Uganda challenger Bobi Wine supports gay rights
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Popular singer and Ugandan presidential challenger Bobi Wine (Robert Kyagulanyi) this week spoke out in defense of LGBT rights, an issue that divides Ugandan voters.

PMI Daily reported on Wine’s statement:
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine’s remarks about homosexuals has drawn mixed views from Ugandans on social media.
While appearing on South African Broadcast Corporation (SABC) on Wednesday, Bobi Wine said whereas he does not agree with homosexuals, he respects their rights.
“I believe that one has the responsibility of guarding the rights of all citizens of those who are like you and those that are not like you. I believe that as a leader, a high level of tolerance is required to make sure the nation comes together,” Bobi Wine said.
He is in South Africa for the Freedom Foundation Africa’s ‘Africa Freedom Award ceremony 2019’ due on Friday, December 6.
These are a few people’s remarks about Wine’s statement, as reported by PMI Daily:
“When I heard such a statement today morning, I decided to quit People Power [Wine’s political movement] and jumped out of the wagon. Someone is leading ignorant excited youths to hell in a handbasket. True colors are coming out.”
“The most sensitive question in the world today is about LGBT. This guy was so smart to answer the way he did. Some of you here criticizing him are using your emotions to think. One of the reasons for Zimbabwe’s downfall was because of these emotional ideologies. The world would be a better place if we learn to respect each one’s decisions.”
“Gays are supposed to be Stoned to death and that’s final. There is nothing like I respect them. If we find them in Uganda we shall simply stone them to death. The statement of Bobi Wine shows He is naive and a supporter of the Gays. Let those who support them carry them the same Judgment as Gays.”
“I am not a supporter of Bobi, but I think he was right to answer that way. What his answer implies is that he knows there are gay people in Uganda, among us, some of whom we know, but we are not the ones to judge them. Let us leave that to God. It is a choice they took and will be answerable in the eyes of.”
This is a video of Wine’s 45-minute interview with SABC:
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How real is this tolerance….. once he would be installed as leader! Anyway, tolerance is not what is demanded! Change of law is what is demanded, as only then homosexual people can be free! No tolerance as that means only being around and nothing more, equal rights under the law is what is demanded and needed, for all Ugandans!
Bobi Wine’s statement is just a revelation of what true leadership is all about. It’s a controversy that has been narrowed to LGBT society but I assure you it goes beyond…for instance, the thieves, murderers and other kinds of criminals have a right to be protected until proved guilty. Only humanitarians can understand this
Once the Pope said “Hate the sin and not the sinner” . When asked about his take about
the gay people he said ” Who am i to judge them”. Very many mistook him as a supporter of gays. These homosexual people just have to be helped to overcome this dangerous vice without judging them. Only God has authority to Judge anyone. God is so patient with us for sole purpose of allowing us time to repent and convert. For those of you who are not gay pray for the grace not judge and those gay people out there pray for the grace to stop, repent and convert.
It’s surprising to criticise bobi yet even th current president statements are not different from that bobi made. A bill was passed in parliament and it has never been signed by the president. If someone is a gay, counselling is better than death sentences. I don’t find it fatal and faulty in any way. Just like jesus did, he asked, someone who has never to throw a stone at her.
But is there a death penalty or gruesome punishment for gay people in Uganda ? What i know is that it’s not promoted, but we eat, dance , drink and sleep with these people. They have their freedom as long as they respect other people who are not gay. Like in African society we tend not to expose romance and nudity in public , Africa still wants the gay acts also to be kept private . It’s the culture .