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Soviet-style Belarus tightening controls over LGBT activists?

Soviet-style Belarus tightening controls over LGBT activists?

The location of Belarus in Europe.
The location of Belarus in Europe.

The repressive former Soviet republic of Belarus is a tough place for LGBT activists and might be about to get tougher.

A commentary in PinkNews claims that the country has adopted a new policy of considering gay-rights activism as a form of terrorism.

Gay-rights activist Alexandr Paluyan of Gay Alliance Belarus, quoted by author Paul Canning, said that such a policy could be implemented, but did not give any examples of it being in effect.  Paluyan said “the possibility of equating LGBT activists as terrorists” is “a matter of concern.”

Earlier this year, Belarus denied claims that it was planning to recriminalize homosexual activity.

“There is no such law in the parliament. And it also no plans to develop it,” the Belarus press service said, as reported in Gay Star News.

Life in Belarus is harsh for LGBT people. Paluyan told Gay Star News:

The country has mass violations of human rights which includes LGBT people.

In January 2013 there was seven police raids on gay parties, during which visitors were checked passport information institutions.

Belarus also denied registration of LGBT organizations, while police intimidate LGBT activists.

See Also
Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette (Photo courtesy of Causeur)

The country’s only gay club was forced to close under the pressure of local authorities. …

In addition police monitor and prosecute people using gay dating sites, with their accounts and personal erotic pictures used as evidence against them.

Belarus is ruled much as it was in Soviet days without freedom of the press or freedom of speech.

For more information, read the full commentary in Pink News: “Comment: With all eyes on anti-gay Russia, there are three countries with a shocking need for coverage.”

View Comment (1)
  • Hi Colin. I don’t quote this but Gay Belarus’ original report was “LGBT activism = terrorism in Belarus” and then quoted local news, so they’re the ones claiming it, though it’s a fair reading of this new policy.

    The notion of LGBT activism = terrorism is very dangerous but follows the logic of some of our enemies and, as i note, it would not surprise me if it spreads.

    That’s why I thought it worth highlighting, as well as the Iran legal change, which I’ll invoke Godwin and not compare to another time and place …

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