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Somali man fears for his life after being outed at work

Somali man fears for his life after being outed at work

A life lived with fear at home and at work

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Mohsen (pseudonym), a 25-year-old gay Somali man, wrote to Erasing 76 Crimes to seek help. We have no means to verify the specifics of his heart-rending account, but it is similar to what many gay Africans undergo.

If anyone has helpful suggestions, please put them in comments under this article.


My name is Mohsen, 25 year old and I am gay.

My family and my friends do not know that. Do you  know what it feels  to hide your feelings for more than ten years?  I can’t touch a woman — no one from my family sees me talking to a girl  that’s why my family suspects me.  One day I met a wonderful man, a kind and gentle person. He loves me very much. I fell in love with him while I was in Mogadishu. We used to meet secretly. My family, Somali government and the Islamic Youth Movement  are against homosexuals.

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Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo


Somalia's location in Africa.
Somalia’s location in Africa.

As a cook  I was at work  and an order came quickly so I had to go and serve him. I forgot my unlocked phone on the table.  One of my friends saw a conversation of  my boyfriend. When he saw me he threw my phone at me and yelled at me after seeing  Gay pictures.  Thereafter  he started threatening  me and tells my friends at work …. I was afraid for the news spread quickly.  So I stayed at home

This happened two weeks ago many people know that I am gay.  I’m very scared  for  the Islamic Youth Movement will know that I am gay They will kill me.   If my father finds out he will kill me or any of my uncles.  Now I don’t go to work, I don’t go out.  I am in a Muslim country and everyone will hate me.  Even my mother will hate me and disown me. Please help me,

I beg you please save my life….There is one more thing I cannot talk to a Somali man because he is a Muslim.  If I tell him I’m a gay I need help He won’t help me He will even tell the police. There are religious organizations that are proud of killing homosexuals If they find out about me, they will kill me .  Please save me. I cannot sleep and I can’t eat. I’m very scared and terrified.

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