, it’s because of what you do, which your creator and society detest, and not you in person. Detach yourself from homo lifestyle and you are a wonderful person, trust me!

  • Opions over the years have evolved about God too. There’s no place in the future for religions.
    Less and less people are believing in Gods. Fact!
    It’s only a matter of time before Jesus Christ , God, Allah will be added to the other 270 other Gods throughout history that will become just another myth.
    Zeus, Venus, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Guanyin??? Heard of these?

    These Gods were worshipped with as much enthusiasm in those days as the current followers of Christianity and Islam do today.

    Times changes, as do Gods.

    • Yes, for others but life/existence without God/JESUS, is unimaginable. Now, they say life is Good. Remove God from Good, what do you have? You must be a good mathematician. Similarly, remove the creator from the creature! Got my point? If you survive the future you’re anticipating, you’ll come to realize that gods and God aren’t the same-oneS where created but one created all including time or the times.

      • You don’t make a point because your views are based on speculation/ belief and not truth/fact.

        “gods and God aren’t the same” Why ,because you say it is so?

        ALL the god worshippers in history believed that their god was the only true god. And they believed that with as much conviction as you do now.

        I invite you to read up a bit on world history. Esspecially where religions were involved.

    • As a student of humanities, I’ve probably read more of world history/religious books, even as electives, than you. One fact or reality you must accept is that of existence both of the human and material(time inclusive) universe. Their forms and activities appear quite deliberate as if intentionally formed, designed and programmed. Only life can create life and I recognize that LIFE as JEHOVAH/JESUS=GOD. Call yours whatever you like but how can a creature exist without a creator? The concept of accidental evolution of the material world is archived even by its proponents like Charles Darwin. Before and after the times of Noah, Abraham, Paul e.t.c,(hope you know they existed here on earth) men have been acknowledging this my God and still do and will so do forever, while “others” are extinct beings. One other thing, mine deserves obedience and I dare not perverse His order.

  • Why is it that whenever homosexuality is mentioned anywhere online, all the jesus freaks come crawling out of the woodwork to spew their unwanted opinion on this subject? Do you really have nothing better to do than googling homosexuality? Is there a passage in the bible that states you have to do this? Does it give you bonus points to get to heaven? (Don’t bother replying to these questions because they are all rhetorical) And if the answer to the last (rhetorical!) question is yes, the idea of an hereafter where all of these judgemental people are gathered is not a very beckoning one.
    Religion has no business being a base for any sort of law.
    You’re welcome.

  • Margaret,
    What a pity. Thought you would reason through that as social beings, as opposed to Islands, we are meant to watch each others’ backs irrespective of our inclinations. In as much as you have the liberty of misleading people into believing in same sex affairs, some owe it a social duty to warn them of the gravity of the consequences. Perhaps, some (now properly informed) may reconsider their ways and turn a new leave, for their( and not my) good. It’s like warning that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health! Daily, bizarre opinions, such as yours and newsreels flood my mailbox and I didn’t have to goggle madam judge and jury. And, if you must know, the creator existed before the creature and His intents/injunctions/laws before any form of law. The genesis for the knowledge that vices like murder, is wrong, is nature-GOD-Religion my dear.

  • VIP: You misspelled my name. That has to mean you are somewhat illiterate. Therefore I’ll forgive you for the rest of that disjointed reply.

    • So sorry Margriet thought you misspelt the popular name “Margaret” yourself and in your wildest imagination and in all your education, one who misspells your name is an illiterate! Funny. Webster or Oxford may help you there. Such a misconception has beclouded your understanding of my simple logically, presented verse. So sad! Maybe if you stopped thinking “women” you’ll be cured of your paranoia by half. Take that prescription for free!

  • This is beautiful. These countries have their own beautiful laws, and just because us as americans lost all sense of morals does not mean other countries should. Now im not saying kill all the gays, but let other countries govern themselves. If they persecute gays well let them, not our problem, and just be happy our country is different.

  • For one, I believe it is wrong. Yes, God doesn’t make mistakes, but of all you do. So in consideration of that, gay acts should be recognized as a mistake that God did not approve of.

    So you’re gonna tell me men who rape women is something god approves of? I think not. That indeed is a mistake and so is gay acts. Realization 101.

    • Please, don’t lose faith. That’s when we really lose.

      Also, remember that haters are usually the “loudest”, that’s why they seem like such an overwhelming and scary majority. The sensible voices are still there, though.

    • God is still in control. In due time, this disgusting immorality called homosexual will be addressed by Him.
      Do not lose faith.
      Please all you who are involved, quit now. Stop taking God Almighty for granted.

  • let me tell you whats next… one day another group of people would say they should be allowed to marry apes, and the world should approve it, because its their right. brace up and prepare for this time. crazy crazy world

  • It would appear that I may be in the right place at the wrong time, or at least a bit late. I had wanted to plead that the UN step in to strongly ask the frightening number of nations in Africa who are antigay/lesbian to stop their violence perpetrated on our brothers and sisters in these nations. They have already done so.

    The political leaders of these nations,and their antigay/lesbian religious counterparts, have let fear guide their actions and have chosen to violate their fellow countrymen-and women.

    I have not read all of the particulars on this issue. Quite frankly, I do not wish to. I have heard it all already just from the antigay/lesbian people in this country. None of these people’s views are new to me. It all boils down to one thing-VIOLENCE plain and simple. I am sure they have tried to justify their actions in some way, be it religious or political. However, they will never be able to do so to any free thinking, spiritually minded society. They certainly will never be able to justify it to any member of the LGBTQ community or our supporters.

    I have scanned the comments posted on this site-quickly. They are standard responses from both sides. Those who are supporters of the violence in Africa and there are those who are not. Many are eloquent and well thought. There are those whose responses are straight from the hips. The words “tolerant” and “tolerate” are used. I do not want to be tolerated as a gay man. Such a word suggests a sense of superiority from those who choose to tolerate me out or the goodness of their heart. No thank you. If you cannot accept me for who I am out of your sense of political equality, if you possess such a character trait in the first place which I doubt, then just leave me in peace. Mr. “ab1885” calls the antigay/lesbian laws of Africa and elsewhere “beautiful”. He, sorry if you are a she, suggests we leave them alone to their violence and say nothing. There is a famous quote that says “Violence begets violence”. I ask you sir, or madam, if no one said anything in the 1930’s and let the violence continue in Europe you could be living a German dictatorship or something similar.

    Be that as it may, as for right now, I hereby ask any person who does not support the current antigay/lesbian violence in Africa, Russia, or the other countries listed on this site to put them on their list of places NOT to go to on vacation. I have often read of social changes following on the heals of economic downfalls. This may also show our critics that we do count for something in this world. Our money talks as well as our voices.

  • There is a divine cure for the sicknesses you acknowledge for the world-Jesus Christ and His purpose for coming into the world! Goodnews! Just forget about the bad news and accept Him and His love if you sincerely need love and acceptance. He hates your sin but loves you!

  • If all gay people lived on an isolated island…they would completely die out in 100 years. Just knowing that tells me that it is not normal and goes against nature. It does not compare to being black, blonde, redhead, retired, or poor. Same sex couples can’t reproduce life. Sorry.

    • Hi, Sherry —

      Even assuming your isolated island has no access to modern fertilization technologies and that your imagined gays also wouldn’t engage in the actions that lead to reproduction, what’s your point?

      This blog focuses on laws that define LGBT people as criminals. Are you saying that everyone who cannot reproduce should be thrown into jail? We should imprison anyone who is sterile from birth, every child who has not reached adolescence, every elderly person, everyone who is not beautiful enough to attract a mate?

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • It’s a shame that here in Australia gays are given so many rights, where the rest of the world do the right thing and criminalies this behavior.

    • Hi, Rod —

      The hope is that you will recognize that LGBT people should have the same rights as everyone else, not that they should have more rights.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Hi Colin!
    I chose to recognise you as a human right activist and not gay and I expect you to spread your activism tentacles beyond gay right. Are you then also fighting against the incarceration of rapists,armed robbers,kidnappers, drug addicts and the likes, who also deserve to enjoy the rights of indulgences? What a free societ yours really is! If Homo is as an act, rightly tagged sinful/a vice, it’s then undesireable as those who indulge in them. Pesonally,i’d prefer a rehab for them to imprisonment.. I wish you can also redirect your intellectual energy into discouraging the act so that LGBT prisons will remain depopulated and empty, afterall, they were only established to discourage the act as there are prisons established against other vices!

    • Dear VIP,

      How about reframing your argument so that you’re not suggesting that consensual love between people of the same sex is the equivalent of violent non-consensual crimes such as rape, armed robbery and kidnapping? Those are totally different.

      Also, you’re mistaken in suggesting that a change could occur by anyone redirecting their intellectual energy. This isn’t a matter of intellectual choice; it’s a question of basic sexual attraction. I am attracted as I am, whether I will it or not. You are attracted as you are, whether you will it or not. LGBT people are attracted as they are, whether they will it or not.

      The question is whether to accept people as they are and to love your neighbor as yourself, or to reject people for who they are and to throw your neighbor in prison for loving the “wrong” person.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Hi Colin,
        You still don’t get my point and I’ll try to break it down.
        Crime/sin/vice/perversion/sodomy are some of the epithets/synonyms used by the different contributors here to describe same sex immoral indulgences and whether by mutual consent or not, this common numenclature qualifies them for same punitive prescription you’ve indirectly admitted for violent non-consentual offenses.Two adults,who by mutual consent sell(non-voilent) each others’ babies are criminals.Slave trade,in economic terms, was by consent, yet widely condemned! Accepting people is one thing,accepting their misdemeanour, is another. The law/tags existed before the crime.
        The creator/owner of humanity had expectations/intentions for what he created and the society is bound to protect such standards just as you would defend well intended laws of your parents or fatherland. The punitive measures may be different and unsavoury but the intent is for societal good. If, as a nigerian and a christian I believe that homo indulgences led to the destruction of Sodom and Gommorrha, then I will try all to protect my country by discouraging the scourge. Smoking/drug addiction should fall under your consent category yet they are condemned especially by Sodom-America and severe punishment imposed!
        Colin,I was talking about redirecting your intellect to discourage the act oblivion of the fact that you were an actor yourself! We may be on the same page in believing that imprisonment may not help the condition of those who genuinely seek freedom but my point, just like of those you tag religious biggots, is that JESUS CHRIST can and He truly loves you but hates the sin enough to destroy it and set you ,as God’s child, free from that demonic bondage!

        • Dear VIP,

          I’ll focus on what we’re close to agreeing on:

          You say with regard to LGBT people, “imprisonment may not help the condition.”

          I say with regard to LGBT people, “imprisonment does not help; it harms.” I understand that the intent is “for societal good,” but the actual result is evil, a rejection of the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

          Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Simply entertaining! Abnormal is abnormal! We may not kill them, but we will not accept them promoting their sexual preferences to our kids and preach how normal they are! That is very criminal! Real reason I would have to force my son to change his sexual preference is for the preservation of procreation. You fellows have reduced this to it being a simple choice equivalent to choosing between a coke and fanta!

    • hahahaha this was perfect I enjoyed it. My kids sure as hell aren’t being raised that way. I have a baby on the way and I will teach him the right way, no show him the right way. But teach him/her to love all but NOT to be influenced! Jesus loved all but when he was around thief’s and prostitutes he didn’t soak up any of those habits. I want my child strong enough to know what is wrong but also strong enough to face it in everyday life.

  • Yes Colin,
    We are closer to agreing but you missed out my real point.
    Let’s shift attention for a minute from the “cruel,” “unhelpful,” uncaring,” and “unloving” LGBT and focus on the caring, helpful,loving and abled JESUS! I had more character flaws than anyone else but decided to try him and I was baffled it worked for real. I bet, if he sets you free, you are free indeed! I still commit my human weaknesses to him and I get amazing results-acceptance(to take away the flaws),liberty(to obey God) and love(to fufill purpose for humanity). You have what he can use to mitigate hate and deviance for a better society. He’ll use you for his glory! One more thing; make it very personal -in your private time. God bless you!

    • VIP,

      Do you ever stop for just one moment to consider that you are perhaps delusional? You’ve done well to over intellectualise you responses in order to feign intelligent meaning, but have brought that down with preachy BS. I myself am homosexual, and while our community suffers culturally and socially on an international scale, I pity more those who cling to inane and evidence less religion as a justifiable springboard into enacting hate, in any form. The Jesus obsessed who hate on homosexuals, race or any other are truly the most regressive, life squandering and sympathy worthy group on this earth. Your perception of life, love and meaning are murky at best. You were no doubt raised this way and have neither been given nor taken the opportunity to think for yourself at any point. It’s truly a waste of the human mind and heart.

      • Michael,
        I wonder why my previous responses to you were tugged out of this blog!
        I perceive you want to belong to the club of deep thinkers. Let’s go a bit personal asking if you were groomed a homo? Christianity is different. You aren’t born or raised to think like one. You must become/reborn a Christian. It’s, neither a religion nor an ideology in variance with your ages long misconception. It’s, simply put, a personal experience of the creature with his creator having exhausted all options and in deep meditation on the challenges and purpose/essence of life/living. His mindset and lifestyle, on daily basis, are fine tuned in harmony with his creator’s. The only intellectual explanation to empirical existence lies in the fact that there most be a creator to all that exist and, I call mine Jehovah/Jesus=God! How about yours? Or,are you an accident possibly, downloaded here through abnormal union of same sex beings? Don’t bother quizzing anyone about God’s(invisible reality) existence or the authenticity of Jesus'(visible reality) claims, simply ask them to come and reveal His reality to you in your privacy and you may turn out even more obsessed by his love for you.
        One more fact: God/Jesus only hates homosexuality but loves the individual involved , and that’s exactly what we, Christians do and preach. He(God),just like any responsible father or nation, will punish the impenitent which should exclude you, if you ask for help. This applies to all human(the creature)’s acts of rebellion, perversion or disobedience to his creator and not just the homo. I tell you all these for free! Part1.

  • gay people lesbians its all madness how can t he whole world debate about homos if it was normal we wouldnt be talking about its just so funny how evil deeds are being made to seem okay if its normal why do they hide and are ashamed of themselves why why not walk around and scream it to the whole world am gay please stop lying to our kids our brothers do ur shamless deeds with the devil backing u cause we all know in the lords eyes thats a curse and if he is silent he will soon act continue doing funny vile things with ur bodies and am sure god will bless u crazy people

    • They don’t come out because idiots like you are looking to persecute them for something that is caused by genetics in the first place. It’s not a choice. Read a book and mix in a comma.

  • again on homos dont defy nature never ever mock GOD by creating ur own crazy ideas because u are indirectly abusing ur creator since there is a reason why a woman was made to a man so when i walk down the street and see a bunch of homos acting like women thats being in denial stop if ur a man be a man if ur a woman be a woman respect ur bodies and ur creator cause those demons llying to u that uall normal ur are not we dont hate homos we hate their deeds that all and u cant fight a supreme power GOD how dare u challenge him creation who made u can clay challenge the potter no so dont challenge God hes the voice deep down telling u live an upright life cause even if he is silent hes watching u

    • Which god ? There is absolutely NO evidence to support any of the gods created by humans actually exist in reality.

      What has homosexuality got to do with any unproven gods. Humans are not the only species on the planet to exercise this form of relationship and sexual activity. There are over 1500 species that do the same. Humans are not some special species we are just another life form on this planet, one of approximately 12 Million other species.

      So the only reason you are homophobic is because of your love for a god you have no proof for and the religion built up around such a false ideology ?

      • *sighhh* Here we go again another ignorant person shifting his beliefs to act a fool. Whatever, go do what you do best. God will soon become the most talked about thing soon enough…other than this gay rights rubbish.

  • If gay is legalised then bestiality should also because there is no crime, because there is no victim. It will be also be undemocratic if bestiality don’t have their own right and if bestiality have their right, what do you want this world to turn into? And I don’t think you would wish your children to marry dogs.

    Supporting same sex marriage is denying unborn ones the right to exist or don’t they deserve the privileged like you?

    What is the good end product in homosexuality?

    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. – Leviticus 18:22

    • “What is the good end product in homosexuality?” Personally I am heterosexual, but to answer your question.

      Why does there need to be any end product. There is no need for an end product from a straight union.

      And before quoting the bible, prove your god exists first, as otherwise all the hate you bear towards homosexuals is your own, which is in fact how it is with you.

      Why are you afraid of homosexuals ?

      • Afraid because, the history-(a realistic occurrence with tenable evidences) of Sodom and Gomorrah teaches us that, that INDULGENCE is capable of inviting nemesis upon an entire nation.
        If your sole obsession is about hate, why not come to terms with the fact that the “haters” actually detest the act and not you. Change and you will realize I am right.
        Again,visible matters like hills, mountains, oceans, seas, birds, animals, man etc existence have taught, even Charles Darwin, that there is an invisible creator and I for one call him GOD. These, more than my friend NNM, are better proofs to any rational being.

      • You don’t have to be afraid of someone just because you don’t like what they’re doing. I don’t like pedophiles but I’m certainly not afraid of them! homosexuals are always trying to force everyone to think like they do, and they don’t even respect the rights of sovereign countries to make their own decisions on this issue.

        • Hi, Big Al —

          Homosexuals are always trying to force everyone to think like they do, huh? Such as thinking that homosexuals shouldn’t be thrown into prison because of who they are? How dare they try to persuade people not to thrown them into prison!

          They don’t even respect the rights of sovereign countries to throw citizens into prison for life because of who they are? Such impertinence!

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Personally I am straight, happily married with 4 children.

    I sickens me to see so many homophobic people, the majority of whom are so because of their false god based ideology.

    Your religion has only taught you hate, disrespect and how to be inhumane. If you ask me the World would be better off without such evil minded people. The homosexuals of this World could teach you a thing or two about respect.

  • What people need to realize is that yes, being gay is abnormal. So is being blonde, or having freckles. There is nothing wrong with being abnormal. Everyone is abnormal is their own right. Most people I come across (I live in PA, USA) don’t really care either way as long as it doesn’t effect them. For example, if a blonde girl walks around a bar telling everyone she has natural blonde hair and warning them not to state their opinions on her hair (but you can if it’s a compliment) and talking about everything she went through to care for her hair, then people might start to get a little annoyed. I’m not saying all gay rights activists are like this, but they are definitely out there. The bottom line is that people should and do (in America) have the right to express themselves and say what they want. That goes both ways. So when a gay rights group wants to condemn a old guy on a TVshow for not having the same opinion as them, you know there is something wrong. Then continue on to try and make the station cancel his TV show and ultimately lose his job. That’s when the activists turn into the bullies. We are all people just trying to live our own lives in the way that we see fit. There is no good side or bad side in this argument.

    • Hi Haylee!
      You are always in a haste to defend your sect that you leave your thinking cap behind!
      How would you compare an indulgence-homosexuality- to a biological state-being blonde!
      Perhaps the main problem here is that these “divine infraction” see nothing wrong in what they do just like a pilferer sees nothing wrong in stealing. They act like a kid seeking a pat from the parents for deepening HIS finger into fire! There is always a justifiable corresponding actions/reactions to any misdemeanor according to the gravity of the offense. This isn’t only applicable to homo. That explains why we all seek decent, sane and safe ambience to happily co-exist.

  • Mr. Colin Stewart,

    Your comment to “Bob” above, reference “Just because a majority is in favor of oppressing a minority, that doesn’t make it right” is truly out of place. Do you know that the majority of people also favor oppressing terrorism ? That people have the right to deny behavior unbecoming the norms of socially accepted institution of marriage ? Does that denial constitute “oppression” to your mind ? I fail to understand why some people will do anything through media hype to legalize everything their minds fall short of acknowledging that the “majority” (consensus) exists for a reason and betterment of most. Some soldiers sacrifice their lives to protect those of the “majority.” Is that also “oppression” to your mind ? What would constitute “oppression” would be edicts to obstruct bloggers like yourself from sharing diagonally opposite views about generally accepted norms of social behavior. Perhaps you will find common ground with the “majority” when your son does in fact declare that he is Gay.

    • Wake up bub humans live off of majority. Why? Because its smart and effective. And as history shows works well with EVERYTHING. #peoplewhosaybigwordsthinktheirsmartendupsoundingdumb

  • I think that it’s great that some countries are taking a stand against this social disease that has infected the US and other countries. it is a perversion of the mind and the body. It’s bad enough that they practice this sickness in private, but the governments have no business sanctioning this sickness as normal. What next…. I want to marry one of my parents? It sets a horrible example for our children as to what is right and what is wrong, because as a country we don’t even know ourselves!

  • I think that what this world really needs is respect. Its just that simple. Give respect and you will be granted the same amount of respect. The world is evolving and our perspectives should evolve as well. Thanks to the author for taking time in making people understand.

  • It is actually so simple….there is no god, so stop using religion to promote your illiterate views that because your god says gay is a sin, therefore u must agree with him/her/it. No concrete proof exists that there is a deity sitting up on a cloud somewhere approving of the daily murder and or abuse of gay people, no proof that this deity is shielding u from harm because u “pray” and ask it to. If there was, this world would be perfect in every way….no disease, no disasters, no famine, no poverty.

    And by the way, tolerance implies acceptance and vice versa… So please stop hiding your own sick prejudices behind the veil of your phantom god!
    Tell me, would god have allowed your mother who died of excruciating cancer, to have cancer in the first place if he/she/it was the supposed god of love? Or do u just accept that your mother died because it was god’s will? Bullshit…just shows how people are blinkered into accepting that some things are the will of the gods because it comforts them – when actually the dont have a logical explanation for their loss.

  • GYSD,
    It’s gratifying to realize from your entire essay that your view is parochial and your opinion is, at best subject, to superior opinions and realities. Among folks of better formation than you are, men of high intellect-masters of the educational pedigree you claim and,among the kindergartens,who know better, the meaning of illiteracy, are believers in the existence of a creator of any existence. That is the simplest intellectual truth any thinking person should imbibe.
    Your very existence is an empirical truth that you were brought into existence or how else did you “evolve?” If someone with deeper thought and higher intellect had told you about the existence of invisible radioactive waves before the invention of radio and TV, you would possibly run amok with insulting irrational attacks as you’ve just done here.
    Unpleasant circumstances such as happened to your mother(my sympathy) find more rational explanations in godly perspectives. Outside this are either implausible or no explanations at all. The fact that I’ve never been to Helsinki doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! My best bet is find out, if in doubts. Free lectures!

    • Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.

      Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.


      • NNM,
        My brother NNM, if you’ve been following my piece, you’d understand that I am on your(The Lord’s) side, trying intellectually, to rescue these lost sheep from impending wrath from God. You’d also adduce that I am a born again, holy ghost filled, tongue speaking servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was trying to reason with(respond to) GYSD and not you. We both hate homo the way the Lord hates it but let’s love those in that bondage and win them to Christ rather than wish they perished in hell fire. God bless you.

    • Very funy! You guys don’t just get it. How can you compare a habit, an indulgence-a vice/sin to a physical organ or coloration! I perceive you want to cling even to a straw to justify your defect and remain a homo! So sad!

      • Dear VIP,

        What you insist on calling “a habit, an indulgence, a vice/sin” is an attraction to people of the same sex. You insist on calling it a choice, but most LGBT people experience it as a basic part of their being, something that they begin to experience as adolescents, not something they chose. Really, really, really — could you yourself CHOOSE to be attracted to people of the same sex?? No one has ever demonstrated the ability to switch back and forth between different sexual orientations, yet anti-gay partisans repeatedly, without any proof, declare that it’s a choice.

        — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

        • Mr.Gay…. I’ve said so much to you and thought by now you’d have a rethink and repent. Even if it was generic, don’t you think you’ve acquired the wrong gene just like sickle cell? While the sickle cell victim doesn’t indulge in any vice/abnormality, you don’t only indulge but shamelessly seek endorsement by “stainless” countries! Terrible.  

    • Hi Colin,
      Ok. I once stated that it’s of late I learnt homo isn’t by choice thanks to this blog. You may also recall, I saw it as an irony that a report some years back had it that a female secondary school was “ravaged by the scourge!” Now how do you reconcile these?
      One of the reasons all articles and efforts must be geared at helping, rehabilitating, transforming, and restoring the victims of this scourge to normalcy and discouraging the act lies in their helpless disposition. It’s an issue I believe, only God can completely mitigate in a willing individual but the unwilling ones may face his wrath.
      Any man born with a bizarre desire to lure(by consent) minors into sexual intercourse needs a combination of mental help and condemnation for both his act and continuous indulgence. Hope America will not rise up in defense of such fellows too.
      One more thing, God/Jesus’ injunction on this matter overrules those of Whoopi and her likes and to me ,they are simply end time agents of perversion.

      • Dear VIP,

        Yay! You, I and LGBT rights activists agree that it is wrong for homosexual — and heterosexual — men and women to take sexual advantage of children. Until they grow into adulthood, children do not have the maturity to give valid consent to a sexual encounter. Thus, adult-child sex cannot be truly consensual.

        — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Do you accept the entire bible as truth? Or do you just pick and choose verses that suite you?

    On Punishing ‘Immorality’

    Leviticus 20:9

    If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.
    20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
    20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.
    Deuteronomy 22:20-1 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house.
    Exodus 35:2

    For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.
    On Destroying Other People

    Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
    20:10-17 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. . . . This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
    However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.
    On the Evil of Biblical Law

    Ezekiel 20:25-26 I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; I let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD.
    On Slavery & Subjugation of Women

    Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
    Exodus 21:20-21 If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
    1 Peter 2:13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men.
    2:18 Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
    Leviticus 25:44-45

    Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.

    • Mr. Gay,
      You sound confused by the Bible, just as I might be reeling out verses of the Koran without proper teachings! The Ethiopian eunuch was in your state(see Acts 8vs30ff). Now are you using these scriptures to condemn your perceived selective justice against homos? You may have a point there. If so, then, you have indirectly admitted that homosexuality, just like those vices you reeled out, deserve condemnation and in that case you’re on point! You may also do better by trying to escape, especially, God’s ultimate punishment which is more dreadful than man’s. That’s what I try to do every day, starting with repenting and giving my life to Christ. How about you my friend?

      • VIP – May The Almighty God Bless You Abundantly. I Wasn’t Really Referring To You. Maybe, I Clicked The Wrong Space. My Africa Adage Says: “When A Dog Is Confused, It Can Bite The Owner” LOL. I Can’t Imagine Ideology Behind Gay. I Keep Asking, What Is The End Product Of Homosexuality? Obama That Is Championing Gay Campaign – Why Did He Marry His Lesbian Wife And Have Two Lesbian Daughters? He Would Have Married A Man And Stay With Him In The White House.

        • Dear No Nonsense Man,

          “Why Did He Marry His Lesbian Wife And Have Two Lesbian Daughters? He Would Have Married A Man And Stay With Him In The White House.”???

          Plenty of nonsense there. Is that a fantasy or a lie?

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Proper teachings?

        The Bible reads how a person interprets it as.
        You can take what ever you like out of it / See it as it pleases you.
        That’s why I don’t take the Bible seriously at all.

  • you can’t argue with crazy people…. and get this….. not once did I ever mention the Bible! So those who are wise enough might snap out of it, while the other insane people will keep on doing what they’re doing.

  • I wish more counties would go for this law. I am against gay relationships. Where has all our morals gone to. Very few people still has some left.

    • But why are you against something that’s as simple as the flavor of ice cream we prefer; it does not affect another person for it is a preference

  • None sir, I think I understand NNM better. He rightly assumes that since Obama supports homo,his wife and daughters must be towing same line and he’s wondering why a mentor of homo isn’t a practising one himself! He,Obama should be a beneficiary of the uncanny kind of generous freedom he’s advocating for the world! I think this line of reasoning makes a deep sense.

    • Dear VIP,

      That’s some mixed-up thinking. It’s deep nonsense. Obama supports gay rights, so he must be gay and his wife and daughters must be lesbian?? I support the rights of Ugandans not to be thrown in prison for who they are. Does that make me Ugandan? I support the rights of scientists to do their work. Does that make me a scientist? I support the rights of Christians, Muslims and atheists to worship, or not, as they choose. Does that make me a Christian Muslim atheist?

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Mr. Colin,
        Try understanding my point. Psychology permits assumptions adduced from contrasting premises. I am only presupposing that NNM imagines possible co-relations in Obama’s stand.
        You’ve wisely chosen positive illustrations here, why not establish also that you may not assume a leader who supports (the rights?) corruption as possibly corrupt himself! Support for any bizarre, abnormal, immoral, anti-social or even criminal entities casts aspersions on the moral ethics of the supporter. For instance, by your write up and crusade, if you hadn’t declared to be gay, I’d have still assumed you as one, and would be logically or sensitively, correct.

  • Gays are not just sick but perverts, can we insist on protecting minorities like greedy/corrupt people in society?, Why accord privileges to gays in the name of minority? Remember Sodom & Gomorah, Did God protect or destroy those minority sex perverts?

    • Dear Samuel,

      In addition to your misunderstanding of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah — cities that angered God by being inhospitable, not by being homosexual — you don’t seem to have noticed that God keeps renewing his creation with new LGBT people as well as with heterosexuals. We’re all blessed by God. We’re all sometimes cursed by our fellow men.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Wow “pastor” Colin,
        Never knew you could reel out a Bible story so much without even reading it up! Have you ever seen the account of Sodom and Gomorrah as contained in Genesis 19vs.4-10!
        Your teeming followers on this blog may soon realize how they have been misled and misinforemed by an unrepentant leech adherer to this destructive indulgence.

      • The problem is the so called westerners think Africa has to bow done to thier unearthly sex desires !!! Homosexuality as collateral for aid to our poor countries as you say live africa for us africans stay there & be rich as ever u can’ t change our laws and implement laws u regard as human rights when men violet other men’s anus’s… most of these gays endup gay because they wil have been abused at a young age and endup not knowing what they want!! Even Dogs & pigs know thier mates better than so called gays!! Licking another man’s anus and you call it a human right! Get real! Proud to be Black & African… regards Tutu!!!

    • Even in Ezekial, the reason for the destruction was their inhospitality, not homosexuality. Did Lot not offer his daughters to be raped to avoid appearing as inhospitable? That is quite a sacrifice on his part. Remember, the Bible is a collection of stories written by the the hands of MEN, translated through many different languages over thousands of years. Why protect people’s choices? Why protect people’s choice of religion?

  • Isn’t this the same country that takes children away from their fathers and then throws the fathers in jail when they don’t have enough money!? So how can they criticize another country for their laws? Furthermore, if you don’t like another country’s laws then just stay out of that country. but I actually agree with you in the fact that the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, but they are sending their people the message the best way they know how.

  • My brother NNM, that adage doesn’t apply in your case. Just like I am, you are simply upset that the devil could hold God’s creatures in such bondage. The mix up is also because the designers of this link got it a bit twisted.
    The most amazing of it all is that one can publicly declare being infested by this destructive infirmity.
    That leaders of even the so called “civilized” and “godly” nations parade as crusaders of this societal menace and endemic scourge requiring serious attention like the HIV/AIDs pandemic, is another amazing misfortune for those countries!

    • Even in Ezekial, it was presumed that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to their inhospitality to strangers, not homosexuality. Rather than be inhospitable, Lot offers up his daughters to be raped? That’s certainly a strange reaction.
      It was a story written by men thousands of years ago, with a bias, to further their greed and keep others fearful.
      Didn’t it used to also be a sin to believe the earth was round, or that the universe did not revolve around the earth? Used to be put to death for those beliefs as well, I think.

  • am monday from NIGERIA As we all clearly know that a GAY is a person usually a man who is attracted to someone of thesame sex while homosexualism is the act by which a man engage in sexual intercourse with his fellow man through his ANUS, Now base on this definition can the normal man imagine this kind of people? And this kind of disgusting act? Let us be realistic, let reason about this act and let ask our selves series of questions,who are this people called GAY?where do they really come from? The issue of criminalizing or decriminalizing of the homosexual act is not the issue yet, do you really think this act have any positive influence that can help the society and the people in world generally?is there any danger in the future? I believe those who were born in 18 and early 19 are no more in existence any longer if not for few of them, do you really think if your parent where to be Gay or lesbian you would exist today? If we are to encourage this act of homosexualism and lesbianism do you think it will result to mortality or natality? Etc apart of religion and belief let us take a look at the percentage of the negative and positive effect it has on us now or in the future, but to me i dont see the act of homosexualism having any positive effect on man kind instead destruction and the risk of low natality…….. I dont know about you……………………………………………………………. ……… In summary if am been given an opportunity to talk about this topic i think i have a lot to really say……….. But however we must understand the fact that GAY are not being from God….. Incase you are doubting, then why did God destroy sodom and gomorah? After God created Adam why didnt he creat another man and instead? Instead creat a woman …… So therefore these so callded GAY people have their root in satanism and they are incarnate of satan,their purpose here in the world is to oppose God just like as it has been prophecied from the beginning.

    • Dear Monday,

      I know many good-hearted, caring, gay Christians. They are not from Satan. They were created by God, just as you and I were. You should get to know some of them.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • There are many definitions of Christianity. You sure aren’t referring here to the one that requires a man to discard his old(gay, stealing, hateful) nature and receive the new(Jesus controlled) one! Don’t confuse moralists admirers of the Christian faith with the transformed sinner who adheres, submits to and practices the faith of Jesus Christ please.

    • “We hope that you will find new hope and a firm understanding that Jesus loves you far more than you have been led to believe.”
      “We are not “liberal” theologians. We do not dismiss scripture as irrelevant to this day and age. We believe the Bible, in its original form, was the inerrant word of God. We endeavor to move beyond the mistranslations that exist in English translations of that word, using the extant Hebrew and Greek texts.”

  • To Colin, look here man if you want to be gay go and do that, but shut up and quit trying to take over the rest of the world! you don’t see straight people having a straight people movement do you!?

    • Dear Big Al

      It’s true that there’s no “straight people movement” as such, but you also don’t see straight people being thrown in prison for being straight.
      LGBT people merely want to be treated as others are.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • To Colin, That’s simply not true that gays and lesbians and what have you just want to be treated as everyone else. As soon as you give them a inch they want to take a yard. When homosexuals were being bullied harassed and beaten all they wanted was to be protected and left alone. They got that. Then they wanted civil unions. They got THAT. Next they wanted to be able to adopt children. They got THAT! Then they wanted to be able to marry one another. They got THAT! Now they’re trying to infect the rest of the world!! I hope like hell they don’t get THAT!! Personally I think it should be illegal to practice this sickness and the United States once again as well so that we can move this country forward again and not continue to go backward!!

    • Hi, Big Al —

      You’re talking about the United States? This blog focuses on the 76-plus countries with laws against homosexuality activity. There it’s quite definitely not true that “When homosexuals were being bullied harassed and beaten all they wanted was to be protected and left alone. They got that.” No. They’re put into prison. That apparently is your remedy for what you see as a “sickness.”


      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • What you are talking is automatically rubbish. In my opinion, all GAYS and LESBIANS should be jailed for ever in prison or hanged I DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS GENERATION EXIST. Its the responsibility of every normal person to criticize homosexuals in all hearts.

        • Dear Sipendi Uongo,

          It saddens me that hatred has seized you so strongly that you want to kill people whom God has made — a whole generation of them? I pray that you will be touched by love.

          — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • I don’t know what country you live in, but I sure wish I knew. I live in America, and NONE of those things are true in the state I reside: no hate crime laws, no civil unions, no marriage, no adoption. Please tell me where – in the US or the world – all of those things you mentioned are available? I will book a flight immediately!

  • It’s you’re right to be human, not sick and perverted! Those other countries are standing on the principles of decency and morality, and they don’t want to see their country become a sick perverted side show like the US!!

  • The reason that we differ is because some people are following God and some people are not. We are all given the choice to follow God or not…that is free will. I wish everyone could feel God’s Love and know Him. I would encourage you seek God with all of your heart and He promises you will find Him. I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I accept God’s free gift of Salvation. It is not something I earned. Love covers a multitude of sins. Anything you place in your life before God is an idol. When it comes to homosexuality, I believe God is very clear on that, it is an abomination. That does not mean that a homosexual cannot be forgiven. Just like any sin, we must repent and turn away from the sin. Sin separates us from God. I know many homosexuals and just try to show everyone I come in contact with the Love of Christ. Although, I disagree with the lifestyle, I still show them respect. I also am not going to compromise my beliefs, then I would be a fake. I believe God defines marriage, not man. Jesus can heal you no matter what you have done-if you ask Him. To me, it doesn’t get any better than that. Jesus brings peace that passes all understanding. We will all find out one day. I have blessed assurance of one day being with Jesus and you can have that, too. You do not have to take my word for it, ask God to reveal Himself to you. He will not disappoint! God bless you all! =)

  • Well said Big AL…the gay agenda is not just about basic human is an agenda to push the homosexual lifestyle in schools, on our children and the world.

  • “A great nation will fall”…just as Rome fell due to all the perversion and corruption….history repeating itself over again here in America.

    • Wait. I believe it was AFTER the Roman Empire adopted Christianity that it really began to fall apart. The Roman Empire was extremely powerful during the times it honored pagan gods and the physicality of humanity.

  • Yes Colin,
    Even prostitutes, drunks, pilferers, dopers see nothing wrong in their indulgences and can justify/hold unto their positions as you (gays) do.
    Societies for people with down syndrome, the blind and the deaf at birth, realize there’s something unnatural about their state and solicit for help. On the contrary, LGBTs want the right to remain the same even if there was a remedy. You can as well defend a wealthy gay I learnt, lured, enticed and recruited, his security guard and domestic staff into this abnormal practice. Many ugly variations of such cases abound.
    If one born with or recruited into any illicit practice is requesting for a right to remain same, it’s so sad. Attempts at condemning a corrective measure and advocating a better reformatory/curative option for this malaise starts with the realistic establishment/acceptance of what it, really is- a natural or induced perversion, It’s the perception of the different nations of this indulgence and it’s social consequences which conditions the laws enacted for or against it just as done for other social vices. Anyone or nation which doesn’t see perversion of natural order as evil is decadent.
    No one was created blind or a pilferer. If by “inexplicable” unnatural interferences one is born as such, then the most rational thing to do is seek help rather than advance the most implausible excuses for it. One gay blogger used population check as an excuse oblivion of the fact, that in the world of homo, the entire population can be wiped off by war, famine, disease, natural disasters et al hence divine wisdom/provision for procreation which no laws can disannul.

  • Colin,
    Imagination is the highest form of reasoning. Ask philosophers. There is no falsehood in logical assumption unless proven, logically to be so. On the contrary, most truths stemmed from assumptions.

  • Tmara75 you are absolutely right! But you can’t reason with crazy people. Colin Stuart is sick and perverted! He and others just like him including the lesbians are at the center of moral decay in this country. They spread their sickness like a disease, and they wonder why are the countries don’t want to be infected. If someone has to tell you that there is something wrong with a man being with a man and a woman being with a woman then that person has no reason.
    Some of these sick idiots try to claim that its genetic. How in the hell is it genetic when those people can’t even breed!?

    • My brother Big al,
      We are, in this generation living witnesses of the fulfillment of some of the prophecies of our master Jesus Christ! The world has gone mad. Very soon, witches and even “bestials”, through their associations will start anti-witches/bestiality law protests and America will sanction it! This warns the faithful that “he that standeth should make sure he standeth well” for the hour draws nearer when the Lord shall appear. I pray we all keep the faith till he comes and no demonic pressures shall sway us IJN. Amen.

