Robert Mugabe
LGBT in Zimbabwe: A glimmer of hope
Zimbabwe update: Stigma, HIV and its new president
Under a hidden rainbow, Zimbabwean gays celebrate the power of film
Zimbabwe politician: I would end LGBT persecution
Tally of LGBTI rights, wrongs in 29 sub-Saharan countries
Archbishop to Mugabe: Anti-gay laws are wrong
Homophobic Zimbabwe obstructs anti-Aids workshop
’10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay’
Zimbabwe inches toward battling HIV among LGBT people
U.S. vs. ‘Dictators’ Club’ of anti-gay African strongmen
Why African leaders attack gays; is gay genocide next?
Mugabe threatens gays; LGBT Zimbabweans respond
Zimbabwe: Preacher, don’t spew anti-gay bias
Zimbabwe police again raid LGBT rights meeting
In Zimbabwe, Mugabe resumes his gay-bashing
Confronting a fearful future, some gay Zimbabweans flee
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’10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay’