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Face-paint protest against 76+ countries’ anti-gay laws

Face-paint protest against 76+ countries’ anti-gay laws

Invitation to face painting protest. (Photo courtesy of Vince Laws)
Invitation to face painting protest. (Photo courtesy of Vince Laws)

Gay-rights activists in England are planning a Feb. 1 protest against anti-homosexuality laws in 76+ countries listed in the “Erasing 76 Crimes” blog.

As part of the B.Right.On LGBT Festival in Brighton, “76 faces will be painted to highlight that homosexuality remains BANNED in 76 countries throughout the world. Each face will be painted with the name of a country as listed on the 76 Crimes website,” Gscene reports.

The 76 painted faces will be photographed and filmed:

The event will be filmed during the artistic launch of the Vince Laws show, I Am A Poem, at Brighton’s Jubilee Library on Friday, February 1 from 7-9pm which is the curtain raiser for this years LGBT History Month events.

To take part, turn up for 7pm at the Jubilee Library. …

Everyone’s face will be painted in the first hour. You can help face paint each other with the name of one of the 76 countries where homos are illegal using MAC eyeliner pencils in bright red, which will be supplied by the organiser.

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This will be followed by a photo call at 8pm with all 76 faces being photographed under a huge sign that says BANNED and a 30-minute performance with poetry a choir, queer calypsos, and much much more…

Face wipes will be provided so you can wipe off the face paint [afterwards.]

Participants can choose a particular country to represent; otherwise, names will be picked out of a hat.

For more information, email organizer Vince Laws at

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