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Messages (and a little money) needed for 3 victims of homophobia

Messages (and a little money) needed for 3 victims of homophobia

Gay rights activists in northern Cameroon are again preparing to visit victims of homophobia with food donated by generous readers of this blog. What the activists don’t yet have to deliver: Messages of encouragement.

Graphic for the fundraising campaign for the new Not Alone / Pas Seul project in northern Cameroon.
Graphic for the fundraising campaign for the Not Alone / Pas Seul project in northern Cameroon.

In the comments section please add any uplifting message you have for these three gay Muslim prisoners, who are isolated from the conservative majority-Muslim society around them. Your messages will be translated into French and sent to the activists at the AJSG advocacy group in Garoua, Cameroon, who will deliver them along with the food.

Messages like that are the reason this initiative is called the Not Alone / Pas Seul project.

More financial support is also still needed, because the project is still short of the amount needed to pay for deliveries beyond March to the prisoners, who otherwise must get by with only one small meal a day. Please consider supporting this project with a small recurring U.S. tax-deductible donation each month.

The sentences of two of the three prisoners — Ibrahim and Abdoulaziz — extend for years; the sentence of Ismael will end in August.

Several donors have signed up to make modest recurring monthly gifts. That is the most reliable way to assure ongoing deliveries. To make recurring U.S. tax-deductible donations, go to the project’s account at DonorBox. (You can stop those payments at any point.)

If you want to make a one-time U.S. tax-deductible donation immediately, you can do so:

  • On Facebook (Click on the “Donate” button at ) Please send a message to that the donation is for the Pas Seul / Not Alone project.
  • By (to the foundation’s account at Again, please send a message to that the donation is for the Pas Seul / Not Alone project.) or
  • By sending a check to St. Paul’s Foundation, 21 Marseille, Laguna Niguel CA 92677 USA.  Please write “Pas Seul / Not Alone” on the memo line.

After their first prison visits in January, the AJSG activists reported that the prisoners were encouraged by the show of support, but were definitely suffering:


Following receipt of funding from [St. Paul’s Foundation and its affiliated blog,] 76crimes, Association Jeunes Solidaires de Garoua made 2 visits, one to Guider Prison and the other to Tcholliré Prison.

These visits were made by M and A [AJSG activists].


Guider Prison, Jan. 8, 2019

For Guider’s two prisoners, Ibrahim and Abdoulaziz, they are doing well on the health side and have a strong enough morale to face their difficult circumstances.

The visit took place in a small corner of the prison away from the eyes of other prisoners.

When we arrived, they were delighted and told us that this was the first visit in the years that they have been in prison, apart from AJSG and friends who often came to see them. [Since 2015, when each man was sentenced to six years.]

This visit was a chance for them to know that people in the world are thinking of them and that people are helping them without judging them.


They say that the majority of their time is devoted to watching television in their room because, to survive in prison, they must avoid thinking about their problems and above all be humble. It is by this behavior that they can make certain friends, such as non-Muslim prisoners who understand them and accept them despite the reason for their imprisonment.

Prayer is the key to peace in prison because only Allah can protect us so we pray constantly when the opportunity arises.In reality, they often think about their eventual release from prison and the challenges that will await them outside. What will they do with their lives?

They say that the food in prison is rice mixed with corn. It is cooked inadequately, so it makes them sick. But they eat it because they really do not have a choice.The two prisoners received: 2 pairs of slippers, 2 bags of rice, soap and detergent, peanuts, toilet paper, cooking oil, olive oil, pasta, salt, tomato, and flavoring cubes.

See Also
Clare Byarugaba

At the end of the visit, the two prisoners were sad to part with us. They thanked all donors and especially 76crimes.

Tcholliré Prison, Jan. 9, 2019

On the 9th of January we went to Tcholliré Prison to visit Ismael. [He was arrested on homosexuality charges in June 2016. As of Feb. 1, 2019, he has served 2 years, 6 months of a three-year sentence. He is scheduled to be released in August.]

