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Homophobe of the Week: Uhuru Kenyatta

Homophobe of the Week: Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta is the recipient of this blog’s Homophobe of the Week Award on the basis of his statement that gay rights are “of no importance.”

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta: Gay rights are "of no importance."
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta: Gay rights are “of no importance.”

Kenyan courts are currently weighing whether to overturn the nation’s repressive colonial-era anti-sodomy law, but in an interview with Christiane Amanpour of CNN: , Kenyatta claimed that gay rights are “of no importance in Kenya.”

He refused to talk about the human rights of LGBTI people, stating:
“I won’t engage in a subject that is of no importance to the people of Kenya. This is not an issue of human rights, this is an issue of our own base as a culture, as a people regardless of which community you come from.”


Kenyatta edged out the following nominees for Homophobe of the Week. Each of them deserved similar dishonor:

In Jamaica, provocateur Orville Taylor, who claims that former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller must not have been thinking, so must have made a made knee-jerk response when she said gays could serve in her cabinet.

See Also

In California, gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen, who claims that an anti-“gay conversion” bill would ban sales of the Bible.
Police in three countries also were in the running for dishonor:
 In Malawi, police in Mzuzu arrested a man on suspicion of “being gay,” despite the nation’s moratorium on enforcement of its anti-gay law.
In Imo State in Nigeria, a homophobic mob seized two allegedly gay men, stripped them and paraded them through the streets. In response, police arrested the two victims.
In Dschang in Cameroon, police arrested five activists who are suspected of being gay because they are fighting for LGBT rights and against AIDS. As of today, the men have been behind bars for 11 days without specific charges.


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  • And how important is mister Kenyatta? He’s a nothing, a representative of a culture that is based on profiting of western aid, while whoring around when staying in 5-star hotels visiting meetings in the west! Mister Kenyatta, go back were you came from, the jungle and stay there! What a sicko!

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