Eric O. Lembembe
Cameroon: Slain activist mourned; the fight continues
Pleas for justice and health in gay-bashing Cameroon
LGBT Cambodian activist, slain Cameroonian honored
Strategy: Let's stop simply preaching to the gay choir
Slain LGBT activist's work survived his murder
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and Eric Lembembe
LGBT rights in 2013: Don't forget gains amid losses
Cameroon tally of repression on Human Rights Day
Much talk, a little action on LGBT rights worldwide
'Too little international outcry when LGBT champions are killed'
Africans seek protection for LGBT Africans, and you can help
How Cameroon locals, others paid for slain LGBT leader's funeral
Cameroon: Final adieu to humorous activist, now murdered
Hundreds mourn murdered LGBT activist in Cameroon
LGBT protest surge vs. Russia, Cameroon, Jamaica
Amid protests for Russian gays, remember Africa too
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Strategy: Let's stop simply preaching to the gay choir