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Petition: Stop Nigerian comedian from promoting hate crimes against gays

Petition: Stop Nigerian comedian from promoting hate crimes against gays

Click the image for link to the petition.
Click the image to sign the petition.

An online petition expresses the outrage of the LGBT community in Nigeria about a supposedly comic video that promotes and encourages violent hate crimes against homosexuals.

This video by Nigerian comedian Ogunsbaba (real name Akpobome Ogude) will cause harm by encouraging violence against homosexual persons in a country where homosexuals are misunderstood and deeply hated.

The video is on YouTube and NoStrings has reported it to YouTube as unacceptable and encourages people who understand the damage it will cause to do so too.

NoStrings has also initiated a petition against and Ogunsbaba to take the videos down and to apologize to the Nigerian LGBT community for joking about such a sensitive issue of great concern.

Click HERE to sign the petition.

The video, titled “The Lekki Gay,” depicts a gay man being visited by a friend whom he finds attractive but who brings along two other men to the bedroom to threaten him with sexual assault with a banana and increasingly larger vegetables. The video, featuring light-hearted background music, ends with the video going dark as the assault occurs.

In the skit "Lekki Gay," Nigerian comedian Ogusbaba depicts sexual assault as if it were funny. (Photo courtesy of YouTube)
In the skit “Lekki Gay,” Nigerian comedian Ogusbaba depicts sexual assault as if it were funny. (Photo courtesy of YouTube)

In November 2016, the video skit appeared on YouTube, where it has attracted 9,400 views.  On Jan. 5, it was posted on the Facebook page of Gossip Mill Nigeria, where it has been seen more than 409,000 times.

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Ghana Chief Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, (Photo courtesy of Dennis Law News)

The scenario depicted in the video is a typical example of what gay persons actually experience on a regular basis in the country from homophobes, and Ogunsbaba seems to be making a joke of this very painful and traumatic experience.

The acts portrayed as a joke in the video is actually not a joke at all. This is a human right violation as according to the Nigerian constitution in chapter 4 section 34 which states, “Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly and no person shall be subject to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment.”

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View Comment (1)
  • When a man puts his penis in another mans ass , that inhuman, unhuman, unjustifiable, degrading and of all filthy and nasty.Anyone supporting this is unhuman.

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