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5 deadliest among 14 nations with death penalty for gay sex

5 deadliest among 14 nations with death penalty for gay sex


These three men, hanged in Iran in 2014, may have been convicted and executed for same-sex activity. (Photo courtesy of Iran Human Rights)
These three men, hanged in Iran in 2014, may have been convicted and executed for same-sex activity. (Photo courtesy of Iran Human Rights)

Fourteen nations and regions with large Muslim populations have laws providing for the death penalty for same-sex activity or otherwise allow such executions. Many fewer countries actually impose the death sentence — by this blog’s count, probably five of them.

That’s a summary of this blog’s updated tally of countries that impose the death penalty for same-sex intimacy.  This latest tally incorporates information contained in the 2017 edition of the State-Sponsored Homophobia report from ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

See Also
Cedric Pulliam in Munich (@Fabian Vogl)

For details, see the blog page “14 nations have death penalty for gay sex; 5 carry it out.”

(The five — four nations and one would-be nation — where the death penalty is actually imposed for same-sex intimacy are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Somalia and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh.)

View Comment (1)
  • Proof their religion is of the criminally insane…it’s time for the burning of the three books of religious myth.

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