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Pope's message for anti-gay Catholics: Accept gays

Pope's message for anti-gay Catholics: Accept gays

Pope Francis met with media
Pope Francis

In an interview today, Pope Francis spoke graciously about how the Roman Catholic Church should treat LGBT people.

Will Catholics in the 76-plus countries that imprison people for homosexual behavior stop fueling anti-gay hatred and instead model themselves after the head of their church?

Here’s what Pope Francis had to say:

“If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?…

[The Catechism of the Catholic Church ] says they should not be marginalised because of this but that they must be integrated into society.”

The Pope did not reverse Catholic teaching that homosexual acts are sinful, but did emphasize the importance of love for those who sin, which is a fundamental Christian value.

See Also

He spoke less clearly about his opposition to the actions of pro-gay lobbyists, along with “lobbies of greedy people, political lobbies, Masonic lobbies, so many lobbies”:

“The problem is not having this orientation. We must be brothers. The problem is lobbying by this orientation, or lobbies of greedy people, political lobbies, Masonic lobbies, so many lobbies. This is the worse problem.”

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View Comments (4)
  • All human’s have sin in their lives and this is especially so for those who bash others for their sins. Bashing doesn’t have to be physical violence it can be verbal or could be a Police man arresting a gay person for the crime of being homosexual – when governments do not have right to make this a crime as in most cases sexual preference is a right protected by constitutional freedoms (there are some exceptions). Even in a place like Australia with very limited Constitutional rights “Sexual Preference” is one of those rights which are protected.

    Also parents and social / lobby groups who segregate gays from children young men / women out of fear that they will make them gay stop it because it’s untrue and probably cause them more harm than good.

  • When the issue of homosexuality arises we always hear about peoples rights, the right to love whomever they wish. what about God’s right? our Creator what about His rights? Are we no longer interested in God? are we just Christians by name? Let me express God’s opinion on this matter. In the beginning God created heaven and earth, He made man and Woman Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve, so surely as the Creator of the universe and everything else He has the right to make us as He desires. Now Paul in his letter to the believers at Rome in chapter one tells them why God has given men and women over to do vile unnatural acts men with men and women with women. The reason for this is because they would not listen to His word truth and turn it into a lie. there is a judgement within them and we all know what that is. Now it’s your choice God’s rights or your rights? you chose.

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