We had great trouble entering the prison because of their internal procedures. After paying a small bribe to a guard, we were allowed in at around 3 p.m.


For Ismael, we brought with us 1 pair of slippers, 1 bag of rice, 5 bars of soaps, detergent, peanuts, 5 rolls of toilet paper, 1 can of cooking oil, olive oil, 5 packets of pasta, salt, tomatoes, and flavoring cubes.

After waiting for a while, we were told that Ismael was sick and in the infirmary. We briefly met with him there. Ismael explained that he suffers from severe migraines because of his poor eyes. The doctor at the infirmary advised him to see an ophthalmologist for examinations that would cost 47,000 CFA francs ($82).  He does not have the money for those exams so he does not get treatment. Then he should also buy prescription glasses. He would not know the price of them until after the examinations to determine what type of glasses he would need.

[After learning about Ismael’s situation, a supporter in the United States donated money for an eye exam and glasses for him.]

Our conversation did not last long because of his health. We left his food and hygiene supplies with him at the infirmary.

Sadly he said good-bye and thanked us for our gesture of support.

Earlier articles about the Pas Seul / Not Alone project in northern Cameroon:

Article about the previous project in Yaoundé:

View Comments (4)
  • Hi there, Lloyd here from Australia. I’m afraid I can’t offer any money at this stage although I have donated in the past. What I can offer are words of encouragement. Firstly, you have done nothing wrong. You are victims of a sick society where corruption and religion overrules common sense. There is nothing wrong with being gay and anyone with more than a few brain cells knows this. Being locked up in jail when there are actual criminals out there is outrageous. Many people know of your story and are feeling for you. You will get through this. I don’t know your family situations but you might need to stick together and go somewhere where you can be free.Cameroon is very far behind in many areas not just gay rights. This is not your fault. If you recall, in the 1930’s people -including homosexuals – were imprisoned for no reason in concentration camps for no reason other than their captors were evil. So are yours. You are the men with good hearts who have been mistreated. I’m very far away in Australia but I am sending you a virtual hug and know now that you will get through this injustice. Much love, Lloyd, Australia.

    • Thank you, Lloyd.
      Your message has been translated into French and prepared for delivery to Ismael, Ibrahim, and Abdoulaziz with the next visit to the prison.

  • Cher Ismael, Ibrahim, et Abdoulaziz, puisqu’il semblerait que vous parliez français, je vais vous écrire en français! Je m’appelle Bruno, je suis professeur d’anglais dans le nord de la France, près de Paris, et je rentre d’un an à Cape Town où j’ai enseigné l’anglais et le français. Vous voyez, je connais un peu l’Afrique, même si je ne suis jamais allé au Caméroun. J’espère que vous allez bien et que vous arrivez à vous nourrir et à vous protéger de la violence. Je suis profondément désolé de ce qui vous est arrivé! PERSONNE ne devrait jamais jamais être puni pour être qui il est! Je voudrais que vous soyez dehors et libres et heureux, et amoureux! C’est votre vie, et personne ne peut vous empêcher d’être qui vous êtes! On peut vous arrêter, on peut vous emprisonner et vous faire du mal, mais on ne peut pas vous empêcher d’être qui vous êtes! Moi, je suis heureux que vous soyez tels que vous êtes! Je n’ai pas envie de vous demander de changer! J’ai même envie de vous envoyer tout le courage et la force de continuer à vivre pour être heureux tels que vous êtes! Parce que je vous soutiens, parce que vous êtes importants, parce que vous êtes mes frères! Le monde qui vous entoure devrait vous chérir, et non vous punir. C’est vous qui êtes du côté de la vie. C’est vous qui êtes du côté du futur. Les mentalités et les lois changeront, et les gens auront honte de vous avoir mal traité. Et ils demanderont pardon! Ce jour viendra! Le monde change, les amis! Je vous envoie mon énergie positive, ma force et mon courage! Je vous envoie mon amour! Vous pouvez me répondre si vous voulez, je serais enchanté de communiquer avec vous! Je vous embrasse très fort! Bruno

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