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Update: Russian repression, Cameroon criticism

Update: Russian repression, Cameroon criticism


4 Dutch visitors accused of gay propaganda freed in Russia (O-blog-dee)

Campaigners in Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A., seek to cut sister-city ties with St. Petersburg, Russia, because of anti-gay laws. (Associated Press)

Olympic logoInternational Olympic Committee warns Russia after anti-gay law

The International Olympic Committee has responded to calls for a global boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, following the passing of a new draconian anti-gay law. The IOC statement to Russia: “The International Olympic Committee is clear that sport is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation,” the statement said. “The Games themselves should be open to all, free of discrimination, and that applies to spectators, officials, media and of course athletes. We would oppose in the strongest terms any move that would jeopardize this principle.” (Global Post)


See Also
Ibrahima Diack and Magatte N’Diaye were honoured by Spanish city A Coruña for the heroic act (Photo courtesy of A Coruña City Hall/Twitter/LGBTQ Nation)

Government’s first response to activist’s murder: Criticize media coverage

The first official response came from government spokesman Issa Tchiroma, who said that journalists and civil rights groups had “launched attacks on our nation, dragging its image into the mud.” He went on to say that the case was being investigated. But civil rights groups had said previous investigations had not been through. (Pink News)

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