LGBTI rights in the Caribbean: Losing to win
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

June 10, 2016 — Today the Caribbean Court of Justice denied my application for a declaration that the laws of Belize and Trinidad & Tobago, which ban the entry of homosexuals, violate my right to free movement in CARICOM [the 15-nation Caribbean Community].
However, the court made it clear that as a homosexual I must be allowed the right of entry into both countries AND that the states should act to repeal the laws which create confusion for CARICOM travel.
This provide some clarity for Caribbean LGBTI people. As a result of the novel nature of the case, the court denied Belize’s application for me to pay their legal costs. So, all in all I am OK with the verdict.
There is no possibility of appealing the judgement, so it is now time for the states to act.
Related articles:
- Executive summary of the CCJ decision (June 10, 2016)
- Caribbean Court of Justice dismisses gay travel ban case: Court says that law, while discriminatory, not used in practice (June 10, 2016, Canada-based Daily Xtra)
- CCJ dismisses case filed by gay J’can (June 10, 2016, Jamaica Observer)
- Caribbean Court of Justice dismisses case filed noted LBGT activist (June 10, 2016, Trinidad Express)
- Activists go head-to-head with unaware Trinidad boosters (August 2015,
- Hearings conclude over homosexual travel ban in Caribbean (March 2015,
- Hearings begin over LGBT rights to travel in Caribbean (March 2015,
- My selfish reasons for fighting Jamaican homophobia’ (March 2015,
- Death threats won’t stop Jamaican LGBT advocate (April 2015,
- Caribbean fight to end 2 countries’ ban on gay travel (June 2013,
This is a win Maurice. Congratulations and thank you.D Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. From: 76 CRIMESSent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:14 AMTo: ddouglas@ocasi.orgReply To: 76 CRIMESSubject: [New post] LGBTI rights in the Caribbean: Losing to win
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Maurice Tomlinson posted: ”
June 10, 2016 — Today the Caribbean Court of Justice denied my application for a declaration that the laws of Belize and Trinidad & Tobago, which ban the entry of homosexuals, violate my right to free movement in CARICOM [the 15-nation Caribbean “