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Abused Nigerian ‘gay pastor’ hits back with his own video

Abused Nigerian ‘gay pastor’ hits back with his own video

A Nigerian pastor has gone online to deny the allegations of men who recently stripped him naked, accused him of homosexuality, and posted a humiliating video clip of him online.

Prophet David Ifeanyi Calistus Ezeayinche.

That video clip went viral, showing the preacher from Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra state being interrogated and abused by several men about his sexual orientation. (See “Gay pastor in Nigeria stripped naked by homophobes.”)  In the video, the pastor acknowledged that he was gay.

But this time, the case is different. The religious leader, who identified himself as Prophet David Ifeanyi Calistus Ezeayinche, has uploaded his own video telling his own version of what transpired between him and the men who interrogated and humiliated him.

In the new video, he denies the allegations, claiming that he was blackmailed by ex-members of his church whom he had expelled. He was under duress throughout the videotaped interrogation, he says.

In the new video he says:

“It come to our notice, as various pictures and videos spread all over the world about a particular case of homosexual, and I came to tell you is a scandal, and is a group of boys from the church, which the church drove out, they conspired against the man of God to extort money and they kidnapped me. And if you watch the video very well a condom was thrown. You will see somebody with a machete. It was under duress — do or die. I have no option than to say such thing like that.”

Mike Daemon comments:

See Also
Anita Among, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda. (Photo courtesy of NTV)

The pastor might be trying to control the damage caused by the incident, or he could be telling the truth about what really happened. Whatever the case, a crime was committed.

Blackmail, jungle justice and all forms of abuse toward people on the basis of their sexual orientation (real or perceived) are crimes and human rights violations.

Watch the video below.

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View Comments (2)
  • I don’t give fuck about if this man is a homosexual or not, he is a human being, and deserves as a human being to be respected for who he is and what he is! And that he claims to be a religious leader, his problem! When there is an African culture condemning homosexuality then that culture is sickening, backward and fit for being labeled as simply too stupid to be considered of any value! BUT, and history tells us, there is no African Culture that condemns homosexuality, there are only haters and scumbags who invented this so-called African Culture against homosexuality! Creatures who do nothing better then rape, blackmail and torture other people for what they are: human beings who are loving other people, nothing more and nothing less! African leaders who condemn homosexuality and persecute homosexual people are nothing more then idiots who lack knowledge, intelligence and awareness of facts! I even will go as far as saying that these so-called leaders are fakes, are instigators of hate, and most certainly they are the lowest of the lowest creatures around, who deserve nothing less then to be thrown out of their expensive palaces, back into the jungle were they belong! It is time that people in the western world become aware of these so-called leaders who abuse other human beings, and to end the aid to countries were homosexuality is still a crime! We are living in the 21st century, and we no longer live in times were monkeys ruled the world! Although some act as if they have not developed any further then being monkeys! Even the primates have been developing further then most of the African leaders! My opinion!

  • Great comment, and I can add that hate and war has always been, as one force tries to dictate and force others into their own belief’s, not realizing we all are different in many ways, in everything we are and do… There has always been same sex attraction, and will always be and people need to accept this and move on with love, peace and prosperity. I may add, that I have never found in history where a gay person started wars or harmed their fellow man, as that is the nature of straight people ?

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