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Chechnya — What can you do?

Chechnya — What can you do?

Demonstrators in London protest anti-LGBT human rights abuses in Chechnya. (Photo courtesy of Out in Perth)
Demonstrators in London protest anti-LGBT human rights abuses in Chechnya. (Photo courtesy of Out in Perth)

Donate. Mobilize. Sign petitions.

Those are ILGA’s suggestions for people concerned about mass arrests, torture and other human rights abuses affecting LGBT people in Chechnya.

ILGA (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) writes:

The cruelties in Chechnya lead many people to question what they can do to support. The human rights violations must stop immediately and victims must get to safety. That is what all our actions are focusing on. Here are a few things that you can do immediately.

Make a donation!

ILGA-Europe are raising money to support the victims of the situation in Chechnya. Please donate now. Money will be used to enable people working on the ground directly to help the victims of these violations. If we happen to raise more money than is needed, it won’t go to waste! We will use it to support people working in other challenging contexts in the same region.

See Also
Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Reinette Klever with Gen. Jeje Odongo, Uganda's foreign affairs minister. (Photo courtesy of New Vision and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Mobilise – get in action to demand action!

  • Work with your local LGBTI group to organise a protest in front of the Russian Embassy and call for halting these practices and keeping the perpetrators accountable. Share photos and other materials with us which we will share with the Russian LGBT network.
  • Call on your government to provide visas to Chechen survivors, put pressure on the Russian government and to work with international organisations on independent investigation of the situation on the ground.

Sign a petition!

AllOut, Amnesty International and Avaaz, have started petitions calling the responsible authorities to stop these practices. Signing these petitions will mount to further public pressure.

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