  • Some attributes of the coming Antichrist in book of Daniel 11:37 are fierce countenance and Having no desire for women, Why must gays put him a red carpet in advance, He will later get a fatal wound and I pray I fulfil this, Destroy this King of Gays

    • Thank you SO much for this link. It will be a great help in responding to those who insist being gay is just a choice.

    • Dear Big Al,

      Saying that a characteristic is genetically based isn’t the same as saying that it is a characteristic that allows reproduction. People who are old typically cannot have children, yet there is a genetic basis to old age. Let me assure you that old age is not a choice either.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • The genetic conditioning of the aged doesn’t,induce acts considered unwholesome, immoral, perverse, an infraction etc. The reasoning here is what you intuitively do/don’t do being whom you find yourself to be. Sickle cell, pilfering and masturbation aren’t by choice either, yet undesirable.
        Settle that before jumping to imprisonment-a different issue applicable not only to homos!
        Au revoir mon ami!

  • “pastor” Colin,
    I asked you to “Bible” Genesis 19v4-10 and you are asking me to google! Which is the authority on this story? Why not google the downloaded biblical reference for the original script? So your inhospitality account disannuls the Bible’s homosexuality account just because you are gay and the inhospitable may google drunkenness and place it at it’s doorstep uh!
    You are sounding like an entertainer now.

    • Dear VIP (in case you’re still reading the comments),

      I fear that you’re so obsessed with homosexuality that you are blinded to what you’re reading in the Bible. You read a story about attempted homosexual rape in Genesis 19: 4-10 (the extreme inhospitality that I was referring to) and you conclude from it that consensual same-sex intimacy is worthy of a prison sentence.

      You read Old Testament passages containing many prohibitions — “There are six things which the LORD hates, seven which are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and a man who sows discord among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19). Eating clam chowder or shrimp, conducting improper blood sacrifices, adultery, having sex after a divorce, dishonest business practices, and love of money — but you pick on homosexuality. It’s sad that a strong Christian finds it so important to speak so hatefully about loving people who also were created by God and who share this world as our neighbors.

      Via con Dios,
      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • You God damned enemy of all living, you have no idea what love is you two faced Satanic trojan demon, you will have your day, then you will be thrown into the lake of fire for your crimes of luring and perverting souls into hell with you. It would have been better you never been born you Satanic demonic cancer, shameless accursed pig, the only thing you love is evil and perversion and to infect it into the minds and souls of the world, especially children, and for that you will be eternally damned.

    • Dear Gayisnotachoice,

      I understand why you say that, though I think that’s going too far. But I agree that VIP goes too far also.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • Colin, you don’t have to defend me, we are reasoning here and if you hold a strong view you should be able to reason through spurious views.

        Now Gay, the Jews did not indulge in anti social acts that warranted the unjust killings. May God forgive the Nazis!

        This issue is easier if you believe in God the creator and that every creature must have a creator! The reasoning you are finding so hard to understand/accept is simply that homos are perverting the natural intent for procreation just like you’d tell a man who abuses the natural purpose for animals. On a lighter note, how would you react seeing or hearing of a “security goat!’ Now you’re giggling. You can impair this with anything-some may be unpleasant though.

        As a christian, I recommend rehab rather than imprisonment for this acclaimed involuntary perversion just like i’d recommend same for drug addicts as,in most cases, imprisonment hardens the victims. Above all,homo practice just like any strong ungodly indulgence in any man-VIP inclusive- can best be cured and mitigated during a private or open honest session with Jesus Christ. Need I say more? Just try it!
        God and I love you!
        Tchau Amigo!

  • Well said!! We moral and decent people need to stop being so intimidated and speak out against perversion and evil!

  • I have been reading the comment of colin stewart and psychologically i have come to realize that colin stewart is a GAY and purposely dsigned this website for the purpose of been an advocacy of homosxuals. I also want to believe that the essence of colin stewart designing this website is to see how he can educate and creat the impression that, the act of homosexualism should be accepted and they should have equal right but here in africa expecially nigeria where i come from that can not be possible ……………………… Like i said earlier i see you are an advocate for the homosexuals . Why are you trying to turn the bible up side down,if you are trying to defend gays by the event of sodom and gomorah, have you checked other verses in the bible where homosexualism is condenm? If not then you can check this verse of the bible. GENESIS 19:1:29, LEVITICUS 18:22, LEVITICUS 20:13, JUDGES 19 :22-23, ACT 15:28-29, ROMANS 1:18-32 , 1CORITHIANS 6:9-11 AND 1TIMOTHY 1:10. Remember that the bible has clearly stated it that any fruit that bear no branches should be cut down, so therefore Gay or homosexual any how you people may name them should be deal with mercilessly because they are not beings from God and this is satan at work. Parts of Gay eradication in nigeria.

    • Dear Monday,

      Just to correct a couple of errors you’ve made. I’m heterosexual, but I do believe that homosexuals should not be thrown in jail for being as God made them. I know that many Biblical verses, as translated into English anyway, condemn homosexual acts, though nothing like modern consensual, loving same-sex relations was known at the time they were written. In context, some of those references seem to be related to temple prostitutes whose sexual relations were on behalf of idols. But you don’t have to believe that to see that the biblical message is love. Jesus surely did not propose “gay eradication”! Is his message to love your neighbor after killing off your gay neighbor? I don’t think so.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Remember that, at the time all these passages were written, women were considered property, there were different words in the native language for different relationships between people, and all those things have changed in 2000 years, much more in the many thousands of years since the old testaments were written. For a man to treat another equal man as property, as a conquest, would have been a horrible insult. That is how women were treated at that time! Look at how many wives and concubines these “holy” men had back then! It was for greed. Those words were written by MEN who had bias so they could get what they wanted. God did not take ink to paper; men did.

  • I was once bound by masterbation for 10yrs and was very frustrated in getting out of this hell & finally succeeded, Deep inside gays know the guilt & condemnation that follows after that act, Colin Stewart needs to know that they (gays) know long as they got live conscience they want help from the sinking ship

  • Colin,
    Takes a great deal of guts to put up with the kind of verbal abuse you have been taking for nearly 2 years. And I just stumbled on this page. More power to you, and I hope I have the strength of character you have to put up with these kinds of insults and threats. You are an inspiration of compassion and civility in a world turned otherwise. Thank you.

    • As they say, sticks and stones …

      And no one’s trying to imprison me. Many of the toughest commenters really want good for me — they’re trying to save my soul and persuade me that I’m heading toward hellfire if I don’t change my ways. I’m not clear why they think that anger and nastiness will accomplish that; probably it’s because they themselves were converted by fire-and-brimstone preachers.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • That just goes to show what an ignorant evil person this Jeff guy is! It also proves that gay people work for Satan! That includes people that promote that type of sick perversion like Colin Stuart!

  • Your comments must have come before I unsubscribed from your blog as , with great relief, no new comments have com through! You may consider this piece as my final(lengthy) submission on this matter on this blog even at the risk of being misunderstood.
    Let’s begin with your delight in twisting the Gen,19 passage to suit your intent: Only gays(the men of that city) could have attempted/desired to rape fellow men(angels in this context). They failed because God and the angels stopped them. In law, a foiled attempt(as in coup d’etat) attracts severe consequences as befell Sodom and Gomorrah. Use whatever semantics, the act(homosexual misdemeanor) by the actors(homosexuals) attracted the destruction. Intellectuals who understood this better adopted the term “sodomy” in allusion to the episode.
    Imprisonment isn’t designed only for homos, it’s a universal instrument of correction of perceived societal ills. It’s better than the freedom campaign. You find it so convenient to impose this position on me in spite of previous opinion. If only we can see this act as socially unacceptable then we can focus on the best option to eradicate it.The involuntary nature of it may and call for help by perpetrators may attract genuine sympathy and more considerate solution. I’m totally against any activities that suggest this infraction is right and seek to legalize it. If anyone had solicited the right for perpetrators of all the abominable acts you reeled out of the Bible, I’d have still attacked it with same passion. The issue in this blog focuses on same sex. Homo proponents are shifting attention from the cause and effect to attempts at eradicating the scourge. Which came first Colin?
    As a veteran journalist, you should be conversant with the rules of ” burning issues.” Attacks and counter attacks fly across. In this case you are acting like a partial referee by ignoring the various invectives and insults meted out from your “all loving” camp choosing rather to condemn the firepower from opposing views.
    On the whole, I find amusing what you term ” love” in the context of same sex attraction. This is worse than hate. You can’t demonstrate your love for a male goat by being attracted to it. On the other hand you can demonstrate genuine love to your fellow man(son,brother) by correcting, criticizing and even punishing the self destructive tendencies in them. God loves the world, yet he HATES, CONDEMNS and PUNISHES sin. Yes I’ve never seen any of the homos I attack here -I wouldn’t attack Michael for being Michael but for being gay. Likewise I do attack VIP(self) for any anti-social indulgence but on my part I humbly ask for God’s help rather than defiance. Get it right-I hate homosexuality and the causative demons holding my beloved brothers(the homosexuals) captive.As a christian, imprisonment may not guarantee their repentance.
    It’s not about being white, black, green or red but what you symbolize or indulge in!
    Those massaging your ego are only giving you the impression with spurious arguments that you should continue as you are but, when in future, you find the truth and repent you’d prefer my hard knocks and “bitter” prescriptions capable(as in John de Baptists weapon) of inducing repentance.


  • Am short of words! What God himself condenm how come hes now the one resposible in creating this so called Gay? You people Gay keep giving excuses and dont see any thing with your aborminable and shamful act. Have you ask why did God destroy sodom and gomorah?

    • “Have you ask why did God destroy sodom and gomorah?”

      Yes. God was displeased by people who attempted rape instead of being hospitable. Search for the previous lengthy discussions on that subject in this string of comments.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • ‘There are those who claim that when the crowd said “let us know them,” they meant “have sex.” There are even translations of the Bible that say “let us have sex with them,” or “let us know them carnally.” Let us state categorically, that the Hebrew text will NOT support such “translations.”
      Some say that Hebrew has more than one verb for “know” and that the one used here means “have sex.” Let’s set the record straight on this. The root of the Hebrew verb for “know” is ידע yada. A form of yada is used here and hundreds of other times in scripture. Only about ten of those times refer to sex, and in each case, the sexual meaning is clear by the context. (Example: Adam knew his wife and she conceived.) To try to make this word mean sex everywhere will get us in a lot of trouble, because the scripture tells us that God knew David, and uses a form of this word. We don’t think anyone would be foolish enough to try to attach a sexual meaning to that. When the crowd outside Lot’s house said they wanted to know the visitors, they meant exactly that: To know who they were.”

  • To VIP, those are some very wise and poignant words, but this guy is so possessed by evil forces and stubborn in his beliefs that no matter what you say he’s not going to change his point of view. This is a tough demonic force we are facing, and it has a solid grip on its victims. Very few homosexuals are able to break out of that possession and reassume normal godly lives. god bless.

    • Dear Big Al,

      I too fear, but my fear is that you are so possessed by evil forces and stubborn in your beliefs that no matter what I say you are not going to change your point of view. This homophobia of yours surely qualifies as a tough demonic force, and it has a solid grip on its homophobic victims. But I still hope that you will be able to break out of that possession and reassume a normal godly life. God bless.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • “no matter what you say he’s not going to change his point of view”. The same can be said regarding your comments on the subject. You just can’t let anyone live the life they were given by God without injecting your judgments, can you? My first visit to this site, and you label me evil and an agent of Satan. I never addressed your personal life, and you know nothing of mine. Colin Stewart has stated he is heterosexual, yet you condemn him for doing exactly as Jesus had done: not judge another for something that is not a choice. He simply set up a site showing places where gay people can be killed for being gay, imprisoned for being gay. God experiences this physical realm through each and every one of us, every day, and it is too bad that so many live their lives by expressing disdain for their fellow humans. That’s not what I want to be my contribution to God’s experience on Earth. I hope God can lead you to have a happier life, one without the anguish you bring upon yourself with your obsession about other people’s personal lives and physical activities. The gospels mention Jesus’ referring to casting the first stone and something about a speck in someone else’s eye. I love the teachings attributed to Jesus.


    I Cor 6:9 Greek Study:

    Historical Background

    Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians has been totally falsely twisted from the Greek to English. It says nothing at all about homosexuality only ancient idolatry. The temple of Aphrodite Pandemos, goddess of sexual fertility, dominated Acrocorinthus and employed 1000 prostitutes who served in sexual rites virtually around the clock. The greek words pornoi, arsenokitai and malikos, were no doubt promiscuously available throughout the city, a city famous for her libertine rites in the worship of idols. Acrocorinthus was the dominant geographic feature enshrouding the Corinthian skyline and rose to a great height of 1750 ft. above the city. Corinth, herself, was a metaphor of fertility and libertine sexuality among the ancient cities of Mediterrania.

    The range of meanings for the Greeks “malakos” and “arsenokoital”in I Cor

    6:9 is very wide. In the KJV its “effeminate” and “abusers of themselves with mankind”, other versions translate it as homosexuals, sodomites, or who are guilty of homosexual perversion. However there are many lexical errors in all these translations.


    The idea that “malakos” (soft, effeminate) links it to homosexuality ignores the hebrew culture. Gay men were not viewed as effeminate unless they exhibited feminine characteristics in addition to being gay. Many heterosexual males were called effeminate and there is no essential connection between this and sexual preference in any ancient literature. Other greek words were used for homosexuals but never “malakos”, and the other words are never used in scripture.

    Boswell points out that it is frequently used in moral context as licentious. Scroggs points out it also has been used as the effeminate call-boy prostitute in pederasty, but has nothing to do with homosexuality as we know it today.


    There is no recorded used of “Arsenkoites” prior to its appearance in 1 Cor 6:9. English translators traditionally have related it to Sodomites. There is a double irony to this since, as it is now generally recognized, Sodomites were not punished for homosexuality.

    The claim this word means homosexual, defies linguistic evidence and common sense. “Koites” generally denotes licentious sexual activities, and corresponds to the active person in intercourse. The prefix “Arsen”, simply means “male”. It could mean a male that has sex with lots of women. Paul made up a new word. A biblical scholar when a word is unknown, looks for similar greek words to find a possible meaning. Boswell concludes Paul writing in Koine Greek, took a word from Attic Greek combined with a word from Old Testament Greek to mean the active male prostitute. These were common in the Hellenistic world in the time of Paul. They served as prostitutes for both men and women. BINGO! Remember “porneia” in the same verse that has been mistranslated fornication but was really female temple prostitutes? Guess what? Paul also is condemning the male prostitutes that also were in the temples of the sex gods!

    Scroggs relates it to pederasty in the context it is used in conjunction with “malakos”, the effeminate call-boy prostitute. It follows that “arsenkoites” is used to describe the adult active partner of the effeminate call-boy prostitute. Again this is a specific style of pederasty characterized by a young, passive, for-hire call boy and the adult customer. What is clear it has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality as practiced today.

    It is a serious thing to take human bias and misrepresentations and then sanctify them by wrapping them in the robes of God’s authority. That is clearly Scriptural abuse and God does warn strongly those that try and add to His Word.

    The Bible is the key instruction manual for Christians, but many fail to realize that the English translations of today, often reflect the bias and history of sexual repression of the Church through the ages and may have nothing to do with what God or writers were really meaning to say. God’s real opinion is found by digging beneath the surface, and doing that will lessen the danger of misunderstanding, resulting in confusing our homophobic opinion with God’s. God does not call today’s homosexuality sin, only you do.

    I know this does little to change the thoughts of many who comment on this site, but the information is out there if you look for it, and read it, and think about what God really intended for this physical realm. My idea is God intended for us to have compassion for one another, care for one another, and think beyond what we are told by others. I apologize to Colin for monopolizing this site as of late, but I keep trying to find places to express my opinion. I hope some find some solace in believing God wants us to care for the creations in this existence: the planet, the animals, the plants, each other. We are all here for a reason: to add to God’s experience in this world. Jesus was a great instrument of God; let’s hope we learn the lessons God tried to teach us through the person of Jesus, real or not.

  • Since its now clear that sodom and gommorah were destroyed because of homosexuality not hospitality ie Lot offering his daughters to be raped by those perverted and thirsty maniacs, the UN should declare Gay-Countries as Members of the Axis of Evil or become extinct like the League of Nations

    • Ezekiel recorded the sins of Sodom: Ezek. 16:49-50 – pride, fullness of bread, abundance of idleness, they did not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy, they were haughty and committed abomination. A note about this unspecified abomination: In the Law of Moses, many things are called abomination, including such things as eating pork and shellfish, having sex with a woman during her period, etc. But Sodom and the other cities were destroyed before the Law was written, so we’ll need to look outside the Law for the definition of this word. Outside the Law, the word abomination almost always refers to the practices associated with idol worship, some of which were enumerated earlier. It should also be noted that ancient Jewish commentaries on Sodom (in the Mishnah) all agree that Sodom and the other cities were destroyed because of their failure to help the poor. None of them suggests anything in regard to homosexual activity.

    • “God spared Lot and his daughters from the destruction of Sodom. Genesis 19:33-36 goes on to say how the daughters got Lot drunk and committed incest with him. Would God destroy two cities for homosexuality and save these people so they would go right out and commit incest?”

      “Unfortunately Church tradition of today has bought into these twisting of scripture and ignores true biblical research to find the truths of scripture. But many Christians and ministers just think they know it all and many are totally unaware of the background of some of their false teachings. This is the true abomination…all the hurt caused by the lies and false teaching instead of loving people just as God created them, regardless of their natural sexual orientation. It is very clear there is no choice in sexual orientation and the terrible hurt and failure of the “change-em” ministries is full of evidence how impossible and harmful trying to change ones God given sexual orientation can be. But ignorance prevails and the lies continues which all Christians should be ashamed of and speak out against.”

  • VIP.
    The Nazis condemned, ostracized, imprisoned and killed people who didn’t fit into their idiologies. Including gay, lesbian , transgendered and also people who were born with both sexes. They didn’t only do this to the Jews, they did this to their own citizens.

  • Well said Tutu! that’s one reason why I would rather move out of this godforsaken country and to a decent continent like Africa! where men are still men and not sissies, and women are still women and not ridiculous looking people trying to be men!

    • This is the type of negativity people need to avoid. What did they ever do to you? Why are you judging them? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror before you tell us what you think about them. At the end of the day gays would be gays and we cannot do anything to change that, life would go on. So take those hateful words elsewhere and let God do the judging.

  • Surprised at the amount of biblical literalism going on here. Its 2014, read between the lines and take into consideration the cultural/historical context of the books you read, fools. Love/Light/Liberalism.

  • I personally have no standing opinion on same-sex marriage, but I do believe this: other people (whether it is the federal government or your boss) should not judge and rule other people’s lives. That is what I believe because if you invaded their life it is exactly like killing them slowly, mentally. If you support gay marriage then go for it, live your life. If you oppose it and think of it as a sin, then do just that. But word of advice, DONT force your opinions onto other people.

  • No matter how much you may try to justify it..Homosexuality is perversion of what man should be.Its the lowest dregs of what man ca descend into.Thats why there is all this hysteria..If what you are doing is good why scream and yell for attention and fight and grovel and snivel fir justification or your rights.Rights to be depraved, put your penis into another man’s anus and callinng another man wife.Another woman husband..
    Homosexuals cannot build a community, a society or Nation.Nations are built on families of mother.father children..
    sodomy is an abomination in God’ eyes.It is a cancer in the survival of the human race.Politicians are capitalising on vote buying in the West by selling their souls to this filth in their communities..And for money too. Thats one reason for the decay in Western famliy life..Anything goes:-drugs.sexual your thing..All sorts of decadence, vice .
    They also have evolved and encouraged a culture of God hate believing falsely that God is monitoring their depravity and perversions.They want no mention of schools or anywhere in the community that they may enjoy their destructive and abominable practices in comfort,like an ostrich burying its head in the sand to avoid trouble.
    I have many homosexual friends and I love them but I hate the perversion of homosexuality they practise.
    As an African I would also like to encourage all African countries to resist the pressure the decadent societies of the West which seek to have them grant homosexuality and other anti social .and anti human..UnGodly practices freedom in Africa.
    If possible more severe laws and penalties against
    any perverts and sexual miscreants should be enforced and to hell with their aid.
    I would likecommend Nigeria, Gambia, Uganda and all progressive African countries for standing up for their societies in the face of the sodomists and Western perverts
    Holy Moyo

  • All of the countries above are right to have anti-gay laws because it’s not natural to have two male guys get merried in front of GOd. Imagine, having two men have an adopted child and don’t have a mom?. Have parents with the same aspect is not right, it causes problems to the child mentally and even a trauma. Gay marriage is wrong… Because we didn’t start with two male guys and reproduce to populate the earth did we?. Now why are we allowing this to happen around our kids and families.

  • I think you are absolutely right!! the United States endorses homosexuality because it’s also a form of genocide! there isn’t a homo sexual couple in the world that has produced a child nor will they ever! here in the US they’re always passing laws that are aimed at breaking up the family, and getting rid of God from our minds. this Colin Stuart guy claims to be heterosexual, but no hetero sexual will go through the trouble that he is going through in order to justify this sick perversion unless he is one himself!

    • So to you anyone like Colin Stuart who believes that LGBT have the right to be allowed to live their lives in peace must be gay? Well that just makes you ignorant but what’s worse is being WILLFULLY ignorant!

      And genocide?!? You are delusional! We have countries who will put LGBT people to death simply because of WHO they are… THAT is genocide!!

  • You’re clueless, big al! Completely clueless!
    You wouldn’t have a clue if somebody *faxed* it to you.You couldn’t catch a clue if you stripped naked and soaked your pallid hide in clue musk, then did the clue mating dance in a field full of
    horny clues during the height of clue mating season!

    What meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with us? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

    I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed
    on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing
    has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I’m sorry. I
    can’t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me.

  • To this IDIOT that calls himself the other Jim… I don’t know what you think you’ve accomplished with that senseless and meaningless and flat out stupid rampage that you just went on! everyone can see by the way you express yourself who the real stupid ignorant idiot is. I hope you know someone who can fix the holes that you just put in those walls and the ones that you obviously had in your head before you went on that senseless rampage! post something that makes sense next time and maybe people will listen to you! You obviously love this gay sickness that we have going on in this country which tells me a lot about your warped mind! PERVERT!!

    • Dear Big Al and Other Jim,

      I need to ask each of you to comment more respectfully going forward. You’ve each hurled nasty names back and forth at each other. Enough!

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Your words are full of insult stupid, stupid….. But make no meaning, we ought to give this Gay people reason why this act is forbidden and make them to understand the negativity of this homosxual act. Hey we are here debating i guess, we are not here for insult.

  • I hope that more country’s can summon the courage and moral standing to stand up against other countries lgbt community’s. It is important. Despite America’s moral bankruptcy, as a world leader to help the children realize the inherent rites are being sold out in order to make money , and become voge .

  • It says in the bible if a man lay with a man as he would lie with a woman the punishment is death. It should be illegal everywhere. Only thing in the bible punished by death is homosexuality. No gays lesbians trans or whatever else they choose ro call themselves will inherit a place in the kingdom of the lord. They will all burn in hell for eternity.

    • Dear Joe,

      I suggest that you read your Bible much, more more carefully. You say the “only thing in the Bible punished by death is homosexuality.” You overlook, among other things, blasphemy (Leviticus 24:14-16,23), breaking the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14, Numbers 15:32-36), trying to convert people to another religion. (Deuteronomy 13:1-11, Deuteronomy 18:20), striking your parents (Exodus 21:15), cursing your parents (Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9), and being a drunkard. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

      But instead of focusing on what some religious people in the past thought were crimes worthy of death, I’d suggest that you focus instead on living out the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Really? What about the woman in Oregon who abused and killed her 4-year-old son because she thought he might be gay? Is that an appropriate way for a parent to “correct” her child? In her mind, she believes she prevented another homosexual from growing up.

  • To Colin,

    let me just ask you one question…. what would you tell me if I told you that I wanted to marry my mother? I want you to put that answer out there so everyone can see where your head is.

    • Dear Big Al,

      I would say two things. (1) That it’s a bad idea, an inclination that deserves compassionate therapeutic treatment, but not imprisonment or lynching, such as LGBT people are subjected to. (2) That you’re using a common, misleading rhetorical trick by claiming that consensual same-sex love is like things that it’s not similar to. If I were to use the same unworthy tactic, I would say (though I DON’T say this) that Hitler hated gays and you hate gays, so you’re like Hitler.

      Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Big Al, did we learn nothing from the Medieval times? From Roman times? That breeding within families causes serious physical and mental disordrs? To marry, and procreate from, your mother or sister would create a genetic disaster. Why do people go to that – and animals – in response to same-gender love? Why? It is NOT even comparable! We have advanced enough in science and theology to move beyond incest and bestiality for most, but apparently not for all. I pray to the power surrounding us that you receive some respite from your obsession with the physical contact other humans have with other consenting humans.

  • K,To Colin , and Jeff

    Thank you for answering my question.I don’t actually want to marry my mother that’s sick! But now you guys see what homosexuality looks like from the perspective of a straight person. This is going to be my last response to this blog, so I’m just going to let you know how I actually feel about this whole issue. Believe it or not, despite all of my other comments I actually do not hate gay people as people. I have family members and close friends who happen to be gay. However; they never try to force their opinions or lifestyles on other people. I still believe that homosexuali ty in the United States should be outlawed once again because of the impact that it’s making our society.

    That rhetorical question that I asked Colin, was asked simply to illustrate the point of reckless sexual behavior. Why should your sexual recklessness be accepted any more than that question exemplifies?

    I have a cousin who was gay for years until he met the love of his life. Now he’s happily married with two beautiful children and is extremely financially well off. He’s living a picture perfect life, and I wish that more gay people that indulge in that lifestyle would get a grip on reality and realize that what they’re doing is morally and physically wrong.

    • There is nothing wrong. I think your cousin may be keeping it on the inside – and I hope he finds it in himself to admit who he is, what he is, and realise he’s perfect the way he is.

  • I have recently written an article about hoteliers in Wales who have removed double beds from their establishment in order to make it less comfortable for gay and unmarried couples. They suggest that anti-discrimination legislation in the UK demands of them that they compromise their religious beliefs, suggesting that gay rights are higher priority in the equality hierarchy than their Christian rights. (My blog –

    I have re-blogged this article on my blog. Thanks you.

  • I really don’t care what that book says, its been proven not real. If lgbt people aren’t hurting anyone, how the hell is it anyone’s beez wax what they do with their lives and who they end up with as partners?

  • Homosexuals can be treated .however the usa media portray as nornal. Christians get persecuted by usa goverment for opposing homos that mean the usa is a inmoral sick nation wish we in RUSSIA dont care. But why we have to accept usa ways in Russia ? Makes no sense

    • The great mayority of americans opposes homosexuals but to their missfortune they got homos ruling and screwing their constitution to the point of dispair also their media target teenagers and childrn to think homo isa fashion that without it you are backward ..weakup americans your destruction is underway it can still be straighten homos attack Christans they threaten with get you sued and they win most of the cases your citys allows such signs as who need Christ in Christmass what matters is fashion …. however it is difficult …i only hope your country stop bothering RUSSIA for choosing GODS teaching ..

      • Mani, feel free to oppress whomever you choose in your country. We choose to fight for our rights in this country, to live without oppression by religious zealots. But that does not mean that we cannot feel sorry for other countries where our brothers and sisters are persecuted and held silent for nothing more than being what God made them to be. And, as Americans and as human beings, we have the right to express our opinions, whether they agree with yours or not. Regardless, I thought God’s teaching was one of love and not judging others. That’s what I get from reading the teachings attributed to Jesus Christ. Religious beliefs are a CHOICE; being gay is NOT.

      • I want to amend what I wrote to state that, as a sovereign nation, your government has the ability to oppress others. I, as a fellow human being in the world, think those policies are incorrect, and I have the right to speak my mind. But there is certainly nothing I can do about it directly, nor should the government of any other country. Our people and our leaders can certainly express their opinions and implement policies within our countries which address those issues.
        Interesting that you capitalize “Russia” and “Gods” (should be God’s, but understandable), but not USA or Americans. Makes it seem like you think Russia is God.

        I can also assure you that the majority of Americans do not oppose homosexuals. Polls show now that most support the rights of homosexuals to live, work, and even marry as equal members of our society. That was not the case a few years ago, but most Americans feel differently now. It is unfortunate that most Russians do not, but, again, I cannot, and will not, force you or your fellow Russians to accept my thinking, nor do I endorse the American government, nor any other government, to do so. That has to be changed within yourselves if you want to treat all human beings with dignity.

  • Everywhere that were peaceful before but now accept homosexuallity is in natural disasster… cant you see…. America is drowning and europe too… Africa will surely be the hope of the world one day… why cant you just stop backing people that comits sin????

    • Currently, we’re in our most peaceful era since recorded human history began. So…the acceptance of homosexuality, feminism and the like upsurges. Is that a coincidence?

  • There is only one system and that is male and female which can create life, best through an eternal marriage. All those who go against this or choose different will end and suffer for an indeterminate time searching for life.









  • To atheist,

    I said I wasn’t going to comment on this website anymore but your comment need some perspective here.

    just because something has been happening for a long time does not make it right!! For example; there has always been murders, child molestation, domestic violence, drug use, incest, and on and on!! Once we realize that these things are not good for society, it’s our job as intelligent civilized people to put an end to it and not just throw our hands up and say..OH WELL! its been happening so long there’s nothing we can or should do about it!!

  • BIG AL… YOUR EQUATING LOGIC SOUNDS FUNNY TO ME…you know…about people having bad behaviors against others’ will. haha





  • To “atheist”

    Of course my sense of logic sounds strange to you because nature itself is strange to you! Don’t blame me because you can’t tell the difference between apples and oranges!

    Furthermore; I didn’t want to mention the Bible in that entire statement! So its obvious to me that you’re the one that needs to GO READ!

    The bottom line is that people like you need to stop making excuses for your weird, out of nature behavior!

    • I think the bottom line is that people like you, Al, need to stop obsessing about other people’s lives and live your own.

  • Bob,

    More than 50% of the US now supports Equal Marriage. With the millennium generation being the most accepting of all.

    State by state, marriage bans are being overturned. You are on the losing side of history. By 2016,marriage will be Equal in every state in the union. There is nothing you can do about it.

  • We have gay priest that molest boys , and those in child porno, that is against the laws of america. . Now america wants to be turned into a sodom and gomorrah, that god almighty hated them and what they did he called them evil people and destroyed them. as jesus said alos in new testament that the end days would be as the days of sodom and gomorrah, and the days of noah/ no oral values at all, just dopers, drunks, perverted minded people. if god says he does not change that he is the same today yesterday and forever his hate for homosexuals and orgies and all evils that he destroyed people for he hates to all generations, knowing all generations have their evil people, ever been molested as a child by a homosexual adult, that is with a tablle full of homosexuals they see no wrong in talking to a teenager their evil ways. of sex. THE TENAGE GIRL WAS SCARED TO DEATH OF THE LESBIANS THAT SHE HAD TO WAIT ON IN A RESTAURANT , AS 1 GRABBED HER BY HER SWEATER, SHE WAS TRYING TO WORK. NO NEVER AND ANY PREACHER THAT SAYS IT IS NORMAL, CAN GO TO HELL WITH THEM. all they want is money in their pockets, yes, and they will say you will go to heaven. but that is a lie from someone just as evil. if a drunkard will not enter in you know a dope, and priest lying gay drunkard have more hell to face before god almighty. jesus did not tip through the tulips with those evil at all. he rebuked them and anyone that follows jesus will do the same as he did , not lie, satan has an angelic tone as he wants to stop all the god given emotions that the bible says god gave us. a time to hate, a time to be angry, a time to love all emotions, evil provokes people to anger. using their propaganda and saintly ways but are as vile and evil as they come.

    • Peggy,
      I hope some day you can get over your anger and frustration. I feel sorry that your life is so focused on how other people live their lives, with the attributes God gave them.

  • I think at least they keep the population lower. And their chemical imbalance won’t be passed on to more children.

  • First off, this site was created in order to bring awareness to LGBT issues and is meant to be a safe haven for those of us who live in countries where we’re suppressed just because of our sexual orientation as well as bringing truth in the irony of keeping laws that discriminate against our very being.

    Now to MY main points. From my understanding, the ruling in Lebanon does mean that homosexuality is legal so to call it one of the nations where homosexuality is illegal is probably not correct unless a higher court within the nation reverses the decision (like the case with India). With that said, Trinidad and Tobago do have a law in place criminalizing homosexual activity, but does not enforce it. I have no idea if that counts as being part of the list or not since the law is there, yet it isn’t enforced (a pretty similar situation for those of us who live in Texas coincidentally).

  • The book of Acts in Ch. 15 lists four of the most important rules for Gentiles to follow.. One of them is Sexual Morality. 1 Corinthian 6:9 also lists types of people that will not make it to heaven unless they repent of course (fornicators, drunkards, homosexuals,adulterers….etc.) So we are in the New Covenant and homosexuality is listed clearly as a sin that will keep people out of heaven. Its time to stop being in denial. Jesus taught repentance and grace, that is why he didn’t stone the woman caught in adultery but instead gave her another chance and said “GO AND SIN NO MORE.” You see, in the New Covenant it is all about having a chance to REPENT which means to stop sinning. Instead of being stoned, you are told to repent and change. God will forgive your past mistakes. So you see Sir, Christians are against killing anyone. Jesus said Hatred is murder, so we are against Hatred. Telling someone that what they are doing is sinful is not hatred, for Christ did the same thing and he never sinned. Preaching repentance is not hatred. Hatred is a sin. We simply obey the teachings of Christ which are to preach that if you repent God will forgive your sins and you can have the Holy Spirit enter your own spirit and help you overcome the sins listed in the New Testament. 1Corinthian ch. 6:9 and many others listed in Galations and Ephesians. One thing for certain is that homosexuality will keep people from heaven unless they repent. You can fight about what is sin and what isn’t sin, but the new testament makes it clear which ones are sin for sure in 1 Corinthian 6:9 and in many other places. The bible makes it clear that people have itchy ears and like to hear what they want to hear and will reject sound teaching to defend their own sinful lives. Afterall, Jesus said ” unless you deny yourself” you can not follow him. I was actually born with a propensity to be gay. The older I got the more it left me. For people who are bisexual, seeing gays marry and be accepted as “wholesome” will make many of them choose to live a gay lifestyle which in essence will lead them to hell unless they repent. So it does matter what people around us do. Accepting homosexuality as normal will ultimately lead more souls into hell. That is not love. Love is speaking the truth that one must flee sexual immorality and put God before our own sexlife or even lovelife if it is sinful. Same thing with divorce and remarriage. Jesus made it clear that those who do this are committing adultery. Fornication, adultery, homosexuality, all sins that will keep one out of heaven unless you repent and stop doing it. Only those who can put God before their own opinion or wishful thinking are worthy of him. God bless.

    • Dear Mikayla,

      Thanks for your comment. The focus of this blog isn’t on what’s sinful and what’s not, but on anti-gay laws, particularly those that send LGBT people to prison. You don’t address that issue. Those laws tend to be based on fear and hatred rather than on love.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • This blog is to discuss the laws of homosexuality, like Colin Stewart points out. America was a place based on religious freedom, and if someone’s religion beliefs in homosexuality and having the privilege of being the last of your kind or something similar to that, then your beliefs and their beliefs contradict, and the law should state freedom of religion based on the requirement that it will not harm others, and I don’t think pleasuring the same sex is harmful to them, so therefore your argument is invalid.

      Get over yourself, and stop patronizing people and being condescending. I am Christian, and I am aware of the bible verses you spit around. I have a few gay friends and love them all the same. So now that you think you are better than them, you aren’t better than them, and worse than that, you betrayed your god.

      You could have grown up with a chemical imbalance that caused you to be gay, and it would be god’s error of man, while he should have given us the equal opportunity to sin, rather than put a chicken and a chicken’s rib in a cage match, and see how ugly it can get in time for their offspring. So I bet you didn’t think about that.

      Why don’t you just have some perspective, instead of wearing a halo on your head?

    • If you believe that will send them to hell, then let them sin.

      Leave them alone. You are a disgrace. People used to enslave Africans In the US, where I come from, and us whites despised them so much when they had rights. Now you are sooooo mad because gay people aren’t stoned to death, or publicly humiliated. Why don’t you become aware of the present, and forget a 2000 year old book, and be kinder to the diversity of the human race, rather than be selfish and push people away because of your religion.

  • Homosexuality is wrong. Not only is it an abomination according to God’s law, it also goes against nature (for those of you that don’t believe in God). There are different levels of sin. They are not the same. Murder is not the same as a lie. The Ten commandments are in order for a reason. Homosexuality should be illegal. It is a vial act and should be punished by public humiliation and loss of rights.

    • You know what your problem is? You follow very strict laws, and only break a few in secret, and when anyone else openly doesn’t follow your book’s rules, you get so pissed off that he is unpunished.

      I live in America. America is a land of religious freedom. We escaped here to the colonies for religious asylum. You are absolutely stupid to think that something like homosexuality is a sin and that is why it should be illegal in the U.S. (if that is your origin).

      You are an abomination to this world. Let others make mistakes of their own, just like you make mistakes. Also, you can’t deny the possibility that a different type of afterlife from what you grew to learn of, is possible. We could be reincarnated, or sent up to heaven, or hell, or we could just rot, and become part of the world’s soil, gone forever.

      Stop trying to pressure people into your own BELIEFS, we all have rights to our own beliefs and to our own fucking sexual desires.

      You have no proof of your god. Only faith for a some thousand year old collection of books, that may or may not have most of the facts straight.

      Islamic religion with Allah is just as likely as Christianity or Catholicism.

      • No your problem is you think think this world is it, you belive that you got here from a big bang, and that GOD doesn’t exist but in do time you will see that he does. Wait for it because you will meet him one day

    • That paragraph is hilarious! I would laugh out loud if I wasn’t at work and would have to explain your comments to coworkers. “it also goes against nature (for those of you that don’t believe in God)” is funny because all I could think of was a dog humping someone’s leg, yet we would consider that natural, humorous even. “Ten commandments are in order for a reason” is funny because only one of them is even a law in most of the world, and the condemnation of homosexuality is not one of Ten Commandments. And I don’t even want to continue the thought of a “vial act”, but I do realize you meant “vile act”. Thanks for the laugh; needed that today.

  • I am a Christian and I do my best to fallow His strict law. There are none perfect. I will attack the act of homosexuality without apology. I refuse to get into an email debate. I will happily come to all of you and debate all of you at once. All I ask is that I get half the time and that we stay on topic. Of course, you won’t do that. I don’t want you to burn in hell for eternity. I’m after you for your salvation. God has left tons of evidence for His existence. The biggest one is our sense of right and wrong. One question. Do you believe that you are the God of yourself and your own universe? Answer that.

