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Three-year jail sentence for six Tunisian youths

Three-year jail sentence for six Tunisian youths

From Tunisia, reports (in French):

In Tunisia, Kairouan is located about 150 kilometers (100 miles) south of Tunis. (Map courtesy of
In Tunisia, Kairouan is located about 150 kilometers (100 miles) south of Tunis. (Map courtesy of

On Dec. 10, 2015, a court in Kairouan [Kirwan or al-Qayrawan] sentenced six youths from Rakkada [Raqqada] to the maximum 3 years imprisonment provided by the Penal Code’s Article 230 [Tunisia’s law against sodomy]; again, discredited anal tests were used as evidence.

The court also convicted one of the defendants of  indecent assault because his computer allegedly contained some movies deemed immoral.

More seriously, a 5-year prohibition on returning  home to Kairouan was imposed on the six, starting after the completion of their prison sentences.

See Also
Anita Among, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda. (Photo courtesy of NTV)

You may read the entire French language article here: « Misère de la lutte anti-homophobie en Tunisie » .

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