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Boycott Jamaica to push for an end to anti-gay attacks?

Boycott Jamaica to push for an end to anti-gay attacks?

This article first appeared in the blog Dadland Shut Up with the headline “Jamaica Boycott Or Not? A Question For Canadians.”

Sheila Sealy Monteith, Jamaica's high commissioner in Canada. (Photo courtesy of
Sheila Sealy Monteith, Jamaica’s high commissioner in Canada. (Photo courtesy of

Boycotts are very blunt instruments that one uses to get attention. They should be used sparingly or they can do more harm than good. I only recommend that they be resorted to when there is no other way to get the intended party to take you seriously.

Jamaica was the first country to impose sanctions on South Africa over apartheid. And while our financial impact on bringing about the end of that dreadful system must have been minuscule, a boycott of Jamaica by Global North countries over our treatment of LGBT persons would be devastating. The country is right now in a very precarious financial situation and a lot is riding on the upcoming winter tourist season. That much was made clear by the Jamaican High Commissioner to Canada when I met with her [Aug. 23]. I understand that Canada is Jamaica’s fastest-growing tourism market and very soon Canadians will start researching their winter vacation destinations.

The Caribbean region has certainly seen some territories make amazing strides regarding inclusiveness and tolerance. Cuba (always a very popular destination for Canadian tourists and only 90 miles from Jamaica) has held very flashy gay pride parades. Curacao will hold its first Pride march soon and all the Dutch Islands recognize same-sex marriages, even if a few still will not perform them. The French islands now perform same-sex marriages, and the British territories (Bermuda, Cayman, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, etc.) have very progressive anti-discrimination laws. Puerto Rico is also set to pass sweeping anti-discrimination legislation. All of these islands still have a ways to go in terms of full LGBT equality. However, the governments have laid the foundation for this equality to be realized.

And then there is Jamaica.

Dwayne Jones, also known as "Gully Queen." (Photo courtesy of Minority-Insight)
Dwayne Jones, also known as “Gully Queen.” (Photo courtesy of Minority-Insight)

In the past month, Jamaica has seen a spate of anti-gay violence that the government would rather we not talk about. These include the barbaric murder of 17 year-old cross-dresser, Dwayne Jones at a public street dance near the popular resort town of Montgeo Bay on July 22. A female member of Dwayne’s church alerted the crowd that Dwayne was biologically male. A mob quickly formed and they stabbed and shot Dwayne to death before tossing his body in nearby bushes. They then went on dancing. The police found Dwayne’s body at 5 a.m. the next morning.

Instead of accepting its role in eliminating this sort of homophobic violence through the active promotion and protection of human rights for LGBT citizens, the current government thinks we are simply bad-mouthing the country when we merely repeat what the local media are already reporting. Sadly, even some Jamaican LGBT groups think we should downplay the violence so that we can encourage gays to come out. Needless to say I find that approach unethical. If we misrepresent the situation and gays DO come out and are HURT, we would be at fault. Instead, we must provide full details about the likelihood for anti-gay attacks and allow gay Jamaicans to make informed choices. But, I digress.

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Dancers in Virginia take part in CWS's 2023 celebration of refugees' contributions. (Daniel Lin photo courtesy of the Daily News-Record)

In fairness to the current government of Jamaica, they have made some positive statements in response to attacks on LGBT Jamaicans. However, I rather suspect that even these were coerced and were NOT a function of any genuine concern for Jamaican gays. Be that as it may, the laws of Jamaica still heavily discriminate against homosexuals and the government has consistently failed or refused to actively promote respect for the human rights of LGBT citizens. This reticence/refusal is out of deference to the island’s powerful fundamentalist churches. These churches are currently compiling a petition to prove to the Jamaican Parliament that they “have the numbers” to prevent a repeal of the archaic anti-sodomy law. What is ironic is that these SAME churches howl in protest when other groups use their strength of numbers and resources to press for LGBT rights recognition in Jamaica.

As a sovereign country, Jamaica has every right to determine its own laws. And, as a private individual, you have the right to support a country that reflects your views. So, would you wish to spend your money in support of a country whose government steadfastly refuses to repeal laws that discriminate against gays, and whose society and economy marginalize and victimize LGBT individuals? OR would you rather your money went to support a nation that shared your own values of inclusion and respect for human diversity? This is a deliberately loaded question. How do you think we can get the Jamaican government’s attention? How can we get them to take LGBT rights seriously?

The choice is yours. Please let me know what you will be doing this winter season, and why. Better yet, please let the Jamaican High Commission in Ottawa know. Their email address is:

View Comments (6)
  • I am a gay Canadian. I travel internationally, but a Jamaican vacation has been out of the question because of its anti-gay murder music and the government’s failure to do anything to stop widespread anti-gay violence, not to mention its failure to repeal the sodomy law.

    I would also support a boycott of Jamaican products. Certainly, any gay bar that boycotts Russian vodka should also boycott Jamaican rum.


  • Let’s identify the real problem here – it’s gay MEN that are persecuted not lesbians. ALL black countries persecute gay (usually white) men while strangely accepting lesbians. It’s time to address black homophobia worldwide.

    • Dear Joshua,
      Thanks for the comment. Still, I’m sure that you overstate the situation. Not all “black countries” persecute gay men. And lesbians definitely don’t escape persecution.
      — Colin Stewart, editor of this blog.

      • You say that but look at the law in Jamaica; a practicing gay man can be jailed for up to 10 years yet this doesn’t apply to lesbians. Also listen to the lyrics by openly homophobic reggae artists that preach violence against “batty boys” and “mr faggoty” with no mention of homosexual females. Countries like Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Caribbean have an abundance of outspoken black lesbians which they seem to tiptoe around. This I believe makes it as much of a men’s rights issue as a homophobic one.

  • Well, as a black GAY male, IM SOO GLAD I’ve NEVA spent any of my hard earned dollas trying to visit their country, OR ANYTHING JAMAICAN!!!!! I bet i dont, I BET I NEVA!! BANG??,BANG????

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