Gay Muslim activist from Pakistan wins human rights award
Mike Daemon is the pseudonym of the founder and presenter…

The most important human rights award in Italy was awarded last month to a gay Muslim activist who was originally from Pakistan.

The Italian Coalition for Freedom and Rights (CILD) chose Wajahat Abbas Kazmi as “Young Activist of the Year.”
Kazmi, co-founder of “Il Grande Colibrì,” the first Italian LGBT intercultural association, was responsible for creating last year’s “Allah Loves Equality” campaign. He was born in Pakistan and now lives in Italy near Milan. This year he went back to Pakistan with association member Elena De Piccoli to film a documentary, also titled “Allah Loves Equality,” that will feature the voices of gay, lesbian and transsexual people and couples in Pakistan.
Kazmi, who has been an activist with Amnesty International for several years, received the award in Rome at a ceremony last month during which he discussed his trip in Pakistan and his encounters with activists there:
“We have a lot to learn from these people: the vast majority told us that they do not want to leave their country because ‘if we leave this country, who will be here to bring change?’
“We met people in Pakistan who were much more courageous in coming out than immigrants and second-generation immigrants living in Europe. … In Europe they experience less discrimination and do not risk their life at the hand of intolerant people who consider being gay to be a form of blasphemy.”
Il Grande Colibrì president Pier Cesare Notaro said:
“We are very pleased with the award given to Wajahat. The ‘Allah Loves Equality’ campaign has been a great success from many standpoints. Many people have expressed interest, we have raised awareness in order to fight prejudice, and we’ve been able to support the making of a very important documentary film. None of this would have been possible without Wajahat’s courage and commitment, as well as that of other activists in our association. This award is an important milestone on the road to promote acceptance of LGBTQIA Muslims that started over six years ago in a climate of generalized skepticism and often open hostility.”

Related articles:
- Pakistan: Trans rights defenders attacked in Peshawar (
- Can you be both gay and Muslim? Interview with Wajahat Abbas Kazmi of “Allah Loves Equality” (June 2017,
- “I Was Homophobic, But Now I Know Allah Loves Equality” (May 2017, Il Grande Colibrì)
- Nations with anti-LGBT laws: 49% Christian, 43% Muslim
- Official Pakistan agency pushes for trans rights (September 2016,
- After anti-trans attacks in Pakistan, abuse by doctors, police (August 2016,
- Tiny steps forward by Islamic leaders in Pakistan, Iraq (July 2016,
- Pakistani trans activist shot, dies; hospital rejected her (May 2016,
- Trans person gang-raped, 2 others killed in Pakistan (April 2015,
- Update: LGBTI Pakistanis mourn 6 serial killer victims (June 2014,
- Remember the Muslims who aren’t anti-LGBTQ
- Archive of this blog’s articles about Pakistan
This makes me so happy that the amazing work of such brave activists be internationally recognized! Kudos, Brother!! Carry on the good work! People like you make the world a better place for everyone. THANK YOU! Bruno Agar