Truth, homosexuality, Christianity: a talk with Stephen Lovatt
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Merely putting the words homosexuality and Christianity together creates controversy. Many people claim that homosexuality equals filth, sin, immorality, and that one can never be a Christian homosexual.
Clearly, certain texts in the Christian scriptures have over the years been used to condemn homosexuality and, with a large percentage of the world’s population being Christian, that has made things indeed difficult for LGBT persons who often suffer condemnation from people who identify as Christians.

Seeking the facts about homosexuality and Christianity, the No Strings podcasts joined up with Dr. Stephen Lovatt, a British writer of philosophy, theology and poetry, to discuss these issues from a Catholic perspective. We also used his powerful, mind-blowing book: “Faithful to the Truth: How to be an orthodox gay Catholic.”
In the interview, Lovatt said:
“In brief, the book deconstructs all the arguments made to the effect that being gay is contrary to being a Catholic. It shows that they are all based on ignorance and prejudice and that neither the Bible, nor Catholic tradition, nor any sound philosophical analysis, supports such an assertion.
“The book goes on to outline a better way of looking at ‘love, sex and friendship’ that shows how marriage is really a sacrament and one that is open to all who have a concern to grow together in holiness and love.”
The podcast also deals with these questions:
- Did the Christian God really destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality?
- What is the Bible’s view of homosexuality?
- What does the Bible say about marriage, intimacy and sex?
- Who is a homosexual?
- Is there anything truly wrong with being gay?
To listen to the interview, click HERE.
To get Lovatt’s book from Amazon, click HERE.
The No Strings podcasts, which can be streamed or downloaded, provide a voice for the LGBTIQ community in Nigeria; they are the first of their kind in Nigeria. They are presented in the form of a traditional radio program that chronicles the struggles, tells the stories, and reports on issues affecting the lives of LGBTIQ Nigerians.
Mike Daemon is the pseudonym of the founder and presenter of the No Strings podcasts, based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Erasing 76 Crimes blog helps to support the podcasts’ online distribution. To listen to past podcasts or to look for future ones, visit the No Strings website.
More on homosexuality and Christianity in this blog:
- New booklet: ‘Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality’
- Seethingly angry at anti-gay distortions of Christian teachings
- What African LGBTs can learn from Tata Mandela
- Easter reflections on Christians who crucify LGBT people
- LGBT Christians in Africa: A prime focus for new videos
- Nigerian film maker: ‘Yes! You can be an LGBTIQ Christian’
Previous No Strings interview with Stephen Lovatt:
- Nigeria: Why the West keeps its hands off (July 4, 2015,
Related articles on this blog about other No Strings podcasts:
- Nigerian teen came out to family, now regrets it (Feb. 15, 2016)
- Bisexuals in Nigeria: ‘We are not cheats!’ (Jan. 29, 2016)
- 2 failures: Priest, witch doctor try to ‘cure’ gay man (Jan. 7, 2016)
- To hell (and back!) with a gay Nigerian student (Jan. 3, 2016)
- Gay youth now homeless in Nigeria after entrapment (Dec. 24, 2015)
- Gay man trapped, beaten in Nigeria, where it’s too common (Dec. 14, 2015)
- Coming out in Nigeria: ‘Hate, isolation, loneliness may come’ (Nov. 24, 2015)
- Gay Nigerian: ‘My mum is still very much devastated’ (Nov. 3, 2015)
- Focus of Nigerian podcast: Gains and pains of coming out (Oct. 21, 2015)
- ‘Veil of Silence’: When LGBTI Nigerians spoke out (Sept. 30, 2015)
- Behind the scenes: Filming a British-Nigerian gay love story (Sept. 9, 2015)
- Denial, prayer, fasting — growing up LGBTIQ in Nigeria (Aug. 27, 2015)
- A life in Nigeria: ‘Discovered, abandoned, depressed’ (Aug. 18, 2015)
- Podcast exposes attack on LGBTI Nigerians at hotel (Aug. 11, 2015)
- LGBTI depression — topic for latest Nigerian podcast (Aug. 1, 2015)
- Relationship problems: Topic of Nigerian LGBTIQ podcast (July 24, 2015)
- Nigerian podcast: I was outed, jailed, bailed, shunned (June 15, 2015)
- Hate, gender non-conformity: Topics of Nigerian podcast (June 5, 2015)
- Nigerian podcast, website join fight against homophobia (May 22, 2015)
It takes a tremendous amount of verbal, linguistic and scriptural gymnastics to make the bible say it does not condemn homosexuality. To be a Christian homosexual is an oxymoron.