India: Lack of jobs for hijras and trans people
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Mohini Mahant, the first transgender woman in India to be selected to sit as jurist for a court, spoke out about the lack of employment for hijras and trans people.
Hijras are a traditional third gender in India. The category can include trans people, eunuchs and intersex people.
Mahant, who holds a masters degree in public policy and social work, says that despite promises by authorities to bring meaningful job opportunities to trans people, no one will hire them.
Officials in Bihar, India have hired transgender people to act as security guards at girls’ and women’s safe houses to protect them from sexual assault.
In India, the state of Kerala announced a new program to help transgender people become students at higher education institutions.
This article includes text and other information from UNAIDS’s Equal Eyes recap of the world’s LGBTI news.