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Rainbow Caribbean site focuses on LGBTQ rights

Rainbow Caribbean site focuses on LGBTQ rights

Caribbean LGBTQ rights activists announce Rainbow Caribbean, a Facebook page devoted to news articles, videos, features and commentaries about Caribbean LGBTQ people’s struggle for respect and recognition of their human rights.

Rainbow Caribbean’s cover features flags of dozens of Caribbean nations (above) and flags representing various sexual minorities — (below from left to right), the gay/lesbian rainbow flag, bisexual flag, trans flag (light-coloured version), intersex flag, asexual flag, pansexual flag and non-binary flag.

To receive updates from Rainbow Caribbean about LGBTQ news and commentary about the region, “Like” and “Follow” the page on Facebook, then set Notifications to “On.”

Individual supporters of this initiative include:

  • Maurice Tomlinson, senior policy analyst at the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
  • Alexa D.V. Hoffmann, founding director of Trans Advocacy & Agitation Barbados (TAAB).
  • Caleb Orozco, executive director of the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM)
  • Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of the Erasing 76 Crimes blog and the president of the St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation.

Organizations supporting this initiative are:

Alexa Hoffmann, manager of the Rainbow Caribbean page.
Alexa Hoffmann, manager of the Rainbow Caribbean page.

Hoffmann is the page editor, responsible for day-to-day management of Rainbow Caribbean. Stewart is currently the page administrator.

Supporters will contribute posts to the page, when appropriate, and will advise Hoffmann and Stewart about the goals, procedures and practices of the page.

The St. Paul’s Foundation is providing the modest financial support that makes this project possible.

Part of Hoffmann’s job is to ensure that all posts and discussions are conducted in a respectful tone. She will remove any comments or posts that are rude or insulting towards individuals, organisations or the LGBTQ community.

Founding supporters described their reasons for backing the project:

Caleb Orozco, leader of the United Belize Advocacy Movement
Caleb Orozco, leader of the United Belize Advocacy Movement

“The site offers the region an opportunity to tell its stories through the lens of local reality and regional analysis.” — Caleb Orozco.

See Also

“Extensive research across the region has proven, not surprisingly, that lack of knowledge about the realities of LGBT people drives homophobia. People fear what, or who, they don’t know. This platform fills a necessary void by allowing Caribbean LGBT people to tell their own stories unfiltered to help humanize their vulnerable communities.” — Maurice Tomlinson

“By participating in and contributing to the dissemination of news, as a trans woman living in the Caribbean, it is a wonderful opportunity to assist in ensuring there is comprehensive advocacy for the entire LGBT+ community in the region.” – Alexa D V. Hoffmann

“I’m delighted to be able to contribute to this project, which aims to build support and understanding for the LGBTQ community in the Caribbean.” — Colin Stewart

This is a link to the Rainbow Caribbean page. Or simply Search for “Rainbow Caribbean” on Facebook.

For more information, contact Maurice Tomlinson at 1 (647) 537-2599, Alexa Hoffmann via WhatsApp at (246) 841-7038 or Colin Stewart at 1 (336) 739-2124.

View Comments (2)
  • Merci pour ses informations qui permettront à la communauté lgbt de la caraibe de s’exprimer, en fait nous sommes Gran Lakou une organisation LGBT basée en Haïti dans la ville de jacmel où cette communauté reçoit de sérieux problèmes au niveau de l’état, de la société et de nos propres entourages, non accès à intégrer certaines écoles, hôpitaux et des eglises , pas de moyens économique pour aider un jeune de la communauté qui souvent chassé de leur maison familiale, sur ce Gran Lakou disposée et disponible à collaborer avec vous
    Phone : (509)36998988

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