    • I hope you enjoy the life you have chosen to live, love the God you have chosen to believe. Now, let those of us who think differently also live the life God gave us, following the precepts of a loving God, and not relying on stories written by men thousands of years ago. We have learned so much about this world since those stories were written, and many of those stories were written by greedy, antagonistic men who only wanted to attain wealth and positions of authority over others. We no longer believe the earth is flat, we no longer believe the earth is the center of the universe, we no longer believe that pork is forbidden, we no longer believe wearing clothes of different fabrics is sinful, we no longer believe men cutting their hair or shaving their beards will damn us to hell. Are those the rules you live your life by? If so, good for you; maybe you need that discipline to be a nice person. Others of us do not need those self-imposed rules.
      Besides, this religious discussion is NOT the topic of this page. I am just expressing my opinions regarding your opinions. The topic, as you state you want to focus on, is human-imposed LAWS in countries around the world. In the USA, we were founded on an idea of the separation of church and state. The state addresses some issues of civilization; religion is to address others! In my humble opinion, neither is doing a very good job!

    • Hi Eric, its very simple, i was a very devout follower, i could put many Christians to shame because of how close i followed the bible, but i found later that a lot of it wasn’t true, some was however and this is based on my experiences which are overwhelming.
      Forcing other people to follow a religion or the idea of God is absolutely wrong, people have choice and deserve to make those choices, gay people have the same rights as any straight person does, its that simple, they don’t all believe in God or God as you see it and that is the only sane reason to force anyone from being together and its not reasonable, its absolutely without a shadow of a doubt with a firm straight head on my shoulders very down to Earth easy to see as wrong as wrong can be, if God denies a gay person loving another then he is no different then the devil because he is opposing love and that is not a God i believe is real, its all about control.
      And by the way, i am perfect the way i am right now and im always getting better and better, figure that one out 😉
      PS:i am straight.

  • A Large portion of these countries that have Anti Gay laws, do so on religious grounds. Religion makes up a huge part of a countries laws and legislation, it just so happens that most Western Countries have, through social influence and intellect, decided to reduce its impact on legislation. I don’t have an issue with homosexual’s, if two consenting adults decide they want to engage in a certain behavior, then it is none of my business. I don’t particularly enjoy having homosexual culture a part of mainstream society, as personally I feel uncomfortable with the concept. That is not to confuse my lack of enjoyment and familiarity with a dislike of homosexuals or a condemnation of it, far from it, a person should be free to engage in any non-harmful action they see fit, I simply find it a foreign concept, which I am unable to feel comfortable around. But I don’t have to like it, because it has nothing to do with me. I don’t enjoy Rap music, and would feel uncomfortable surrounded by a group of Teenagers that were into Gangster Rap. I don’t hate and condemn them for their enjoyment of it, I just don’t like or engage in that world.
    I do however feel that homosexuality is in terms of a biological point of view, a deviance, which is caused by a chemical imbalance, and therefor a form of mental disorder, in the clinical sense of the word. Homosexuality is the only sexual deviance from Heterosexuality that is not classified as a mental disorder, solely based on the fact that it is deemed, and quite rightly, as socially acceptable, as it is between two consenting adults of sound mind. However when you remove the notion of social acceptance from the equation, and look at other sexual deviation, such as Paedophilia, Necrophilia or Incest, in terms of a sexual preference, it seems strange to me that these acts of sexual deviance are classed as a form of mental disorder and yet Homosexuality is not. Now I am not saying that being Gay is like being a Paedophile, because one is between consensual adults and the other is not. What I am saying is that from a biological point of view, they are both as defunct as each other, in terms of procreation. From a biological point of view, Homosexuality is redundant and against our nature to further the species. I think people feel it is too taboo to classify Homosexuality as a form of mental disorder, because they feel it is a label which is discriminatory and not simply a clinical assessment.
    Personally I think we need homosexuals, because the worlds population is expanding too fast, and so homosexuality is good way to curtail this rapid growth.


  • WE CHRISTIANS NEED TO STOP BEING CHRISTIANS, BUT BE CHRIST-LIKE ! SADLY, THERE SEEMS TO BE A BIG DIFFERENCE. So, some of us don’t like gays and we believe homosexuality to be a sin, does that justify gay-bashing? The Bible speaks against adultery, stealing, lies, bearing false witness, and hundreds of other items, read Leviticus!, Do we seek to bash these violators as well, perhaps not, especially if we participate in these activities. There are people out there who hate other people because of their weight, religion, skin color, finances, height, accent, etc. should these haters bash those they hate? Let Gays and Lesbians live free, or would you rather, out of fear, they continue to marry non-gays as a cover?

  • it is all very simple. 🙂 if me and the rest of the people in the line want a bacon sandwhich, it is okay. And if you want another sandwhich than the rest of us, like a cucumber sandwhich, it is okay. as long as none of us kill or hurt anybody with our sandwhiches. And as long as nobody judge anybody, for their sandwhich choice 🙂

  • Homosexuals Secrets Exposed, Check out
    A little closer to a decade, Homosexuality (gay and lesbianism) has become a very debatable issue among nations, religions, organisational bodies, families, tribes and many others. This is a very social phenomenon which needs to be addressed with careful and logical reasoning in order not to offend anyone, whichever stand the discussion takes.
    One cannot just get up to condemn a social issue without thorough analysis. A person must analyse issues psychologically, physically, spiritually, religiously, emotionally, as well as culturally and ethnically.
    There are some secrets behind the legalisation of gay and lesbian marriage by some world leaders, organisations, some churches or individual pastors, and other religious bodies. The advocators often refer from the Bible ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged’ – in other words ‘do not judge your fellow friend’. This is very interesting quote from the Bible that needs deep thoughts.
    Human rights and freedom of speech and expressions are also used in defence of homosexuality. Are all things right to do or not?
    Can immoralities be considered the rights of those in it?
    Should the judiciary system be abolish or allow to exists?
    What are the essences of cultural, moral, social, and religious values in a society?
    This book outlines the key secrets behind the advocacy and legalisation (or acceptance) of gay and lesbian marriage and other social needs which may be considered social problems.

    The World Leaders And Homosexuality Legalisation
    The Secret Behind (Volume one -1)
    ISBN: 9781312279827
    Visit or for other books by the author

    In this world, our main reference law book for living is the BIBLE; all other religions make reference from the Bible with different interpretations. The Bible is not like any ordinary constitutional book that needs amendment, but can be descended in common language for one’s understanding. It is the deep thought of God and is God Himself, John 1:1; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. One cannot just interpret with his or her own thinking, it must be spiritually descended.
    The issue of human right and freedom of expressions in defence of advocacy of gay and lesbian have been wrongly defined and erroneously handled. Morality is the opposite of immorality so as deviant behaviour is the opposite of standard or rightful behaviour.
    People are hiding behind Human Rights and freedom of speech and expressions, and the biblical phrase ‘‘that shall not judge’’ to promote what is socially deviant in Christian perspective.
    Everything that happens on earth has a spiritual basis. There is a spiritual influence on those involved homosexual act. The bible makes it clear that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities – ‘Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ‘
    Some leaders in the world, organisation, churches and religions have been attacked by those principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness, and rulers of the darkness. Hence out of pressure, lack of proper counselling, and wanting to cling on to political power or positions, they eventually give up and hence implement homosexuality, other sexual immoralities and social deviant rights. Some of these leaders too are the occult leaders themselves or connected to the occult groups and impose with convincing and pleasure things of those deviant vices to lure others to join them.
    The most popular bible quotation they use to lure people is Matthew 7:1 ‘that shall not judge’. What shall not be judge? Is it those in the act or the act itself? People in deviant act are not to be rejected but be judging in the situation they find themselves in order to get a solution. Judging is made with the bible not worldly view, and whoever makes judgement has to check himself or herself first before making judgement, Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. We are to judge to find solution to problems in life but not to judge to condemn others.
    Recognise that the bible says, we have the right to do all things but not all things are rightful before God.
    This book attempts to expose the secret behind the legalisation of homosexuality and other social problems.

    The World Leaders And Homosexuality Legalisation
    The Secret Behind (Volume one -1)
    ISBN: 9781312279827
    Visit or for other books by the author

    • @Will: Your comment on the Bible being written by “stupid people” years after Jesus Christ died is WRONG..

      For any objections:
      1) Don’t bring up the “homosexual animals” because it has 3 effects:
      – that i should treat homosexuals like wild animals. I don’t want to.

      – that homosexual rights are anti-human rights because they practice animalistic behaviours. This leads to discrimination.

      – that murder, pedophilia, stealing and other animalistic behaviours are good.

      2) Don’t bring up the “you can’t change” story because this means you can’t stop being an alcoholic, kleptomaniac, drug addict etc.

      3) Don’t bring up the “Romans 2” says you are judging because speaking the truth is not judging. If it was, that means:

      – if i tell my sibling/loved one that their outfit is not good, it means i’m judging.

      – if i tell a drug addict/smoker/kleptomaniac that his/her lifestyle is harmful to both him/her and the society, i’m judging.

      4) Don’t bring up the “you can’t pray the gay away” because you CAN’T JUST PRAY AWAY ANYTHING. Faith that you will change without being willing to work towards that is just as useless as faith that you won’t change while working towards changing.

      • So, do I understand your position, Vy, that I am not allowed to have ideas of my own, because they are contrary to yours? Do you really want a world were everyone is the same, thinks the same, behaves the same? Not me!
        Animals also have heterosexual intercourse; humans are animals; no one is saying treat homosexuals like animals; all we are saying is that it is a natural genetic variation, just like being left handed, color blind, or an albino. You then compare what two CONSENTING ADULTS agree to do, to actions which causes the end of a life, the inclusion of a minor who cannot consent, and lack of consent. Apples and oranges, Vy!

        2) comparing homosexuality to diseases is such a crude and unsupported claim; I could then also say heterosexuality is just as much of a curable disease as you say homosexuality is.

        3) Love thy neighbor as thyself.

        4)Using “faith” to demean your fellow human beings is also useless faith. We also do not believe pork is an abomination anymore, that the earth is flat, eating ship is punishable by death. If you do, I hope you enjoy your fantasy world. Hope we never meet.

    • 1) Yes it is.

      2) Yes, there is.

      3) No, they don’t; they change their ACTIONS.

      4) Why should they? We all were made/created/developed differently.

    • Laws are made to make sure there is peace and order in the society. They are used to help people out of deviant or immoral situation. For example, when someone is sent into prison for wrongful act, it does not mean the person should be maltreated or mishandled but to be counselled and so that he or she would recognised what brought him or her to prison was deviant or immoral and should desist from it. We criticise to help people out of problems but not to put them into doom. So it is wrong for others to quote a biblical principle that they do not understand to defend what is Biblically wrong. Once upon a time every human being was innocent of his or her existence until the man (man and woman) got to know good and bad. Every person is potential to do wrong and also repent of wrong doing, so judgement is used to bring up a person to the realisation of standard of living but not deviant.
      All laws including moral law, cultural law, religious law, natural law, traditional law and the likes are subjected to the Bible; the ones that are not found in the Bible are manufactured or man-made laws.

      • Am I to understand, then, that you would support governmental laws calling for the death penalty for the consumption of pork, shrimp, and cheeseburgers? Laws to kill people who wear clothes made of cotton and polyester? Laws to ban businesses from being open on the Sabbath (which Sabbath? Jewish? Christian?)? Laws forcing women to marry the man who rapes her? These are all “laws” in that Bible you are so convinced is absolute and unquestionable, a book of stories written by men thousands of years ago to explain things they didn’t know, keep their followers in line, in their attempt to gain wealth and power, and expand the population to dominate tribes a cultures around them with death, destruction, theft, torture.
        I was hoping we, as a species given the gift of intelligence by a force unknown and unknowable, would use that gift to shed ancient myths and learn to respect the gift of life which exists all around us, and not abuse that life any more like our ancestors did.
        I feel sorry for people like you who live their lives based on ancient stories. But I will ask our cosmic consciousness (God) to help you to think about your convictions that other people should die for believing something other than you believe, who cause YOU no harm, who force no one to do something against their will.

  • I find this blog quite amusing, you can rant on about how its not normal or how its against ‘gods’ will but did you ever stop and think that homosexuality is found in all animals and creatures on earth but yet homophobia is found only in 1 and that’s humans surely if ‘god’ hated gays he would not have even allowed any creature to be inclined towards that, does it not also say in the bible ‘love thy neighbor’, surely it is each persons own personal desire to what they like and it should concern no on else unless it will effect you, which 9/10 cases it does not, that 1/10 case been if they are hitting on you, many same sex couples can raise kids just as well as a different sex couple, and it wont have no life changing effect on children, they are not gonna be ‘converted’ to that way of life.

    from a gay soldier

  • I live in an impoverished place in Kent – Thanet. Most people here are not only supportive of gay rights, they will vehemently protect their friends and family who are gay, because money has nothing to do with it; it’s a simple case of being a tolerant person. So those of you who are arguing about a place’s wealth in relation to their tolerance are being themselves ignorant. It doesn’t matter.

    I wish I had the chance to have a platform and say what I think about it. I feel if we as young people were given more room to voice our opinions, we would be so helpful in making the world a better place. Pretty much 90% of young people I know down here have gay friends or are indifferent to if people are gay or not. The fact of the matter remains that we are the future. Most of the bigots now are either people too afraid of change, too afraid to stray from their ideals, based in a book written 2,000 years ago. These 76+ countries represent nothing but those too fixated and scared to welcome someone abnormal.

    My little sister is nine this year. She saw two men kissing in a park while walking their dog a week ago. She turned to me and asked nothing about how they had sex, how they had children, how they coped in a household dynamic – she wanted to know what breed the dog was. Some people put so much weight on preserving children’s innocence that they forget most children don’t care who’s having sex with who. If Spongebob dies, then we’ve got problems. If they see two people of the same sex kissing? Probably won’t mention it, unless they see someone they respect/are friends with react in a horrified way.

    And don’t use preserving children’s innocence as a reason to keep gay parents from adopting. Gay parents, much the same as straight parents, will not have sex in front of them. Bullying at school? Don’t take away someone’s rights just because some children are being ignorant bullies. Punish the children ostracising someone for their family life. PARENTS have the responsibility to teach their children to be tolerant; if you dare ever say that a person doesn’t have a right to a child because that child might be bullied, than people who have genetic facial disfigurements or disabilities also shouldn’t have children, because they might be bullied also.

    I’m raising my little sister to one day help me in fighting back these countries’ awful ideals. Only together, and through agape love and social justice, will we make the world more tolerant.

    I’m 17; at 9, I pretty much became a surrogate mother to my sister, because my mother broke down. I have 4 brothers and sisters, with myself being the middle child. I would have loved a stable household with parents who loved us. I wouldn’t care if they were gay or straight – they would be people I was safe with.

    I’m sorry for the lengthy speech that probably veered off topic. It just brings tears to my eyes to see how hard my family and I have to fight to see tolerance spread across the world.

    • Thank you. I have been told the same by my younger coworkers. If only the people in charge would listen. But then they don’t like to lose their grips on power. It will happen some day, hopefully peacefully, and I hope you will be part of that change!

  • Judge or condemn?

    These are not interchangeable terms.

    Can you not judge/discern when a person is in sin?

    People are walking around dead and heading to hell. To know that and to walk away is condemnation.

    You do not love an alcoholic by giving him/her alcohol. You love them by helping them work through their struggle of abstinence from alcohol.

    You say, “well I don’t know their heart only God knows.” Not so, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Jesus said, “it is not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out of him.” Listen long enough to a man and you will know his every sin.

    We must love sinners enough to tell them the truth and help them with their struggles to come out of their entanglements.

    We do not love them by telling them they are fine the way they are

    God loved us while we were yet sinners and sent Jesus to reconcile us to him. We were not OK the way we were otherwise the would have been no need for Christ. We were Lost and dead without Him and so is everyone else.

    That is a safe Judgment not a statement of condemnation.

    • Do you mean that it is indeed justified for people to imprison, torture, and kill homosexuals? That is after all what this page is about. These are countries that use the same religious tenants you mention to enact laws against homosexuals. Do you think that would be appropriate in the United States? If not, why are homosexuals in these countries deserving of such treatment, but homosexuals in the U.S. are not?

    • AND I just realized you are the same person who posted earlier hawking your book you want people to buy. That explains A LOT regarding your apparent support for the incarceration of gay people!

  • I read this and I would like to say it angers me. But all it does is sadden me I find it impossible for a informed adult to come up with such hate. Use external resources to validate there own hate. I’m sure The Lord who created us all equal wouldn’t be a big supporter of such hate. We shouldn’t even be discussing wether or not people should be treated equally being able to live a equal life that should be a given WE are all equal no one gave you the rights to choose to treat people how you so desire. Next time you believe being gay is a choice ask yourself. When you was young did you choose to be straight ? If your answer is yes then this would suggest you also had attraction to same sex making it a “choice”. All people deserve is equal rights and we all deserve them.

    • All I can think of when people rant and rave against others is:

      God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
      courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

  • Reading the comments regarding being gay is so wrong, and so evil, and so destructive to modern society, comparing it to such heinous activities, I cannot understand their intrusion regarding how other consenting adults live their lives. As long as I am not harming another person, place, or thing, why do you feel the need to make how I live my life illegal, subject to imprisonment, torture, or even death? Why? Because some MEN who THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO decided they wanted to be in control, decided to write down that GOD said so? Those men wrote down a whole lot of things, which we no longer believe today; although some still do (can’t wait to visit the Creation Museum near Cincinnati and laugh my tush off!). Why do you tell me that being gay is an abomination, but eating pork or shrimp isn’t anymore? A human being wrote it down, in languages long ago now extinct; God did not put pen to paper. Supposedly, God has told women to drown their own children. Do you believe that God?
    I believe in God, as the essence of all that we do not and cannot know as humans. And as humans, we need to treat each other with respect, and realize that each person is different, as long as we do not harm, abuse, manipulate another, especially those unable to make informed decisions.
    Thanks to this site, I have learned that many places in the world have made the judgement that the way some of my fellow humans were born should be considered inhuman, worthy of torture or death. That truly cuts into my idea that people can be kind and respectful of others. And I am coming to the conclusion that, despite being born without judgement, it apparently is one of the easiest things to learn, to make oneself feel more important than others, to create more pride in oneself, and to ignore one’s own frailties. It would be a truly boring world if we were all the same. I don’t think your God, my God, or any God would be pleased with that. We need to learn to appreciate the beauty of this planet, these people, this life which is all around us, ALL of which should be considered part of the beautiful mystery that is the many dimensions of this universe – physical and non-physical, known and unknown.
    I detest of the use of what was intended as a message of love to divide us.

  • So many have commented it’s abnormal for a man to put his penis in another man’s anus. Er hello, how many men put their penis in a woman’s anus?!! Why is that different?! All this Christian and Islam bullsh*t I’ve had to put up with while you’re cheating on your wives but preaching hate against those in loving same sex relationships. You should be ashamed. Focus on your own lives and leave other people to theirs.


    By Jacqueline M Piepenhagen
    Author, Maxwell Kobina Acquah Yeful, has written his views on the issue of homosexuality from a Christian perspective in his newest book, WORLD LEADERS and HOMOSEXUALITY LEGALISATION.He has left nothing to the imagination. Fact for fact, Maxwell has painstakingly defined all major words pertaining to homosexuality with open and honest description.

    Maxwell is well educated and trained to addresses major “social issues” with thorough analysis of all the aspects relating to gay and lesbianism. I feel he has done a respectful job in reviewing this “social phenomenon” as to not offend anyone.

    Even though this book is a short read, it is filled with valuable information including the history on the issues of homosexuality from the ancient times to present. Homosexuality will continue to be a divisive issue worldwide for many years to come.

    Regardless of your denomination, religious orientation or affiliation, all the author’s inspirational books will help you, the reader to be enlightened to the “social issues” facing the world today.

    I do recommend this book for anyone needing guidance in today’s chaotic world.

    Review by Jacqueline M Piepenhagen –

    Advice for Contacting Jacqueline
    Jacki Piepenhagen@artist_quill


  • Sounds like those countries have their heads on nice and straight HAHA STRAIGHT GET IT lol.

  • Homosexuality is not innate and can be changed. It is highly risky in all areas of your health. It should be illegal in the west too.

    • Dear Jerome,
      Your statements conflict with scientific evidence and with the life experience of LGBT people. Those statements also lead to your hateful conclusion that it’s a good idea to put people on trial for being who they are. Please get out of your self-contained thoughts and meet some of the good folks who are LGBT.
      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

    • Illegal for what reason? Because the Bible says so? Some science even theorizes that homosexuality among the population increases procreation, if that is your point.
      “A team of researchers found that some female relatives of gay men tend to have more children than average. The scientists used a computer model to explain how two genes passed on through the maternal line could produce this effect.”

    • All areas of our health are risked when we step outside the front door, due to the microscopic pathogens and viruses that are airborne. We have vaccinations for them. Health programmes. We educate people how to protect themselves, and don’t let the way of the world repress us to the point where we refuse to leave our homes. Why, then, do we not do the same for homosexuals, who can’t change who they are, much the same as we can’t change the way diseases are carried and caught?

  • Why there is so much fuss around? The very first book of the most ancient records says “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” He created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve after all. So since the beginning of times it was wrong. And suddenly it becomes right….at least for some.
    LGBT people should have all rights in the world, but defining the word “marriage” as something new is wrong. Marriage has always been man and woman, no exceptions.
    If a person considers himself or herself gay and don’t want to change it, they can always have civil unions and whatever else you call it.
    But let me tell you that being gay or lesbian is not just a sexual orientation, it is disgraceful and twisted lifestyle to satisfy their fleshly appetites. Usually gays are involved in all kinds of shameful acts such as changing partners all the time, going to gay clubs where there is so much filth and doing many other acts. How do I know it? Well my very close relative is gay, so I happen to hear and see a lot.
    I think instead of legalizing same-sex marriage, countries should be investing in counselors who can help LGBT people to get rid of this curse so that they can enjoy normal relationships, have families, kids, grandkids, relatives. and have normal lifestyle in general. But instead media tells them it’s ok, yet they don’t have anyone after forties, just parents and relatives who rejected them.

    • Despite all the comments to the contrary, people continue to use ancient stories written by biased and greedy men, translated through many languages by biased and greedy men, to condemn people different than themselves. People were murdered for believing the earth was round in the name of that book. People were enslaved with justification by that book. Women were considered less than a donkey as property by that book. Original Hebrew words were translated incorrectly to Greek, to Latin, to English. Check Hope Remains website; written by Christians, it will discuss the original Hebrew words used and the mistakes made in translation and understanding. And those Hebrew words were probably also translations from now-extinct languages. Yet still today, words of ancient men are used to imprison, torture, and kill fellow human beings. How long will it take until people can think for themselves and realize there is more to each of us than what is listed in an ancient book? That is a book of stories to explain things they did not understand. Do you really want to return to the all the laws listed in that book???

    • My “family” consists of people who actually want to care about me, rather than those who feel “obligated” to care about me. And I have plenty of people after I turned 40, and my parents and relatives did not reject me or my husband of 13 years, and we lead a normal suburban life, kind and considerate to our neighbors, family, and friends. I never had the desire to procreate offspring into this demented world. My sister had enough children. Please, keep your judgements of my life to yourself; I make none regarding yours.

  • Homosexuality is a hot debatable social issue in America, Europe and other parts of the world.
    There are pressures on world leaders by some personalities and other people to legalise homosexuality.
    Some countries such as America and other parts of Europe and Africa have legalised it.
    Religious leaders, some Christian churches and some individual pastors have also accepted the Homosexual rights. A Church like Catholics, Anglicans and some Pentecostal and charismatic churches has also accepted the HOMOSEXUAL marriage. They make reference from the Bible ‘THAT SHALL NOT JUDGE’. Everybody is entitled to his or her right.
    To those who are against the acceptance of HOMOSEXUALITY marriage by world leaders are debating that it is immoral, deviant and abnormal.
    The questions that people need to analyse them very well are:
    1. Is the Bible really clear on Homosexual marriage?
    2. Are all religious and Christian teachings clear on the issue of HOMOSEXUALITY?
    3. Are we perfect enough to judge others of their choice of lifestyle?
    4. Why so much noise on HOMOSEXUALITY but not drugs abuse, abortion, arm robbery, and others?
    5. Are there biological, physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, religious, and ethical benefits of HOMOSEXUALITY or not?
    6. Are some of the world leaders involved in the HOMOSEXUALITY act?
    These are some of the questions that needs psychological, physical, emotional, mental, religious, social, ethical, and region interrogation. It needs very deep analyses before one can make a judgement.

    • Just my opinions:
      1. No, due to mistakes and bias in translations and original writings.
      2. No, due to individual interpretations of the original or translated writings.
      3. Never, that is for the power greater than us; the mysteries of the universe we call God.
      4. Because those against it are the most vocal and it brings in lots of money; gays remained quiet for thousands of years. The vociferousness of those against black equality were equally loud when blacks started wanting rights. The speech against women’s equality was probably also loud. But, now, we have the internet, where anyone can say anything and sometimes remain anonymous.
      5. Yes; female relatives of gay men have more children on average; see link posted above. And maybe not a single gene, but how some genes interact. Plus, I think world population is already straining the planet’s resources. Do we need 3.5 million more men producing children? How many people do you want on this planet? 20 billion? 50 billion?
      6. Some, maybe, but who cares? The loudest objections often come from those most repressive of themselves.
      These are just some things to consider before condemning, imprisoning, torturing, or killing fellow human beings. If all gays were removed from the human population at birth, there might have been no Sistine Chapel, no 1812 Overture, no Rhapsody in Blue, no end of slavery in the U.S.A., no democracy. Remember, the Roman Empire ended AFTER the adoption of early Christianity; it grew and survived for a few thousand years prior to Constantine. There night have been no Greek Empire (Alexander the Great), which brought a great deal of mathematics, arts and entertainment, government, communication.

      But, again, just my opinions. I don’t condemn others for their biological, social, or educational backgrounds; we need to learn from each other so we as the human race survive, before we destroy others and ourselves through unwarranted judgment and hatred, all based on ancient beliefs and superstitions and myths.

      • Oh, and I don’t have a book to sell, or a ministry to pay for, or a huge compound to pay for, or a bank account to fill.

      • Its such an obvious topic you don’t even need all this detail, no one should ever force another person to abandon their sexual preferences by law or any other way, as long as its consenting and not out in everyone’s face (no different then straight people) then there is no reasonable point anyone can make to justify getting into other peoples business, its not hurting anyone or anything, its like banning people looking at the stars, more then the moon, its silly.
        Oh and for the topic of God, well not everyone worships God or a religion and if they did and it was counter to being gay, that once again is their own business and to force someone else to follow another persons religious beliefs to me is offensive, what if we created a gay religion where if someone is gay they have to express their sexuality in privet? see how silly it all is?
        Personally judging anyone because they don’t like the opposite sex (and can’t help it either to add and its not a disorder) is VERY WRONG!
        Its plain and simple, the people who back anything anti-gay have serious personal issues and messed up beliefs, personally i use it as a filter to keep close minded idiots out of my life and no im not gay!
        Thank you i hope you enjoyed this, also if you want, if you like this you can use it as you see fit!

  • Now all we need is to get Europe on board with some strict anti-gay laws so I can get my crew together and end insanity and bring the world to a new world order.

    • People like you are NOT American! That comment is counter to the freedom on which this country was founded! So you want to remove all homosexuals from the plane? They are trying that in Africa and the Middle East; why don’t you move there! That is one sick way to live your life, believing that you are more important than others.

    • Aren’t anti-gay laws completely opposed to what the American ideal is? The ability to be free, in all senses of the word, without a set criteria within which you must fashion yourself and your beliefs? Are you so scared that perhaps love goes on without your express consent, you have to threaten and intimidate people like a mindless thug, because that’s the only way you can ensure control?

      Sounds oddly terrorist-like to me.

  • This isn’t in response to any of the other comments. All I mean to say is in reply to the paragraph written above, “The total would actually be 82 countries if you were to include Russia, which does not have a law against homosexual acts but is in the midst of an anti-gay crackdown on the basis of its new law against “gay propaganda.””

    This law does not outlaw homosexuality, nor does it damage the rights of homosexuals in any way. This law simply bans [and I quote from an English translation here], “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships” among minors. As well as this it bans the distribution of content that “may elicit fear, horror, or panic in children” Among minors this includes pornography and “materials that glorify violence, unlawful activities, substance abuse, or self-harm.” An amendment to the law passed in 2012 instituted a mandatory content rating system for material distributed through an “information and telecommunication network” (covering television and the internet), and established a blacklist for censoring websites which glorify drug abuse or suicide, or contain child pornography Violation of this law can lead to a fine or even some jail time.

    It was unfair and ignorant above where you suggested the inclusion of Russia to a list of countries outlawing homosexuality. This simply demonises Russia for passing a law, similar to those which exist in Western countries that basically outlaws the distribution of homosexual pornography as well as certain other materials listed above, among minors. In America if you were found to be giving homosexual pornography to a minor, you could easily find yourself as a registered sex offender. This would also be the case in other Western countries such as the U.K. and Ireland.

    I ask you to remove this paragraph as it serves for nothing more than to suggest Russia has employed discriminatory laws against homosexuals which it has not. In case you would reply to this comment, writing that you suggested nothing of the sort, this is not truly the case. Though you only said “if you were to include Russia”, this still suggests an opinion one might otherwise not form, as well as being unnecessary to the rest of this otherwise informative page.

    Thank you for reading my complaint and please remove this harmful comment.

    • The Russian law is being enforced in cases NOT involving pornography. It is being used to suppress what we in the US call free speech regarding human rights to exist and live a truthful life. No one should approve of the distribution of pornography to minors, homosexual or heterosexual. We do not approve of that here in the US. I fully stand by my statement in response to your original comment, and appreciate the freedom the hosts of this website have permitted in comments from BOTH sides of the story. Never should civil discussion be censored. NEVER!

  • We all know gay people just as anyone else deserves to have the freedom to be or do anything sexually with another consenting person, there is no reason what so ever that anyone should invade another persons privacy or judge another person for being straight, gay or anywhere around that area, its just no ones business but their own.
    This is all about control and its very wrong, some people say its about God, well forcing other people to obey someone elses religion or point of view on God like this is absolutely wrong, anyone can have an opinion but when that opinion and religious belief is forced on other people…. even children know this is wrong.

  • In response to Jeff’s comment,

    The title of the page is “Countries where homosexuality is illegal.” Homosexuality is not illegal in Russia, therefore the paragraph mentioning Russia is irrelevant, regardless of whether or not one law was being improperly enforced. Secondly please name some specific “cases” of it being enforced improperly as I am not aware of any such cases existing.

    • FROM:

      Human rights observers, LGBT activists, and international media disputed its stated purpose of protecting children, and traditional family values, criticizing the law for being a de facto criminalization of LGBT culture, as well as the efforts for LGBT rights, with some noting that even displaying LGBT symbols in public was made illegal by this legislation, which subsequent arrests bore out.[8] They also reported a surge in anti-LGBT rhetoric, violence, and hate crimes, many of which using the law as justification.[9][10][11][12][13] A number of LGBT rights protesters have also been arrested under the law[14][15]

      8 Elder, Miriam (11 June 2013). “Russia passes law banning gay ‘propaganda'”. The Guardian.
      9 Luhn, Alec (1 September 2013). “Russian anti-gay law prompts rise in homophobic violence”. The Guardian.
      10 Weaver, Courtney (16 August 2013). “Russia gay propaganda law fuels homophobic attacks”. Financial Times.
      11 “Russian Neo-Nazis Allegedly Lure, Torture Gay Teens With Online Dating Scam”. Huffington Post. 7 August 2013.
      12 “Gay teenager kidnapped and tortured by Russian homophobes claimed to have died from injuries”. Pink News. 6 August 2013. Retrieved 24 September 2013.
      13 Gay hunting season in Russia: Shocking documentary everyone should see
      14 “Sochi 2014: Vladimir Luxuria arrested for holding ‘Gay is OK’ banner”. The Guardian. Retrieved 27 February 2014.
      15 “Sochi activist arrested for pro-gay chant”. Al Jazeera. Retrieved 27 February 2014.

      Critics say that the statute is written so broadly that it is in effect a complete ban on the gay rights movement and any public expression of LGBT culture.[25][56][62]

      In July 2013, four Dutch tourists were arrested for allegedly discussing gay rights with Russian youths. The four were arrested for allegedly spreading “propaganda of nontraditional relationships among the under-aged” after talking to teens at a camp in the northern city of Murmansk.[70]

      25 Herszenhorn, David M. (11 August 2013). “Gays in Russia find no haven, despite support from the West”. New York Times.
      56 Alpert, Lukas I. (11 June 2013). “Russia passes bill banning gay ‘propaganda'”. Wall Street Journal.
      62 “Q&A: Gay rights in Russia”. BBC News. 13 August 2013.
      70 “Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws: How a Dutch Activist Got Caught in the Crosshairs”. Time (magazine). 5 August 2013. Retrieved 24 September 2013.

    • The law effectively makes any discussion or display of gay rights which MIGHT be visible or heard by children illegal, effectively silencing ALL discussion or display since it can never be absolutely certain that teens or children will absolutely never be able to see or hear what is being discussed. And, I do believe that discussing the rights of homosexuals is important to homosexuality. Therefore, making the discussion with interested persons illegal silences homosexuals, making them illegal persons who cannot discuss their concerns and rights.

    • That is true. You won’t get a lot of disagreement with that statement.

      But are you suggesting that that’s a reason for laws that declare LGBTI people to be criminals for who they love?

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

      • I “love” my Dog’s, however, I do not practice sodomy with them.
        Homosexuality brakes all the “laws” of Nature and so just like BEASTILIALITY it much deserves to be criminalized . I.M.O.

    • At the moment, we’re facing a huge population crisis. Reproduction isn’t favourable right now – of course, it should still happen, but at a much slower, lesser rate than it is. Therefore, this argument carries no weight at the present time.

      Also, the idea that bestiality is the same as homosexuality is a stupid argument. The love and love-making between two same-sex people is (usually) consensual. A dog cannot give consent, as they can’t achieve a higher consciousness such as humans can; they can’t think on the level we do. How is a person having sex with a dog the same as two people having sex with each other, regardless if they are same-sex or not?

      P.S. – A woman does not give birth every time she has sex. That in mind, I suppose you’re against contraception as well?

    • So, the only thing you can think about happening in a same-gender relationship is sexual intercourse? Is that the only thing you think about when considering an opposite-gender relationship? Is the only reason you married your wife – if you are married – is to have sex and create children? If not married, do you only think about sexual intercourse when you see a woman? So, when you see your dog, all you think about is sexual intercourse with your dog?
      In other words, all sterile persons must remain unmarried, older women beyond menopause should be prohibited from marrying again, all women who do not WANT children must remain single or get treatment? All couples who do not have children must divorce? But divorce is the primary threat to matrimony? So women must prove that they both can have and want children prior to getting married? Do they sign an affidavit saying so? And if they end up not having children after matrimony, then they are to be put to death? I don’t understand that inane argument when there is so much more to a relationship between two CONSENTING ADULTS than sexual intercourse. And why do you people focus on sex SO much? We don’t, not ours or yours!

    • Furthermore, are you saying it should be illegal for heterosexuals – even in a religiously sanctioned marriage – to have sex when a woman is not fertile? That’s only a few days a month, and the only time reproduction will occur.

  • “”Also, the idea that bestiality is the same as homosexuality is a stupid argument””.

    Young person !!! May i suggest to you that you learn to read, before calling people “stupid” The only comparison I make between homosexuals and bestiliality is that one is criminalized and the other is not,.in my country. Obviously homosexuality and beastiliality are two totally different beasts.

    RE: contraception. It brakes no Natural law and so i do not consider it detrimental to the human race.
    RE: ‘Population crisis’ I concur the Earth would benefit greatly by halving it’s population and I know which half should be extinguished !!!

    Goodbye young person 🙂

  • Might I suggest you learn to spell and use punctuation marks when you insult my reading skills?

    Of course it BREAKS natural law – there should be no sex unless it has the POTENTIAL to create children, according to natural law, which follows that everything show follow God’s SPECIFIC design for it. Therefore; animals should not have sex with humans, nor should humans have sex with someone of their own gender, nor should a man have anal sex or receive oral sex, as it does not have the potential to create offspring. According to the people and its fundamentalist followers.

    I don’t see your argument for why homosexuality should be illegal, then, if you in your argument do compare it to beastiality, and then contradict yourself by saying they’re two entirely different things.

    Detrimental to the human race; the only detriment to the human race is narrow-mindedness that refuses to widen itself so that we might grow and advance as a society. So, yes, you’re right – the half that choose to repress and shun people who are different to them and do not fit their idea of an ‘ideal society’ should be removed from the gene pool and given their Darwin Awards.

    • Applause, Concerned Young Person, Applause!!
      Might I also add that apparently, according to Kenny’s comments, women after menopause must NEVER have sex, and women and men who are infertile. Those who do must be imprisoned or put to death. Same, I guess, is true for any man or woman who masturbates. Oh, and if a man is found to have a wet dream, he too must be imprisoned for life or killed. For, according to him, two CONSENTING ADULTS should not be allowed to live as their creator made them.

      • It’s also interesting to note that while there are only two brief references to homosexuality in the bible – which, for all intents and purposes, are unclear as the references to sexual acts are said to be ‘knowing’ someone – there is a whole chapter on moss that Catholics and Christians do like to omit.

  • Hmmm….Gay rights activist are championing their cause,they fight against discrimination…but actually do the same.Everyone has a right to their believes.Feel free to be Gay(that’s reaLly no business of mine) but DO NOT force gay rights down our throats! We DO NOT have to like it or support it..we might tolerate it….but We can’t be forced to accept it
    FREEDOM is what is been clamoured for right? Then let any country that so wishes enact and enforce Anti-gay Laws!!
    The Customs,traditions,way of life of a people form a part of their Laws(as long as it not repugnant to NATURAL justice) and it is Alien to the people of those countries to see or permit or allow people of the same sex ‘relate’.
    So as Gay Rights activist clamor for freedom….same should be given to countries and people that are anti-gay!…You cannot FORCE acceptance down our throats!

    • JUST LIKE SLAVERY, I SUPPOSE???? Child abuse? Use of women as property? No. Demeaning another person is not freedom!

    • Gay people should be free to love who they want in all countries. That’s freedom – and freedom has consequences, yes, for we all have to make sacrifices to accept our fellow man. If we could accept and not hate, wars would go down significantly. It’s human pride and false superiority that keeps us so evil to each other.

  • What I find interesting is that these countries and people who yell for freedom to do as they wish to gays, saying they are free to do what they want to anyone in their country, are only playing up the old colonial powers which conquered them and used their resources. Every country highlighted on the map was a COLONY of a European country, conquered hundreds of years ago before modern science and conscience. And, for the most part, prior to that colonization hundreds of years ago, homosexuality was NOT considered so abhorrent as it is now with the evangelical Christians, radical Muslims, etc. with their religious fervor to line their pocketbooks.

    If anything, these countries should be ranting and raving about being colonized again by these religious zealots who move from place to place to make more money, when they realize they can no longer convince people in other places to codify their personal beliefs. Large sums of money are made by convincing people to hate, imprison, torture, and kill others.

    YOU should not FORCE your beliefs down our throats when you base your beliefs on ancient COLONIAL laws from the uninformed past conquerors and modern panderers of ancient stories and myths.
    Think for yourselves, consider science, help your children, and LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

  • Why do people care so much about what others are doing? Don’t you – we – have enough problems of your own?

