Three men jailed in Nigeria on gay sex charges
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran. He is the…

Three men were sent to prison cells in Nigeria on April 2, awaiting an April 23 hearing on charges of engaging in homosexual activity.
They had pleaded not guilty to the charges in an appearance before the Mararaba Upper Area Court in Nasarawa State in central Nigeria.
The News Agency of Nigeria identified the men as Armstrong Ihua, 40, of Ikorodu, Lagos State; Collins Ejike, 30, of Lugbe, Abuja, and Pius Bamayi, 25, of Masaka, Nasarawa State.
The Nigerian news website This Day Live reported that prosecutor Stephen Kwaza gave this account to the court:
Bamayi, accompanied by Patrick Okorie of the Luna Guest Inn in Mararaba, reported to police on March 31 that Ihua and Ejike lured Bamayi under false pretences to Ihua’s room, where they smoked Indian hemp. When Bamayi fell asleep, the other two men had sexual intercourse with each other, then removed his trousers and accosted him sexually.
All three men were charged.
The defendants’ attorneys, Charles Maduewyi, Momoh Mohammed and Gabriel Okpake, requested bail, but presiding Judge Vincent Gwahemba refused that request.
For more information, read the full article in This Day Live: “Court Remands Three for Alleged Homosexual Practices”
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Am not one of the so-called homophobians; but I really can’t understand why humans will so mortify and denigrate themselves to the point of going rubbing their dicks in left over sh** in anotheraks anus. It is so dirty and below the dignity of even beasts.
Before you call for my head, if everyone were to be gay, who would be there for them. We were all borne by men and women coming together, and after that some junkie rises up to talk of rights of obviously unwise lifestyle.
If the silly lesbian was not sired by a man, would she be there wallowing in filth? See, nobody is born that way, it is a choice they have made, and except they and their supporters repent and surrender their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Don’t say nobody told you. Please, hear and obey..
Hi, Uweh —
On what grounds do you say, “Nobody is born that way. It is a choice they have made”?
That seems to me quite a baseless assertion. Perhaps you can surprise me and answer me with something other than a widespread but unsupportable interpretation of the biblical narrative (such as “God made men and women” supposedly meaning that gays and lesbians are not God-created). I look forward to your reply.
Did you choose the sexual attractions that you feel, or do you believe that you born heterosexual?
— Colin Stewart
Erasing 76 Crimes blog
Colin Stewart, as a Christian I am obliged to respond to you to put the records straight and correct your impression as well as others who share your view on this issue. To claim that someone was born gay is to claim that God’s creation of man is imperfect. However, the bible is clear that all God created is perfect.
Now to respond to your assertion, I will advise you to read Sacred Scripture in Romans 1: 18 – 32 and pay particular attention to verses 26 – 27 where homosexuality and lesbianism are clearly condemned as shameful acts.
In case you are not aware, people who die in this world go for eternity to either of 2 places depending on how they lived here on earth – heaven for the righteous and hell for the unrighteous (Revelation 21:8). Study your bible well and confirm what I have said here.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has been gracious enough to send several warnings to human beings on the reality of hell, the deceit of satan to cause people to go to hell and why all should do what God requires as a condition to spend eternity in heaven.
I will leave you with the link below on the testimonies of 7 Columbian Youths who were shown hell by Jesus Christ in 1995 as a warning to the world and Jesus showed them where gays and others who had died without repenting were suffering in hell and where others like them still living would spend eternity if they fail to repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour before they die.
My friend Collin, I beg you in the name of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, DO NOT IGNORE THIS WARNING – go to the link below, read the testimonies there and send it to all you know who are still in this abominable act as there can never be repentance or reprieve from punishment for them in the grave. Hell is real.
Dear Gabriel,
Thank you for your concern. I have a different approach to the statement that all that God created is perfect. Sure, I’d say, and that includes gay people.
Also please note that Romans 1, which you quote, is a prelude to Romans 2, which calls for mercy rather than a judgmental attitude. Romans 2 turns the tables, stating that people who pass judgment on the basis of Romans 1 have condemned themselves in the process: “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.”
As I’ve said before: Let’s be merciful.
All the best,
Colin Stewart
Editor of this blog
Dear Colin, thanks for your response. However, as is typical with most people, you left the main issue and started quoting a portion of the bible that suits you when clearly that portion refers to those who pass judgement on others and turn round to do the same thing.
If that were my case, then it would mean I was condemning gays whilst also being gay. Thank God and my Lord Jesus Christ that is not my situation and can never ever be since God’s word clearly calls it a shameful and abominable act that brings punishment to gay practitioners (Romans 1- 26-27).
You never disputed what I quoted, a bible scripture to support condemnation of gays as you have said no one has been able to show you before now.
You also made reference to mercy and I agree with you. But note that God’s mercy ends in this world and his judgement takes over once a person exits this world. I repeat, there is no repentance in the grave. You also did not make reference to the link I gave you to read the testimonies of the 7 Columbian youth Jesus Christ in 1995 showed the reality and suffering in hell including those who lived as gays and lesbians. I still urge you to take time to read those testimonies.
Finally, if you still hold the wrong view like so many others in dire need of salvation that gays were born that way, then please tell me why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reason that they were gays there engaging in the abominable act of sodomy (Genesis 19: 1-23)?
Dear Gabriel,
Thanks again. You and I both think the other is cherry-picking Biblical passages to suit a preconceived notion. I think my point is exactly on point; you think I’m off target. I find quite un-Christian your seemingly self-satisfied second paragraph that thanks God for making you unlike “those people.”
I must admit that I am skeptical of the Columbian youths’ testimonies. We’ll find out eventually, won’t we? I’m sure you must be horrified by Archbishop Tutu’s recent comment that he’d prefer to go to hell than to live in a homophobic heaven.
I believe that as a Christian I’m ordered not to judge. As with the parable of the wheat and the tares, I leave the judging to God. I don’t try to decide who’s damned. My job is to be loving. I don’t wade into the field and rip out the tares before the harvest.
As for Sodom and Gomorrah, you’ve been given a hugely popular wrong interpretation of that account. Jehovah was mad at those cities for being horribly unhospitable to the point of raping visitors. Despite the modern word, the punishment wasn’t for ‘sodomy.’
Colin, editor of this blog
Dear Colin, I am compelled to write you again on this matter if only to make you see the spiritual danger and judgement gays have passed on themselves by their actions so you can join other well meaning Christians to advise them rightly..
Pls read 1Corinthians 6:9-10 and let me hear what your understanding is of that bible passage.
Dear Gabriel,
Sorry for the delay in approving your comment. I wanted to treat it seriously and make sure that I didn’t forget it.
Now I’ve refreshed my memory about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Here are a couple of discussions of that passage that are similar to my understanding of it.
1. Is the translation that you use accurate? That’s not at all definite:
2. Even if the translation is accurate, doesn’t it put homosexuals into a category that’s shared with all of humanity?
— Colin Stewart, editor of this blog