Harmful Treatment: Conversion therapy’s global reach
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

This new pioneering report by OutRight Action International provides a global snapshot of what is known about “conversion therapy” around the world, including who is most vulnerable, what factors lead LGBTIQ people to choose or to be subjected to these harmful practices, what are the main forms of “conversion therapy,” and who are the main perpetrators.
Harmful Treatment: The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy
This downloadable report is also newly available via a link from this blog’s related article ‘Ex-gay therapy’: What reputable experts have to say.
That article contains excerpts are from the statements of associations of psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts that studied and reached conclusions about therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation (variously called “ex-gay therapy,” “conversion therapy” and “reparative therapy”).