    Second thought; I always find it interesting that homophobic readers find the time and effort to research articles such as this one to rant in the comments, what are they really looking for.

    • Dear Truth,

      Many people understand morality to include loving your neighbor as yourself and not throwing your neighbor into prison for loving the wrong person.

      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • Homosexuality, though a small percentage our children are more important than tinker bells and she males wishing they were guys. i am proud to see that a majority of African countries have kept this illegal. I wish it was illegal in the USA. Then you would have to keep it to yourself, in your home where it should be.

    • Your ignorance is astounding. People are allowed to be together; barring them is barring Free Will, and barring a small group of people from doing anything not detrimental to us is ridiculous and immoral.

      “BUT IF EVERYONE TURNED GAY, WE WOULD BE EXTINCT” – Is everyone going to turn gay? Has everyone turned into a woman since they got more rights? No? That beats away that option, then.

      “GAY IS WRONG BECAUSE BIBLE” – The Bible has been proven to be inaccurate several times, made more to represent an understanding of God for something we cannot conceptualise. And that’s if it’s true.

      “GAY IS SEXUALLY DEVIANT” – Not unless you’re constantly thinking about gay men and women sleeping with each other out on the streets, and I particularly don’t see that. A lot of PDA between young couples, true for gay and straight, but not much else.

  • OK I’m a white, christian, politically independent, woman. Homosexuality is wrong but that is MY opinion. But denying someone basic rights is also wrong! To my gay friends not every christian is like that. The ones who are that way are not Christians don’t think they are. Also who u sleep with doesn’t effect me at all so why is it a big deal about marriage idk. But you cannot force someone to do something for your weddings if they don’t want to. Its there religious freedom to say no. Just go somewhere else. And if it is natural like you say why teach it in schools? They will learn on there own when they are ready. And to people who hate these gay people your no better. Jesus died for everyone no matter the sin. Wrong is wrong and right is right but also God is a big God who is bigger then sin. You have every right to disagree but no right to say they are going to hell and calling them names.

  • Christians, that are true think in the likeness of our father. God, himself condemns homosexuality and he is not nice about what he says. Homosexuality is not normal and children are affected by it when they see what they think is normal. If you to a child on an island male and one female and they were the only people there, when they came of pubescent age they would have sex. If it were 2 males same thing and females same thing. Homosexuality is not inbred it’s learned behavior predicated upon outside influence and social upbringing. We don’t hate the sinner we hate the sin. I have a right to enjoy life and raise my child in an environment that is free from negative influence. That includes, drugs,alcohol, loud music,and sexual deviant behavior. Sexual deviant behavior is behavior that is outside the normal definition of sex. Sodomy, pesiphilia,beastiality,necrophilia,rape,BDSM are outside normal sex. Gays have the right to stay within their house stop being so flamboyant and protesting for a right that God granted a “man and woman “. The right to have your anus invaded is your right, butbI don’t wanna know about it and I don’t want to be told, nor will I ask. That is your soul going to hell.

    • Well first off, America is not a theocracy and no country should be able to violate human rights by putting people in prison or putting them to death simply because of WHO they are!!

      And NO sexual orientation is NOT a choice!!

    • Loud music. Loud. Music. Concerts are out of the question, then?

      Sexually deviant behaviour does not include gay people. We have more evidence now for orientation to be genetic than we have of the Bible having an particular relevance to life as we know it.

  • Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender is a choice- as is being “straight”, if someone is attracted to the same gender, both genders, the opposite gender or to no gender than that is their choice, and they should have the freedom to have that choice. All people should also have the choice to have their own opinion(article 19 of Human rights)- it is a human right as is a right to marriage and family (article 16). I am black/white afro Caribbean british, most people assume im white because my mum and sister are, and they are surprised when they find out that I have a black twin- I am truly gifted to be able to say that me and my brother share a genetic bond and that we are in fact related, my father is black and my mother is white therefore my brother and I are mixed-race. My sister is naturally strawberry-blonde as her father is Irish and has red hair. I have grown up believing that equality is important- NEVER have I expected to be treated than my brother because I am whit, never have I expected to be treated over my sister because she is a “red-head” never have I expected to be treated over my cousin who is bisexual or my uncle who is gay- I have been gifted with an amazing family who all have a range of beliefs and colours and sexualities and yet we are still a family, we all get along no one is treated better by anyone else. that is called LOVE. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, black, white, transgender, heterosexual, Rastafarian, Christian, Muslim, Jewish or having any other type of fait/belief/sexual preference is a choice-its and opinion and you have a right to express that opinion. Homophobia is discrimination against people with a different sexual orientation to the “majority”. I completely disagree against discrimination against gender, against race, against religion and against sexuality- if I have a preference for girls that is my opinion it doesn’t hurt you, if I have a sexual preference for boys that’s my opinion not yours. All humans have a right to marrying the person they love (article 16) it doesn’t matter what gender, its a right that all people have. Some people will disagree and say that their religion forbids same-sex marriage- that is their choice, they don’t have to get married to someone of the same sex if they want to, why make it a crime to sin? people sin all the time – Adultery, theft (no matter how small or petty), jealousy, greed, etc. and are they punished? not all the time. If it is forbidden in their religion then don’t they go to hell, or are persecuted in their next life, or there is some sort of repercussion? It is not upto the human race to persecute those who a select group believe are sinning, that is upto whatever greater power you believe in. Obviously not everyone will agree and they are free to express their opinion however there is a difference between opinion and abuse know that difference learn that difference and don’t be that difference, feel free to express your opinion but do not harm someone or abuse someone because of their opinion. you have a right to an opinion so do they. I am 14, I believe in equality for everyone, I agree with same sex marriage, I agree that women should be paid the same wage as their male counterpart, I believe that no person should live in fear of discrimination, I believe that some people will never change, I believe that we can make this world better, but only if everyone makes an effort and everyone compromises. Make an effort, help create a world where discrimination is a problem in the past, where your kids or your kids kids, will be able to grow up and be themselves- you don’t have to agree with everyone or love everyone you meet you just have to believe in the best for everyone.

  • Wow, in reading all these posts it is interesting to see the degree of ignorance that is prevalent in individuals from, supposedly, first world countries.
    Your fear of difference is overwhelming. This is not 1890 and we do not live in isolated communities far from education and enlightenment.
    All the haters need to stop, think and take a little read of world history because at some point in history someone in your family was hated, ill-treated, denied basic rights just because of who they where.
    You can hate and rant as much as you want – but this is social progress – this is how it gets done people standing up against the ignorance and fear of poorly educated masses and the bullying of those who need to have a whipping boy to feel superior.

    my last comment is specifically to the individual who said “Gay” is a choice, like straight is a choice. I think not but maybe you live in a different world than mine.

  • The next thing you know peodphiles will tell us they were born like that. Some people are born evil I suppose.
    Seems like these gays were born with a problem that they want everyone to fall in line with.

    It’s disgusting to make out like gays are in the same boat as the those that are mistreated. It is wrong to be gay. It is not wrong to be African or Jewish for an example but it is wrong for same sex couple to flaunt their sexuality. I want normal kids not kids that think it is right to be gay or at least normal. It it abnormal and should be stamped out.
    Go and be gay on some little gay island away from those that detest you.

    • Mel, you still missed your history lesson because it will tell you that at some point in the past people like you agreed being Jewish was bad and being African meant your where not fully human.
      you give us hope

    • Children know a lesson you don’t – that people everywhere are people, and unless they hurt you or others, should be accepted no matter what. Your final sentence is ridiculous. By a majority in western countries, now those who are intolerant to gay people are the detested ones, and so should move to a little ignorant island.

  • Colin, I think you are lost in your own Stupidity
    You quote Christian Bible scriptures to support your beliefs but I can tell for sure you do not believe the Christian Bible. Why did Jehovah destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Those cities had done just what you are purposing, they let them go against logic and take over. But Jehovah didn’t accept them and didn’t turn the other cheek, He killed them. The Bible says that men that lie with other men should be stoned to Death! What you are preaching is coming straight out of Satan’s handbook! In the book of Revelations it states, men that lie with men, will not enter the Kingdom Of God! You are making your choice today to stand against your Creator, I am not judging you are any other Gay, but lets see if you lustful people can persuade Jehovah to accept your filthy way of life based on LUST, not love.

    • Your Bible speaks of women being used as nothing more than domestic appliances and baby-canons, people being owned as slaves, and contradictions in itself too plentiful in number to be noted down.

      If you follow this one thing, follow all of it. Give up everything you own, aside from essentials. Plasma screen televisions and your luxuries. God promotes a humble life. Speak to God for every decision you make, moral or otherwise, and follow the Bible to the letter – that is, no anal, oral, or any other sex with your wife/husband that has little to no chance of producing offspring. And when you have those children, raise them to be devout; marry off the girls as soon as they are able to carry a child (puberty) and make sure the boys are religious, and have their eyes set on a family as soon as they see a woman.

  • If you want to bring back laws against Homosexuality, then lets bring back slavery, and take away women’s rights, and the rest. The Homosexuals have no choice on who they are. Anymore than a straight person has. We don’t know how many Gay people are in the World as most still keep it quiet. If you want to follow the Bible to the letter, then people should not eat Clams. People pick and chose what parts of the Bible they will follow. Few people know the history. At one time the Catholic Church performed Same Sex Marriages.Do you think Jesus would stone a Gay Person? I really doubt it. We are are all made in God’s Image. Even Gay people. They should have the same protection and rights under the law. Thank goodness, the laws are changing in the U.S. Europe has been way ahead of the U.S. for years. For the record, I am a Christian, a Methodist. We believe is love an respect for all humans.

  • I am from zimbabwe. Homosexuality is illegal here. Its the law, we live by it and we respect it. We are not going to come to America and try to convince you to change your laws too. If you believe that a man should put his penis in another men’ s anus, hey, by all means do it. We wont judge but here, its illegal. It was not there before colonialists came in my tribe, I am Ndebele, break away from the Zulu kingdom of South Africa. If you want to boycott coming to our country, go ahead, we wont lose any sleep over it. No one kills homos here, it has never happened in my country, EVER! if you are caught, in between the thorough beatings @the hands of the police and jail time, you will have a change of heart. It may not sound fair to you colin because you are a homo but its the law HERE which must not be broken. Its that simple. Like i said it may not be fair to you but hey, the world is not a fair place, ask afghanistans who had their country torn down by America because of primarily one man’s actions. Was that fair? I think not. But it happened anyway and no one dares to speak up too many times because they fear America. Someone mentioned that its because we are uneducated and that is why we outlaw homos. FYI, i went to Cambridge University where i graduated top of my class among local white students, so that school of thought is invalid. People in my country are very educated actually. If he meant we are uneducated in our knowledge and understanding of homos then im sorry to say we are okay with what we have already, thanks. There was the issue of people who were saying God and the Bible are not valid. Tell me this then, why does everyone in government use the Bible to be sworn into office? They use the line ‘so help me God’. And colin, you never addressed those type of comments because they were said by your fellow homos. I know you will probably say the topic is the 76countries, but i believe the reason why homosexuality is outlawed in those countries primarily because of religious reasons. You seem to believe there is a God. You counter every Christian who believes homosexuality to be wrong with a scripture of your own(no matter how wrong your interpretetions, but hey, your point of view right?) and you used to sign out ‘blessings’. Or maybe you were just mocking christians? But homos can say what they want about God and you dont respond to say, ‘gays, lets not insult other people’ s beliefs. Hateful speech from heterosexuals you respond to it by expressing your pity. Why not your fellow homos? You claim one is born a homo right? Well, here it doesnt matter if you are born gay or acquire it, its illegal! If you do it, the law enforcers of this countrt will tame you. Just ask simon mann the mecenary about zimbabwean prison. Stick to the laws of our land and all will be well. I personally do not hate homos, i just believe some things should never be allowed or encouraged because they are spiritual. I never fight with the flesh because i know the real battle is in the spirit. I am only glad that in my country even young people see homosexuality as an American or European way of life that we should not even bother to try and emulate or follow. We will continue to abide by the laws that govern our country. And we say NO to homosexuality in our borders. You can have your man on man sex where ever you want colin. Just not within our borders. But the day of reckoning is coming. Believe that.

    • Strange to think a supposed man of Cambridge would have such ridiculous thoughts. By all means, believe that gay people are an affront to The Lord, if so your interpretation follows through to that. But do not then go and completely ban gay people from being in love, or being together, when one of the most basic functions God gave us was Free Will. Do you think yourself mightier than God to bar the decisions that people make? Even if He had a problem with it, what does it matter to you, Mighty One, who has obviously never felt the compassion God does? That you would happily say the beating gets it out of them proves how disloyal you are to your own dogma. Police should never beat anyone unless they are a danger to those around them, and then only as a last resort.

      God has done nothing to warn us about the ‘threat’ that gay people pose. These natural disasters and outbreaks; they’re proven occurrences that happened long before Christianity became a mainstream religion. Outbreaks are the result of poor hygiene, and poor healthcare; most of which is not the ill’s fault.

      And Zimbabwe will too one day see the light and realise that gay behaviour is not a new thing. Before this religion, it was embraced in a great many cultures; Greece, for example.

      A Cambridge man who believes that people should be beaten for who they love signifies a slow year for Cambridge.

    • Interestingly, you mention that laws against homosexuality did not exist before colonialism. So essentially, you obey an imported concept. You also mention police beatings- is it right to beat someone because of private sexual relations? And I speak as someone who also has African heirtage (Nigerian parents, born in Britain).

  • As editor/publisher of this blog, I allow vigorous debate within the comments section, including with distaste even some harsh, nasty comments such as the recent one from Gregor, who claims that he doesn’t “hate homos,” but speaks favorably of police beatings of LGBT people. I draw the line at comments that advocate killings.

    That said, I’ve noticed a small recent upsurge in comments, which I’ve blocked, from people who take a pro-Nazi, anti-gay position such as this: “We will never forgive the Satanic Jews, Homosexuals, Lezbians, bisexuals, Transgenders, Child Molisters, Arial Sharon and Satanic State of Isreal, Tony Blair, Bush’s . They are all the Walking Devils inside the Human Body whom belong underground not above ground taking advantage and corrupting the minds of the weak, innocent, young, poor human beings,regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, or national orgin. Give the poison to kill themselves or light them up HITLER STYLE.”

    I hope that this upsurge is merely because a small group of hate-filled people have newly taken notice of this blog and not because such hate-filled people are becoming more active in the world.

    • Fear breeds hatred. The upsurge, I suppose, is because some people have chanced across this blog and shared it. One day it will be stamped out; but it will be replaced by a new group of people who hate one another for no reason.

      Allowing both sides of the argument is admirable. Outright hatred, outlandish claims made by the ignorant, and those who refuse to research and enlighten themselves, is not.

    • Belarus is considering whether to pass an anti-“gay propaganda” bill similar to Russia’s, but hasn’t passed it, I believe. If there are developments that people should know about, please report them here or by email to Thanks.
      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog

  • I think that it’s great that other countries are taking a step in the right direction. they don’t want that disgusting abomination affecting their country.

    • You misunderstand – this is a list about the banning of homosexuality, not the Westboro Baptist Church.

    • The USA has somewhat evolved beyond archaic ritual, belief and condemnation. It’s got a long way to go, but may you become one of the enlightened ones who realise that being gay doesn’t matter – in the end, our graves are always the same size.

  • It saddens me that so many people search out sites and stories to spew their animosity towards our fellow human beings. That’s why I don’t visit and comment on these stories much any more. I prefer to deal with people who are caring, polite, and espouse the kindness that God offers to us all. I pray that all of you can someday realize that we are all one, we are all part of God, we all must care about each other and this planet on which we reside and for which we are responsible.

  • I do believ same sex relations is sick. But thats for me.But I do have a stronger believe that as long as it doesn’t involve harming any one then people have a right to live their lives how ever they want and nobody has the right to tell any one on how to live their lives. If gays want to get married then what ever as long as their lifestyle isn’t forced on me then let them be. People have the right to be happy, and the word gay means happy, so let them be happy. No if they ever come up with a law saying I have to pay taxs to gay people then yeah fuck that. But I don’t see that happening. Come on people can’t we all just get along. 🙂

  • It is reassuring and ironic to discover that there are so many so-called 3rd world countries which have the moral character to identify this vile,pernicious,unnatural subculture of queers in their countries,and to render their twisted lifestyle illegal.Yet,North America,which is advanced in so many ways,is a moral cesspit in comparison.

    • I pray God’s love will enter your mind and help you realize we are all here to help each other, love each other, and promote God’s peace and love. It is said that even Fred Phelps had a change of heart before he died. If that can happen, there is hope for everyone. Denying God’s love for all of God’s existence in this physical world is a sad way to live our short time here. Celebrate God’s infinite diversity!

  • While most Homo propaganda tries to pull the wool over the eyes of the unsuspecting,and makes the claim “gay is not a choice,its something youre born with”..This fabricated lie is superceded by the Truth of what actually occurs.During the gender undifferentiated period of sexual development,usually during puberty,most people are attracted to the same sex to a varying degree.The mistake,the fatal life error is to act on this impulse.Instead of acting on this confused notion of attraction, and allowing lust to propel you towards same sex interaction,you resist.Sooner or later,a desireable person of the opposite sex will be there for every single person,male or female.
    .Cognitive therapy using orgasmic reorientation bears this out in real life.Any so called gay person can be rehabilitated back to the natural attraction and interactions based on this.It is only difficult to the degree the deviant homo bonding has instantiated itself in the person.Once,in the case of males,they recognize their error that the male rectum is not a valid gateway to love,but rather was biologically intended as a feces-stinking orifice for defaecating,they usually come to their senses and receive orgasmic reorientation therapy.It works every time,and they are thankful.No male is born homo,nor any female.The question is,are they aware of their desperate need for change from the unnatural to the natural??Until they are aware of this,all you can do is jail them…lol…I will be sending a hefty cash donation to every single country on this list to prevent any potential “recidivism”….lol…lol.Truly,no mercy for this error in puberty.And, as the great jamaican singer,buju bandon points out “boom,bye,bye in dee bahtty bwy head…..”

    • You have no evidence to back up any of the claims you make.

      Therapy doesn’t help to solve homosexuality. It’s been proven multiple times – watch a man named Doctor Christian’s ‘Cure Me I’m Gay.’ He not only went through the brutality that many other gay people went through in hoping for a cure, he came out the other side unchanged, not straight as so many would like to believe.

      If you want to imprison them, you realise that the prison population will go up tenfold? Your taxes will be used more and more, you’ll have to pay more, so essentially you will be paying for homosexuality; just the imprisonment of it, which is proven never to work.

      I’m sorry, but if you don’t see gay people as people, you’re an idiot. Alan Turing. Oscar Wilde. Perhaps William Shakespeare, if we go by hearsay. Leonardo da Vinci. A great host of doctors, police officers, mathematicians, scientists, craftsman, fashion designers, engineers and the like.

      Gay people are probably doing more in this world than you collectively, because they band together and, hopefully, don’t spread the bile you are. Now, you’re probably going to come back to me spewing that you’re in fact a world class engineer or a top rated scientist – seems everyone on your side of the argument does, doesn’t it? – but I won’t believe you anymore than I believe one of the above commenters came from Cambridge.

      You put spaces after punctuation before you start to write again. If you want to be taken seriously, ‘lol’ is not the way to do that.

  • I would just like to point out that half of the individuals on this blog that are making nasty remarks about LGBTI’s are misspelling words and seem totally illiterate. Perhaps instead of disowning your own children and teaching yourself hatred, you should go to school and educate yourself. Perhaps take a Cultural Differences class? Yes God says in Leviticus that a man shall not lay with another man as he does with a women, but he also says that a man who saves the corners of his beard is a disgrace. Think about that. God also says that those who judged will be judged 10 x. The world wouldn’t be such a terrible place if people just learned to understand differences. For those of you who are disgusted by gay PDA, get over it. Any PDA is discomforting, it is only your ignorance and lack of true peace that makes LGBTI PDA more uncomfortable for you.

  • Pakistanis are in favour of homosexuality in the country and practice it but not openly for the fear of police. If it is introduced by legisterators, it will reduce the growth of population and satisfy the sex urge of 50 % gay community. the religious fantstics and prayer leaders and molvis in islamic madrass are also homosexual but are against it just outwardly.

  • It is a sin to be a homosexual and a lesbian-the bible & Gods Laws state this truth–if nations abandon Gods truth & Laws-God abandons those nations– the USA is NO LONGER blessed by GOd nor is Canada or Britian these and others who defy Gods Laws now find themselves in bad weather storms & corruptions–nations that obey Gods Laws find persecution –isn’t it bizarre–how Russia-once officially atheist banning God now defends Gods Laws & is persecuted–while its opposite–the USA now defys Gods Laws & promotes sinful homosexual & lesbian “weddings”?? what is next? a movement to say its not a sin to steal–kill–rape-lie etc?? sin is sin regardless of your power as a nation–God will always punish the wicked & save the Blessed ones who keep Gods Laws–do not emulate the USA–emulate nations wherte Gods Laws are upheld

    • I pray God’s love will enter your mind and help you realize we are all here to help each other, love each other, and promote God’s peace and love. It is said that even Fred Phelps had a change of heart before he died. If that can happen, there is hope for everyone. Denying God’s love for all of God’s existence in this physical world is a sad way to live our short time here. Celebrate God’s infinite diversity!

  • Anyone who is anti-gay because of religious beliefs makes up the stupidest group of people in the entire world. You hide behind your God and what he “wrote” how long ago and rely on that misinterpreted information as a way to oppose all that does not conform to your conservative redneck views. You want your guns, your upper-middle class white suburban neighbourhoods and everyone around you to be exactly the same. There is so much hatred here for people that have done no wrong to you. In fact I think somewhere along the line most of the people here that write such negative comments maybe had some kind of personal brush with questioning their sexuality and are now afraid. What do people do when they are afraid? Lash out.

    If the amendments were not meant to be changed then why were they called amendments? If I recall correctly SLAVERY was in there at one point I bet you wish that one stuck too. Pathetic. The worst part is that those of you that grow up in these rich church-going families have the right to a proper education but are too stupid to think independently and realize that religion is not meant t be taken literally. There was no magic man in the sky walking on water it is about the message. You make it extremely difficult for any atheist to remove their hands from their eyes as you destroy this world with your judgement and negativity. Don’t worry about “Adam and Steve” because Adam and Eve weren’t real in the first place. If you find a talking snake please inform the authorities though, or give me some of what you took.

    Sincerely, one of the few straight people here that is not a complete idiot.

  • And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made an abomination; dying they will be put to death, their blood is on them.
    This is the correct translation of Leviticus 20:13. It can be seen that, rather than forbidding male homosexuality, it simply forbids two males to lie down in a woman’s bed, for whatever reason. Culturally, a woman’s bed was her own. Other than the woman herself, only her husband was permitted in her bed, and there were even restrictions on when he was allowed in there. Any other use of her bed would have been considered defilement. Other verses in the Law will help clarify the acceptable use of the woman’s bed. (Lev. 15.)

    Written by men thousands of years ago when women were considered property, when it was thought men carried miniature humans in the testicles, which needed to be transferred to a woman’s womb to grow, and when the earth was thought to be flat. Written when some Jewish people lived among other cultures that didn’t want them around. Would be nice if people would realize we should have moved beyond these myths by now.

  • homosexuality is not normal, it’s true it’s genetic ,it’s genetic because it’s some sorta of a mutation and these people need help instead of recognizing their sickness as normal.

    • There is no treatment of it other than the acceptance that this is who they are and who they will forever be. I can’t tell you what makes a person gay, and the theory is yes, it is genetic. But not all genetic mutations are bad. Eye colour, hair colour, certain features and the like are all based off of mutations and do nothing but make a person appear a certain way. We mustn’t judge them for how they are born, but for how they act as a people and how they contribute to society.

      Homosexuality is normal. It may be a genetic mutation, or some other factor. However, there is no treatment, it is not a sickness, and all ‘treatments’ currently in use have been proven failures. A poster boy for ‘ex-gay’ therapy who claimed it cured him has recently come out as gay again and has said he must accept who he is. Many people have died because they haven’t reached the revelation this man did, and ashamed of themselves committed suicide. This ignorance that led to their deaths will not help us as a society. Morals aren’t declining due to our wish to accept homosexuals. They are enhancing themselves and shedding pointless stigmas.

      • It certainly not helpful to accept gays in our nations. By the way do gays/homosexuals believe in God, the Creator? How then do they serve him. I think the answer to this will help me how to treat them.Truthfully speaking homosexuality is evil.

      • It is helpful. God may or may not exist – this is not the issue here. We know for a fact gay people do exist. But we keep them at arms’ length and vilify them for a creator we aren’t even sure is real. Homosexuality is not evil, nor is it detrimental to the world – realistically, not everyone is going to turn gay because we allow gay people, and not everyone is going to turn straight because we outlaw homosexuality. It’s one of the many things that diversify us as a people. Homosexuality, I believe, is no more as evil as you worshipping your religion how you see fit, so long as it’s not detrimental or harmful to the surrounding populace.

        Gay people can serve God in how they act. If they are reasonable, rational, kind and loving, than they deserve as much respect as a straight man. There is no more difference to them than their sexual preference. The unfortunate downside to it is that ignorance can abound for those who have no idea and who based what they do know on propaganda. These people, gay, straight, bisexual, and the like, are all people – and until they are directly harming others, we should have no quarrel with how they live their lives. I would much rather burn in Hell for accepting my fellows, than live by a God who ostracises a people HE created.

  • I wish it were possible to move to an anti gay country!!! I am so tired of homosexuality being shoved down my throat!!!! And, wondering if the guys I date may be gay! God did not intend for this kind of behavior, and why can’t a Christian speak out against it, but homosexuals can speak our against us? What happened to freedom of speech???

    • It is possible. But you will have to sacrifice your right to free speech, your right to practice certain religions, and your right to drive, if I am right in thinking you’re a female. Christians are allowed to speak of their disdain for it, but treat homosexual people as people, and accept that they too deserve the rights that you so desperately cling to.
      Government and church must be separated now. It is the way. It is how we as people are going to develop and disregard all archaic practices that put us back. And trust me, dear; if we accept homosexuals and don’t start calling them filthy, disgusting perverts, you won’t have to worry if the man you date is gay, because the gay people will be able to go out with whomever they want and won’t have to hide who they are.

    • Like Concerned Young Person stated, there are many countries you can move to. Check the map above. Iran, Uganda, Sudan would welcome you with open arms, except if you disagree with other of their laws. Like being a Christian. If you can have freedom of speech in the US, why can’t we? Just understand that you speaking out against it is based on your chosen religious beliefs, religion is a choice and can be changed, yet is protected from governmental interference. Our lives are not protected. You cannot be fired in the US for being a Christian; we can be fired in most places just for being gay. Do you mean you want us also to be imprisoned, tortured, and killed for being gay? Yet you may rail against countries which do that to people who have chosen to be Christian?

    • Thank you! My son is 12 and is very against the gay lifestyle but knows it is not his job to judge it but His job however the local school has ‘anti-bullying’ campaigns where they all must wear pink to support ‘anti-bullying’. He says “Mom, I can’t wear the pink but if I don’t I will be labeled a bully. Maybe I will wear purple. It’s not about bully’s mom, it’s about gays”. We live in rural Saskatchewan, Canada in the midst of Catholic haven. We moved here so we could love God without persecution (though we are not Catholic) and lo and behold it is here just as anywhere else in Canada. Canada the friendly? Oh no, Canada the puppy of the States. We want to move too. We are the persecuted, not them. The Gay agenda for the ultimate agenda……to keep us from God.

      • I weep for your son. That he could believe such DRIVEL at his young age shows your failures as a parent to teach him to accept and love his fellow man – a basic theme in the Bible you claim to love. Gay people are not keeping you from God, but your own insane belief that they are is in fact keeping you from achieving that all-loving glow that He promises. Canada is being friendly, it’s being accepting, it’s being more Godly than you.

        Why should we have any power to dictate how people live their lives? Anti-bullying campaigns are about all walks of life – from the poor, to the rich, to the gay, to the straight, and all else around it. My sister is very young, and yet she is enriched by the wealth of people around her, because I do not tell her not to play with the boy who wears skirts, or the girls who wear overalls, those with dirt on their face and more. Protection of your children is for those who will harm them; gay people will do no such thing. I can only hope your son realises the error of his ways, and in doing so makes you realise them too.

        God is dead when people are more concerned with the genitalia of others’ partners whilst people are being slaughtered for their religion, ethnicity, sexuality and more that they cannot control.

      • I am sorry that your son feels the way that he does. I feel even worse that he is subject to your influences. I hope he can see beyond the brainwashing you and others in society are providing, and think for himself some day. It is unfortunate that the only focus of these anti-bullying efforts he sees is for gays. My guess is he probably has not been bullied before. I was bullied, not for being gay, but for being a Northerner living in Atlanta, being a Catholic in a mostly Baptist part of Kentucky, for having a funny accent because I spoke like a Wisconsinite and not a hillbilly. There are many reasons that anti-bullying campaigns should be implemented. Many find that still okay to verbally and physically abuse someone because that person is thought to be gay. There “should” be no reason for children to bully each other. Fun can be had without being mean. Many kids seem to be taught that being mean is fun, to watch someone else suffer, to make others feel less worthy than yourself. Personally, I don’t find that enjoyable at all.

  • Desert fox, if they wanted to live their lives in peace, then why do they try everyday to shove it in our face and down our throats????

    • Elizabeth, if fundamental Christians want to live their lives in peace, then why to they try every day to shove their chosen religious beliefs in our face and down our throats and want a secular government enforce those religious beliefs?

    • Because they aren’t being permitted to live their lives in peace yet. Once they are given equal rights and no longer have to fear being slaughtered for who they are, or beaten or put through ‘corrective rape,’ as so I’ve heard it said, then I assure you no more of this will ever grace your television again, for they won’t have to advocate for equal rights.

  • In America we have to tolerate endless liberal propaganda assuring us that homosexuality is something people are born with and that it is great.But if you point out that its unnatural and that many homosexuals feel entitled or that they basically have immunity to open criticism(hate speech/political correctness)then you are an intolerant fool.

    • Canyon, the issue is that your opinion that homosexuality is unnatural is based on your chosen religious belief in words written down by men thousands of years ago to gain power, property, and wealth. We simply want the discussion to be about being a human being. In the US, governments are not supposed to incorporate religious doctrines into the laws and promote or allow discrimination.

  • I am on a Demographic/Anthropological study that looks at dynamic trends in World civilization. Since 1991 I have traveled to Russia to review Stalin’s files on Leon Trotsky who advocated ‘Free Love” of any kind including pedophilia and homosexuality. Stalin on the other hand saw that the Communists would lose their grip on power, being viewed as Jewish Bolshevik child molesters. Hence Stalin told his henchman to, ” get rid of that libertine Jew Trotsky before we are all thrown out as pedophiles!” I know i have simplified the facts but I am on the mark based on the archives of the 1924-27 era. This why Russia sees us as going down a faggy/child molester Trotsky road. They do not want any part of it. Also why the Muslims will do the west in eventually.

    • Extremists will not do in the west eventually. This is the way of the world, and currently we’re in the most peaceful era in recorded human history. It’s no wonder that people are starting to accept things which truly don’t matter. There will always be extremists, there will always be those who try to say that gay people shouldn’t be legal and make ignorant comparisons to pedophilia with it. Muslims are not the problem, nor are gay people, nor are any other factors that don’t include this; active hate and ignorance made prevalent through generations of misguidance.

  • Ohly ehll. Like one humble person once said “If all people were gay we would become extinct, quite certain that was not The Creators idea. Whether you believe in The Creator or not we would not continue for long if we walked in the opposite direction of natures path. Nowadays it seems to be a choice but it is not. It is brainwashing. Part of a master agenda dating back to vintage”.

    • Yes, if all people were gay, we would have a problem. But realistically, not all people are going to turn gay. This is ridiculous. That’s like saying if all people were to turn into women, we would become extinct. It’s not going to happen, and is a stupid argument to make that represents nothing of reality.

    • That truly has to be one of the stupidest exaggerations I have ever read. Concerned Young Person is absolutely right; that is an extremely absurd comment. Besides, religion – not spirituality – is truly the epitome of brainwashing, yet religion is protected. You cannot be fired for your religious beliefs in the USA; you cannot be denied service at a store or restaurant because of your religious beliefs in the USA; you cannot be denied housing because of your religious belief in the USA. All of those can be denied to someone who is gay in most areas of the USA. Is that what your “Creator” intended, when the phrase “love thy neighbor” was attributed to someone called Jesus?

  • There is no such Country as “northern Cyprus” and its unacceptable that you should mention that there is ….the only recognised country on the island is the Republic of Cyprus and there sex amongst consenting adults irrespective of gender has been legal for many mant years….

    • Dear Steve,

      The blog’s coverage of Northern Cyprus made that clear, but the shortened version in the list of 78 countries did not. I’ve now changed the list’s language a bit to be clear there too. The new text is as follows: “No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.”

      Thanks for commenting.

      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • Its 2015 and support for gays is still growing. Gratefully. Hopefully majority of people will begin to see that being gay does no harm to anyone. And may gay support continue to grow.

  • Normal birth happens and produces a child that when formed in the womb of the female came out with the apparatus to reproduce themselves. Normally the child is labeled a male or female by peeking inside their diaper. No doctor ever called or labeled a newborn child an electrician, a contractor, a baker, a butcher, or a candlestick maker etc. – if they had a normal birth they were labeled male or female. Question for all educated citizens – How did that baby child become an electrician? How did that baby child become a farmer? How did that baby child become a gay?
    How did that baby child become a lawyer? How did that baby child become a murderer?
    It seems to me that gay is not what you ARE it’s what you do. Same for a plumber. I’m not a plumber it’s what I do. I was not born an airline pilot – it’s what I developed an interest in as I was maturing then I went to school and earned by credentials to fly. Hello is anybody home? Has western civilization lost it’s ability to “connect-the-dots?

    • From what I’ve heard of recent studies, there is a genetic element to being born homosexual. There is no conclusive proof yet, as far as I am aware. However, if a baby is born, the gender is evident – they have immature sexual organs that will develop more in puberty. Yet SEXUALITY does not develop until puberty, when they become interested in other people’s sexual organs.

      Being gay is something that you are, just as heterosexual is something you are. A baby is born as that; a new human, a new slate, a new life. Yet there are aspects to them which are set in stone with their genes, and other aspects which develop, such as the interest in certain jobs and hobbies. Sexuality has nothing to do with it. It is not a job, it is not a hobby. It is a person’s preference for one gender or another, and it cannot be determined at birth, both because there are no physical signs of it, and because it does not develop until later on.

      I am not a doctor, but from what I’ve heard and read, that’s my conclusion.

      • There is absolutely no reason not to allow gay people to be who they are. We are a population too large to sustain ourselves, as well as the fact that no amount of ‘healing’ has worked; and no amount of healing shall ever work. These people are who they are – I have a gay friend who was raised in a completely loving family unit, and he’s still gay. There’s no scientific research to say that gay people can be ‘cured’ because there is nothing to cure, except for backwards, ridiculous thinking that has us all still in some cesspit of not accepting one another.

    • Bill, you are comparing apples and oranges when comparing career and sexuality or gender. I believe it is you that are connecting the wrong dots. So, you were not born a plumber, just as I was not born a warehouse manager; but I was born to be a homosexual, just as you were born to be a heterosexual.

      • This type of thinking is the direct result of allowing a condition to “fester” which saddens many professionals who are now legally denied the possibility of treatment of such condition. Realistically speaking/ one is born to BE anything. If you had a normal birth, according to nature – you were born with a penis or a vagina – period. After you are born a nurturing and caring person helped you to grow and develop as you learned the ropes of life. Then with your exposure to various ideas in society and the educational process, you began to BECOME a plumber, an airline pilot, a carpenter, a gay person, a lawyer, etc. For those with eyes – let them see. If you have ears to hear – then listen. There’s still time left in your life or anyone else who thinks this way to be healed from this condition. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE. This is about the survival of mankind/animals on this planet. (Animals are doing well in spite of the poachers!)

      • Bill, according to your lecture, then, you were not born a heterosexual? When did you decide to be a heterosexual? Did you reach that decision from a range of experiences regarding sexual activity? Why is diversity in this arena such a problem with people? Why do others have such an obsession with the sexual activity of consenting adults? I would never consider limiting your sexual activity with another consenting adult. Why is it your place to denigrate mine? To place me in prison? Torture those like me? Kill us?

  • Calling other nations names (poor, ignorant, bastards) just because they don’t agree with you on an issue is very immature. You say they are”under educated” fine you have a point, educate them, convince them to accept it rather than calling them this barbaric names. You want someone to accept an acts and you’re imposing it on them. I’m not for it but I dont care what you do with your life. If it right to be gay why are you fighting for it to be legal. If its natural like a man and a woman getting married, or human consuming vegetables, fruits and meat. Why are you forcing the so called “poor and under educated” nations into accepting it. Once again I dont care what you do with your life. PS.

    • Maybe some people describe those countries that way because they show a complete lack of compassion for their fellow human beings in the modern world. The US did the same thing less than 50 years ago. We just wish to express that we do not approve of imprisoning, torturing, or killing people who are our brothers and sisters on this planet. And that is the objection many of us wish to express here. Sometimes people use harsh words to get their points across, but it comes from both sides. It is very difficult to remain civil when your opponent is constantly vicious. We are human, after all; we’re not all perfect either.

  • The human species world-wide, consists of males and females. Since 1973 glbt became a species worthy of protected rights. A person who claims “to be gay” upon physical inspection is a male. A person claiming “to be a lesbian” upon physical inspection is a female. If you’re not male or female then you have a “CONDITION”. Loving and caring people look to a professional to aide them in overcoming or curing their loved ones from their condition.

    • Such a strict dichotomy is a sad way to look at the beauty of diversity in this physical world. I suppose you see only day and night, based on your analyses. But what about dusk, when the sun is below the horizon, yet there is still light in the sky? What about dawn, when the sun is not above the horizon yet, but light is in the sky? What about above the Arctic Circle in June, July, and August, when the sun is still in the sky even at midnight? Or below the Antarctic Circle, when the same occurs in December, January, and February. Is it day only? No, it is still considered to be night, but the wonders of diversity in this world is not a “CONDITION” that needs to be cured! The same is true of the wonderful diversity that makes up the over 7 billion individuals which make up the human species. I am a male; I am gay. I never made your “claim” that I am anything other than physically male. But the physical body I inhabit is not the only thing that defines my role in this world. That physical body was defined for my by the combination of the DNA from my mother and my father, as well as many other aspects of me, like my eyes, my hair, my brain, my chemical compositions and interactions. And I don’t want “protected rights”; I want equal rights to live a pleasant life, given my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, many people want to deny those rights, yet obtain special consideration of their rights based on their chosen religious beliefs. Religion is a choice!

  • All concerned and interested parties should take a field trip to your local maternity ward. How we soon forget or ignore our past. Lying there in soft blankets are little bundles of life – the apple of their parents eye. Every last one of those little bundles of joy are either MALE OR FEMALE. The doctor knows by peeking inside the diaper. After you grow up and become whatever, check out the statistics compiled at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and see how same-sex activity compares with normal (male-female) activity. There’s still hope for those who are alive. The Creator is longsuffering.

