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For just $10, please help 3 emaciated gay prisoners

For just $10, please help 3 emaciated gay prisoners

Good news! You can now help the 3 emaciated gay prisoners in Cameroon for only $10. In exchange for that donation, you will receive news of how the prisoners are doing and can send them messages of support (preferably in French. It would be fine for you to use Google Translate to translate your words.)

Click on the image to provide food for 3 emaciated prisoners whose only crime is being gay.
Click on the image to provide food for 3 emaciated prisoners whose only crime is being gay.

A donation of any size over $4.99 would be helpful and would be greatly appreciated. But in response to comments that the Pas Seul / Not Alone project asked too much from donors, we added a $10 category.

People who donate $10 or more will receive an update on one of the three prisoners — Albert, Eric or Olivier — and can send them messages of support.

The $10 category is added to the previous reward categories of $42 and $33, which provide more assistance to prisoners and more rewards to donors.

For more information about the Not Alone / Pas Seul project, read this description of it:

See Also
Map of the 65 countries where sexual relations between people of the same sex are illegal. YELLOW countries have sodomy laws that are currently being challenged before local courts. Sri Lanka, in PINK, currently has a bill before its parliament to repeal its sodomy law. Indonesia, in ORANGE, has laws that criminalize homosexuality only in some subnational jurisdictions. All states in RED have nationwide sodomy laws and no known legislative efforts or court challenges to remove them. 

For more information about each of the three prisoners, read these articles in this blog:


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