Homophobes create a god in their own image
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Angry? Anti-gay? Anti-feminist? “It is a terrible idolatrous mistake when we make God in our image.” — the Rev. Canon Rosie Harper at the Intimate Conviction conference, Jamaica, October 2017.
This paraphrase of remarks by the Rev. Canon Rosie Harper is one of a series of glimpses of the Intimate Conviction conference from October 2017, Jamaica.
Harper is vicar of Great Missenden in the United Kingdom, chaplain to the bishop of Buckingham, and chair of the Oxford Nandyal Education Foundation serving rural India. She has written and broadcast for The Guardian and served as a panel member for the BBC.
Videos of the conference are available online:
The schedule of speakers at the conference can help you find the section of the videos that will interest you the most.
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