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Nov. 9 invitation: Gather to support trial of anti-gay pastor

Nov. 9 invitation: Gather to support trial of anti-gay pastor

Anti-gay Pastor Scott Lively (Photo courtesy of
Anti-gay Pastor Scott Lively (Photo courtesy of
[Republished] Opponents of the work of anti-gay evangelist Scott Lively are hoping for a courtroom full of LGBTI rights supporters on Wednesday, Nov. 9, the rescheduled date for the next court hearing in the case against Lively on charges of crimes against humanity.

The federal lawsuit against Lively was filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). Lively is accused of crimes against humanity for his role in the persecution of LGBTI people in Uganda, in particular for being an active participant in a conspiracy to strip away their fundamental rights.

Lively helped to create Uganda’s original “Kill the Gays” bill. After being stripped of its original language calling for the death penalty for homosexual activity, the Anti-Homosexuality Act was passed by Ugandan parliament in late 2013, signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni in early 2014, and was overturned in August 2014 by Uganda’s Constitutional Court.

In the process, an anti-homosexuality fever swept over Uganda, ruining many lives and leading hundreds of LGBT Ugandans to seek refuge in Kenya, where many are still stuck in poverty and despair.

Logo of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)
Logo of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)

The case at the U.S. District Court in Springfield, Mass., will be the first time that anyone stands trial in the United States for crimes against humanity committed in a foreign country. The case will test whether LGBTI rights activists can succeed in pressing legal charges against extremist American evangelists who have been exporting hate and fostering virulent homophobia in countries outside the U.S.

The United States First Circuit Court denied Lively’s appeal to have the case dismissed.

This is the Center for Constitutional Rights invitation to attend the hearing:

Court Hearing in SMUG v. Lively

Logo of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Logo of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Please save the date and pack the court for oral argument on motions for summary judgment in SMUG v. Lively, a federal lawsuit in which CCR represents Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). SMUG is a non-profit LGBTI advocacy organization in Uganda, and they are suing Scott Lively, a U.S.-based anti-gay extremist, for his role in the persecution of LGBTI people in Uganda; in particular his active participation in the conspiracy to strip away their fundamental rights.

Please save the date and consider packing the court with us. We suggest bringing ID and arriving about 30-60 minutes early in order to get through security.

See Also
Human rights lawyer Alice Nkom, who founded the Association for the Defence of Homosexual Rights (ADEFHO), is seen in her office in Douala, Cameroon. (Zacharie Ngnogue photo courtesy of The Canadian Press)

Click the image to read the full, accurate, comic-strip-style presentation of “The Case Against Scott Lively,” the anti-gay American pastor who is being sued in federal court for human rights abuses.

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 11:00am
Location: U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, 300 State Street, Suite 120, Springfield, MA 01105

Don’t miss:

Comic-strip-style preview of serious Ugandan human rights case (September 2016 and February 2014,

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Related article and videos of Scott Lively:


View Comment (1)
  • Scott Lively is a hero. He and every pastor have a right to FREE SPEECH and to warn nations about the end result of allowing homosexuals to recruit children into a lifestyle that destroys them spiritually and physically. He never advocated any violence and this case should have been dismissed immediately. Really it is the homosexual lifestyle that has killed millions of young people in Africa and the world via AIDS. A country has a right to protect itself against an aggressive worldwide LGBTQ movement. Thank you for standing up to the homosexual mafia, Rev. Lively, we are praying for you!

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