To learn how to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, check these out
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Information on HIV

HIV Basics
HIV Prevention
Protecting Yourself and Others
Safer sex and safer drug use
Testing to find out if you have HIV
Information primarily for people living with HIV
Living with HIV – Starting points
HIV Basics
HIV Treatment
HIV Prevention
“Managing Your Health”
A Practical Guide for Healthy Living for People Living with HIV
(Click on any underlined text to access the content of this guide)
Testing and Diagnosis Testing to find out if you have HIV
Newly Diagnosed What you need to know if you have just been diagnosed with HIV
Living with HIV Health-related issues for people living with HIV
- What Does HIV Do to You?
- Monitoring Your Health
- Side Effects and Symptoms
- Long-Term Health
- HIV and Pregnancy
- Disclosure
- HIV in Specific Population
Living with HIV/Hep C Co-Infection What you need to know if you are co-infected with both HIV and hepatitis C
Complementary Therapies and Nutrition Complementary therapies and healthy eating
Protecting Yourself and Others
Safer sex and safer drug use
Information primarily for activists
Strategies at the international level to address HIV and related issues:
- 90-90-90: An ambitious treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic – UNAIDS
- Draft global health sector strategies: Viral hepatitis, 2016 – 2021 – World Health Organization (WHO)
- Draft global health sector strategies: HIV, 2016-2021 – World Health Organization (WHO)
- Draft global health sector strategies: Sexually transmitted infections, 2016-2021– World Health Organization (WHO)
Epidemiology of HIV
- HIV/AIDS data and statistics – WHO
- Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2015: The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 – The Lancet
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) resources
PrEP has proven effective in preventing of HIV transmission among key most-at-risk populations. PrEP Watch is a clearinghouse for PrEP data, additional research, cost, access and advocacy efforts across the globe. Scroll down their Home Page for a map and list of countries with demonstration projects and countries where Truvada (Tenofovir) has been approved for use as PrEP.
Guides for health care delivery
For the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities
- Caring for lesbian health: a resource for Canadian health care providers, policy makers, planners – Health Canada
- Asking the Right Questions 2: Talking With Clients About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mental Health, Counselling and Addiction Settings – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
- Engaging with Men who have Sex with Men in the Clinical Setting: A Primer for Physicians, Nurses and Other Health Care Providers – Global Forum on MSM & HIV
- Asking the Right Questions 2: Talking With Clients About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mental Health, Counselling and Addiction Settings – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Prevention and Treatment of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People: Recommendations for a Public Health Approach – World Health Organization (WHO)
Transgender people
- Care of the HIV-Infected Transgender Patient – World Professional Association of Transgender Health
- Taking Charge: A Handbook for Health Care and Social Service Providers Working with Trans People – Cactus Montreal
- Asking the Right Questions 2: Talking With Clients About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mental Health, Counselling and Addiction Settings – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Prevention and Treatment of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People: Recommendations for a Public Health Approach – World Health Organization (WHO)
- Guidelines for the Primary Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People – UCSF Center of Excellence for Transgender Health
Part one of this content (up to “Information primarily for activists” ) was originally published by CATIE, Canada’s source for HIV and hepatitis C information. For more information, contact CATIE at Part two was compiled by Denis LeBlanc, 76Crimes Editor Emeritus and long time HIV+ activist. This is by no means a complete list – many nations provide excellent HIV/AIDS information geared to their specific populations.