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Protest over Tunisia's 20th homophobia-fueled murder

Protest over Tunisia's 20th homophobia-fueled murder

Shams logo
Logo of the Tunisian LGBT rights group Shams. (In Arabic, “Shams” means “sun.”)

In response to the murder of a hairdresser in northwestern Tunisia, the advocacy group Shams last week urged the Tunisian government to protect the LGBT community against violent homophobia. It was the country’s 20th homophobic murder since the Tunisian Revolution that launched the Arab Spring in 2010, according to Shams, which advocates the repeal of Tunisia’s anti-LGBT law.

The online news site reported:

Homophobic murder in Kef; hairdresser tortured and murdered

Salih’s body was found at his home on the night of 13-14 September 2017. He was tortured before being killed.

The body of the young man, about thirty years old and owner of a hairdressing salon for ladies at Kef, bore several blows and injuries, in particular to the neck, and fractures to the skull.

Salah, who was murdered in Kef, Tunisia (Photo courtesy of
Salih, who was murdered in Kef, Tunisia (Photo courtesy of

The Shams association, defending the rights of homosexuals, denounced this heinous crime and noted that relatives of the victim confirmed that it was a homophobic crime.

A suspect was arrested who had reproached Salih for his homosexuality.

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Eden Knight (Photo courtesy of the BBC)

“Shams expresses its extreme indignation at the plight of the members of the homosexual community in Tunisia and calls on the government to take action to protect homosexual citizens against this homophobic fury,” the organization stated.

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View Comment (1)
  • Shame, Shame, Shame on these countries who do not respect life of all people. Diversity is what makes a country great, just look around you there, and look at the greatest countries in the world, and you will find all of them have a diverse society of people who respect the rights of all.

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