    • The maternity ward will not show anything other than babies, ignorant of sexuality, and without sexuality. They have gender and immature sexual organs, but no sexuality. A male can love a male, a female can love a female, and even doctors, leading experts in genetics and people who know a far greater deal than you, who forms opinions on books written before they even knew germs existed, are saying that this is not something that can be cured, nor should it be. Based on evidence, there are no people, or at least very, very few people who are most likely lying, that say they have been cured from homosexuality.

    • Regardless of the causes of homosexuality, your focus on the dichotomy of physical genders, and your insistence on ancient texts, is it your belief than homosexuals should be imprisoned, tortured, or killed simply for being – or as you phrase it “claiming to be” – homosexual?
      I must reiterate that by being a homosexual, a person does not say that person is not the gender with which they were born. I am a male. I am gay. By saying I am gay, I am not saying I am female despite being born a male. I am male. I am gay. They are not opposites. They both are part of who I am, what I am, and what I can do as a consenting adult physical human, as well as many other parts of my life determine my life. Your physical existence, your chemical composition and interaction, your environment make up who you are, what you are, and what actions you take.

  • Is missing the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Somaliland that are not known countries or recognized by some countries.

  • Why are people gay? The question of how homosexual orientation originates has been the subject of much press, with the general impression being promoted that homosexuality is largely a matter of genes, rather than environmental factors. However, if one examines the scientific literature, one finds that it’s not quite as clear as the news bytes would suggest. The early studies that reported differences in the brains of homosexuals were complicated by HIV infection and were not substantiated by larger, better controlled studies. Numerous studies reported that possible hormonal differences affected homosexual orientation. However, these studies were often directly contradictory, and never actually measured any hormone levels, but just used proxies for hormonal influences, without direct evidence that the proxies were actually indicative of true hormone levels or imbalances. Twin studies showed that there likely are genetic influences for homosexuality, although similar studies have shown some genetic influences for homophobia and even opposition to abortion. Early childhood abuse has been associated with homosexuality, but, at most, only explains about 10% of those who express a homosexual orientation. The fact that sexual orientation is not constant for many individuals, but can change over time suggests that at least part of sexual orientation is actually sexual preference. Attempts to find a “gay gene” have never identified any gene or gene product that is actually associated with homosexual orientation, with studies failing to confirm early suggestions of linkage of homosexuality to region Xq28 on the X chromosome. The question of genetic influences on sexual orientation has been recently examined using DNA microarray technology, although, the results have largely failed to pinpoint specific genes as a factor in sexual orientation.
    For the complete text to this article log on to:

    • Again, I do thank you, Bill, for confirming the basis for your analyses by providing the link above. It is a site which – in my summarization – purports scientific discussion and analysis based on biblical beliefs, and supports those beliefs of ancient man simply by saying that, since science doesn’t know all the answers, then the only answer must be written in the Bible. In my humble opinion, neither has the answers, and we – as a small and short-lived part of the physical world – will never have all the answers. So why spend our short time here hating, imprisoning, torturing, and killing others who are causing no harm to another consenting human adult? Those feelings are not ones I prefer to share or spend my life mulling over, obsessing my life with actions of others in which I have no interest, does no harm to my fellow consenting adult human beings. Why must people like you obsess with the sexual actions of other consenting adult human beings? It would seem you think about it much more than I or my husband do.

      I do not think the following links have all the answers. No human being will ever be able to have – much less understand – all the answers of the mysteries, fluidity, and diversity of the universe. But they might provide some information from a more unbiased foundation than a book written by men thousands of years ago, and translated by men many times through different languages, which now uses words which didn’t exist then.–but-it-arises-in-the-womb

      and for biblical analysis:

  • To Jeff,
    I think that people like you are the exact reason why other countries have banned gay activity. your twisted and ambiguous analogy of the day and night is just plain retarded!
    from the physical to the mental gay activity is a sickness….. one that is indulged in by the sick people choosing to indulge in it! that lifestyle is
    destructive to the individuals but even more so to the countries facilitating it.
    because if it’s all about hormones dictating what you do then maybe we shouldn’t lock up rapist or pedophiles anymore because their hormones dictated their activities too!

    • The difference is; pedophilia and rape is not consensual. What we are talking about is two adults consenting to have a sexual relationship, and being happy with it. Theirs is the same love as heterosexuality.

      You tell him not to compare homosexuality to something, but then you compare it to rapists or pedophiles. No. This is not the same, nor will it ever be the same. People who hide behind their holy texts or try so desperately to think otherwise are ignorant and terrified of change. My generation will see most of you wiped out – and it will be your own ignorance that does it.

      If being gay is unnatural, then stop taking medicines such as antibiotics, or any other medical help when you become ill, because these aren’t natural either. Roll the dice; do you live or die?

    • Thank you, Bill. Now we get the truth behind your reasoning, as you have chosen to proceed to anger to address someone who disagrees with you. I was simply addressing your discussion regarding the physical world and your idea that being gay is not a physical characteristic. Day and night is a physical characteristic of the universe. My analogy is stating that there is a spectrum of physical characteristics, not just one or the other – as you present – and that one is not necessarily right and the other wrong, one superior and one inferior. Both are necessary, and there are gradients from one to the other. It is unfortunate that you had to resort to name-calling, denigration, and anger to discuss your position.

      • Bill, please accept my sincerest apology. I just noticed it was “big al” who chose to be so verbally uncivilized, not you. While I still disagree with your points of discussion, you did not resort to calling someone names, denigrate someone’s humanity, nor use anger as a response. Again, all those comments should have been directed at “big al” and not you. I am sorry for having thought it was Bill.

    • So much for “big al” saying he was no longer going to comment on this site. Should have known he’d be back, and right back at calling other human beings sick, making invalid comparisons, and not able to understand analogies. Oy vey!

    • Please try researching opinions different than those you have been told. I hope you can realize it is not healthy to live your life with constant animosity and hatred for other consenting adult human beings. The world is home to a wide variety in the scheme of life; don’t let other people tell you what to see and believe; develop your own ideas to lead a happier life in the short time we are here. Espousing harm for others does neither of you any good.

  • Jeff, It was big of you to offer an apology. It is graciously accepted. There are a great many on both sides of this issue that will agree on the “goal posts” at the Superbowl as a reference when a team scores. It’s just unfortunate that those divided on this issue do not share the same reference point when it comes to life. Holding out hope for your return.

    • I’m sure we are both on the correct track for what God gave us to learn and experience. We were given a physical form and composition which is unique to each individual who has existed, does, or will exist. Yours is yours to experience; mine is mine to experience; Big Al’s is Big Al’s to suffer through with so much animosity towards certain other human beings. All combined, all of our lives further God’s experience in this physical realm. I really like the idea that God wants us to care about each other and the world on which we live. Why does one person have to think they are superior to another person, or a whole group of people? Sounds a little Pollyanna of me, but it gets me through life in a happier mood. I don’t obsess about what other people are doing in the privacy of their own homes or minds as long as it causes no harm to another consenting adult human.

  • Bill said, “It’s just unfortunate that those divided on this issue do not share the same reference point when it comes to life”. That’st very true Bill, but Homos do not have any reference points at all apart from their own sentiments. The don’t believe in God and have no repect of creation and it’s purpose. That’s why it is not an easy undertaking to guide them on anything. God help us.

    • Daniel, please speak for yourself and not for me. By my statements, I have clearly stated that I believe in God. You need to be careful of the rules from ancient times by which you choose to live. If that one rule is the only one you choose to obey, yet break some of the others, then you are just as bad off as any practicing homosexual. There are many, many rules listed in Leviticus which are broken daily by devout Christians. There are many, many condemnations in the New Testament which are broken daily by devout Christians. Judge not, lest ye be judged; I believe that was attributed directly to someone named Jesus! The only other being who pay attention to what I do or think does so every minute of every day, and that is God, for God is in all of us in one way or another. I just wish we could treat each other as such.

    • Daniel, I have clearly stated I believe in God. My reference point comes from not being condescending and mean to other people for their beliefs and feelings. I am trying to be a good person during my life, kind to the people around me and those with whom I interact. I look at God’s beauty and existence every day in the people, animals, and plants of this world. I don’t need another human being or ancient text written by humans to guide me. God is doing that well enough; you don’t need to.

  • Being gay is not a crime.However,imposing believes on each other should be condemned.Homosexuals should not impose their beliefs and the same goes for everyone else.These laws are despicable and should be eradicated.There is nothing wrong with being gay whatsoever.

  • the thing i just cannot understand is why people care if someone else is committing a “unholy act”, just to let you know its not your job to save people from something you can’t prove. furthermore why can’t we just let people be people, without bigotry, without hate, without injustice, and just with kindness; if after all anyone still believes that homosexuality should be recriminalized in the west or should stay a crime in places where it is a crime then do me a favor and watch the imitation game, if your perspective doesn’t change then frankly, you’re not fit to breathe.

  • Fine Jeff. You have put it well by refering to the book of Leviticus in the Bilble. There were a lot of rules which were given by God and recorded in this book and others. Characters which affect human behaviour such as homosexuality, prostitution, murder, theft, incest, beastiarity just to mention a few were/have been forbidden in this book. In my country, all these practices are punishable and have been accepted by not only Christians but also non-christians.

    The mediam used to measure these practices is not only the bible but other natural traditions, for your own information the bible was not authored in Africa but in the western and was brought to us. Before the bible came all these practices were considered tabboos or offences and the coming of the bible was just a reconciliation of the global standards of human behaviour.

    Inasmuch as we refrain from judging homosexuals, we are aware this is forbidden bibilically and traditionally despite being practiced by few who under normal circumstances need help to reform and repent. However, your adamancy to accept that this is an abnormal condition makes us conclude that you don’t believe in God through the Bible, or the Quran, or Torah or any other known media.

    As an ambassador of Christianty, I must assure you that there is no single church which comends homosexuals, thieves, prostitutes, witches, liars, murderers or the like to demnation. In fact the principle role of the church is to represent the face of God to his people while they are still on earth (mortals). This means that the church shows mercy and gives counsel to sinners so that they can repent and live lives that befit God’s eternal kingdom. Dispelling this leaves a trace of ones disbelief in God.

    The other authority that now institutes punishment for immoral offenders is that of human governments. This puts down codes of conduct for its people and breakers of those codes are punished in reference. You now have to study the origins of constitutional laws for respective nations before lebelously calling them ‘CRIMINALS’ for sunctioning laws that should govern them in peace and harmony? are you not putting on the judge’s robe yourself, and by what standards are you doing so? Incase you want to say they should not be punished for they give ‘concent’ to one another as adults, what then makes two prostitutes more evil than homosexuals? And again you said they are ‘harming’ nobody, why then should they be arrested? In human laws, if you are not harming the individual, you are harming the society. If none of the two happened then you must be let free.

    • “Hope Remains has been designed by Christian people who have a sincere desire to cut through the prejudice and misinformation concerning God’s gift of sexuality.”

      Please check out this website, by Christians, the same as you profess to be.

      Your misinterpretation of my comments, and telling me I am subject to your eternal damnation, are unfortunate. Live your life to be happy; let me live mine. I judged no one in my comments, called no government “CRIMINAL”, and the Bible was originally written in the Middle East thousands of years ago. My opinion is that being gay is not worthy of abuse, torture, imprisonment, nor death.

  • “Being gay is not a crime”. No, it is not. Needless philosophizing about simple things. But it’s unnatural. Has anyone seen anything like this in animals world. It does not have someone to believe in God to reject unnatural behavior. What is unnatural is not normal. What is not normal is not socially acceptable. On the other hand I do not care what you do in your own apartment. I do not talk around that I’m heterosexual, then why are these other publicly proud that they are homosexual. I live in central Europe, and no one has ever denied any right because of sexual orientation. The problem arose when they wanted the public to walk proud of its abnormality.

      • Dear Colin Stewart,

        My name is Dawson Wright i am 14 and i just don’t get why we argue over such things like this. It should be legal everywhere because it is just how that person is and we should not discriminate them because of that. Personally i have 2 gay friends and i see nothing wrong with that.

        Dawson Wright

    • “What is not normal is not socially acceptable.” According to this part of your statement, then, being left-handed “is not socially acceptable”. Having red hair “is not socially acceptable”. What is “normal” – a human definition? The majority? Then, believe it or not, being male is not normal, as the majority of the earth’s population is female.

      “But it’s unnatural.” What is unnatural? Nature is a spectrum, not a dichotomy of what is right and wrong – a human measure. A black swan is then “unnatural”, but we don’t destroy them just because they are not white. Smoking cigarettes is “unnatural” (and unhealthy) but we don’t imprison, torture, and kill people who do that.

      “no one has ever denied any right because of sexual orientation.” Lucky you. I live in the US, and I and several friends have been fired for being gay. I didn’t parade it around, I never talked about it. A friend of mine never talked about it at his job (a restaurant), but when a friend of his boss asked him if he liked Cher (she was on TV at that moment), and he said yes, the next day he was fired. Unless a law is in place, people can be fired, evicted, or refused service for being (or even thought to be) gay.

      “The problem arose when they wanted the public to walk proud of its abnormality.” We decided we no longer wanted to live in hiding. All we want to do is work at our jobs, take care of our homes and feel safe there, and be able to talk with friends and neighbors about our lives and families, just as the heterosexuals talk about their wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc., and not get beat up or put in jail, our homes destroyed, or kicked out of a restaurant.

      The media tends to focus on the more exotic and flamboyant parts of people’s lives, in order to get people to watch. That’s not what the vast majority of gay people, straight people, Christians, Muslims do in their lives. Most just want to get along with others and be a part of their culture, without having to sneak around and hide for fear of physical harm or death.

  • Thanks Jeff for wishing me well, may the same happen to you. About calling us Criminals I referred to the title of this blog and never attributed to any single individual like you. It is only that the editor of the blog, Colin Stewart, has decided to call it ’76 CRIMES’. Your honesty interpretation will be needed here. I am very sorry if I hurt your emotions dear. But you also need to bear in mind that Christianity is the most divided religion in the world, perhaps the most tolerant as well but that is not to say every opinion by any Christian is generally accepted. Have a nice time.

    • The title refers to the fact that, in 76 countries, it is a crime to be gay: a gay person will be put in prison or killed if found out or reported to be gay. Since your discussion began with addressing me directly, I thought you were inferring that I called those countries criminals. But even Colin Stewart did not use the title to call those countries criminals; simply, and truthfully, stating that to be gay in those countries results in prison, torture, or death at the hands of a human-generated government.

  • I’ve read through the postings of your link JEFF. The authors of that so called Hope Remains belong to the different church. In my Church (Roman Catholic) we can never preach as such and can never agree with such. The church has only a tolerant view towards contrary practices though. The church does not run courts of law but plays a correctional role. Anyway, I leave everything in God’s hand to judge. Peace.

    • I found the website to be a good representation of another interpretation of the Bible passages by other people. The Bible in circulation today has been interpreted by many people, mostly men, ever since the words were first written down by men in positions of power thousands of years ago, to address their own biases, desires, and greed. Saying those human attributes came from a God made them seem more important to the people those men were trying to make submit to them. Since different languages use different words for different things, the English language versions of the Bible have been translated using words to express the meaning that the human translators wanted to express. I thought that website did a good job of explaining that, since it is the Bible most often used to imprison and kill people in some countries.
      I was also raised Roman Catholic, but have seen the men and women in the Roman Catholic Church make many, many mistakes in the name of God. None have occurred to me; I was never molested or abused by clergy or family. But I have realized that any organization formed and governed by humans is subject to faults, mistakes, and greed. And the Bible was written by humans as well, written in different languages by many series of humans, to control other humans. Where in the Bible does it say eating fish on Friday during Lent is a sin?
      For the happiness God wants me to find for God, God exists in me, in all my fellow humans, in the plants and animals, and throughout the universe. God cannot be explained with words – nor limited to words – in a book. Those are words written down by individual humans, addressing what they wanted – at that time, based on what they knew – at that time. Pork is an abomination; shrimp is an abomination; a man will go to damnation for cutting his hair and beard; a person is eternally damned if they eat a cheeseburger? All of these are according to some of the rules written thousands of years ago. I look beyond those rules and words since they applied to a group of people some men were trying to control. Have a “God” responsible for destroying cities because they didn’t know that a volcano had erupted some distance away? And then have that story change through many languages to mean something completely different than the original language of the story, for someone’s personal – or a group’s – purposes.

      This is how I live my short life in this world, a world filled with animosity, starvation, killing, and all sorts of horrendous things humans do to each other, some in the name of whatever God they believe. DOGMA is an interesting movie to watch, and greatly increased my love of God despite what many humans do in God’s name.
      Peace to you, too, Daniel.

    • My mother is a Roman Catholic, and the Pope himself has said; “If gay people want to have partners, who am I to judge them?” Are you holier than the Pope?

      • I am not certainly holier than the Pope and on biblical/godly standard, even the Pope will not claim to be holier than I. The Pope meant that he had no powers to even forcefully determine friends for a sociopath or even criminal. Never had the Pope justified homosexuality. You will be surprised that the Pope’s publication will be well understood (mostly by people like you) if you were to have a private discussion of the matter. The Christians’ role is that of a prophet and not of a judge.

  • Okay so… I agree 100% LGBT community should have equal rights. People are basing the LGBT community on stereotypes and that’s not fail. These people can be as harmless as anyone else. They want to have the same and they want to be happy. They don’t want to argue with you or degrade a religion that just want equal rights. So much hate has been spread around the world and its caused to many people who are gay to go the extremes of suicide. It’s a preference. Everyone has preferences and we might not have the same but we don’t degrade people or make them feel like there nothing. If you judged someone on everything they did, their would be a lot of miserable people in this world. Not everyone agrees with the Holy Bibble or God, even if they did try to change the sexuality what makes you think they’ll follow God? The LGBT community doesn’t want to hurt anyone and. You people say the Gay’s are ruining the country or the world. No SIN is ruining the world and the country. Everyone sins in their life not everyone is judged. If people were a little more open minded I think the world would e a better place. You don’t have to like it. You also don’t have to fight against it. Just ignore it.

  • First off, Homosexuality is not a sin in the bible. The Bible never calls homosexuality a sin. Secondly, the bible was written 300 years after Jesus’ death by a group of MEN. All were very wise men, however, based on the belief that no man is perfect, I must be inclined to believe that while all of these men were wise, some had their faults and believed Homosexuality was wrong and hated it. During this time the Bible was written, philosophy was at a high point and it turns out a major study in Philosophy at this time was largely the study of nature. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It can possibly be concluded that people at that age in time were influenced by the philosophy at the time that Homosexuality went against nature and therefore was against God. However, by now homosexuality has been observed in nature in multitudes of species besides our own in the Kingdom Animalia. Therefore it can now be concluded with proof that Homosexuality is in fact NOT against the laws of nature and in fact may be an integral part of nature. Nature is a system and every single “gear” in that system is important to it. Now getting back to the people who wrote the bible, I, as a non denominational GAY believer, do not believe in the entirety of the bible due to its rather indirect sources but rather choose to focus not on petty opinions but things of universal value such as the Ten Commandments that I believe God himself put on Earth to guide humans. The Ten Commandments teach tolerance, acceptance, love, peace and actually promote humans living in harmony hand in hand. Given from Gods hands to Humans. Not given from a Human to Humans such as the wicked and corrupt idea that Homosexuality is “immoral, against nature, evil, etc”. This spreads hate, intolerance, and violence and goes directly against Gods laws and Gods wishes and is the true violation of Nature here.

  • Come on just use your own reference and never the bible in promoting your wickedness. Just write your own book from which you should be drawing references and leave the bible alone. Shameless you!!

    • The Bible is what everyone throws at gay people in order to try and restrain them. Why not use the Bible so they can show why they should be liberated and free to do as they pleased, as God intended?

      • BIG UP! Christians use the bible to preach and advocate forgiveness, peace and godliness on the one side and use it to preach against ungodliness which includes homosexuality on the other hand. It is not the church’s responsibility to send sinners to worldly prisons but where sin is easily spotted we should not hesitate to point it out using biblical reference. What is bad for homosexuals is that they do not want to admit they are living a sinful life (they are deliberately unrepentant). If there can be total forgiveness of culprits of all sorts of offenses by secular governments I do not see a cause for the church to blame the act. However, the church, using the bible, will continue preaching against such evils.

  • If one is completely born a homosexual, then why don’t identical twins share the same sexual orientation?

    • Identical twins aren’t exactly 100% the same. Their personalities, skills and interests are different, and therefore, their sexual orientation can be different. This could be due to the fact that not everyone’s brain is the same, identical or not: I’m not sure of the science of it all.

  • The bible is what it is and not what you gays want it to be. Us Christians use the bible to preach other than cohesion and persecution. This has made you feel you can twist the bible and use it to deceive the world. You hunger for wickedness will put you to shame when the Lord comes. For your own information, Christians use wisdom and understand the work of the devil with the help of the Holy Spirit. We also know that even the devil himself uses the bible to deceive the world.

    • What about the Koran? The Torah? The literature of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.? To those people, those texts are more important than your Christian Bible. All these texts were written and translated by men over thousands of years to promote what those men CHOSE to influence others at that time to gain power and wealth. No doubt, there are some good messages about kindness, hospitality, forgiveness; but there are also many contradictions, murder, rape, incest, violence, and other things all promoted in the name of your God. Also, many things we know factually are not true. Are you really damned to hell if you eat pork? Or shrimp? Or a cheeseburger? Or cut your hair? And is it really a basis for imprisoning, torturing, or killing others who do not think as you do?

    • Putting yourself in a group and isolating yourself from the rest of the world seems rather un-Christian to me. Preach all you want, but realise that God would have either slaughtered us all by now if He had a problem with it.

  • “Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death,” Exodus 31:15. I can think of a lot of people working on Sundays including hospital, wal-mart, fast food, etc., workers. Based on the bible they should be put to death.

  • First of I doubt very seriously that 52% of heterosexuals support gay marriage. The first commandment God gave to man was , be fruitful and multiply . Now,how a man and a man or woman and woman multiply. Sodom and Gomorrah was not about hospitality. It was a country of no righteous acts not just homosexuals but every despicable act imaginable .There was not one righteous person , even Lot and he was a man of God..So God destroyed it all.Is America unlike Sodom and Gomorrah now ? People oppose this law because they hate other people, they oppose it because they in what God intended for man. A lot of gays believe that because you don’t agree with them , that people don’t love them or somehow hate them .I wonder if the thief , robber , dope dealers , prostitutes , etc. Feel the same cause we lock them up .Most these people are just running around from person to person. There should be no benefits of a gay mmnarriage. S uch as insurance etc.What are we teaching our children. I don’t want my child or grandchildren exposed homosexuals just as I don’t want them exposed to drugs robbers rapers child molestation etc.My hope is this never becomes law. Barack Obama is not a good president especially for allowing this to happen . I didn’t vote for him at all. I’d rather have Bush back.Atleast he understood the what real marriage is. Homosexuality should not be forced on heterosexual people . We aren’t the ones with the problem. They are ! This is the biggest disgrace , unhuman! Some one ave us!

    • I see no fire from the skies, no plagues or sheep eating Shepherds; all I see are men and women refusing to believe that other men and women may love someone of the same gender, and outright oppressing them in the name of a book with stories that no one can agree whether they are real or metaphorical.

      Stop using Sodom and Gomorrah as a reference point for this discussion when gay rights have been here for a while and no one’s been smited by God. Also, over here, it’s more a 70-80% approval rate for gay rights.

      Homosexuals do nothing to you, they merely love one another. If you do not meet them, you have no idea who they are. Your children will have richer experiences for meeting some, some of their friends now will turn out to be gay, and they will not care if YOU help them take the first step to being understanding people who know they have no influence over the genitals of other people’s partners.

      • So you have nothing to worship? Shame on you. Here it is not about what you see, it is about what is normal. You just have to accept that you are anormal beings, then the apropriate help would be given unto you. Since you have said/meant that you don’t believe in God, then I understand you.

    • I need nothing to worship. I’m fine with not knowing and accepting myself as something miniscule on this Earth.

      Gay people exist. We can prove they do. God, however, we cannot prove exists. Therefore, by simple logic, gay people should be given rights and not oppressed because someone who may or may not exist does not like them.

  • Who the hell are these western devils to tell us how we ought to live? Are these not the same blue eyed pale skinned thin lipped devils that unleashed slavery and apartheid upon us? And for all you pompous western pricks that propose freezing aid, is it the same resources you murdered and raped us for and ultimately stole?

    • Let’s leave out the racism. Ignorance breeds fear, and fear breeds more ignorance. You see a vicious cycle.

    • Yal. Hi, I’m one of those western devils. I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I come with some upsetting news for racist pricks like you. Who the hell are we? Well Hunnybun, we are the ones who send money, vaccines, food aid, and troops when you need it so listen up. Either you find a way to cure disease, feed the poor and control terrorism on your own with your own inventions and your own resources or you can just shut the F*** up and fall in line.
      I am so tired of people like you hating us white folk for all the evils our forefathers did. It’s over and now you need to suck it up and get over yourself. You don’t like what we have to offer? FINE, then by all means stop asking for hand outs you pompous idiot.

      • S/he may have shot over the bar, but you are wrong to have associated terrorism to our nations own inventions. You need to carry out more research on who really finances terrorists in whichever skin they may appear and reappear. If I should become gay for the sake of receiving hand outs from you, I would rather die starving.

  • Yal. Hi, I’m one of those western devils. I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I come with some upsetting news for racist pricks like you. Who the hell are we? Well Hunnybun, we are the ones who send money, vaccines, food aid, and troops when you need it so listen up. Either you find a way to cure disease, feed the poor and control terrorism on your own with your own inventions and your own resources or you can just shut the F*** up and fall in line.
    I am so tired of people like you hating us white folk for all the evils our forefathers did. It’s over and now you need to suck it up and get over yourself. You don’t like what we have to offer? FINE, then by all means stop asking for hand outs you pompous idiot.

  • Dear Colin Stewart,

    My name is Dawson Wright i am 14 and i just don’t get why we argue over such things like this it should be legal everywhere because it is just how that person is we should not discriminate them because of that personally i have 2 gay friends and i see nothing wrong with that.

    Dawson Wright

  • The country list is not complete. You forgot to add INDONESIA as one of the countries in Asia that do not tolerate homosexuality.

  • I just cannot believe that there are still so many close minded people out there..

    ‘the bible’ was written by people… Not God… So any of the 2-3 passages Christians quote as ”proof that god hates homosexuals” are an outdated example of historic homophobia , because lets face it homosexuality has been around since the dawn of mankind (the ancient Greeks loved it). SO to put it simply, during the time the bible was written this person who wrote that particular verse had some problem with homosexuality (probably was recently screwed over by his male lover and wanted some revenge). So has decided to write a bad phrase about it…

    I am not one for knowing Biblical quotes, but, I do know there is one somewhere that advises not to wear 2 separate types of cloth, no mixing wool and other such types. Does anyone enforce this? Or people working on a Sunday being killed? Again this was one mans view of the sabbath and as far as I am aware nobody has taken this literally. So really its just selective use of the bible which is directly against the whole point of Christiantiy.

    The whole point of this somewhat lengthy reply is really does it matter? Why be so bothered if someone (in your opinion) is different? We may lead boring lives but find something more productive to do! One final thing I must say is that if you are one of these people who are adamantly unjustifiably against homosexuality, but complain about being discriminated against for your race, age, religion ANYTHING, is really just look at how hypocritical you are being someone who is Gay made no choice just like you made no choice to be Hispanic or Nigerian or Kenyan, you were born this way and so are we.

    Moral of the story: Live and love! Why waste your time hating on people for anything, you are only making your life negative.. Trust me im Gay and have experienced intolerance because of it, it only bounces off me and will be the reason for your untimely demise at 50 because of a heart attack..

  • It is missing in this list city of Marawi Philippines Asia, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic that country is recognized by some,others country as region of Morocco , and the Somaliland no and internationally recognized as a country but and a breakaway region, in Somalia,both in Africa that long ago I said to you what is missing in the list

    • I’ll try to check those out. I think I previously concluded that I wouldn’t list separately any internationally unrecognized regions with their own anti-gay laws if they are part of a country that already has anti-gay laws. But I did just that with the listing for Daesh/ISIS/ISIL, didn’t I? (Excusably, I believe, because that case is so flagrant.)

  • God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an example to people who follow this line of life. So President Mugabe is right this is a disease and God will send his wrath to nations who allow homosexuality to flourish. No hetrosexuals is having parades to say we are hetrosexuals who is discriminating against who. Leave the nations who dont accept homosexuality alone, God will destroy the earth if this disease becomes worldwide.

    • People DO hold rallies to say how awful homosexuals are, and to defend the practice of throwing homosexuals in jail. So I ask you your own question: Who is discriminating against whom? Before you answer, ask yourself who is throwing whom into jail, who is disinheriting whom for having a different sexual orientation, who is firing whom for that sexual orientation, who calls whom worse than pigs and dogs?

      Oh and, by the way, Sodom incurred God’s wrath by being inhospitable — to the point of raping visitors.

      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

      • Wrong the sodomites took over these cities so that the normal hetrosexuals couldn’t find work and were subject to their abuse the same thing you and your mob plan to do in the future around the world.

    • Right. Same-sex marriages are not recognized in Fiji, but since 2010 same-sex intimacy has been legal there. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is also illegal in Fiji.

  • Hi everyone,

    It saddens me that most of the arguments given against homosexuality in this thread are of such a fallacious nature, clearly exposing the lack of knowledge that people seem to have, but that is nothing new.

    Going back to Bob, in one of your comments you said that only 10 per cent of the population is homosexual. Bob, I do not know where you are getting your stats from but that cipher seems to be incorrect. There have been very elaborate studies concerning this matter that would prove you wrong. Have you heard about the Kinsey Scale? Look it up!

    Secondly, you also mention that we assume that homosexuality is accepted throughout the whole world and that it is actually only accepted in the west. That is entirely untrue. There are plenty of sociological and anthropological studies that prove the “acceptance” of homosexuality in diverse cultures all throughout the world. For example, there are societies in south Asia where the word homosexuality does not even exist, since they do not consider it as a characteristic to create differentiation. If you wish to know more, I will be happy to send you some sources regarding this matter. Moreover, if you do some research on homosexuality within the animal kingdom you will also find some interesting studies that would disproof your arguments.

    Lastly, concerning your question addressing fathers about the possibility of their sons “coming out of the closet”, this being the biggest disgrace that a father can go through, I hope that you understand that every human being is different and that your perception of truth or reality does not necessarily have to be on tune with the rest of the human race. Be aware that the concept of homosexuality is a human creation and its perception is mainly rooted within culture, which is also a human conception. Therefore, you believing that such a happening would be a disgrace to any father is based on your own perception. That does not give you the authority to generalise over the whole population as if you held the ultimate truth, specially when you seem so terribly uninformed about this subject.

    Also I would like to know where you are getting your sources from. Just to check them out.

    Finally, I would like to ask you a favour, please educate yourself before talking about any subject in the future. Not only it is frustrating towards others, but I believe that it may portray you as a functional illiterate.

    Best regards,
    A university college student.

  • Can you look at Zimbabwe’s again. Despite all the noise i do not think it is illegal to be gay in Zimbabwe. Although Gay marriage is not allowed.

    • Here’s the relevant law in Zimbabwe:
      Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Effective 8 July 2006).
      311 section 73.

      “(1) any male person who, with the consent of another male person, knowingly performs with that other person anal sexual intercourse, or any act involving physical contact other than anal sexual intercourse that would be regarded by a reasonable person to be an indecent act, shall be guilty of sodomy and liable to a fine up to or exceeding level fourteen or imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or both.
      … {B]oth parties to the performance of an act referred to in subsection (1) may be charged with and convicted of sodomy.

  • Interesting reporting. I had no idea there were that many places where what is entirely appropriate for a minority of people, gay men and women, is forbidden, by the majority.
    Oscar Wilde ( I believe) once said, “The true measure of how civilized a society is, is in how it deals with it’s minorities.”
    I applaud your reporting.

  • anti sodomy laws in the united states “in some cases, police still enforce them. Reportedly, in the past few years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws…”


    I thought the authors of THIS article were the reporters. Living in the United States, as a gay man, I am REALLY interested to know where people are “reportedly” being arrested for violating sodomy laws. I follow the gay rights movement pretty closely, and I can’t remember any such cases. And believe me, if these arrests were happening MSNBC, Salon, the Huffington Post and all the rest would be all over it.

    so color me skeptical.

    • Hi,
      I understand your skepticism. Here’s the blog article that will lead you to original articles in The Advocate and Slate about the phenomenon. Conservative state legislators refuse to take the laws off the books and homophobic local police occasionally make arrests on the basis of those laws, even though the U.S. Supreme Court has declared such laws unconstitutional, which means that prosecutors won’t pursue those cases.

      “Reportedly” was intended as shorthand to say that the statement is not based on this blog’s original reporting. I’ve reworded that sentence and made the link more prominent.

      Feel free to contribute to the blog to make more original reporting possible.

      Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

    • Crickey! When are you people going to quit shoving your chosen religious beliefs down the throats of those who have absolutely no part in your life? Let it go!

    • Sins and crime in the legal definition are not the same. Sin is subjective, based on religious belief. Crime is formulated from an evaluation of the effects of acts on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the public. Murder is a crime, because it involves taking an innocent life. However, not everyone agrees that homosexuality is a crime, and itis quite clear that homosexual identity and sexual relations have no effect on heterosexuals at all. Furthermore, people have a basic right to life, free from oppression and the consequences of disobeying these anti-homosexuality laws often leads to loss of life. This goes against basic human rights that are universally agreed upon. Just because you have a religious belief, doesn’t mean someone should lose their life.

  • Laws against homosexuality- apart from being against basic human rights- won’t change anyone’s sexual orientation or stop same-sex relations. The whole point of making something illegal is to promise punishment for perpetrators whose actions cause physical and or emotional harm to fellow citizens. For this reason, murder, rape, terrorism, drug dealing and human trafficking are illegal. Homosexuality is a personal identity, and same sex relations are a private affair that have no effect on heterosexual identity or heterosexual sex relations. Many of the countries listed here use religious/cultural/moral arguments for outlawing homosexuality, which is one of the reasons I strongly believe in the separation of Church and State. What is considered a crime in religion is completely subjective. Although it must be said that the majority of people in said countries are in democratic agreement with their anti-homosexuality laws, the reality for people who don’t agree and or are gay is grim. No one has to agree with any sexual orientation, but they should never have the right to lock someone away, or cause them physical harm. This is a clear contravention of human rights. Furthermore, many of the countries on this list have a myriad of social, economic and political problems to contend with, of which outlawing homosexuality will solve none. As someone of African descent- and heterosexual-, I hope to see a day when more African countries repeal these useless laws and focus more energy on outlawing/fighting crimes that really do harm a majority of citizens.

  • Pray to God they hold out against this disease and smacking God in the face with their rainbow flag as God destroyed them during the flood except righteous Noah and family.

    • Are people still really getting in a knot about homosexuality…. Really?! – In a world with so many issues that are truly diabolic in any religious context and even caused by radical views of religion.

      I can truly understand why you feel so negatively on homosexuality, it could be considered unnatural… but so are so many things we engage in, invent, do and practice.

      Just let it go, make a real difference and engage changing child abuse, homelessness, a starving family, destruction to our environment… These are issues that when changed will truly make a difference.

      It’s such a shame that god gives us this free will and we waste on issues that have the least impact to our lives

  • I am going to be brutally honest and say I find the homosexual live style distasteful, however its the price we all gladly pay for freedom of thought and expression which is as important as the very air we breathe this same freedom should also apply to prostitution if two consenting adults exchange sex for money then that is not or never should be a police matter, we seem to have a UK law based on a horrendous smell of hypocrisy.

  • Morality of this country is shameful. My children should not have to be exposed to this immoral pornographic behavior. whats next child rape going to be excepted next. It’s not hatred it’s inappropriate unnatural actions of people that are being forces to be ok on MORAL PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY! I feel sad for ALL THE CHILDREN FORCED TO BE EXPOSED TO THIS UN-Natural behavior!! GOD HELP THIS COUNTRY

    • Pornographic? A man hugging another man or marrying them? I think you may have the wrong idea.

  • DesertFox1A,
    Seeing how you want to quote bible in your rant, back up to Leviticus 18 and start from there. I’m not for being ugly to anyone but practicing homosexuality is still wrong. Sure, we should be accepting of people for we are all sinners but accepting of their sinful acts, I don’t think so. Also, shame on you for using the bible to promote, which is what your doing, people who openly sin with no repentive spirit!

  • Homosexuality is against the law of GOD. If you are for it, you can’t be a believer in GOD. This is the beginning of the END OF THE WORLD. GOD will destroy us all, like he did
    We are disobeying his mosr sacred law. SO LET IT BE SOON FATHER ALMIGHTY.

    • Which god? There are so many to choose from. I presume you mean your god, I’ve yet to read any law written by His/Her/Its own hand with my own eyes, and until I do, I’ll reserve judgement

      • There is only one true God sir. You don’t believe in any God but satan. But that will change. I can promise that. The whole planet will know He’s real.

    • Then let us find out. In the meantime, stop shoving a religious authority down our throats when others do not believe in Him and have a right not to.

  • It is clear that there are serious medical consequences to same-sex behavior. Identification with a GLB community appears to lead to an increase in promiscuity, which in turn leads to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and even early death. Youth should be warned of the undeniable health risks associated with a homosexual lifestyle.
    *Adapted from Dr. John R. Diggs, Jr., “The Health Risks of Gay Sex.” Corporate Resource Council (2002). (accessed 1/30/13)
    [1] Becky Birtha, “Gay Parents and the Adoption Option,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 04, 2002, ; Grant Pick, “Make Room for Daddy – and Poppa,” The Chicago Tribune Internet Edition, March 24, 2002.
    [2] Ellen C. Perrin, et al., “Technical Report: Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents,” Pediatrics, 109(2): 341-344 (2002).

  • Well, personally I think all gays and lesbians should be put in prison and be forced to remain single and abstain from all displays of affection. Homosexuality is a virus that is infecting humanity and if the end of this wicked system of things weren’t so close, eventually you would see a entire planet of gays and the human race would become extinct. Of coarse in the bible, God says those days will be cut short. The U.S. became a nation of sodomites and made it possible for people of the same sex to sign their own death warrants today this 26th of June 2015. All I can say is I refuse to obey this new law. It conflicts with Gods law which is the highest law. I’ll never accept or respect the institute of gay marriage. Besides, it won’t last long. This world of wicked people is almost done. And the gay stuff is only proving how wicked and corrupted man has become.

    • No one will turn gay for the sake of it only because it’s legal now. That’s ridiculous. Did everyone turn into a woman when they were given autonomy and equal rights? No.

      God has made no attempts to stop this with any clear signs – and all those acting in ‘God’s name’ have not actually seen him for themselves, have not been told to do it, they are interpreting a religious text that may or may not be out of date/true. It’s more a symbol than anything else.

      If you do not want to participate, then I recommend you don’t. However, this is not only your world. It’s theirs as well, and people – especially people who in no way affect you, your family or your life – should be allowed to live as they please.

