Beating death of LGBT activist Eric Lembembe in Cameroon
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

LGBT activist and reporter Eric Ohena Lembembe was beaten to death over the weekend, LGBT activists in Cameroon announced today.
Fellow activists said they found his bloody, lifeless body early today at his home in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Investigations by human rights defenders are under way to discover who was responsible for the crime.
At his death, he was serving as the local executive director of the Cameroonian Foundation For AIDS (Camfaids), an advocacy group fighting against AIDS and for human rights of LGBT people in Cameroon, which is one of the world’s most violently anti-gay nations.
Lembembe, a regular contributor to the Erasing 76 Crimes blog, was the author of one of the blog’s most popular articles, “What traditional African homosexuality learned from the West.”
That article is included in the book From Wrongs to Gay Rights, along with his articles about Roger Mbede, who was imprisoned because of an amorous text message to a man; Franky Djome and Jonas Kumie, who were imprisoned because they are a transgender couple; anti-gay blackmailer/extortioner Albert Edward Ekobo Samba; and the homophobic attack on last year’s IDAHO celebration in Yaoundé.
He formerly worked as a writer and editor for the monthly Tribune du Citoyen in Cameroon.
A proper obituary and reports on the investigation of his death will be forthcoming later.
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Reblogged this on ReluctantAfroAngloFrenchie and commented:
this is indeed a tragedy. May his soul RIP
This is outrageous. His death follows David Kato’s in Uganda a few years back. He too lost his life fighting for what he knows is right. I am deeply saddened by this.
Reblogged this on Purple Gloves and commented:
RIP Eric Lembembe
I am sending you a link of the article by Human Rights Watch about Eric.
Best Regards
link to Huffington Post article.
BBC also has a news article. His activism is being widely recognized.
While The lgbt community USA is celebrating it’s latest victory , this is what we African lgbt’s still face everyday.
Reblogged this on Tiffany's Non-Blog and commented:
Lest our detractors distract people with whines that their bigoted views are somehow being victimized, here’s a heart-wrenching reminder who the real victims are.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy:
Oh…my God who do this to my Guy. Hey Eric and I jst left Cameroun ooooo hey.. How does this Happen can some1 tell me, was in his house and his office not quite lng am bck to Nigeria now oooo crying ooO hey people are wicked.