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Tunisia frees trans woman serving a 6-month sentence for whom she loves

Tunisia frees trans woman serving a 6-month sentence for whom she loves

More than 32,000 people petitioned for her release.

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Image accompanying a protest by the Tunisian LGBTQ rights group Damj.
Image accompanying a protest by the Tunisian LGBTQ rights group Damj.

Maya, a Tunisian trans woman, has been released from prison after more than 32,000 people signed an online petition demanding her release.

The online advocacy group All Out, which launched the petition, celebrated the victory this week.

All Out stated:

“When thousands of people come together, they can truly make a difference.

“In December 2022, Maya, a trans woman from Tunisia, was arrested with four other individuals. She was sentenced to six months of jail under article 230 of the Tunisian penal code, criminalizing same-sex relationships, and put in a detention center for men.

“More than 32,000 All Out members from around the world jumped into action, demanding her immediate release. And it worked!

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Eden Knight (Photo courtesy of the BBC)

“Last month, Maya was released from prison after half of her sentence was served.”

Earlier, the Tunisian LGBT+ rights group Damj reported that on Feb. 27, the Court of Appeals sentenced Maya and her companion to six months in prison for violating Tunisia’s anti-homosexuality law, Article 230, which human rights advocates say is unconstitutional. She was harassed, intimidated and denied access to an attorney, and her hair was forcibly shaved off in prison, Damj said.

All Out has also launched a petition seeking support for sub-Saharan LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers in Tunisia. So far 10,800 people have signed that petition.

To donate in support of All Out’s work. click HERE.

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