Tunisian LGBT leader attempts suicide
July 10, 2016
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
The Tunisian LGBT activist group Shams announced yesterday on Facebook:

Shams – Tunisia announces with regret that its vice-president, Ahmed Ben Amor, attempted suicide at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 9, by consuming a huge amount of drugs. He was hospitalized in a coma.
Shams believes this happened because of the homophobia of his family and the society and because of death threats that Ahmed has regularly received.
Today Shams published an update:
Ahmed Ben Amor, Vice President of Shams-Tunisia is better. He finally woke up and he was able to eat.
We wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him again very soon.
Wishing Ahmed a speedy recovery. He’s a real hero.
I hope he will get well soon. I sent him (and you too ) all my love and will praying for support and love in your lives!
My thoughts,and hopes for a speedy recovery and peace of mind go to Ahmed. The burden to achieve his aim/s is a heavy one and he has the support of all lgbt citizens around the world.
What did not kill you makes you stronger. Don’t give up the struggle for equal rights my dear man.