  • I believe that the new generation of degenerate turd burglars will bring about a rash of disease such as the world has never seen. Aids was just the start

  • Imitation has been said to be the sincerest form of flattery. If that’s so, why haven’t many of our “systems” imitated the homosexual i.e. same-sex model in plumbing? how about electrical circuits?
    how about the mechanical world of bolts? They are smart enough not to marry other bolts. I would dare think the POTUS would board Air Force One if it were held together with only bolts. You have to have some NUTS to keep it together. Humans are supposed to be smarter than nuts!

  • There is so much hatred, and ignorance in so many of these posts. One man(?) said that if his son “turned” gay, he would never speak to him again. First, no one just “turns” gay, they are, or they aren’t, period, it’s not a choice, it’s a reality. Secondly, what a horrible thing for a father to say, mate. My son is gay, and not for one second could I have said or done that. When he told me he was gay, I was hurt, and disappointed, not in him, but in the intolerance of pure hatred of those like you who would cause him pain throughout his life. I am so proud of him! He is wonderful…..everything about him is special, he is not only a wonderful son, but he is my best friend. He is smart, responsible, loyal, compassionate, giving. All of the things that i suspect you probably aren’t. I’m still just shaking my head in disbelief. For a father to make such a statement, to put such horrible conditions on his love for his son. Shame on you.

  • I read and weep. All I can say is America is becoming a recarnation of Book of Lot. GOD destroyed that place for good reason. I pray for all who judge and all who already live in sin and continue to sin. For we are all sinners, however we do have a choice. So to say homosexauals don’t have a choice the way they are born is an understatement. Because we all have choices. Same for prositutes, swingers, drug addicts, thiefs, liars, pedophile, rapists, murders, abusers. WE all have a choice, we use excuses to continue and justify the unpleasant lifestyle we adopted.

  • There are countless verses in the bible to knock off this belief. Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam or Even and Eve. God tells us that everything he has created was good. It is so unfortunate that many many countries have moved away from there roots, Gods and Christian values by pursuing policies that challenge Gods wisdom in creating man and woman to replenish the earth

  • Guys it doesn’t matter how u phrase it, homosexuality is digusting whether the whole community is up for it or just the minority, it must be some kind of demon disease and i even puke in my mouth whenever i see a man kissing a fellow man.And guys lets be reasonable there is some kind of immorality that can be exused maybe fornication,its bad too but ya people lose control sometimes and it can be understood but that no way.
    God help us but those laws need to be back and more strick

  • No law will stop homosexuality . infact it will go on because it is a punishment from God to men to allow their bodies to b degraded as a sign of his evident anger that will be displayed during judgment . it is only the second coming of Jesus that will put and end of the evil on this earth. So let every man chose for him self what he wants. And let me tell you homosexuals it is your knowledge that is deceiving you, the same kind of knowledge in the garden of eden so you know how to take what is good to defend what is evil. You have so much knowledge and power to hide your self by justification but you have been given away to your worst enamy Satan the devil. God is still patient though. Because he expects repentance and you can respect forgiveness because of his son Jesus Christ the living one. But if you don’t repent you can also expect condemnation. Allow your self to love your God so that you can experience his own love.

    • Brothers in Christ stop with this worldliness and falsity of Christ. Be aware that the sons of God will suffer on this earth for the truth some will die and be enprisoned for the gospel. This evil men will win because it is their world but as for you fight for your kingdom. The kingdom of God coming in the leadership of the most supreme of principalities Jesus the saviour. Pray that it comes and that the lord forgives our sins. These men will not change because they have not been chosen by God almighty but you come together and pray. Have no oppinion on what you don’t know about. Don’t bother fighting them and their rights. Love them. May the peace of God rest on his own.

      • You don’t know what love is you God damned heretic, these vermin are luring souls into hell, and you don’t give two shits about it with your God damned fake love. You are accursed enemy of all living for not fighting these destroyers of humanity.

  • God bless these countries if man has right to marry another man why cant he marry a dog either its not far its either all marriage be legal or keep it as nature intended its a mental ilness

    • Dogs and all animals are unable to give consent to marriage/a sexual relationship, therefore it is illegal. Two men and two women, however, can give consent and are mentally mature enough to.

      Marriage itself is man-made. God does not give them out – we invented them, and as much as the Bible supports the idea, marriage itself has to be registered with the government before it becomes binding. A government that is separated from religion should not have to adhere to religious beliefs.

  • The LGBT community want nothing more than to live their lives in peace. If you do not want to see them on television and making comments about the fact they’re gay, the good idea would be to give them rights and treat them equally. Then they would have no reason to be on television. They could live out their lives, meet people they love, and enjoy themselves in a society where they are equals.

    People here keep separating the groups – us and them, straight and gay. We are all people. If we stop separating, we can stop the hate.

  • I think children are far more resilient than you give them credit for.
    I personally know of one family with two dad’s and their two sons, 14 and 16, when I met them, grew into adulthood and both are married with children. Both won scholarships to university and both are happy, well adjusted adults with keen minds, social awareness, and successful careers.
    Both demonstrate an an unpredjudiced respect for others, regardless of the orientation of that/those person(s) that is sadly missing in your own message.
    They also use terrible puns, laugh a lot, and are a lot of fun to talk to.
    Again, those are qualities missing from your own message.

  • What’s going to be legalized next? Being able to marry an animal? Or marry a wall? “Well I was born with loving walls.” No, something is wrong in your skull, you have a mental disorder my friend.

  • Adults can consent to marriage or a union of some sort.
    Neither animals, walls, nor children can.
    If you are an adult, then I think you should be bright enough to figure that out.

  • My problem is the reverends and pastors. They read bible everyday and even pray for you. God created Adam and Eve. So why did God not create Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve? One day, some countries with will see the anger of God.

  • Ok, let me just start off by saying that some of the comments I read on here, from BOTH sides, have left me utterly speechless. I’m a straight male, was brought up in church my entire life, and was taught first and foremost that God loves every soul that he’s created, he doesn’t automatically hate or condemn any one of us for the sins that we commit. Yes, I think its wrong that some of these countries are imprisoning or executing gay people, but I think the major problem with a government allowing same sex marriage that marriage is defined in the bible as a holy union, under God, between a man and a woman. If the government really wanted to avoid lighting this powder keg, they could just as easily allow gay couples to be wed, but use a non-biblical term for it such as joined, or united. In the United States, we’re noe reaching the point where, since the supreme court ruled in favor of gay marriage, any preacher who refuses to wed a same sex couple could face violating discrimination laws, and be sued. I don’t think its right for a preacher to be arrested or sued for practicing their religious convictions, just as it isn’t right for a government to imprison somebody based solely on their sexual orientation. I have no ill will towards gays or lesbians, I wish them a happy life nust as I would wish the same for a straight couple, which I truely believe is what God would want me to do. However, we’ve started down a slippery slope now, where churches will end up being persecuted for their beliefs, just the same as gay couples are persecuted for their beliefs in other countries. The answer to the problem isn’t always cut and dried, but I do believe part of the answer lies in the government allowing gay couples to be joined together in marriage, while also allowing any religious organization that doesn’t believe in uniting a same sex couple the right to refuse to marry them, without fear of breaking anti-discrimination laws. God tells us to love the sinner, hate the sin, well what we’re doing in the united states now is basically the opposite of that… we’re basically saying love the sinner and accept their sin as not being a sin. I myself am a sinner, we all are, so I don’t consider myself any better than anyone else, I’m just worried that in the next few years, churches won’t even be allowed to mention homosexuality as a sin for fear of persecution, which is scary when you actually stop and think about it. In effect we’re trying to rewrite holy scriptures to fit our changing society, scriptures that have been taught and followed for almost 2000 years. If we start cutting and pasting into the bible the things that we feel should be amended, we’re going to wind up teaching people a concept that is totally backwards from the original message. I don’t judge people, I know that I myself will be judged. Its my job to love all and treat all the same as my God would, and shame on all you posting your hateful, disgusting comments on here and not even trying to see that we’re talking about REAL people, with real lives and struggles. And yes, I’m talking about both sides, the christian hating the gays, and the gays hating the christians. Youre the kind of people that brought this situation into the HORRIBLE state that its in now, so you have only your own selfish, close-minded self to thank for not being more accepting, and trying to reach a compromise where BOTH sides are equally happy with the results. And to those of you, on bith sides, who actually made well-thought out arguments, congratulations.. you’re actually taking the other sides’ views into consideration before you post nonsensical hate filled drivel on here, which NOBODY should be subjected to reading. My hope is that even one person will read this and understand that its going to take love and compassion from BOTH sides before we will ever be able to make an actual difference

  • It’s sad that one of my country is a part of which against the same-sex marriage. And believe me my country REALLY discriminate and see LGBT people as rubbish, and some kind of illness that needs to be cured and destroyed as ‘being gay’ can transmit to straight people. Well, not all of them though… Anyway, I live in Indonesia. English is not my 1st language so please excuse any mistakes.

  • so, thank god, LGBT and HUMAN rights are prevailing. The US is finally in a position to lead, and in the following years, international anti-gay legislation will slowly decrease. All you people that have hatred towards LGBT people hate yourselves, guess what, you’re probably gay too 😉 that’s the most ironic thing about homophobia to me, its people recognize some element of same sex-desire in their own sexuality, and then getting really really angry when they see that element exaggerate in a gay person. like, oh my god, is that person ME?????? I HAVE TO HATE GAY PEOPLE THEN!!!! and anti gay shit being in the bible and other religious books? hello! those books were used for POPULATION CONTROL because things like Science, democracy, and enlightenment were thought of. all of you anti-gay commenters on here clearly have serious mental issues, or else you would direct your hateful energy into something positive 🙂 and the best part is, you know it too 🙂 i don’t know what’s more satisfying to me, seeing the amazing amazing growing support and love for lgbt rights, women’s rights, and ultimately Human rights that is sweeping the US and sweeping the world, OR watching all of you sick sick sad pathetic people BITCH and SCREAM and MOAN on POSITIVE PRO GAY WEBSITES, with your backwards antigay self loathing HATE speech! I think that probably gives me more satisfaction, actually. so keep it up!!!!!! GAYS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD WATCH OUT!!!! :):):):):):):):):)

  • 2+2=5 IS NOW LEEGUL! BUT IT AIN’T RIGHT…….Condition allowed to fester for over 40 years now is accepted as normal.

      • I do not know. Please try again. If that doesn’t work, you could figure out how to block them, or contact support at They tell me that I cannot do it for you.

        — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • Executive Summary For
    Sexual Politics And Scientific Logic:
    The Issue Of Homosexuality
    Dr. Charles Socarides published an historical essay, “Sexual Politics And Scientific Logic: The Issue Of Homosexuality,” in The Journal Of Psychohistory, Volume 10, Number 3, Winter, 1992. It should be of interest to all students of our socio-cultural history.
    Dr. Socarides is one of the original founders of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexual (NARTH) in 1992. Prior to this, he was a key figure in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and he had expressed concern decades earlier that homosexuals were being denied the right to competent therapy to help them overcome their unwanted homosexuality.
    This prominent psychiatrist became embroiled in the debate within the APA in the 1970s over efforts to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).
    In Sexual Politics And Scientific Logic: The Issue Of Homosexuality, Dr. Socarides observes that the removal of homosexuality from the DSM in 1973, “…created injustices for the homosexual, as it belied the truth that prevented the homosexual from seeking and receiving psychoanalytic help. At the social, group, and community level, it proved to be the opening phase of a two-phase sexual radicalization: the second phase being the raising of homosexuality to the level of an alternate lifestyle–an acceptable psycho-social institution alongside heterosexuality as the prevailing norm of society.”
    The doctor notes that the efforts to remove homosexuality as a disorder from the DSM was accomplished by pressure from psychiatrists within the APA as well as activist homosexual groups that began disrupting psychiatric meetings and publicly attacking any psychiatrists who dared consider homosexuality to be a deviant sexual behavior.
    As outside homosexual pressure groups challenged psychiatrists with hate-filled letters and threatening phone calls, pro-homosexual psychiatrists within the APA were aggressively lobbying for the normalization of homosexuality.
    Pro-homosexual psychiatrists successfully seized control of various committees within the APA and began issuing reports that recommended the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. Among these was Dr. Judd Marmor, who used the networking sources provided by SIECUS (Scientific Information and Education Council of the U.S.) to promote the normalization of homosexuality.
    In 1973, Marmor and other psychiatrists met with members of the Gay Activist Alliance, the Mattachine Society, the Daughters of Bilitis, and the Nomenclature Committee of the American Psychiatric Association at Columbia University to discuss deletion of homosexuality from the DSM.
    Eventually, the issue was put to a vote to APA members. Only 25% of those eligible to vote sent in their ballots out of 25,000 psychiatrists. However, the vote was in favor of removing homosexuality from the DSM.
    As Dr. Socarides noted: “By declaring a condition a ‘non-condition,’ a group of practitioners had removed it from our list of serious psychosexual disorders. The action was all the more remarkable when one considers that it involved the out-of-hand and peremptory disregard and dismissal not only of hundreds of psychiatric and psychoanalytic research papers and reports, but also of a number of other serious studies by groups of psychiatrists, psychologists, and educators over the past seventy years…”
    Dr. Socarides continued: “In the material cited above, I have described a movement within the American Psychiatric Association which, through social-political activism, has accomplished the first phase of a two-phase radicalization of a main pillar of psychosexual life: the erosion of heterosexuality as the single acceptable sexual pattern in our culture. … In essence, this movement within the American Psychiatric Association has accomplished what every other society, with rare exceptions, would have trembled to tamper with–a revision of a basic code and concept of life and biology; that men and women normally mate with the opposite sex and not with each other.”
    Sexual Politics And Scientific Logic: The Issue Of Homosexuality is no longer available from NARTH, however this important document should be in the hands of lawmakers, school officials, pastors, members of the media, and parents who are concerned about their children being encouraged to experiment with a homosexual lifestyle through organizations such as the Gay, Lesbian, and Normal Education Network (GLSEN).
    This resource is so important that it is being made available for free simply by requesting a PDF copy to be emailed to you.

  • I am akash from india and I am btm gay, as I belong from very cultaral family.I am getting forced to marry a girl and here in india we cant do gay marriage and I dont want any insult of any kind so please can any one suggest me the best option that i can do.Please give me reply,you can join me on FB by ID

    • Your FB page seems to be very focused on finding you a sexual partner, which isn’t the focus of this blog. Before I saw that, I thought I might spread your request for help more broadly, but now that I’ve seen your FB presence, I’m limiting myself to approving your comment for publication.
      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • It is against the laws of God. That does not mean I hate you. It only means I cannot accept it. But I will be dead and gone soon enough and people like me will be gone soon.
    Then it will be your world. A world without God. Then you will see how miserable your life will really be. Don’t blame me for what you are about to endure. But it was written long ago and soon you will feel the wrath of God.

  • Israel still maintains their sanity and knowledge of the Designer of mankind. When a sane society allows a “condition” to fester and then declare by vote that the “condition” is normal, that society becomes insane. A little leaven leaventh the whole lump. Go Israel! Go Russia! and all other nations that respect the Designer and the design and intent for the genders – GOD.

  • A quick shoutout to my pro-love peeps in the room. Now’s a terrible time to discuss homosexuality with regressive churchies. They just suffered a huge loss in America, like a cousin who got busted for drugs and is now in Narcotics Anonymous cleaning up. He’ll kick, bite and say absolutely terrible, inhumane things, but in the end, he’ll just have to accept it. Same thing happened after the Civil Rights movement. People were drawing upon the numerous parts of the Bible affirming the legitimacy of slavery (the Bible is far more supportive of slavery than homophobia), but aside from a handful of freaks who still believe they should have the right to own slaves, they just got over it. I think.

  • I strongly believe and know that homosexuality is wrong and it should be criminalized here in America and all across the world. It is wrong and wicked! It is an abomination and it is very gross & disgusting, it is a evil thing to see two men or two women hold hands. The majority of people in America do not support same-sex marriage but rather strongly oppose it with great indignation. Homosexuality has no place in America; it is a shame and very degrading towards the human race. Sodomy should be punishable by death in America, and any propaganda or speech supporting it should be an illegal crime. If I were to be elected to office, I would over turn and change the laws that we have now and make sex offenders eligible for death row in all 50 states. I strongly oppose and despise all same-sex marriage laws here in America because I simply did not vote for any of them but rather voted against them, the LGBT community should be listed as a terrorist organization. (Romans 1:32) “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Leviticus 18:22) ” Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination” ( Leviticus 20:13) ” If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” In the end, homosexuality is just flat out wrong, it is nothing but confusion.

    • That’s very un-christian of you to judge them and call them sex offenders.

      Also, the last I read, a majority in America were in favour of gay marriages. That’s why it was passed.

  • This is exactly the kind of logic that is causing America to spiral downhill at breakneck speed. “A thousand flies can’t be wrong – should we eat cow-pies?” The majority of slave owners approved of Jim Crow laws. May all who lack the skill to reason strive to educate themselves to connect the dots. In the game of life you simply cannot bring your own goal posts. Think outside the box the glbt wordsmiths have created.

  • Being man or woman or if you like it, being masculine or feminine isn’t a thing to be tested psychologically because it is not a mental condition but physical. If gays and lesibians love only people of their own kind, why do they pretend to behave like women or men to disguise their true self. You can see that something isn’t alright here, whether you believe in God or not.

    Homosexuality is disgusting, outragious and worst of all, sinful, and these respective evil-doers shouldn’t even be hiding behind the ‘do not judge’ phrase because they do not subscribe to the God we worship. That is the God of Christians, the God of Islam, the God of the Jews to say the least (none of these allow homosexuality). As if that is not enough they are even bulling their way into ordering our church leaders, pastors and believers into saluting them for doing the abomnable.

    We know that your god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, so stop masquerading as christians or belivers. Shame on America – I would rather live and die without setting my foot on that cursed soil of America!!

    • It’s nice that you believe you share a God with people who consider members of any other religion to be infidels. United in homophobia. That could be the name of your website.

      The Old Testament you all believe in also promotes the abuse of women and owning of slaves in far more passages than it prohibits gay marriage, a prohibition I’ve only seen once in the New Testament. The rest have to do with homosexual sex, but let’s be honest. Do you really think one’s sex life IMPROVES with marriage? You’ve clearly never been married.

      Moral of your story: abuse women, own slaves, but whatever you do, do NOT allow marriage equality!

      • When we talk about sexuality we are not talking about who is more or less intelligent. And, if I should happen to aggree with you on one issue, I am not bound to agree with you in everything. My implication of the God that Christians, Muslims or Jews believe in has been bordered around one issue ‘homosexuality’ not more, not less.

        If you want us to separate these religions, then you have to propose a topic that is independent. God’s instructions do not depend on how many times they are mentions for them to yield a meaning – Whether it is mentioned once or a billion times does not change it’s meaning unless it is modified.

        You have to understand that the bible in the OT is more of peoples biographies (understand people are bound to err and subject to jugement on the day). The NT in contrast is more of instructions which have been delivered as direct message from God (Gospel). For your own information every teaching of the prophets, whether in the new testament or old, never incouraged people to sleep sexually with their equals (gayism). I bet to aggree with you if you will extract anything to the contrary.

  • “Marriage-Equality” is a false equivalency conjured up wordsmiths for the glbt agenda. It’s working – so far!

  • I am tired of the constant hate crimes period. From both sides.

    If your core beliefs are Bible based or Non- Bible bases.
    We can all choose common sense based.

    In the Holy Bible it says to love everyone, even your enemy. (NOT HATE) so spreading Hate is a sin in itself. So saying I hate gay, black, white, or any other group of people is a sin.

    The Bible says to be in the world, but not of the world. (Not matter if it is the new hot fad. Don’t partake) let ye without sin cast the first stone. (crouching and covering my eye) Cool, I haven’t got hit yet…lol

    The Bible says obey the law of the land, as long as it is in line with Gods world. (Not your opinion).
    If the laws of the land does not fall in line with God’s word. Simply don’t partake of the non-biblical action.(Live your life according to your own core beliefs, and let other’s lives according to their own core beliefs in “PEACE”).

    The Bible says God gave “all mankind” free will and a soul. (So no person should has the right to take free will away from another person) if you are of Bible based core beliefs.

    The Bible says do until other, as you would have done unto you. (your rights end where another person’s rights begin).

    It’s simple. Everyone should have the same rights according to the laws of the land. Weather you Black, white, gay, straight, Bi, And so on.
    Meaning people should have the right to “Marriage”, and any other law of the land. If a man wants to marry a man, a woman a woman, or a black person marry a white person. That is their right to according law of the land.

    One should not try to force another’s will. All should build their own organizations. And not try to change what someone else has built, into what they want it to be.

    If you would like join someone else’s organization. Respect the rules they set for their organization. Or peacefully go somewhere else.

    Simply build your own and set the rules you like. They worked hard to build their organization. You would not want someone to come along after you have worked hard to build something, and try to change it to something else.

    “Example” Like the boys and girls club. Don’t drag the children into the hate wars, THEIR INNOCENT.

    I think It would be cool if all walks of life created their own boys and girls clubs. And then they had an annual all states included, scouting competition with each other. And leave the hate at home. So the children can enjoy just playing and being kids, and meeting new friends.

    We have rich and famous people from all walks of life. I wish they would use their riches to give back.
    That way, all parents from all walks of life. Don’t have to worry about their children being exposed to things they otherwise, would not want them exposed to.
    The children would learn to have pride in self. Because there is power in seeing other families that like your own.
    And then all sides could learn to love each other, and just enjoy life in peace together. Instead of judgment and hate.

    “Example” If you had a non-smoking establishment. I should not be able to light up in your in you establishment. And sue you. Stating that you’re discriminating against smokers, because I can’t change the rules in your establishment to what I want. Let’s use common sense and get along folks, and stop the hate war.

    This is not a laughing, because people are being hurt behind the hate crimes on all sides. People that where lifelong friends, are now being pressured to take sides in unnecessary hate wars. Families are being torn apart. Children stuck in the middle of the hate.

    —————————————————–Bottom Line ————————————————————
    Who someone else marries shouldn’t bother us. It shouldn’t be an issue. Everyone has the right to live their lives according to their own will, within good reason.(Meaning), be respectful of other people rights and happiness.

    If you are straight, don’t go to LGBT and pressure them to convert to living like their straight.
    If you are Christian, don’t go to Non-Christian and pressure them to convert to living like their Christian.
    If you are Black, don’t go to White and pressure them to convert to living like their Black.
    If you are White, don’t go to black and pressure them to convert to living like their White.

    If someone builds a men’s organization, women’s organization, children organization, religious organization, secular organization, traditional organization, or non-tradition organization). The rules they set for it should be respected. (unless the rule is to take up weapons and do harm to a different group) That’s just foul.

    Meaning that when they built their organization. They were targeting a certain dynamic. If you fit that dynamic. Go in and enjoy and be peaceful.
    If you do not fit the dynamic. Simply go somewhere else and leave them in peace.
    If you would like to be part of an organization like theirs. Simply get your friends together and build your own. Who knows you might build something better and benefit a lot of people that join because they wanted the same thing you did.

    If you are straight and you go to a LGBT bakery and ask them to make you a straight wedding cake. If they say they don’t make straight wedding cakes. Simply, respect their choice. Bid them good day. Leave in peace and go somewhere else.
    (Don’t set up a boycott line outside their establishment screaming discrimination and sue. Just take your money business elsewhere.) Our children are watching. Let’s fix this for the next generations to come.

    If you are LGBT and you go to a straight bakery and ask them to make you a LGBT wedding cake. If they say they don’t make LGBT wedding cakes. Simply, respect their choice. Bid them good day. Leave in peace and go somewhere else.
    (Don’t set up a boycott line outside their establishment screaming discrimination and sue. Just take your money business elsewhere.) Our children are watching. Let’s fix this for the next generations to come.

    If you are Black and you go to a bakery that specialized in white wedding cakes, and ask them to make you a black wedding cake. If they say they don’t make black wedding cakes. Simply, respect their choice. Bid them good day. Leave in peace and go somewhere else.
    (Don’t set up a boycott line outside their establishment screaming discrimination and sue. Just take your money business elsewhere.) Our children are watching. Let’s fix this for the next generations to come.

    The same thing goes for Christian and Non-Christian establishments.
    Hopefully you get the general idea.

    Let respect each other. Love each other. Stop intentionally stepping on each other’s toes to get a rise out of people. When groups gather to screams in hate. You and your friends should gather to reply in unified love. It will piss the hatters of that they can’t get under your skin.

    Hatters only get joy, if they can cause you unhappiness. Don’t let the hatters or the Devil get the victory. Let unified love & peace win. Don’t let others use you to promote their hate war agendas.

    We as adults have to lead by example. Show our children how to deal with hatters and evil in this world. We have to be part of the solution. And not add to the problem.
    Treat all people with the same respect you want to receive. Not just the people that look act and live life as you do. We all deserve to be happy. I am just tired of the hate from all sides. Spread love not hate.
    If anything all citizens of America need to stand together to stop the government from chipping away at all of our right. Or before we know it we will lose them all.
    We will always have hatter in the world and war starter. Don’t be one of them.

    Wishing all love & happiness!!!
    Sorry this was long.. lol

  • Truly this was quite very veru long. You tried to go back and forth, and move from side to side. The law however, sets a straight line. Just us you the people of America have respected your laws which can be commonly respected, we also have our laws which need to be commonly respected.

    Mind you we also have our reference points to make those laws and do not depend on what you the American, European or Esians citizens believe in. Christians too have the God whom they worship and whose laws do not correspond with what the Gays believe in. Gays will be treated as gays the moment they will declare that they don’t believe in the God of the Christians and do not subscribe to the scriptural rules of the Bible.

    In our countries we respect the laws of nature not of man, that is whether you believe in God or not, nature has given clear and straight forward dictates. Sexuality too is a matter of nature not beliefs or implication. Nature is stronger than feelings – Feeling of killing, hating, stealing, fighting, oppressing are always opposed to nature and the feeling of sodomising cannot be classified any different therefore.

  • There is no fear for God again. Humans are so disgusting, when d animals dat God created and made us head over them are not doing such. Y are we now doing it? It is so horrible. May God have mercy on us all

    • I agree with you. My boyfriend always says, “Isolate all the gay people on one island, would they last? No because they wouldn’t reproduce.”

  • People should read d bible very well, Sodom and Gomorah were destroyed for their evil act and for homosexuality because when d Angel of God went to sodom and gomorah, Lot invited them and when d pple of sodom and gomorah knew dat some men were inside dey told Lot to bring d men outside, but he told them dat he has two daughters dat dey should do anything dat please them with his daughters but dey insisted on taking d men. The Angels of God were angry and made dem blind and told Lot to take his wife and children out before they destroyed d place. It does not take God a seconds to destroy this world within a seconds, but because of d promise he made with Noah and for his son Jesus Christ who died for our sins. It is said dat few will enter into his kingdom and many will perish in d lake of fire. May God have mercy upon us

  • It is so disgusting that we now live in the gay age. Every time a gay man hears another man fart, he gets an erection. A homosexual is a predator that would go for a child, animal, or anything to get their jolly’s. Jesus told the woman at the well to “go and sin no more”. Homo’s don’t want to go and sin no more. They want to accuse a normal person of hate because we don’t agree with their perverted lifestyle. Homo’s your sick!!

    • Not sure where you’re getting your facts from, but they’re false. Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same gender – they are no pedophiles, and they do not sleep with animals.

      Also, they are just as selective as straight people. Do you want to sleep with every woman you see? No, and the feeling’s the same for them.

    • IF YOUR PENIS WERE HAPPY WHERE YOU PUT IT, (if you put it anywhere at all) YOU WOULD NOT MIND SO MUCH WHERE OTHERS PUT THEIRS, …. so the problem is yourself no any gay person, or maybe you’re one of those who had a “choice” and is stuck in the wrong one……

    • That is absolutely hilarious. You bible thumpers are great. So do you follow everything the bible says? I somehow doubt it if you did you would trading your daughters for a goat, and no one would be allowed to get divorced. You pick and choose what you want to listen to in the bible, you know…the same book where snakes talk, a man walks on water, rises from the dead, and a virgin has a baby.

  • I am stuck in America, I need help from the countries that outlaw homosexuals. The United States agenda for homosexuals is a mental warfare. The United States and countries that favor homosexuality uses homosexuals to control population and target Heterosexuals buy the knowledge of keeping the male and female separate. In the U.S. Heterosexual couples are faced with plotted economic situations, media propaganda and religious concepts to keep them mating, like the Adam and Eve concept where a man is to believe a woman is born as the reason man fell from Grace which in turn is a concept for a man to believe that he has to constantly worry about a woman leaving him and falling into a world of corruption all plotted by homosexuals and their followers. Homosexuality is a virus or a parasite that needs a host. If homosexuals existed on the planet without Heterosexuals how would they reproduce? As you can see these parasites need Heterosexuals to host their environment, they need Heterosexuals to conceive offspring to change into homosexuals. If there are men on the planet that are real and true to their nature that God created, in his image, they would join together and kill and create a cure for this virus called homosexuality. If God was a homosexual why would he create a woman and why would a Heterosexual man or woman need to live?

  • In most parts of Africa and the middle east are dangerous places for gay couples. People have the right to live the way they want to live. It is not right to kill someone because he/she likes being a gay.
    I support heterosexuality of a man and a woman. I do not support homosexuality.

    • The real problem I have with both of these groups.. Christians and LGBTQ+; is your pride! Stfu, quit forcing your ideals onto people who dont care about your agenda. I don’t have to support you and no one should feel forced to, just because you are apart of a community that has a big mouth. Each side is egotistical, shut up and be humans.

      • In the case of LGBTQ+ people in the countries with anti-gay laws, your request to “stfu” actually means “stfu and accept being thrown into prison and beaten in the streets by homophobes.”

  • All countries in the middle east except Israel, yet they’re being boycotted.

    Isn’t it interesting how we seem to pick our priorities when it comes to human rights? The elephant in the room is pretty obvious.

  • God almighty Himself instituted marriage between man woman in the begining of the world and now leaders of this world are saying they are wiser than God so they are legalizing gaism and lesbianism God should have mercy on them all because they dont know what they are doing.

  • Guess what? I don’t agree with homosexuality. I don’t hate homosexuals, I do consider flamboyant display of sexuality as a trend for narcissistic youths and young adults. Not to mention if everyone was gay, the human race would stop reproducing. Maybe that’s a good thing given the state of morality and our arrogant, hypocritical, self absorbent majority of people today. I also believe people get defensive about it because it is instinctual to a lot of people to want to preserve the human race.

  • Homosexuality is a sin always has been and always will be.As Christians we do not hate homosexuals we don’t hate anybody.The bible teaches us to love thy neighbor therefore if we hated anybody in the lgbt organization we are committing and injustice towards God.Now I would also like to say that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.Homosexuality is a chemical imbalance in the brain which cause the brain and hormones to be attracted to the same sex. This chemical imbalance can be triggered by certain situations that were traumatic or conditionalized.And please stop comparing gay rights to the civil rights fought for by our ancestors it is egregious.Gay is wrong no matter how you try and sugar code it which is why gay people can’t reproduce duh

    • Please show that you don’t hate homosexuals. Instead of just saying so, you should prove it by supporting the repeal of laws that imprison gays and lesbians for their sexual orientation, by condemning mob attacks on LGBT people and by working to end the stigmatization that results in their being denied anti-HIV health services.

      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • I have rarely red such a bunch of crap coming out of so many poor ignorant minds, so much hate spilled out in the name of the so called “good God” who bares the responsibility of 70% of all the hate, pain and blood humans inflict to each other,
    how more stupid can someone get to think that it is a choice to be gay??? does that mean that you were at a point faced with such a choice yourself?? if yes then drop the lie, because YOU ARE GAY. and even more proof of stupidity is for anyone to think that gay people made the choice to be treated the way you guys do in the name o a even bigger lie, GOD…. I’m just sick of reading all those ” GOD SAID, “GOD WROTE” crappy hate justifications, next time “God says”, record him and share it on youtube …
    sometimes I smile at the funny idea of all the Gay community actually following your advice and decide to take a “wife to pretend, to fit in”.. now let wish one chooses your daughter and have you test your medicine.
    Anyway, as a gay man I noticed something true the year 100% of those expressing homophobic views are generally just frustrated that they have to leave in the closet and there would be no job left for male and transvestite prostitutes if you erased homophobia, cause the bulk of their clients are generally the same that write or say homophobic words, REAL STRAIGHT GUYS DON’T GIVE A DAM WHERE ANY OTHER PENIS GOES THAN THEIR OWN, and without doubt, A WOMAN HAPPY WITH THE PENIS IN HER BED GIVES NO DAM WHERE WHAT OTHER PENISES DO…
    so take your shame back in your closet, or talk more just to prove the point.

  • I think the courts should not try to make Christiana marry gays but I do believe they deserve rights sence the Constitution says so. But I also believe that we need to get special courts that will marry them we need at least start a compromise somewhere and that’s not too bad of an idea

  • I do not understand homosexuality. To me it is unnatural and deadly from its physical component.The human species would become extinct if we all suddenly changed to homosexuality to hetrosexuality. Still what a minority of people do sexualy is their business.

  • This is why I feel we here in North America should dedicate each years Gay Pride to each one of these Countries, to bring attention back to the fact that true meaning of Gay Pride is about Activisiom, and we’re not finished yet!!! All the corporate crap needs to leave Gay Pride and we need “as a community” too get back to work about changing the world’s views about the LGBt Community… Regards, Ty Trenholme, (902) 880-6010 Peace


  • There are a couple of things I don’t understand:

    1) Let’s say that the Christians are correct, and that their god is the only one. There are literally billions on this planet who would dispute that, but… say it’s true. Ok, then homosexuality is a sin, and those of us who do it are going to hell. Fine, and what business is that of yours? Do you actually think we don’t know you believe this? How is *my* going to hell going to affect *you*? Why do you care, if you know that I know? It’s my life, and my afterlife, for that matter. And if you truly care out of compassion, then why the anger?

    2) Anal sex…? Come on. Go look at heterosexual porn sites on the web, and you’ll find it everywhere. If that’s your problem, then you need to stone a lot of your straight neighbors, not just your gay ones.

    3) Child sex? Do you really believe that’s unique to gays? Seriously? If some gay men are attracted to young boys, what about the straight men attracted to young girls? There are whole industries promoting and selling straight sex between men and female children, and given the relative numbers of gays and straights, I’d say you ought to clean your own house before you start throwing stones here.

  • Yer all a bunch of absolute wankers that are well hiding in the closet, so DISCRIMINATE against gay people, id say yer big black apes behind the screens or your wifes are dressed as a post box with her two eyes peeking out!!! So its normal for a smelly packi to have about 10 wifes but 1 man cannot love another man… WAKE THE FUCK UP !!! Uhhh and before you say discrimination i have every right when i seen the comments left on this website!! Forginers big black apes and smelly packis!!!!!

  • gay is evil. and Africa can never accept it.God is against it. d whites introduced all the bad things to us and decieve our for father’s. for we any one we catch is evil.

  • Personally I am a Southern Baptist Christian, and I believe that homosexuality is a sin, simply because the bible explicitly states so. Having said that, I don’t think that homosexuality is worse than any other sin, including any of my own. Also, as a Christian, I am called to love others with the same love that Christ loved us. I don’t care about your sin, I care about you. I love homosexuals, just like I love every other person, who sins.

    I also think that pornography is a much larger poison in our current culture, and it oversexualizes everything, so maybe some of my fellow Christians can get off their self-righteous pedestal, and worry about their own sexual and spiritual integrity.


  • Why do people want to recriminalize homosexuality in the west? Why? Homosexuality is a beautiful thing, to you religious people, Homosexuality is not a sin. The world is considered overpopulated, the lord has put homosexuals to help keep it under control. I am a proud homosexual and to see that there are some countries criminalizing homosexuality it just is upsetting. LGBT rights should just be everywhere. For those who want to whine about my comment just email me at

    [To date there has been no intelligent dialogue on the topic of how a mental condition (homosexuality), came to be classified as a species worthy of protected rights by the constitution. In President Obama’s address to the state of the union, under an inscribed “In God We Trust,” he states “…I want future generations to know that we are a people who see our differences as a great gift, that we are a people who value the dignity and worth of every citizen: man and woman, young and old, black and white, Latino and Asian, immigrant and Native American, gay and straight, Americans with mental illness or physical disability. Everybody matters….”
    According to science there are no “gay and straight” Americans – only gay and normal Americans. Until this issue is resolved the condition will only fester and we will all suffer the consequences. Male and female, scientifically and biologically, have distinct identifiable characteristics that allows for intelligent identification and classification of the human race by the human race. No political maneuvering and posturing will change those NATURAL facts. Any attempts by legal authorities to legislate to the contrary can only be considered divisive propaganda and lead to confusion and discord and weaken the element that made this country strong in the first place – Functional Families. “In God We Trust” should respect the design and intent of the designer – for males to mate with females

  • Homosexuality is not what’s wrong in this world, what’s wrong is all the bigotry, racism, sexism, hatred, greed ….

    And for all you people claiming to “up hold Gods law” take a good long look at yourself before you condemn others for what they do in their own beds and who they love, you are all hypocrites and not without your own sins, if you choose to believe in your God, that’s your choice, you’re constant need to control others is a serious mental disorder, your fixation on gays and their lifestyle is what unhealthy, you thinking you have the right to deprive another human being of their dignity and livelihood is not only ignorant but also mental and disguising. I base my judgment on character and the treatment of other beings and you all FAIL!

    If you don’t agree with homosexuality don’t be one, if you don’t approve of gay marriage don’t marry the same sex, you’re entitled to your opinion, but that’s all it is and that does not give you the right to think you have more rights than another.

    So, please tell me, how does one being homosexual affect you personally? (If you can only answer this question with a quote from your bible you already failed as a human) How does someone who’s gay threaten you and your being, and if your God wanted everyone to be the same it would have given you your own planet, the only thing you are proving with your hatred is that you are intolerant nincompoops.

  • Gays, lesbian, trans sexual… man oh man. nations are turning into the long, forgotten country like Sodom and Gomorrah. thank goodness that some countries still uphold the proper morale conduct.

    seriously, this modern-day immoral concept is utterly disgusting. i‘m telling you, those children adopted by gays or lesbian or transgender couple will ultimately ruin the young generations pure familial concepts.

  • Homosexuality, lesbianism and transgender should be punishible by death EVERYWHERE! Australia is a perverted sick society full of them. Many nations don’t accept it but it should be ALL. Sodomy is not natural and against biology and natural laws, against humanity full stop.

  • I am one of God’s chosen people (a.k.a. Jewish) God loves everyone, so just to let you know saying things or hateful speech towards homosexuality is against what God believes in. Saying it’s an illness or sickness has been proven incorrect so wake up and smell the coffee. How can a man marry another man ? Simple go get married. There’s a passage in a book written 3500 years ago, same book that says women are not to work or wear pants, mix fabrics, eat pork, do anything on the sabbath (which is technically Saturday). A man laying with a woman during that error was seen as a sport not a commitment today that’s all changed so update yourself take your head out of your ass and follow God who loves EVERYONE. Btw if you hate homosexuals go where it’s illegal or join the kkk or Nazi party they believe in the same inhumane ideas.

