39 Commonwealth nations still have anti-LGBTI laws
January 4, 2016
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Among the 53 nations in the Commonwealth of countries that formerly belonged to the British Empire, the following 39 still have anti-homosexuality laws, which first were imposed by the British. Worldwide, 79+ countries have anti-homosexuality laws.
The following list includes links to this blog’s coverage of them.
- Botswana
- Cameroon
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
- Sierra Leone
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Zambia
Lesotho was formerly on the list, but it has adopted a new Penal Code that apparently eliminates the nation’s former common-law crime of sodomy.
- Antigua & Barbuda
- Barbados
- Belize
- Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law.”)
- Grenada
- Guyana
- Jamaica
- St Kitts & Nevis
- St Lucia
- St Vincent & the Grenadines
- Trinidad & Tobago
Former members of the Commonwealth
These African nations — formerly part of the British Empire — have maintained anti-homosexuality laws but have withdrawn from the Commonwealth:
- The Gambia (withdrew in 2013)
- Zimbabwe (withdrew in 2003)
Related articles
- Commonwealth: Maybe talk about LGBTI rights in 2018? (December 2015, 76crimes.com)
- Protesters seek to end LGBTI repression in Commonwealth (November 2015, 76crimes.com)
- Activists to U.K.: Fight harder vs. global LGBT persecution (June 2015, 76crimes.com)
- Queen honors LGBTI leader seeking change in Barbados (January 2015, 76crimes.com)
- ‘Umbrellas of Love’ for Commonwealth’s LGBT outcasts (July 2014, 76crimes.com)
- India turns back the clock, restores anti-gay law (December 3013, 76crimes.com)
- Homosexuality illegal in 41 out of 53 Commonwealth countries – report (November 2013, The Guardian)
The 42 Commonwealth Nations where being gay can land you in prison (August 2013, Pink News)