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Focus of Nigerian podcast: Gains and pains of coming out

Focus of Nigerian podcast: Gains and pains of coming out

Logo for the "What Happened When They Knew" project of the No Strings podcast
Logo for the “What Happened When They Knew” project of the No Strings podcast

Coming out isn’t just an intense experience for LGBTI people; it’s often a key factor in combating homophobia. When enough friends, colleagues, family members and celebrities come out, fear and hatred of LGBTI people tend to dissolve.

In the hope that such a process will occur in Nigeria, the No Strings podcast is gathering stories for a project known as “What Happened When They Knew?”:

“[It] is meant to highlight the different stories behind one’s coming out to loved ones, friends, relatives, family, or maybe someone getting to just find out that you are gay. The project is meant to relive those moments in terms of how you felt and how you were treated afterwards, coupled with how you cope with people who know you as a homosexual man/woman.

“Entry for the project is limited to Nigerians only. Nigerians living abroad are also encouraged to participate.

“Please note that your voice will be played on the podcast, so you have the option of either indicating that your voice be altered or not. And for your own safety, please do not use your real names, and do not mention your exact location.

“However, a scripted guide speech will be sent over to you via your email address just to guide you through the entire process. Entry is open until the 31th of October 2015.”

These are the entry instructions:

Send an email to with the subject “What Happened” or visit: and use the available form.

  • Wait for script, follow instructions
  • Record your voice using a mobile phone, or a voice recorder and send back to as an attached file.

No Strings host Mike Daemon says that three submissions have already been received and more are welcome.

No Strings is a Nigerian weekly LGBTIQ podcast that operates in the form of a traditional radio program; it is the first of its kind in Nigeria. It chronicles the struggles, tells the stories, captures and reports issues concerning the lives of LGBTIQ Nigerians,

See Also
Illustration: Artist's rendition of Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities logo (Courtesy of MinorityAfrica)

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