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Anti-gay threats from Nigerian bread-seller turned model

Anti-gay threats from Nigerian bread-seller turned model

Nigerian model Olajumoke Orisaguna, who was discovered only two years ago as she sold bread on the streets of Lagos, has recorded a video in which she condemns and threatens homosexuals.

Olajumoke Orisaguna. (Photo courtesy of YouTube)

Orisaguna was discovered in 2016 during a photo shoot in Lagos by super-star musician and photographer Ty Bello, who spotted her hawking bread. She was then offered a modeling contract and support for her family.

Her quick transition into modeling included an offer by Sujimoto Group and Poise Nigeria to instruct her in English, but she remains uneducated. Like many other Nigerians, she wallows in deep ignorance about homosexuality.

In the video, she spoke Yoruba throughout while acting like she is shocked about the fact that some people are gay and that some gay people actually have the right to marry persons of the same sex despite the fact that some societies try to stifle this dream for gay people with harsh homophobic laws.

Orisaguna repeated other uneducated Nigerians’ typical uninformed claims that homosexuality is un-Nigerian and that people are not born gay or lesbian.

 “I know that there is no Nigerian that was born as a gay or lesbian,” she said in Yoruba.

She also said that she found it difficult to sleep after she discovered on Facebook that some gay men and women plan marry persons of the same sex.  Further, she even  threatened homosexuals, saying that they “will be dealt with” if they are “found.”

“If such an individual is found, the person will be dealt with in ways you can’t imagine,” she said.

See Also
Gay tourists pictured on the GoThaiBeFree website, which promotes gay tourism in Thailand.

You can watch the video below (in Yoruba).

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  • You this uneducated bitch,from the gutter.if this is what you want to put your hands on be ready to go back to your gutter.ordinary gutter girl,mind your business

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