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Qtalk: Robbed after hooking up, gay man faces blackmail

Qtalk: Robbed after hooking up, gay man faces blackmail

LGBTQ+ Nigerians benefit from the support provided by volunteer counselors via the Qtalk app, which is supported by this site and by the St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation.

The Qtalk user’s name has been changed in the following writeup, which is one of many contributed by the counselors who provide advice to LGBTQ+ Nigerians via the free Qtalk app:

Gay man loses valuables to blackmailer, faces threat

Chukwudi, a 24-year old Nigerian gay man, is seeking help after a man with whom he had hooked up stole some of his belongings and used them to blackmail him.

In his support request he wrote:

“I am in an absolute mess. A guy I connected with online came to visit me and then, after I left the house to get him a drink, he left with my laptop, clippers, and Apple watch. When I tried reaching him, he said that he wasn’t done and that he was going to come [after] me. I was shocked. Please, I’ll like to get my items back. What do I do?”

In a response to Chukwudi’s support request, the counselor, who is a legal practitioner, informed him that since this was a case of theft that Chukwudi could report to the police if he wanted to. But the counselor reminded him that things could backfire when a gay man seeks help from the police. Instead he suggested that a pro-LGBT human rights organization would be best suitable to deal with Chukwudi’s case. With Chukwudi’s permission, he was referred to an LGBT group in his area that has now taken up the case and has since been working with him to locate the perpetrator and perhaps retrieve Chukwudi’s belongings.

See Also
Members of Congress Mark Takano (left) and Joyce Beatty (right)

This article is one of five that comprise Part 14 of the Qtalk series.

To download the Qtalk mobile app, click HERE.

To support the Qtalk project financially, click HERE.

View Comment (1)
  • it is a damn shame that you can’t depend on your government to protect you if you are a gay person. Being gay isn’t a choice, it is something that is innate and driven by genetics and biology. The professional mental health systems in these countries should be dismantle because they are worthless and impotent. People regardless of there sexual orientation, should be proud of who they are and protected under the laws of the government. The countries who are guilty of this inhumanity should be ousted from the league of nations for their neglect of duty. I can’t believe a group of innocent people who can’t help their sexuality are subjected to this level of inhumane treatment.

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