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Relationship problems: Topic of Nigerian LGBTIQ podcast

Relationship problems: Topic of Nigerian LGBTIQ podcast

Promo for the No Strings podcast titled "Why you may not find him." (To listen to the podcast, click on the image.)
Promo for the No Strings podcast titled “Why you may not find him.” (To listen to the podcast, click on the image.)

In this very age where image and looks matters a whole lot, it is increasingly becoming very difficult for one to kick-start and sustain a meaningful and healthy relationship,” says Mike Daemon, the host of the No Strings podcasts, which provide a voice for the LGBTIQ community in  Nigeria.

In the latest podcast, titled “Why you may not find him,” Daemon discusses the problems of establishing healthy relationships, especially among LGBTIQ people of Nigeria, where such relationships are outlawed.

“Especially in Nigeria,” he says, “many within the LGBTIQ community think that it is completely useless to have something tagged as a relationship; this is because many believe that gay relationships do not amount to anything meaningful, as marriage is usually not in the picture, and believe homosexuality is just a fun lifestyle. Whereas some still crave healthy relationships and companionships, but sometimes go about it the wrong way and with the wrong reasons. This episode shapes and tends to explore these reasons and in fact puts things into perspective.”

See Also
Constant Mutamba Tungunga is a lawyer at the Kinshasa bar and mining agent (@ConstantMutamba sur X).

For this and future podcasts, visit the No Strings podcast website.

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