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Podcast seeks help telling stories of LGBTIQ Nigerians

Podcast seeks help telling stories of LGBTIQ Nigerians

Logo of the No Strings podcast
Logo of the No Strings podcast. (Click image to visit its fundraising site.)

No Strings, the Nigerian LGBTIQ podcast, is seeking support for its efforts to maintain and expand its coverage of the lives of the persecuted sexual minorities of Nigeria.

In a fundraising campaign on the Generosity crowdfunding site, No Strings founder and podcast host Mike Daemon states:

It’s a new year, marking another beginning of hard work for us here at NoStrings.

Let’s start by introducing the project:

NoStrings Podcast is a Nigerian LGBTIQ Advocacy Media Project that uses journalistic approaches to capture, investigate and report issues concerning the Nigerian LGBTIQ Community, seeking to educate and inform the general public about the subject of homosexuality in Nigeria, thus, giving the community its own unique true voice.

We are therefore using this opportunity to seek for support for NoStrings, as it is never easy operating under the tight homophobic condition here in Nigeria, with very little and limited financial assistance coming from individuals who believe and support the project.

We are seeking support to be able to continue with the NoStrings project, we will need help with the following:

Detail of the No Strings website.
Detail of the No Strings website.
  • Website upgrade: (We will soon run out of bandwidth as our listenership base has increased)
  • Buy a new additional podcast Microphone: (this is needed for live in-house recordings)
  • Production Speakers / Headphones:  (This will be used to master sound during its final stages of mixing and mastering podcast episodes)
  • 12-months Internet Data Subscription: (this will enable us continue to monitor our activities, upload episodes on our website and our other social media platforms)

We have estimated that $500 will take care of all the listed items above.

Whatever you can do, please do to help NoStrings continue to do more!!!

See Also
Project Not Alone, supported by readers' donations and the work of activist journalists at Erasing 76 Crimes, frees imprisoned victims of African homophobia.

The Generosity site also reveals a bit about Daemon himself:

Mike Daemon is a Nigerian activist, with a passion in LGBTIQ rights activism, serving as the founder, host and the project coordinator for NoStrings, currently holding certifications in both journalism and broadcasting, with an extensive knowledge in the media.

For more information:

The No Strings podcasts, which can be streamed or downloaded, provide a voice for the LGBTIQ community in  Nigeria; they are the first of their kind in Nigeria. They are presented in the form of a traditional radio program that  chronicles the struggles, tells the stories, and reports on issues affecting the lives of LGBTIQ Nigerians.

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