    • telling people that their soul is in danger of eternal damnation is not hate, you are Jewish, and it is the GOD of Israel that wrote what HE deems sin or not, not you or i, homosexuality is an abomination, if you know you scriptures you know that to be true, and to not alert those that practice such perverse behavior is a sin onto itself. if you want to dismiss what GOD say in a book that you say written 3500 years ago, then you advocate dismissing having sex with animals, and your family members, it is in the same paragraph as thou shall not lay with mankind as with womankind it is an abomination. same paragraph. so get your incest, and beastiality on !

  • fact is GOD has given his us His definition of marriage and who sex is supposed to be between, the reprobates delude themselves and have no self control or disciple. in the long run it is He that will judge all of us. It’s sad though, GOD had to tell us not to have sex with our mother, father, sister, brother, aunts and uncles, animals, and same sex, He really had to tell us that why ? because He knew just how delusional, and reprobate we would became. how sad.

  • it’s illegal to be myself in all these countries. think about how that feels for a second, and then maybe you’ll be more careful when making your homophobic, ignorant, and just plain rude comments. it’s 2016 for christ sake, and if you’re not striving to make a change I’m not sorry to say you are stuck in your own small minded world and I hope for your sake one day you learn that it’s not a choice. love is not a choice. it’s no more of a choice than the colour of your skin. if you can’t believe this, have fun living a life filled with hate and lies.

  • The bottom line is that the world would be a better place if all you homo’s were dead!! Hitler had the right idea just the wrong people! AIDs Would probably be a thing of the past if it weren’t for all you faggots! If it was right you be able to have children but you can’t! Because GOD intended Men to be with women. NOT OTHER MEN!

  • Lets hope and pray these countries never accept this filthy disease unnatural behavior destroying family values, In American children being forced to accept this horrid disease. Creating normal family behavior and twisting it out of proportion from the norm. If they want this live piss off to some island somewhere away from normal everyday life.

  • Ok I’m not bigot or racist but being gay is unnatural and wrong.Im a man of color and I have noticed a very disturbing uprising of gay people .Recently over the last decade. I have had gay men harass me and hit on me in such a way I could call it sexual harassment and even after I say I’m straight!All these gay right movements are making gay people think they can turn others gay Against there will.Its sick.There’s even this new trend of Gay men who only date straight guys wtf?I even have heard from a college student at Berkeley that a straight young man was rapped by a gay man at a party .They even have a shady place called steam works where gay men go to have orgies with other men.Just think about all the diseases being spread.Im sorry but just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s right .Where do we draw the lines?Now gays and transgendered can share a bathroom with me?Guess what your gonna start seeing straight people rapped on a regular basis.I don’t feel comfortable sharing a private space with someone who is gay especially like a gym dressing room because there are sickos in there looking at your privates.I mean think about it .If straight men where was allowed to share bathrooms or dressing rooms etc with women every sicko would be in there lol.There needs to be some laws that come into effect or we might as well change are flag into a rainbow.Also Who gave gays the right to destroy the image of a rainbow.Rainbows in my day were( I’m only thirty ) beautiful and maybe had a pot of gold a the end.Now it’s some gay bat signal .Its a shame. If I have a child I pray they don’t turn out gay.Theres nothing beautiful about a man penetrating another man it’s quite disgusting actually and serves no natural purpose.As a straight man I feel I’m being bombarded by this gay movement in a negative way.Now I’m seeing gay ads pop up everywhere and I don’t want to see it .At some point we gotta ask are selves is this what we want for our children a gay future?

    • As another person of color I can tell you that if anyone should understand the term bigot it’s you. your ignorance is appalling . Oh my a straight man harassed ? A man raped ? Orgies ? You do realize that more women are rapped on college campuses each year than you could fathom. The number of woman harrased by straight men is insurmountable and I’ve seen more gang bang porn videos where a line of hetero men have unprotected sex with one female than I would care to … It sounds like you are making a solid case for us to make being a straight man illegal . Please take your simple minded fear mongering some where else . You poor misguided soul . Save the prayer for yourself your disillusion is only surpassed by your complete lack of competence . You are what’s wrong with the world people like you are the people that invented Jim Crow they said all they same things about us mixing how appealing and un natural it was …. Science says other wise . You have access to the Internet. use it to educate yourself . Please.

      • Lol Ha ha .No your not gonna use Race as a excuse to be a homo sorry not this time.Race has nothing to do with being gay it’s a choice .Black people or Jews didn’t have a choice so that’s just a crutch to make you feel better about your Gayness.Gay black men are a fucking embarrassment. I’m a strong ,straight , conservative , educated , honorable black man .So that’s the dumbest arguememt to even start.Being gay is a mental disorder and a sickness.I wish I could cure your damaged mind but so many have been fooled into believing that it’s right.The bible says it all .Its a Sin and just as bad as Beastiality , Incest and having sex with children.There are people who probably think those things are ok as well but guess what just because u can do it don’t mean it’s right.Marriage use to be about what’s beautiful , pure and natural . Now it’s just another freak show used by people with sick minds to give them some false sense of security about what’s right and wrong.I pray for your damaged soul ..look at your self in the mirror , deep down past your denial you know it’s wrong and that’s God talking.

  • Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men. Corinthians 6:9

    I well understand how if you believe in christ you will go to heaven but this verse says how wrong it is to be homosexual. all of you LGBT supporters scrap the scripture of meaning trying to say you aren’t twisted and immoral looking constantly for every detail when it is clearly stated in black and white. Oh by the way if it is so natural why does my stomach knot when I see two guys or two girls.
    the principles you say make it natural are of the same level of envy you should not envy other people or their belongings but it feels natural. here is the connection they both involve satan tempting you. If you fight it you can get away but the second you say ok he has gotten to you you can cope with your envy just keep your feelings inside.

    This website is good I like the fact that it states all of the places I can move to when I leave this immoral country.

    Thanks for the list.

  • bro, I’m from Indonesia. Indonesia is known as biggest muslim country but, there’s no rule against gay in my country. even there’s no “indonesia” in your list. but why you painted Indonesia in red?

    • Hi, “Indonesia” —

      You’re on the list because two large provinces (Aceh Province and South Sumatra) outlaw homosexual acts.

      You probably didn’t see Indonesia on the list because, with the country straddling the line between Asia and Oceania, it went into the Oceania category in this file.

      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • If i was president or God I would flood or drop a bomb on these country’s very stupid these country’s need to be educated too much hate in the ?

    • “If i was president or God I would flood or drop a bomb on these country”

      All you deserve is death, you are unworthy of life among the living. Enemy of all living, perversion spreading cancer upon humanity. You are a sign of the end of the world, before it is burned up and you thrown into hell.

  • its funny how so many people judges the LGBT community around the world this was a interesting topic to discuss i understand that many people would rather see these countries bomb full of hate but seriously why we are all the same in away just finding what attracts us more straight people have to understand that the LGBT is not to hurt the world we live in but we are only human how many of you all can say you weren’t attracted to the same sex it makes no difference if we were blind or have a disability we are still human we bleed the same we have the same organs in our bodies and if my children ever came to me and said i need to tell you something im gay/lesbian or im going to be a transgender i wouldn’t be shock but be happy for them life is to short to judge on other people sexuality this topic has made me understand that there are countries who wont allow LGBT be who they are and its ashame we not standing behind and showing support to let these countries know that changing there laws help make a greater change its a new time new generations of the old come a new now why cant many of you people get that we should be seeing what others face in horror the acceptance is all the LGBT wants is that so hard to see that maybe they are reaching out in arms and saying people of the world stand with us help us get this new law that being LGBT is ok let us stop hiding and being scared let our country allow us to be who we are who we marry and love and have a family just like any other hetro human there are in the world help us. or are we just going to stand there and let them hurt other humans its a world we need to show love and compassion time for all the people quotes of god and other beliefs to stop cause there was a saying to show love to others than to pass judgement i could go on but ill leave it to that but to the one who post this topic up ill tilt my hearrty to you cause you have help me understand what its like for other countries when i come from a country that allows LGBT to marry in the civil union and that being along time to understand just how lucky i am to live where we may just live even though we may have some who dislikes it but we dont condemn them to death or fines but its a great topic feel happy that you put this out there hea

  • Fascist enemies of all living, corruptors of humanity itself and its foundation the family. You will all have your day on the day of judgement before you are all destroyed for all eternity for your fascist perversion enforcement crimes upon humanity especially forcing your God damned crimes into the minds of children. God damn you all, cursed evil vermin, believe me when I tell you it would have been better you NEVER been born.

  • I swear to God, if my any of my child come to me with the same sex, I will disown the child, not only I will disown him/her, I will as well place a cause on the child. I was born so therefore I should also expect grandchildren that is why God has created male and female to be multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality is disgusting and evil in the sight of God the creator. Peeps! We shouldn’t allow evil to prevail. Thanks

    • I think that homosexuality is a natural course.
      I read a lot of comments in here that animals don’t mate with their own sex and so humans who practices homosexuality is below than animals.
      I ask you people…how many is the human population here on Earth? How many is the animal population here on Earth?
      Animals mated with the opposite sex to repopulate their species especially because their lives are always in danger.
      Homosexual persons increases because of overpopulation. It’s the natural and less harmful way to decrease the human population. Our era now is different from the old times where there’s always war and epedemics that drastically decrease our population. In this times, war doesn’t occur often and cures for diseases and epedemics are invented and discovered. Making the lives of humans safe and for the death rates to be low. Meanwhile, births are continuously increasing thus increasing the humanity’s population.
      Earth’s resources is not infinite.
      Homosexuality is one of the natural ways aside from natural disasters to decrease the overpopulated human infested Earth and also an indicator that we humans are overpopulating.

  • You are not human and you don’t love the world we live in. If you this first, you be out here trying to get people to accept what you are. Next you wouldn’t condone what you know is against god. God saved some prostitutes but not any homosexuals. So God doesn’t Love you. There is not a scripture in the world that says so. When it says God so loved the world Hello have his only son , it wasn’t talking about homosexuals. Heterosexual is who it’s referencing, you will never walk through the gates of heaven !

  • First of all just to clarify some things on here this all sounds terrible the way you people are talking no matter what side your on. Who ever said God does not love you is beyond me, because in fact it say’s several times in the book I read God loves everyone. Personally I am one of God’s chosen people I am Jewish. Homosexuality in my belief is a gene not a mental illness so to say it is, is ridiculous it’s actually been proven it is not. To disown your child for being gay I personally do not understand that. However I feel bad for you and will pray for you in my temple tonight. People we need to remember this goes back to the early 1900’s when people claimed that Africans where these demons and against God. This is pure hate speech we need to understand and realize God love us all

  • Thanks for this list. I will make sure not to visit any of them. I am not a member of the LGBTQ community but I do not allow hate to rule my world.

  • For the sake of argument just say for a moment there was a Creator of the entire Universe. Would He really be overly concerned with what one species among millions of others on a small blue planet tucked away on an outer arm of one galaxy among billions of others does or doesn’t do with it’s anatomy ?

  • I think it’s terrible that there’s all these people on here with all this hate. As one of God’s chosen people I know God loves everyone. This hate speech on here is disgusting and if you write or have hste in your heart you should repent and be ashamed of yourself. Love is equal to all.

  • I think if you want to be gay that’s your choice, but keep it to yourself. Why do you have to shove that choice down everyone’s throat? Why do my children need to be exposed to it? On tv, media, in the school sex ed curriculum, pride parade’s, etc it’s sickening! Who needs to know which man is shoving his wiener into the next man’s anus or which woman prefers taco’s to schlongs? Those countries that don’t have anti-gay laws but where they protect the children from it by enforcing an anti-gay propaganda law by not letting it affect or mold the children in media, schools, etc, are 100% correct in their thinking! Children don’t need to subjected to sex and homosexuality just so gays can feel accepted! Nor do they need to be molded to thinking it’s “OK” to be gay when their minds shouldn’t even be on those types of things. They should be allowed to grow and develop naturally into the person they choose to be whatever that may be on their own without INFLUENCE from the GAY AGENDA. Stop acting like what you are promoting is LOVE when in reality most gays are jumping from partner to partner and will readily tell you its about SEX. Being gay is only part of a person and your identity it is not everything that you are. It’s a sexual choice or preference and I can choose to be against your sexual choice or preference but still like you as a human being and that doesn’t make me hateful. I choose to not allow my children to be molded by a gay society but I don’t teach them to hate anyone. I tell them what is natural and that is naturally a woman and man can without “help” or assistance from outside parties, make a baby because our bodies are made for each other. The law of nature. I also teach them to love and accept people even if they don’t agree with everything about them.People aren’t born gay, its a CHOICE to be gay. Transgenders are also misguided and have self esteem issue’s a shame of their own natural bodies. That is a sickness and a mental disorder. How can you expect people to accept you when you can’t even accept your natural self?

    • I am Gay! But its not always about sex!, However as you have mentioned “gay is always jumping around changing partners” I couldn’t agree more to this line, its not easy to find someone who’s into relationships as most gays jump from one partner to another. Celebrating pride should be something more or less like a marriage or something spiritual not getting naked wearing nothing but a jock strap. Furthermore to the last point you talked about Transgenders they are the worse, Everyone suffers from insecurity of their own body no matter how perfect it might seem to be in other peoples eyes. but we do not have to change our entire physical appearance to that. we do not have to wear hills to prove a point. I just wish that being gay was just a normal thing like i am a man like any other man but i dont have to strip down naked to prove a point. I wear the same close as a normal man, the only difference is that to love another man that shares the same feelings as me. I am most probably the only gay guy that agrees with you. but however i do want to be married 1 day. I stay as far as i can from my little brother because i want him to be a better man and choosing his own faith i don’t ever want to be blame for misguiding him. but that doesn’t make me un happy well at least i don’t have to hide my personal stuff so that my brother might go thru it. im a straight acting gay & proud to be this way.

      Anyway sorry for the misspelling and the lack of grammar i was overwhelm by your statement.

    • Funny…how you talk about molding children when I did not even know what gay was, had never seen same sex people together, didn’t even think it was possible or existed and still who did I turn out to be? So really it doesn’t matter, it can and will happen for the people that it is meant to happen to and they should not have to live a lie to please others. What if the world were the other way around? What if we tried to bully you into being with someone of the same sex the way you try to bully us into being with people of the opposite sex? But unlike you we don’t try to control people, nothing good can come out of it. We have every right to enjoy the media and have the media reflect things we can relate to just as much as you do. And you want to go on about gay people jumping from person to person? First you need to open your closed mind a little more and realize that promiscuity is a thing regardless of your sexuality, look at all the hookers standing on the corner, women getting into cars with men to have sex for money. And you want to go on about the kids, it is LGBT people who are helping children by adopting them and taking them in when their slack sorry parents decided they were a mistake and threw them away, unappreciative to have the gift of a child, as for marriage I’d really love to see the divorce statistics, I bet heterosexuals are breaking those vows way more than those who have been granted the ability to marry the person they love who happens to be the same gender as them. Why wouldn’t heterosexual divorce rates be higher? You people been breaking those vows for hundreds and hundreds of years, lets see if LGBT marriage creates that same history or maybe we’ll cherish our vows the way we cherish the children we adopt who weren’t cherished by their oh so perfect straight parents.

  • Homosexual is also illegal in Jordan. I wonder why you its not in the list. I guess You have to check that.

    • Dear Mohammad,

      I find no evidence to indicate that you’re right. The publication State-Sponsored Homophobia lists Jordan in the category “Same-sex sexual acts legal (119 States) 61% of UN States.”

      That report also mentions, “the Jordanian Penal Code of 1951, largely modified in 1960, is in force,
      having no prohibition on sexual acts between persons of the same sex.”

      It does mention a Jordanian law against public displays of immodest behavior and “signs incompatible with modesty,” which seems to apply both to heterosexuals and to homosexuals: “127 Article 320 states, “Anyone who commits an act incompatible with modesty or expresses signs incompatible with modesty in a public place or a public assemblage or by manner that could be seen by those in a public place shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine not
      exceeding 50 Dinars”, see:

      Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • Homosexuality has alot to do with God, it’s an abomination but what can I say. In the book of Genesis 2 it specifically says that GOD CREATED MAN, AND GOD SAY THAT MAN WAS LONELY AND PUT ADAM TO SLEEP AN FROM A RIB HE MADE WOMAN AND SAID MAN HERE’S YOUR WIFE, GOD DIDN’T MAKE ANOTHER MAN OUT OF MAN’S RIB. But since the devil is the God of this world. They have taken 64,000 bibiblical scriptures that speaks against immorality and homosexuality and what God has created. God shouldn’t be mocked and your really aren’t born with a so-called gay gene. God doesn’t make mistakes he’s perfect man isn’t perfect. We need God in America again

  • Every person living in the world has the right to live what-ever life-style or he or she chooses. I still do not support the LGBT movement.

  • Not supporting a movement is called being neutral. If you don’t like something, move to a country where homosexuality is unacceptable. But being a fucking retard and blabbering about your religion and saying that two people fucking in their anus is not “natural” is just. For fuck’s sake, it’s just stupid. Women fuck anally, but no one says shit. And there are children in the adoption Centers, that need a loving family. We are 7 billion people on this shitty planet, wake the fuck up.

  • boy people are wow, its not right, for man to love a man in a sexual way, trying to justify it, lgbt are offensive people, making wrongs right cause you want it gives you order, stop being childish and except who you are, you can not be born gay or lesbian or both, you have to choose, being mentally unstable is no excuse, no animal in the world does this why are human being doing it were classing ourselves lower than animals.

    • Politicians from Russia and Lithuania are the only politicians who have some brain in their skulls because they don’t allow homosexual propaganda. The total truth is that people from Russia or Lithuania act upon instinct because of loyalty to a safe religion however they don’t care for the chaos elsewhere. I do. The mass-media, mostly directed from Europe have done a flirt with transexual people and they came up with a law allowing a trans to hide personal information and identity as well from the public viewers of the main stream of mass-media, in special way the TV. This cannot be done because it brings those who have had a change of sex into the public eye deceiving anyone that looks at them like real women. There are now minors trying to be trans for this very reason. The minors do pedophelia as well and they are very reluctant to report any pedo activity to the police, just because a tran will like to do pedophelia and those who fall into the trap likes it as well. They could be politicians, policeman, judges and lawyers and they all do it with minors without any problem whatsoever. Traffic of children can also be linked to this explosion of trans activity that keep on wishing to be trans to reach for success while they try all they can to look like real women that were able to deliver a baby. However the delivery it’s a fake delivery with all of the papers that are needed and supplied by those dirty pigs of politicians that made those dirty laws. No person reaching for success into the mass-media has any right to hide his past life. No compromise about it.

  • Some mistakes:
    * Daeh is not a county
    * only some parts in Indonesia, so Indonesia should not mentioned in list.
    * Palaestina/Gaza Strip is not a country
    * Cook Islands is not a country, belongs to New Sealand
    * Malawi decriminalised

    So in my list: In 2016 we have 72 countries worldwide, where homosexuality is illegal.

    • Dear Blondtiger,

      Those are different judgment calls, not mistakes.

      I include Daesh (ISIS,ISIL), Gaza/Palestine and the Cook Islands in the list, because each has its own laws that apply in the territory it controls. I know that Daesh and Gaza/Palestine are not internationally recognized as independent nations and that the Cook Islands are in free association with New Zealand, which handles their defense and foreign affairs.

      Malawi has suspended enforcement of its anti-gay law but has not repealed it.

      I include Indonesia because the states with anti-gay laws (Aceh and South Sumatra) account for 4.7 million and 10.7 million people respectively.

      Thanks for keeping me honest.

      — Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog

  • Well i can certainly tell you one thing is that many of us Straight Guys trying to meet a woman at the Gym would be a Better place which it is Not since so many women are Gay unfortunately. And why the Hell would they be there anyway which Doesn’t make sense to begin with. It is very obvious why us guys have Trouble meeting women these days after i tried to start a Conversation with the one that i was Attracted too which she told me to get lost. Wow, i never thought that there are so many sick women out there today.

  • ok, just homosexuality then or LGBT, because some states in the US should be lit up like christmas for crimes against humanity concerning transgender human rights. along with russia whos stripped us of holding drivers licences. your criteria needs expanded to include the LGB-t community as a whole.

  • Bob your wrong it isn’t less than 10 percent of the world population is homosexual it’s a lot higher than that – In the United States there are 70 percent men that are homosexual possibly as high as 20 percent more due to unreported cases, 40 percent woman lesbian in the United States, The United States makes up 5% of the World Population. In Canada, there are 10 percent men homosexual, in India there are 90 percent men homosexual, In Russia there are 10 percent of men homosexual. These are all in published statistics by each government – these 4 countries alone raise it higher than 10 percent of the world population. As a guess to include homosexuals gay men and lesbians I would guess it to be 60-65 percent of the world population possibly higher.

  • These are not ludicrous numbers – do an internet search as editor I would think you would know this and that you would know the government has various types of statistics – all you have to search for is government statistics under the category you search for – common sense here.

    • It’s “common sense” that 70 percent to 90 percent of the men in the United States are homosexual, and government statistics show that!!!??? If so, I must have woken up this morning in a different universe. I’ll now return to my own universe and leave you in this one.
      — Colin

  • It’s so cute the stupid people quote from a book that was written by man. Do you really believe that Mary got pregnant by a ghost too???? I hope there are no woman commenting on this because according to the bible you should be serving your man instead of thinking for yourself and actually opening your mouthes. I also hope you believe in putting everyone to death that doesn’t believe in God! Cuz that there bible says that too! It’s funny how people who hide behind the bible just pick and choose which words they want to believe and which words they just ‘ignore’ when it’s good for them. What’s wrong in the world isn’t if a guy sticks his ding dong in another guys butt…’s religious ignorance. Same reason almost every single war in the world can be pointed towards religion.

  • Wow there is so much hate on here. For starters let me say God hates hate. God loves everyone. There’s nothing wrong with homosexuals. It is NOT a sin, not abnormal it been proven it’s a gene like beind a certain race or ethnicity. Homosexuality is not a choice. These people who are preaching all this hate on here are the true sinner’s. I can not believe some of the things people or saying trying to act like their God stating this and that is abnormal like they can decide that. I want to clarify this Bologna about the Bible vs. Homosexuality. Man shouldn’t lay with a man…
    During that error a man was way above a woman. Woman were seen as objects and property. Men would lay with woman as a sport and not a commitment. That passage was given to a man that was commiting adultry. You can’t relate a book written 3,500+ years ago to current day. You have to update everything. Woman wearing pants having a job. Mixing fabric. Having a car, electricity, HVAC, cable, phone, is all against the bible the list goes on and on. Don’t be fake and try to justify your updated idea but nobody else’s. God loves everyone if you hate a race or group of people you will indeed have to answer to God.

  • There is a growing divide between feminists/lesbians and gay men. Milo Yiannopoulos identifies himself as a gay man right-winger yet he is attacked by members of the feminist and lesbian community.

    It is interesting that many Caribbean countries with harsh anti-MSM laws tend to allow relationships between women-women and women-children, while gay men in countries like Canada are under watch if they engage in consensual sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old, even though 16 is the unrestricted Age of Consent in Canada, but it’s 18 for MSM couples under the clause of anal sex.

    Many people tend to believe that the hatred of gay men is only made from heterosexual men; however, it is becoming apparent that Women’s Rights radical feminists and lesbians on the Left Paradigm, and Neo-Victorian traditional women on the Right Paradigm BOTH have hatred for gay men. Feminists tend to use the catch phrase “Are you Gay?” when a male criticizes feminism, and female teachers who molest young boys tend to warn their victims that if they complain, the boys are “gay”, and in some countries such as in the Middle East, being falsely accused of being gay results in a death penalty.

    Milo Yannapolis being attacked by women who support feminism. Gay men are not welcome to Slut Walks.

    Lesbians in Canada attack a black man and get away with it. His voice sounds like Southern state American/Caribbean. He was attacked, and unlike the stereotype that Caribbean men victimize “battyman”, it looks like the feminists/lesbians attacked him, and he was the one treated unfairly by the local authorities.

    Before you blindly consider that it is only heterosexual men who harm gay men, just look at what the feminists and lesbians are doing to marginalized ethnic-ties of men and gay men like Milo Yannoupoulis.

    A woman who wants to molest little children, such as a predator female teacher in a school, will be more likely to spread anti-gay messages to the children she molests, because the boy/s she molest will be afraid of being wrongly accused of being “gay” for reporting such abuse.

    Feminists, Traditional women and lesbians also hate on gay men too!

  • I believe that each and every religion have their customs, it doesn’t mater of yo doctrine but what I know there is no (God) who accept this evil thing called “homo”. nothing much to comment on this earthly act.

  • At this point I have lost all my faith in humans actually having any piece of humanity. I mean fine, yes, I am only a year 9 but so many 13 year olds have more humanity and are more opened minded than most of the adults. At this point in time some people that are my age can set a better example of being a responsible human being role model than any of the people in most countries that are past the age of 20. I am so disappointed with the churches that hate LGBTQ+ people and that is why now I might have even lost the faith not only in humans and adults but in my religion as well.

  • That is because your generation has been successfully brainwashed to think that the perversion of homosexuality is ok.
    They’re also trying to brainwash your generation into thinking that the devil is a good entity as well by introducing shows like Lucifer that makes the devil’s cool Swave and dapper!

    • Of course, it’s our generation that’s brainwashed to accept homosexuals – not the generations that were indoctrinated into gay-hating religions, following a book written by other men claiming to speak for God, when before those religions were founded massive empires regularly practiced and accepted homosexuality…

  • I love how people rule their own lives, make the hell of out others’ just because that’s because it’s what is written on a stupid book written centuries ago. It’s the 21st century guys, wake up!

  • I begin to wonder about the hate on here. Why are these people on here? This site is not for homophobic people. It is for straight allies learning about anti gay laws and BGLT peoples learning about it as well. I have nothing to say to the bigots except that they are closeted gay men or “queerbaiting” as the expression goes. Jealousy and hate are wrong. Jealous because they are not open and have self loathing problems. I am sorry for them because they need help.

    As for religion. Not just applies to BGLT peoples but all people. Even heterosexuals are oppressed by evil religious peoples and religion and also “communist” countries with radical agendas. As for anarchism it is a good idea and also a bad one. We need laws to protect us from discrimination and bigotry and intolerance. Anarchism would apply for atheism and non monotheistic pagan beliefs. Anarchism would apply for human sexuality as well.

    I say to the self loathers and bigots, we all love you but we are opposed to your hate. Hate causes cancer and many karmic actions. So please learn to be kinder and loving and supportive and seek psychotherapy.

  • Why has this behaviour got to be promoted and taught to children in school. Also why are they forcing people to agree with it when in reality most people don’t.

  • arguing with a gay person is like arguing with a mannequin. you’re wasting your time. these people are hopelessly sick and perverted!

  • Anti-LGBT or discrimination is a sexual minority issue around the world. However, I am amazed that being LGBT in some countries is “illegal” or “life-threatening”. In some countries, LGBTs are killed because their sexual/gender identities are not in harmony with the mainstream (more information shown in the links below):
    I became interested in this topic because the author describes clearly and portrays an overview of LGBT populations on a global scale. Also, the human right of minority groups is one of my areas of interest. However, it is not easy to do an in-depth critique that will reduce the anti-LGBT issues. Since the sexual/gender identity is based on the perception of oneself. The male/female gender roles were created from social values and this belief impacted judging what is right/wrong or accepted/rejected. If ones’ identity contrasts from the sexual mainstream, they are considered “different”. It is important to know about these social norms since the impact of anti-LGBT is based on their culture value and education.
    As a Thai man studying in the US, I have experience from the both sides of this world. In the US, some LGBT populations still experience discrimination even though but the gender bias is not severe when compared with other countries. In Thailand, we don’t have laws that legalize or protect, but the discrimination rate is not high. If LGBTs follow the law and do nothing to negatively impact the family or society, it is thought of as “OK” and for the most part acceptable. Moreover, based on Thai culture and teachings of Buddhism, Thais and other Asian countries place a high value on such virtues as kindness, humanity, sharing, and peace. It is believed that abiding by these values is key to living together among diversity. Moreover, education plays an important role changing the society over time. Thailand, US, and many other countries contain sexual minorities as one of their health topic issues. New generations of Thai and other nations seem to be more accepting and open-minded regarding sexual diversity.
    In Anti-LGBT countries, beliefs, cultures, and education systems are varied. Some think that being gay is a sin or crime. The reaction from their beliefs is varied based on how conservative they are in their values. However, many countries around the world have changed to a more positive opinion about their LGBT populations. For example, the US has already passed the law legalizing LGBT marriage. Since then, many of the more conservative countries are processing this law, including Thailand. For the past ten years, being LGBT in Thailand was prohibited. Refer to the beginning; LGBT identities depend on the individual beliefs influenced by the social norm. Since sexual identity was created by society it can be changed by society as well. We’ve gone from believing that sexual minorities were caused by illness to now having gay marriage acceptable. Health disparity in LGBT becoming a priority health issue in some countries. We’ve come a long way and many misconceptions have changed from the past. These signs confirm the positive change from the past to the present. In the future, when society becomes more open and accepting, people who are falling under the social norm will be open-minded. Therefore, LGBT identity will become acceptable among those countries.

  • Anti-LGBT or discrimination is a sexual minority issue around the world. However, I am amazed that being LGBT in some countries is “illegal” or “life-threatening”. In some countries, LGBTs are killed because their sexual/gender identities are not in harmony with the mainstream (more information shown in the links below):
    I became interested in this topic because the author describes clearly and portrays an overview of LGBT populations on a global scale. Also, the human right of minority groups is one of my areas of interest. However, it is not easy to do an in-depth critique that will reduce the anti-LGBT issues. Since the sexual/gender identity is based on the perception of oneself. The male/female gender roles were created from social values and this belief impacted judging what is right/wrong or accepted/rejected. If ones’ identity contrasts from the sexual mainstream, they are considered “different”. It is important to know about these social norms since the impact of anti-LGBT is based on their culture value and education.
    As a Thai man studying in the US, I have experience from the both sides of this world. In the US, some LGBT populations still experience discrimination even though but the gender bias is not severe when compared with other countries. In Thailand, we don’t have laws that legalize or protect, but the discrimination rate is not high. If LGBTs follow the law and do nothing to negatively impact the family or society, it is thought of as “OK” and for the most part acceptable. Moreover, based on Thai culture and teachings of Buddhism, Thais and other Asian countries place a high value on such virtues as kindness, humanity, sharing, and peace. It is believed that abiding by these values is key to living together among diversity. Moreover, education plays an important role changing the society over time. Thailand, US, and many other countries contain sexual minorities as one of their health topic issues. New generations of Thai and other nations seem to be more accepting and open-minded regarding sexual diversity.
    In Anti-LGBT countries, beliefs, cultures, and education systems are varied. Some think that being gay is a sin or crime. The reaction from their beliefs is varied based on how conservative they are in their values. However, many countries around the world have changed to a more positive opinion about their LGBT populations. For example, the US has already passed the law legalizing LGBT marriage. Since then, many of the more conservative countries are processing this law, including Thailand. For the past ten years, being LGBT in Thailand was prohibited. Refer to the beginning; LGBT identities depend on the individual beliefs influenced by the social norm. Since sexual identity was created by society it can be changed by society as well. We’ve gone from believing that sexual minorities were caused by illness to now having gay marriage acceptable. Health disparity in LGBT becoming a priority health issue in some countries. We’ve come a long way and many misconceptions have changed from the past. These signs confirm the positive change from the past to the present. In the future, when society becomes more open and accepting, people who are falling under the social norm will be open-minded. Therefore, LGBT identity will become acceptable among those countries.

  • I think it a shame that some country are against homosexual however there is another side of gay life like the Adult book stores that allow men to have sex with other men and make money from these act as the old gay man wait for the young guys to come in The USA is great for allowing this sort of sex acts (wherethenewsis com)

  • Adama Barrow is the new president of THE GAMBIA. I still believe that homosexuality is a choice, not a birthmark. I believe that a person can be gay or straight, if he/she desires. I do not support the LGBT.

    • Let me ask you… Are you a god? If not then do you have the right to judge the LGBT? I’ve learned that even though you are one of a the LGBT… Means that you’re not a human? Hahaha pathetic! All people in this world are considered a human also. If you are a LGBT person then that person believed god jesus or Allah or any gods then thats a true human. But if you judge a person and you have no right you’re just the son of devil. Only god can judge us nobody else. So you did judges us so let see if god judges you. You did not even think what will happen. We are inoccents then all of you are just judging us by our sexuality what the fuck that’s pathetic.. Thats all please think before you speak because maybe you are the one who doesn’t have a place in this world.

  • I, for one, find this stupid. Homophobia is stupid. A book says to hate homosexuals, really? So, if a holy book told you to kill yourself, would you? I don’t even think it says that. My family is christian and accepts me for being bisexual, even though I like people of my own gender a bit more. You’re being irrational. The world is already overpopulated. Procreation isn’t a job, a person chooses to get pregnant or they don’t. Explain to me a genuine reason to hate homosexuals. Give me a rational reason to hate myself. The thing is, I don’t think you can. I think you’re just saying this because you’ve been taught to hate it, or you don’t understand it. Before you end up hating something, try having a real reason to hate it.


  • Those chanting the bible and how Homosexuality will bring about the end of a species need to be clear on what they actually mean. Gay people will not bring about our end, war will and what is the biggest creator of war? RELIGION is! those bombs, guns, bullets, knives, and all the hatred that brandish them will end the species oh believers of blind faith. Human kind and all its hatred will bring about its own self destruction because you cannot agree to be and let be, you covet thy neighbour and thy neighbours wife, you continually see the only way forward and to progress is to have more and more and more. It begins with land and moved to power and then to the greed of capitalism. The only corruption is money and greed, it is all religious peoples inability to see reality instead of textual piffle written millions of years ago by a MAN. If you want faith then believe you can be the best you can at what YOU do and not poke your noses into the business of others. Live and let live!

    • Stop blaming the Jews for the misdeeds of goyim. The Jewish God does not hate homosexuals, and anyone who uses the Torah to attack God’s gay and lesbian children is engaging in spiritual abuse. Likewise, so is anyone who distorts the Torah to support anti-gay ex-gay transcult propaganda.

      Gay is the way.

  • If anyone has a magical potion to make me staight the next I will happily take it but until then just treat me and all other gay people with decency and respect.
    PS: The bible also states that we are all sinners due to Adam and Eve so why is this such a big deal. It’s just one more sin. Perhaps since we try to treat people nicely due to how bad we are sometimes treated we have commited less sins than you and therefore are seen more favourably by God

    • Heterosexual perversion is not “straight.” That is what needs to be cured, not homosexuality. Gays and gays alone are normal.

  • Okay first of all…for the ones going on about the bible, if same sex relationships were sinful then why was no scripture placed in there that specifically targets females like the one that targets males? Do you think God would make such a stupid error? Maybe you should consider that every bible in this world are reprinted by humans who at their discretion and at any time they could change, erase, add, whatever they want. Like so? In England during the 1800’s they had to burn a whole pile of bibles because the ten commandments were written wrong (The word “not” was left out of each one) given that it happened all ten times for each commandment, I’d really question if it was intentioned.)

    Going back, it also seems to me that targeting males in the bible yet neglecting to cover females is quite easily a human error, especially if the person given the opportunity to alter the bible were male and homophobic and neglected to really think about lesbians, as many homophobic men tend to do, bashing males for loving each other and then going on about how hot two girls would be. Also doesn’t it seem to be another human error to say that the punishment for same sex relations is death yet it’s a commandment not to murder? Contradictions, mistakes, typos, do you really think God who made the very fabric of reality and every tiny detail in it would make such stupid mistakes?

    Show me the bible he authored himself, that is the only bible that can be trusted with %100 accuracy. Also note that God only judges you for what you do with your life, so why go around trying to change people? Do you think God is going to be thinking about anyone else’s life when he’s judging yours? Only in a cause and effect way which he may hold it against you for any pain and suffering you caused by trying to control people where as if you’d just leave people alone then you are guaranteed to have done nothing wrong, you are not responsible for anyones life but your own so you worry about your life and let everyone else be.

    As far as sex being only for pro creation? Then why are men born sterile or what about women in the world who are unable to get pregnant or carry a child to term? As for adoption, LGBT should have every right to adopt kids if they want them, after all it’s you lovely holier than thou heterosexuals who throw your kids away for whatever flimsy sorry excuse you can come up with.

    It’s not a sin because it’s not a choice, I’m gay and I know more about myself than anyone else. When I started to become attracted to other guys I did not even know it was humanly possible for same sex people to be together, the concept had never crossed my mind, I originally mistaken my feelings of attraction to other guys as admiration, later I learned it was possible, then it all made sense, the feelings came first and without the knowledge so how could I have chose something I didn’t think was possible?

    And further, why would I choose something that would cause me so much crap because of haters like people on here? Why would I choose to deny myself the ability to have a child? Yes I know it’s possible these days for anyone to have a child with the various medical techniques but I lack the money to afford it. I feel disadvantaged and robbed in several ways, why would I choose to rob myself? What I do choose is to not further rob myself by denying or shutting down who I really am. I can’t have a child unless I some how find a bunch of money, I have to deal with haters and people who can’t just worry about their own lives so I think the least I owe myself is the love and happiness that I can have and get from a loving relationship and to have the ability to at least have that is a blessing no matter who it is.

    So jump on board or not but the best thing people can do is leave other people alone and let them be because one thing is for sure, hurting people is a sin and that is exactly what you people do, you aren’t promoting God, you are using him to hurt other people, play it safe and just leave people alone, you can’t be judged for minding your own business.

    • Well spoken, but don’t expect people who have no idea to understand. They don’t, hence the phrase “do not judge unless you walk a mile in my shoes” !

  • You completely sidestepped the issue that the last person commented on which was why do your sexual preferences have to be so public?
    you went on this long rant about how gay people are taking in straight children that nobody wants excetera.
    that’s worse than going from the frying pan to the fire!you don’t fix one wrong with another wrong!
    you also commented about prostitutes and people that are promiscuous. well at least those people know that what they are doing is wrong and you don’t see them on TV and other media Outlets proclaiming how natural and right it is!
    you also commented about the divorce rate among heterosexuals. Well the statistics have not borne themselves out yet with the new sick laws that they passed allowing these sick people to get married but I’m sure that when the statistics to come back it will prove that you people are anything but stable mentally or in relationships! You go from being straight to go back to being straight back to being gay at the snap of a finger! Sick!

    • A person who can have sex with both sexes is not gay or straight completely, as they are Bi Sexual. A straight person can not be convinced to have sex with another of the same sex, nor vice versa. It is about how we are wired and attracted to others, and we all are different. A Dog as you say would have sex with other animals if it had the mentally to figure things out, they sure try your leg and other animals. Sex to animals is about procreation and not pleasure seeking as him humans either. How many humans do you know that only have sex during the period a female ovulates to get pregnant ? If you are male, I can see you only haven’t sex once a month and not masturbating either ? Get real, don’t compare man with other animals or species ?

  • Maybe you should shut up about your sexuality and stop trying to force yourself down other peoples life Stop the stupid parades no one wants to look at your sick filth, what you are is what you are keep it to yourself.

  • Well…… the world is fu@@@d ..within a decade we will be told it is ok to go to work without clothes , to me the Human race is actually going backwards .

  • This is a clear, a very clear comment, as followed. Earth.Everything upon everything. Ignorance. Knowledge. Nature. Nature. Nature. The Lord above, and God surrounded, know very well, that ILGA is absolutley 100 percent correct. I am very sure, as the gay man I am, that Karma is served to the ignorant believers of the falsehood of sexuality, God and all his surrounding entities will get you, based on not just vile inappropriate statements your false hood has enabled you to place here on this thread, but for the acts in general in your walks of life. I promise you,You know who you are, I promise you, that if not understood, God will get you. Believe me. God, is on our side. I will end this on a final note. I swear on everything I love, I promise you, I say this with such certainty, in a manner so sure, a solidified fact, ok, that God is on our side, that homosexuality is ok, and I kid you not, believe the truth if you know what is good for you, I kid you not, you shall partially damned, for not just your mere ignorance, but most surely for the LACK of willingness to question the wrong moral YOU choose to keep within your belief system. God is good, God is Kind, but fortunately for US, GOD IS NOT PLAYING.

  • queers are just heterophobes. They took a happy state of people and a fine name like “gay” and made lowlife.

    • Heterosexuals are nothing but sick, depraved, lying, cheating, murdering, raping, genocidal monsters. Gays and lesbians have good reason to be afraid of them: unchecked heterosexual perversion is an existential threat to the Earth, everything in it, and everyone on it. Heterosexuals and heterosexuals alone are to blame for war, genocide, and environmental desecration. You deserve to be targets of bigotry. Gays don’t.

      • What you’re saying is a hate crime and you can get arrested for it stop saying this kind of stuff the police will arrest you for it.

  • Homosexuality is the only normal form of human sexuality. The Jewish God is God and if He had wanted men and women to be together, then He would have made us the same.

    Transcultism and heterosexuality are perversions of the gay and lesbian norm. Trans is a form of ex-gay therapy waged by heterosexual bigots. All heterosexual sex is rape. Only gay sex can ever be consensual.

  • I asume you are christan, I am to but Mark 12:31 says to love thy neighbor as thy self. that basicly means that if you don’t like this them thats fine but whats not fine is to be hating on others and imposing belifs on people

  • If being gay is seen as unnatural by god then why are monkeys,giraffes,Lions and Albatross which were all made by god found to exhbit homosexual behavors

  • Gay is a demonic act and sanction by demon possess people. I play that before they try to legalize it in Nigeria, I would have join the heavenly bliss. Amen.

  • STEVE `THE WELSHMAN`….if this homosexuality continues to get out of hand and keeps being thrust down our throats by the Media everyday as being normal our Human Race will become extinct!
    My concern is to protect the Human Race. I am a peaceful christian with no hate to Homosexuals, I believe
    they can repent, but we need laws banning same sex relationships / marriage, and not allow them to adopt or have children.

  • Homosexuality serves no purpose, if we accept God’s law that stealing and killing is bad, why accept homosexuality? it portends a danger to health and propagating human race. We can’t say stealing should be accepted because they where born that way.

  • For all the people who quote the bible and saying that homosexuality is a ‘sin’ please answer me this. If being gay is a ‘sin’ and ‘god’ created life then why did ‘god’ create people with so many ‘problems’ or disabilities? because if ‘god’ had the ‘ability’ to create people then why not make people perfect? So there is no need for anyone to have hate. Also, is being gay really a problem, because last time I checked the only people getting hurt are the people who support and/or are gay.

  • I believe in god but im also pro gay. You can’t force others to your religion otherwise no one would eat meat because some religions don’t allow that.

  • Anyone one saying there against gays because of their religion is a dumbass because do you really think god would prefer you hatingjo over being a decent human.

  • dennis gays wouldnt cause the extinction of the spices because straight people can keep having kids and there are way more of them than gays. and gays can just adopt all the kids straight people abandoned.

  • Homosexuals deserve what the blacks didn’t, we were created to increase out population and stay alive and advance but we are slowly degrading and we will soon become extinct due to the acts of stupidity made by these homosexuals and lesbians, if we continue to have sex with our own sex then we’ll all end up extinct because it isn’t possible to reproduce when you’re trying to do it with the same sex as you and gays and lesbians adopting children won’t be possible because soon this world will run out of normal people and then well all start dying off because there are no more babies to be taught and to grow up to repeat the process of life and won’t even get a chance to experience life because of our race’s stupidity and all the objections pro gay people make are just, “You can love who you want to.” or some shit like that but you don’t realize that this can lead to the extinction of humanity which I really think would be for the best if our race is stupid enough to break our natural reproduction system and twist it and fiddle with it.

  • At least we are all human, plus it is sad how 73 country’s still have gay marriage illegal. I want to make gay marriage legal everywhere, but I’m still in school.

  • We can’t force it on anyone! God requires that salvation comes only by free choice. Unless you personally decide to repent, there is nothing anyone can do for you. But, since you think that there is no god, it wouldn’t hurt for you to pray and ask God to reveal Himself to you. There is a way out of your condition.

  • The problem arises when people want to twist the Gospel of Christ to suit their own sinful natures. Resist the devil and he will flee away from you. Wife for Man and Man for Wife. Simple.

  • I was a porn addict and prayed for God’s help in overcoming it. Did He ever !!! Now I feel nauseous just thinking about porn. I have no desire whatsoever to look at or think about it.

  • There is no gay gene. Lusting after a man or a woman is your CHOICE. Does your hand force you to masturbate? Stop pretending God/evolution MADE you that way. Wake up and smell the roses. Let reason guide your emotions and not the other way around.

  • The Left-Handed versus Right-Handedness discussion shouldn’t be used regarding homosexuality. Those who use it show either ignorance or disregard for historical facts and understanding. Before running water and soap was available in countries to wash your hands after taking a shit ALL people in either “civilized” or “more intelligent in preventing diarrheal diseases” TAUGHT their children, REQUIRED their children, to use ONLY the LEFT hand to wipe with paper, leaves, sponges, or water was used in their country. The RIGHT hand was used EXCLUSIVELY for eating, touching door handles, and shaking hands in countries that did that. It was VERY IMPORTANT to reduce the spread of diarrheal spread disease, reduce food poisoning, reduce malnutrition (from diarrhea), reduce worms, and reduce STDS for ALL people in a village, society, or country to abide by the ONLY USE LEFT HAND FOR TOILET ACTIVITIES and ONLY USE RIGHT HAND FOR EATING. In countries that abided by this the human population ended up healthier, having a lower child mortality, average citizens had a higher IQ (because diarrhea and malnutrition throughout childhood and adolescence STUNTS iq, intelligent, common sense, all of it), and there was less disease, bacteria, food poisoning in the homes and ENTIRE villages and societies that adhered to this.

    In countries that lack toilet facilities now (over 2 billion people in 2019) and running water, these societies SHOULD adopt a LEFT HAND ONLY for toilet related activities and a RIGHT HAND ONLY for writing, eating, door handle/knob handling, an EASY way to reduce diarrhea, food poisoning, intestinal worms (which contribute to malnutrition and stunting of IQ/intelligence and height), and STDS.

    BEFORE running water, soap, circumcision for men, deworming medications, antibiotics, vaccines, decent surgery, and organ transplants for failed kidneys engaging in anal intercourse could result in spreading so much bacteria, urinary tract infections resulting in kidney disease and failure, intestinal worms, STDs, and even premature death that men and women INTELLIGENTLY avoiding playing with that poison. It wasn’t worth the risk. Anal intercourse increases the chances for anal incontinence, anal cancer, hpv, herpes, urinary tract infections, kidney infection, kidney disease, kidney failure and HIV even in modern times but the pharmaceutical companies and politicians and business people making money off of it want people to do the behavior to need a surgery for cancer or medication for STD for life. No religion in this response JUST SCIENTIC FACTS and HISTORICAL FACTS on society/culture (I know virgins cannot get pregnant, I don’t believe in angels/demons impregnating humans, I know some people are born XY with a vagina and nonfunctioning ovaries (they have XY genes of a male but external genitals of a female and cannot get pregnant), and I rely on facts and scientific facts backed by real proofs.

  • The Left-Handed versus Right-Handedness discussion shouldn’t be used regarding homosexuality. Those who use it show either ignorance or disregard for historical facts and understanding. Before running water and soap was available in countries to wash your hands after taking a shit ALL people in either “civilized” or “more intelligent in preventing diarrheal diseases” TAUGHT their children, REQUIRED their children, to use ONLY the LEFT hand to wipe with paper, leaves, sponges, or water was used in their country. The RIGHT hand was used EXCLUSIVELY for eating, touching door handles, and shaking hands in countries that did that. It was VERY IMPORTANT to reduce the spread of diarrheal spread disease, reduce food poisoning, reduce malnutrition (from diarrhea), reduce worms, and reduce STDS for ALL people in a village, society, or country to abide by the ONLY USE LEFT HAND FOR TOILET ACTIVITIES and ONLY USE RIGHT HAND FOR EATING. In countries that abided by this the human population ended up healthier, having a lower child mortality, average citizens had a higher IQ (because diarrhea and malnutrition throughout childhood and adolescence STUNTS iq, intelligent, common sense, all of it), and there was less disease, bacteria, food poisoning in the homes and ENTIRE villages and societies that adhered to this.

  • I’m gay. I first realised I was gay when I was about 12 – 13 and I never told anyone about it because my parents were very homophobic and racist etc. I grew up hating myself because of this I thought there was something wrong with me, which there isn’t. I would go out with girls to prove that I wasn’t gay and I just became depressed, I was lying to myself and everyone else, it was horrible. When I finally came out to my best friends they were so happy and honestly I was relieved. It didn’t go so well when I told my mum as I was kicked out of the house and wasn’t spoken too for about a month.

    I’m now 22 I live in London, I’ve got a great job and a good life, I’m in university. I’m in a relationship with a guy that I love ALLOT! and I couldn’t ask for more. What I don’t understand is why people feel the need to be horrid to others simply because of there sexuality. I’ve been reading some of the comments and it’s amazing that people can be so arrogant and pathetic. It’s like some people are just itching for a fight! Not good.

    What goes on in my love life doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else. Demanding and oppressive behaviour isn’t acceptable on any level. Demanding that people should be ashamed about being gay and saying that it’s unnatural is simply ludicrous in my mind, I find it utterly inconceivable and disgusting that people think that these archaic and oppressive laws should be put into effect.

    And there I rest my case.

    If you wish to discuss this further with me then either leave a reply or email me:

  • For all those that have hatred in there hart some of the comments on this web site are truly appalling. I have been with my loving partner for 28 years and we are truly committed to each other. Our god sees our love and does not condemn us as it was god who gave us life and god who made us gay and if you do not agree then it is for you to resolve your beliefs.

    All ways remember it is better to love than hate because hate will only bring more hatred and so the evil wheel will go round.

    Because it is wrong for you it is not wrong for many millions of people on this planet and all they want to do is love like you.

    Please be happy because we truly are.

  • ye ik, if this was maybe 300 or a thousand years ago, weakass homos be killed since the strong survives and weak become food you know? thats why with all these weapons of science all the other species exept insects and pests are food

  • Priase The Lord
    All so called (gay) persons know that what they are doing is illegal. Countries laws other than the laws which most countries adopted as sacred are made by men.
    Jesus states ” I knowmens hearts ” I feel so sad for all those who are homosexual and lesbian. You know what is right and what is wrong. If I were to murder someone you would say that is wrong. Why? Because it is Gods law.
    Andwhat has God told you about the way you behave. It is wrong!

  • GOD commands us to love our neighbors but hate any evil practice that is not in lined with HIS principles. The issue of man not engaging the natural use of a woman in GOD’s instituted marriage is from satan and should be rejected by all nations if they want to keep existing. Please, learn from the story of sodom and gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-29). This should sound as a warning.

  • i’m sorry that you think that the humen will extinct but there are more than enough humans on the earth, there are just too many people in the world, we can not take care of all of them and it’s unfair to let the good people die who aren’t able to live because of money and such! it think that it’s a shame you get to live happily ever after when there are people dying so you saying that people will extinct because of other people being gay is just completely un true! and you should be able to love someone you love. Man or woman!

  • you know what else isn’t right? slavery, but that’s still legal in many countries. Plus, the whole world isn’t christian, because most people don’t buy into how much religion represses everyone else just because the don’t follow the rules of a book written thousands of years ago. And yes, id be happy if my son came out to me, proud too. because that means I’m a great parent if my kid trusts me enough to tell me something like that, unlike most kids these days that are sneaky and hide things from their parents in fear of rejection. You choose certain things from the bible to back up your toxic mindset, but you forget that god loves everything. Only god has the right to judge others, not you. God does not condone the hatred and repression of others just because they do not follow the bible. Don’t you remember “love your neighbor, and prey for your enemies”? or does that not apply anymore? Just because i don’t buy religion doesn’t mean i haven’t studied it. Id also like you to know thousands of years ago, when they translated the bible from Hebrew to Roman, there was a mistranslation. In the English bible, it states that sexual relations between two men is a sin. But the original Hebrew bible stated that sexual relations between a man and a boy is a sin. The original Hebrew bible stated nothing about homosexuality being a sin. And if it wasn’t natural, why do species of monkeys, hyenas, dolphins, lions, penguins, and dogs practice homosexual acts? Its only unnatural because that’s what the Romans decided thousands of years ago, imprinting that on the rest of the religious population.

  • id be glad if the human race died because stupid people like you make me want to kill the human race myself, including myself

  • You know that your book “The Bible” has many people that inbreed and it is never suggested that it should not happen so you yourselves cannot even tell you shouldn’t sleep with your mothers, brothers, sisters,and fathers.


    Oh and for those of you who say societies that allow homosexuality will be destroyed the Arab societies that are almost all anti-LGBTQ+ are constantly destroying each other and themselves (I just want to say I have nothing against these people or their societies but it is a trend that I see)

    I do not ask for you to just blindly change your views but I ask you to consider the argument, know the facts, and just be decent

    P.S. I can see your arguments and I understand you don’t want thing to change but they are and we all have to accept that

    • Firstly why the hell does it bother you some much about what other people do. I am gay. I know that for shore but I’m also 13. I didn’t know that I now have a new power to destroy this country just for liking someone who is the same sex as me. but what exactly are you talking about? An why does it bother you so much? It bothers me about what you have said because it makes me sound dangerous and horrible. But I am none of those things because I am gay. So maybe instead of spreading hate at 10:48pm. Think about why would you google places where its illegal to be gay in the first place if we really bother you. And do a bit of self exploration, Revan. I know you commented this a while ago so your views may of change but be a where that young children look this up so they can have a reason to hate themselves and not accept this part of them and I hope that one day you will spend your evenings on something else.
      Lot of love,

  • Its a shame that the enemy has went so far as to literally mess with the brains of humans. Listen, if you believe in homosexuality and transgender etc. you are LIED to. The enemies goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. If you close your ear to this, you will not hear. The enemy uses the word and twists it to twist your thoughts and understanding. Pray that God opens your eyes and ears and renews your mind, in Jesus name. I write this because of the freedom I received in my life. I am certain that if you are trans or homo etc. you will not experience joy and peace inside. Its literally impossible with sin living in you because Jesus is the prince of peace and gives you true joy.

  • I tolerate your religion but you don’t tolerate my sexuality. That’s just disgusting. It’s not your business. I’m so thankful to live in a western country. I feel so sorry for all people in the world who can never come out because of terrible people like some in these comments.

  • Thanks for essentially making a list of paradise on earth. I’m looking into some of my Oceania and America’s options now. Could you also make me a list of the countries on this list and order it by women’s rights and freedoms? That would be a huge help.

  • Excellent information with unique content and it is very useful to know about the information based on 72 countries where homosexuality is illegal

    • Don’t you just love it when gays and lesbians jump into their fave “there is God” bs! Do all those “intellectuals” defending their wicked ways in so many comments above realize that their birth date itself is an unequivocal evidence of God’s existence? But oops-y….too much brain work for them.

  • God hates same sex relationship he created aman and woman to stay together in relationship God was not afool but any one does on her own wrist there is no any blessing in same sex relation ship

  • I’m a trans teen who is also gay. if you think that it is a choice, you are a sick person who shouldn’t have children. your child (if they happen to be part of the lgbtq+ community) needs your support to thrive and they need your love because that’s you job. it’s not a choice. you feel like the gender you were born into and you like the other sex. your kid might not. i find hetero relationships confusing since i will never be in one. you find gay relationships confusing since you wont. but i respect you and its not hard to let people live their lives and do their own thing.
    gay people living their own lives causes no harm to you. why should it be criminalized if a guy loving another man makes no difference in your life? a girl kissing another girl doesn’t ruin your life but stopping them from being themselves does. you’re incredibly selfish if you think that everyone and everything has to revolve around you and please you. let people be themselves.

  • Homosexuals may be given the help and support from being marginalized or rejected and laws to protect them, but I don’t approve spreading their cancerous agenda everywhere, especially to children to pervert their minds, and also allow them to hold rallies to show off their shameful sickness as a pride instead needing help, counseling and rehabilitation. There seem to be powers who want to convert all people to homosexual orientation and urgently educate children before they learn ABC This brings a strong suspicion as if this is unnatural and spiritually very dark and destructive. So think carefully and not be programmed by unscientific/ungodly present-day world education!

  • It’s a shame that there are not more countries with laws against this abomination. Instead of having it shoved down our throats ins I h an abusive manner. Messing up people and having sickening parades and garbage.

  • Homosapian is right. The only hate speech here is criminalizing and spreading propaganda against those whop oppose this barbaric practice which can easily cut 20 years or more off someone’s lifespan!
    If marriage does not exist between one man and one woman, then it has no boundaries. It can be any combination of people(And may God forbid) or animals(Because that’s how barbaric unbridled depravity can get) with any number.
    The order of nature and common sense clearly state that this IS NOT NATRUAL. And many ex-homos will tell you that they have felt alienated from society. And not because they were shunned( For the most part, unlike the rants of the LGBTQABC leaders, most people don’t care about them and will leave them alone) but because they knew that they were acting in a way completely contrary to their biology and the order of the rest of the universe.
    The human conscience implanted by God knows that this practice is shameful and abominable in every form. Which is why many ancient cultures scorned the practice(With the exceptions of Sodom and Gomorrah and several others)
    Not only this, but look at the mental health and how bizarre many of those who practice it become? And dressing like vampires or mimes does not help their cause
    Look how studies have revealed that they are more likely to abuse children(And you know what I mean), commit various assaults and violent crimes, and even commit murder.

    In short, it is a dangerous, degrading, and highly immoral practice that is contrary to Common Sense, Nature and the Laws of God. And it should be removed and from society wherever it exists!

  • Homosexuality should be illegal everywhere, the Bible calls it an abomination and it goes on to say that the effeminate will not enter into heaven. I would strongly advise all homosexuals to cease with the horrendous behavior and to turn to Christ.

    • A number of Romanians are biased against LGBT people, but there has been no anti-LGBT law in Romania for the last 20 years.

  • Anal copulation or oral copulation
    with a member of the opposite sex
    is also classified as sodomy under the law
    in the united states.
    The pot can’t call the kettle
    Indolence of the law
    is no excuse,
    justice is blind.
    Does it cycle now?

  • In the united states indolence of the law
    is no excuse and justice is also blind in the
    united states.
    oral copulation or anal copulation with a member of the opposite sex is also classified as
    sodomy under the law in the united states.
    Does it cycle now?

  • Problems with homophobia are largely related to the traditional religion that is prevalent in the region. And this is also a certain indicator of freedom for this society.


  • I quite often feel sorry for religious people, i do for the truly stupid. anyone should be free to love anyone with mutual consent. something the bible bashers dont understand but then when the bible actively promotes incest its easy to see why. like Lot and his two daughters sharing a cave, getting drunk and procreating the whole of the middle east population between the three of them, the religious have very warped patriarchal ideals.

  • aowings1 this comment is for you. I am a proud procreator. I only had sex when I wanted to have a kid. This makes having a relationship hard and when you explain to straight and gay/lesbian/bi they make fun of me for not having sex. So whaaaa on your complaining of being bullied. As I mentioned in a previous comment, I was a faghag for a number of years. Thought I was safe. I will never be able to unhear the shit I heard. I was even accosted by a lesbian whom I thought was a friend. I lost all respect for any sex community. I teach my kids not to behave like that. To be respectful of their bodies and to only have sex once they get married. To never be a slut and to never advertise their wares unless it’s to their partner, at home, just the two of them.

  • To all of you who say the Bible doesn’t say anything against homosexuality,,,,,,,,I’ve read the statements and teachings of various so called educated scholars, and self proclaimed ministers who have said that the writers of the Bible and Christian’s of way back when, had no concept of the broad spectrum of sexual identities that we have today. God only created 2 sexes. Male and female, who are intended to leave their parents and be joined together. God never introduced any new forms of sexual identity. It was stated that the Lords angels destroyed Sidon and Gormorah because some of the gays of the city tried to rape the angels, but that’s not true either. The Lord sent the angels specifically to those cities to destroy everyone in them because of the rampant homosexuality which God hated. And there so many other scriptures that speak out against it or cast it in a negative context. Those scholars and ministers did the very same thing they say all of us uneducated homophobes of doing. They have played down any negative scriptures, interjected their own personal opinion, say they were taken out of context, and say that it is only “uneducated “ people of then and now just don’t understand the subject of sexual diversity.
    Anyone with common sense can look down there and see what sex they are, and know what they’re meant for. Other than the very rare occasion when an individual is born with both sets of chromosomes,
    Any other sexual deviation is strictly mental, and one way or another, is influenced by society. God didn’t create that way of thinking. All of those individuals who think that homosexuality is a good thing and a natural part of social behavior, does so because they deny the truth of Gods word, and don’t glorify him as God. Paul wrote of such people in the New Testament, and stated, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
    THATS THE TRUTH!!! The reason they can’t see what’s right or wrong, is because God has withdrawn himself
    from them.
    Now these deviant thinkers want to nullify Gods word, and thereby nullify God. As they reject Gods authority, put down his people, and go against the very nature of man, and, as the Bible says, (paraphrase) do-those
    things it is a shame to even speak of, they fall deeper and deeper into the grasp of the evil that seeks to destroy both God and man.

  • Mother nature and the universal laws of morality testify to what is proper and what is disgusting. The anatomy of the Male & female bodies clearly shows that they were designed to have sex and keep the human race in existence through procreation.

    Homosexuals have a higher rate of depression, drug abuse, panic attacks, low self esteem, rectal cancer, prostate cancer and a much higher rate of suicide when compared to normal straight men.

    When people deliberately go against and assault decency, innate morality, mother nature, and the universal laws of morality, the result is destructive and ruined lives.

    The West has betrayed decency, manliness and family values by glorifying and celebrating sexual degenerates. It’s no wonder that depression, mental illness and suicide is commonplace in the U.S. and the Western world.

  • I use to think what’s the big deal just let gays be gay but now I see the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and why homos are bad, gays and lesbians are ruining America and trying to impose there disgusting vile behavior on others and take away are freedom of speech. Russia is awesome

  • Being a Gay or a Lesbian is a terrifying mental disease…….its sucks having to come to know men have sex with men and women have sex with women. What are we trying to justify here by saying human rights? You can’t hide behind the curtain of Human Rights Barrier and indulge in silly stupid insane and inhumane act.

    Surely we respect human rights but certainly not such shameful actions. Its gives me goose bumps even trying to imagine same sex marriages….shame shame shame.

  • Your opinion is just that. who are you to say that putting a penis into a man’s anus is okay? If they think it is wrong, then it is wrong.

  • Yes, unfortunately the approximately three percent of the world’s population who are antihumans sick with dementia-antihuman (fake straight homophobes) want at all costs to eradicate all human life from the earth, especially in African countries, and Russians.
    The problem is that they manage to manipulate LGBT people with more bewildering lies than each other, which means that even if they are the real minority, they are strategically well placed,
    and thus manage to do extreme damage.

    • I did not find evidence of Marawi City laws that criminalize gay sex or crossdressing. Clearly, though, Marawi City is intensely homophobic.
      — Colin Stewart, editor of Erasing 76 Crimes

  • All are the same, claiming love but committing adultery!
    pure lust that has nothing to do with love and family

    … hell is waiting, good *uck.

    • It’s obvious that you don’t know same-sex couples who are in loving, committed relationships. There are many of them. If you knew them at all, you wouldn’t write as you do.

  • Hi
    i just like to say God is the judge let him decide not yourself
    Whether we do right or wrong
    Stop persecuting people because they are born different
    You were not born in my body so how do you know what’s it’s like to be born different ?
    Weather it’s gay lesbian bi trans eg
    Do you think because you are heterosexual you are perfect and not a sinner ?
    Stop persecuting people because they are different or have other ideas
    this start’s War’s
    We can accept if someone was born different Would you persecute somebody who was born disabled with a mental condition who was born different and the same goes for people that have been born with an identity or sexual difference
    Why do you then persecute somebody that is born different
    we all sin
    Jesus is the taker away of all sins
    Are you a sinner yourself ?
    have you sined apart from a sexual difference
    eg of being Homosexual
    We were not all born into this world of being perfect but to learn about the world and other people in it
    We also have to accept that at all different types of people in this world
    Also to love Jesus the son of God and God himself
    We are all sinners whether we do good or bad things
    Jesus stated those who have not sined should cast the last stone
    What we all need to understand is LOVE and LOVE GOD and also love thy neighbour no matter of their sexual difference
    We all have different ideas and all different religions and how we worship God
    i believe in freedom and expression
    We are not the judge only God is the judge of all things
    Let me say this again
    you will all be judged on the day of judgement by
    And all believers will share in the kingdom of heaven

  • Hi
    as of my previous statement i would also like to say
    If you believe in GOD through Jesus Christ
    then you should believe in Love and not Hate
    Peace and not War
    i also believe in freedom and expression
    and people having the right to live their lives as they choose for they will all be judged after death
    through God and Christ himself and all the angels
    and that there after the afterlife
    and not just on peoples sexual preference
    who says you can’t enter the kingdom of heaven as long as you are a believer in god through christ as Christ is all about forgiveness
    and a taker of all sins
    and we do not live in a perfect world where everybody is perfect but we are waiting to enter a perfect kingdom
    Let’s put people sexual preference to one side
    What about all the other sins people commit
    are you a siner yourself ?
    Have you been followeding the laws of God
    eg they’ll shall not murder
    They shall not commit adultery
    They shall not take the Lord God name in vain
    They shall not steal
    They shall not worship any other GOD
    eg eg
    and are you just taking your own sinful nature and unruly nature on other people
    So then why are you persecuting and judging other people
    You are just staring up hatred
    i hear of stories of people being persecuted killed and slaughtered in other countries
    for being just who they are
    this is murder and also a sin
    We do not have the right to kill and take another persons life
    We do not have the right to judge people on their sexual preference
    do you think just because you are a heterosexual you are perfect and not a sinner
    yourself ?
    you were not born into my body so how do you know what it’s like to be born different
    the only judge is God and Christ himself through them we will all be judged
    and i say all people ?
    God does not discriminate but sets
    laws through Moses himself
    Just leave people alone and let them decide the road they want to lead
    No matter what religion they are and how they worship or see God
    You are not God
    through peoples religious beliefs discrimination and racist point of views
    is why we have wars
    we do not live in a perfect world
    the only one who’s perfect is God
    and you are not God

  • I sincerely weep for the people/countries who boldly defend lesbian, gays etc. Like one comment above rightly said, “Biology is against you” . I can accept that they are helpless due to demonic manipulation. If I may ask, is it not the union of a male and female that gave birth to them? Will their union of male and male or female and female give birth to anything? How did the world get to this level of decadence that most Western nations publicly endorse this? Sincerely speaking “Sodormy” is the worst trick the devil has played on the human race. I am disappointed in how the civilized world have been cheaply deceived by the devil.

  • How is it that a discussion on gay human rights ends up involving god(s)? But if you want to make this intrinsic to the argument how do you acount for First Samuel in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible (Biblos = ‘book’ in Greek)?

    • I’m unsure what point you’re making about the message from First Samuel about Eli and Hannah as it relates somehow to the human rights of LGBTQ people.
      –Colin Stewart, editor

  • It’s good to see that roughly a third of the nations still have some common sense of decency regarding this “disgusting behaviour”, to quote the President of Uganda.

  • Most of you bible thumpers I’m assuming are poor. There’s an inverse relationship between wealth and religiosity. That has been seen over and over in the data. Hypothetically if the entire world’s population was finanicially comfortable, being religious would be an extremely rare anomoly. Wealthy people tend to be less religious and poor people tend to be more religious. Why? Because poverty is a chronic hardship and religion is the crutch that people lean on to deal with that hardship. If this life sucks, then there’s solace in deluding yourself that there’s something waiting for you on the other side (heaven). It’s no coincidence that the richest countries are the least religious and the poorest countries are the most religious. And no, the U.S. is not an exception as people like to point out. High GDP does not equate to individuals doing well financially and the U.S. has major problems with income inequality, poverty, and a shrinking middle class. “The opiate of the masses” is exactly the right expression about religion. All you religious nutcases, congrats on being good little sheep for the elites. That’s exactly what they want. The elites want you to cling to religion and especially the idea of heaven. Because if there’s a heaven, it devalues the importance of this life, which means you’ll be more complacent to accept sub-par circumstances and poor quality of life brought about by their greed-driven policies. And you’ll be less likely to challenge the status quo that benefits the global elites. The elites don’t want people to stop believing in heaven. Because then this life becomes all the more important and worth standing up for against their agenda. The role of religion in society has always been that of a tool, wielded by the ruling class to manipulate and pacify the peasants. There will come a time when religious zealotry will fall completely out of favor and future humans will be relieved to have gotten past this infantile stage of our evolution as a species. “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful”.

  • Well, being a biologist (not yet ordered to spread false agenda and not yet being threathened for telling the truth)and never religious, I do understand where what you call “hate for LGBTQ people” comes from, and it has nothing to do with actuall hate. Also, being “homophobic” has no ground in reality, because noone is afraid of gays, but shows a “negative and aggressive” affection toward them, which has nothing to do with fear, aka “phobia”. Nobody is afraid of gays, its just the impostorous nature they represent for a healthy socialized specie, which has to thank its socialising elements for itself that it has come so far in evolutionary process untill today, beacuse afterall, to ensure a healthy future of the specie, there are at least needed 2 subjects to achive this. There is no “one man” survival for any known biological specie we know so far, unless genetically predisposited as such. Even plants.

    And that is perfectly ok.

    What you call “hate” and “homophobia” is an actuall biological trait inprinted in any living biological specie individual we know so far. Its a defensive mechanism for sociologically driven specie, which ensures its (species) greatest chance to survive by GETTING RID of all anomalies, diseases, and other dysfunctionalities which would actually stop the specie to thrive on and to survive. Its actuall imprint in us, and it is good, beacuse it is needed. No false human moralities, no religions involved, no “phobias” involved, just the fact it exists for a reason, by a reason.
    As being “gay”, your actuall definition of you as a biological individual is a”dysfunctional degenerate”, beacuse you actually are a dysfunctional degenerate seeing from the point of species survival and future of itself. Dysfunctional beacuse, well, your are actually dysfunctional, beacuse you deny the “use” of your body parts for their purposes, which were gained through hard and long lasting evolutionary processes to have the right, to actually put them to their use, and a degenerate, beacuse you will not be capable to make your specie to continue and develop itself; this part is self explanatory I hope you understand.
    Notice gay people were “hated” from the dawn of our specie existed, and again, its not hate, its a privilege to protect your own specie against the disturbing factors, which could threaten your community to be endangered and self destructed in a period of evolutionary time. To shorten this up – as long as gays did exist, they were REMOVED in most brutal ways imaginable. Its a self explanatory circle of life. As long as disease exist, it will be battled and will be destroyed. Such is the way of reality, and its a good one, with a reason. Just this fact alone confirms the fact the gays should not be among us, not beacuse we hate them, but beacuse the “law of existance” has made a hard work and hard earned progress to threat em like it should treat them.
    When your body gets a deadly virus, a body does everything to get rid of it. In fact, the body developed and extraordinary mechanisms to battle any kind of disease known to body, and astoundingly, even battle the disease body never ever had experience with, but some other body had it. We are ONE, but in multiple individuals.
    Its the same with our (and any other) specie, it works together to achive the protection, to ensure it is healthy and goes on. You need to understand from just this example alone, why gays are treated as they are treated. Also by the example I mentioned before, that historically gays will be persecuted as long as they exist. And that is okay and good according to “rule of existance”.
    So, again, dont be ashamed if you can not tolerate gays, its your naturall right and an actuall trait, you can not get rid of, beacuse this trait took some “miles” to get implemented in you, and has a function, one of the MOST IMPORTANT functions you are not aware of, afterall, this function helped and established you as what you are, by therally following the evolutionary rule of establishing you in this reality. Its like someone would remove your feeling for when you get hungry, so you would not eat and die of the consequences. Its exactly the same with your “anger” spotting the dysfunctionality of your own kind. Without both, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE. Agree?
    So, dont give it up to people calling you “homophobe” or “religious” or what not, its just pshychological thing to destroy your right to tell the truth. The rule of existance pushes this mechanism with a reason, it has a long imprinted cause-effect truth to just deny it, beacuse if you deny the truth, you deny yourself and as history has shown so many times, it will escalate; and IT WILL STEP against it, as it should. As it is doing for as long as we know we exist.
    Just stating facts and TRUTH, I dont hate gays, dont “mark” me as someone bad and unnaceptable, just beacuse the truth is what you dont like. Truth is a fact, not an abomination. So dont get bothered from others saying you are the “bad” guy, beacuse you are not by countering gay agenda, its they who are bad for rising the agenda against common acceptable facts. Its them, who accept dysfunctional degeneracy as something normal, they are the “bad” guys, not you, trying to get rid of it. REMEMBER THIS very well, please.
    Dont let them destroy you what you are.
    Good luck my fellow society, eventually, as history has shown many times, there will actually be time you will need it, and it will make you prevail, as so many times already did. Beacuse, if it will not, its game over. Trust in existance, it will make you victorious and on the right path.

  • What about kleptomaniacs? They suffer from a psychological defect that makes them steal anything, mostly without value. There are cases of celebrities who go on shopping spree spending tens of thousands of dollars, but at the same shop they will go stealing something worthless like an eye-shadow pencil. When they get caught, they are punished. Why not free them and allow them to do what they have been oriented to do?
    What about nymphomaniacs and satyromaniacs , who have this hypersexual condition. Why is the law not frowning on marriage partners whose spouse suffer this defect and will have sex with anybody and at anytime, and so would want to end that marriage? If the law will not protect kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs and satyromaniacs, then it has no moral right to protect LGBTQ+.
    Why are vehicles with defects withdrawn from the system? If there is ever a good reason for that, then humans with defects, like LGBTQ+, must be withdrawn from the system and made right before allowing them back.

  • As much as I love people, I don’t support trends or social movements of any kind. Although it is true God loves all his children, he also makes it clear what he thinks about sexual immorality. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the very thing extremists in the LGBT community are doing today. This will happen again. He’s made it very clear throughout the Bible, especially Revelation, what will become of anyone following the lukewarm church and the practices of all the misconducts he’s listed that will keep them out of His Kingdom.

    Homophobia suggests there is a fear of people practicing homosexuality. Just because someone doesn’t support the LGBT and its beliefs doesn’t mean they’re afraid of it. They simply don’t support it because doing so is seen as a rebellion against God. If there was a choice between who they’re going to side with more between God and the expectations of the world, God will win every single time.
    At least this is the case among Christians, Jewish, and Muslims who remain steadfast to their faith. Are they in the wrong for doing so? In all honesty, that’s not your place to judge. That honor belongs to God only.

    I love people enough to want nothing but the best for them. The biggest problem we all face as human beings is we’re so bogged down with deception and expectations that too many can’t tell the difference between much of anything anymore. Among the nations that won’t support the LGBT community, I don’t hold that against them. At least they’re being honest about where they stand. As for some of the nations who do, what they claim to support and what they really support aren’t always the same thing. I’d be more nervous about nations and people who claim to support the LGBT community but deep down have something sinister in mind. I’m well aware those exist and it’s that bunch I’d be more concerned about than the 76 who already made it clear where they stand.

  • I definitely don’t agree with nor support particularly cultural homo BS. The jewish power structure that includes all anti-family sexuality and degenerate culture has done everything they can to make it impossible for normal people to have normal families. Why would I ever feel sorry for someone who wanted something different when I can’t have what I want in my own life? I just wanted to have a normal family, and the jewnited states has outright criminalized being normal with their mainstreaming of adultery and divorce, things that plainly ought not to be allowed under any circumstances. The “west” is pure evil and a cancer on this earth, and postmodernism is nothing but death with a wrapper on it. I will not stop trying to have a normal life, but it looks like the whole rest of the world loves being world banker slaves, and I’ll probably be stuck alone or get abused if I ever try to get with a woman. Nice job on adding child mutilation and brainwashing to the list of horrors, also. What a nightmare planet.

    • I hope you will eventually be able to have and enjoy a normal life. Ridding yourself of hatred, fear, homophobia, xenophobia and anti-semitism might be a good way to start.
      — Colin Stewart, editor of Erasing 76 Crimes.

  • There is a difference between “homosexuality” and “homosexuality”. I don’t mind if someone is gay because you can’t choose what your heart feels. But what I hate is when they do their rainbow marches and try to show others their orientation. Straight people don’t do marches, so why do gay people do them? Also, I’m quite surprised that homosexuality is illegal in the Central American islands, especially Grenada and Jamaica! Religion is behind all the hate.

  • Punishment will occur for the people who will not stop their love affairs with same sex. This punishment comes from the creator of the universe. In the case some of them are willing to stop those affairs and turn to God, learn New Testament in the Holy Bible and be saved through faith in Jesus Christ who paid the price for all sins of those who believe in Him.

  • God? You know I’m a universalist who doesn’t believe in hell. Even for these homophobic brainless.

    But if I was ever wrong and have to go there, please let me take them with me. For they’ve made the sin of wrath and judgment and they do not deserve heaven any more than I do.


    p.s. Also I still hate you just for sending me here.

  • honestly people need to get over others being a part of the lgbt community. what to you really annoys you that someones kissing the same gender, changing their gender, not identifying in the gender binaries, getting comfortable with themselves and who they are, not being sexually or romantically attracted to someone. none of these things are abnormal, theyre all valid, i dont care what anyone says. you dont have to generally like people that are a part of the lgbt, but have some basic human decency and show respect to everyone regardless of your religion, culture, beliefs, opinions, treat them like normal people in society, because they are. use the correct pronouns, use the correct names, accept them openly anywhere and everywhere.

    – from your local lesbian

  • There is a recent story in the news of two gay men that were attacked and killed by a wild mob in the country of Cameroon in central Africa. But who they think they’re as if they are God to lynch these two men for their homosexual acts. What happened to these men is just sad, and there should never be any justification for a mob attack as they have no right to kill them. Nope, shalt not kill is in the Bible and same for the Koran. Nope, it is not for them to judge these men on their lustful sin with other men but only by God. There should be a law and for the police to stop this madness of any public killings in any country as this is a crime of murder. Nope, no one is above the law on any killing of any individuals and as such should be brought to justice for willful murders of gays generally.


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