Jamaican priest: I love and respect LGBT people, sex workers
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

In Jamaica, Anglican priest Fr. Sean Major-Campbell declares:
I refuse to be silenced by the cheap psychology that says I am this gay rights activist who loves sex workers. I am used to this attempt at discrediting my work. This is supposed to resonate with the masses.
I am proud to be a human rights advocate and activist and my work includes the love, respect, protection, care, and concern for members of the LGBT community. At least no one has to wonder! No games here.
It is DISGRACEFUL when pastors and politicians continue to appeal to populism by insulting the dignity of LGBT persons. Many of our LGBT youth suffer in silence everyday. Many are homeless. Many are despised by family and community.
I am shouting it loud and clear. I also have a special love for sex workers, many of whom have a heart of love and sincerity that exceeds many of the pharisees in this country who only wear their religion on their sleeves so they may parade their supposed holiness.
Matthew 25:40 — “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ”
Related articles:
- Jamaica: ‘Human rights … should never be put to a vote’ (March 2016, 76crimes.com)
- Jamaican priest calls for LGBT tolerance, understanding (June 2015, 76crimes.com)
- Jamaica: Inching towards legal equality (August 2014, 76crimes.com)
- Jamaican Christmas cheer for homeless LGBT youths (December 2013, 76crimes.com)
First of all, he’s an Anglican, which says it all right there. They caved in years ago to the homosexual agenda quicker than a house of cards made of tissue paper. Secondly, a deviant sexual CHOICE does not a human right make. By that logic, alcoholics can claim that access to alcohol is, likewise, a “human right”. Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination before God and is labeled as such EVERYWHERE in the scripture. Would he fight for the same “dignity” for murderers , thieves, blasphemers, etc?
All that Sean is doing is showing is some compassion, something that alot of his fellow Christians lack.
it is NOT a choice! being a hateful bigot IS A CHOICE!!! the choice is yours!
For one thing, I can’t believe the basis of your objection is earnest. I don’t want us all to waste time pretending that serial murder in our society disturbs you in quite the same ways as homosexuality and non-gender conformity disturbs you; or for us to pretend that we genuinely think that his advocacy for the interests of LGBTQ folks somehow automatically aligns him with the social advancement for serial killers as a group or drug users as a group or pedophiles or animal abusers. It is plain and simple, a waste of time to pretend that anyone thinks that is the case.
Secondly, we ARE NOT DISCUSSING the experiences and feelings of murderers/thieves/blasphemers. Since no one intends to make a defense for these terrible things that you’ve compared same-sex attraction/homosexuality to, I don’t think it is worth derailing our focus on this real, important and meaningful issue and in doing so insulting me and people like me.
Lastly, this is a false equivalence. If your argument is in earnest then I’m guessing it’s based upon the supposition that because LGBTQ folks are unable to suppress or hide or deny their identities or desires their experiences somehow mirror the experiences of people who murder or steal or rape or harm themselves. False equivalence fallacy occurs when someone falsely equates an act by one party as being equally egregious to that of another without taking into account the underlying differences which may make the comparison patently invalid. The BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU to demonstrate empirically what exactly makes homosexuality comparable to murder. Until such a time as you can do that in an empirical way, no one should dignify such a disgustingly offensive assertion with a direct response.
PS Scripture also says don’t wear mixed fabrics and stay away from shellfish. Do you decry and denounce people who like crab in their callaloo too?
Eating lobster and shrimp according to the bible is a sin and an abomination. So what’s your point?!!! Its so strange when homosexuality seems to get people all worked up but they don’t get as animated about adulterers, statutory rapists and female abusers. If you are so against homosexuality, just refrain from having sexual contact with someone of the same sex. Why should you let someone else’s choice in their live affect you?