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Kenyan court rejects anti-gay, anti-lesbian appeal

Kenyan court rejects anti-gay, anti-lesbian appeal

The Kenyan Court of Appeal today rejected a government attempt to block registration of an LGBT advocacy group, the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC).

From the African Human Rights Media Network

Logo of the Kenyan LGBT rights advocacy group, the National Gay and Lesbian Hurman Rights Commission.

Logo of the Kenyan LGBT rights advocacy group, the National Gay and Lesbian Hurman Rights Commission.

Kenya’s NGO coordination board had refused to register NGLHRC, stating that that Kenya’s penal code “criminalises gay and lesbian liaisons.”

But in 2015, the High Court ruled in favor of the NGLHRC, affirming that the LGBT community has the same rights as everyone else to form an organization for mutual support.

In reporting the news, the NGLHRC tweeted:

See Also
Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament Anita Among was a forceful advocate for a bill last year instituting the death penalty for people repeatedly convicted of gay sex. (Abubaker Lubowa photo courtesy of Reuters/WSJ)

“Three judges dismissed the appeal by the NGO coordination board, agreeing with the High Court that ALL, including LGBT persons, should be allowed to form an organization and that what is criminalized is the act (in the penal code) and not the person, the Kenyan.”

Source: Rights Africa

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