Upbeat pre-Christmas news from Guyana, Malaysia
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…
Three upbeat news items involving countries with anti-LGBTI laws, courtesy of UNAIDS Equal Eyes recaps of the world’s LGBTI-related news.
Barring an unexpected event, this post is probably the final pre-Christmas publication on the Erasing 76 Crimes blog. We’ll return after Christmas and hope you will join us here then.
Appeal for change in Guyana

In Guyana, former health minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy called on the Caribbean community to “demonstrate leadership” and repeal laws that that “stigmatize, discriminate and criminalize” the LGBT community, Stabroek News reported.
Ramsammy said, “Guyana is today one of about five countries in the world that in accordance with the law can sentence a person in the LGBT community .. for simply engaging in same-sex relations in the privacy of their homes.” [Editor’s note: Ramsammy vastly understated the number of countries with such laws; there are about 79 of them.] Under Guyana’s Criminal Law (Offences) Act, same-sex relations between gay men attract a jail term of 10 years to life.
Ramsammy said in a statement, “If we are serious about achieving the goals and targets to end AIDS by 2030 in accordance with the global collective agreements, Guyana signed under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), then we in Guyana and in Caricom must demonstrate leadership.”
$20 million to assist trans people
The US- and UK-based Arcus Foundation and US based NoVo Foundation pledged a combined $20 million to support global transgender issues, including ending violence, expanding economic opportunities, and increasing the inclusion of transgender people in society.
Gay imam in Malaysia: Islam accepts gay relationships

From Malaysia, an imam used Twitter to anonymously speak out about being gay and Muslim. His posts claiming Islam accepts gay relationships as long as they are not consummated — as it forbids sex out of wedlock — sparked debate across the platform.
As the week’s curator for the @twt_LGBT Twitter account, the man, who referred to himself only as “Adik,” described himself to be a “gay imam” and said that he wanted to share his life story and experiences in being a homosexual Muslim in Malaysia.
“Saya nak kongsi hidup sebagai seorang imam yang gay (I would like to share my life as a gay imam),” he tweeted.
Aside from sharing his experiences, Adik also invoked several arguments and connotations on Islamic teachings in aspects of homosexuality and his opinion on what it was to be a gay Muslim. The social media discussion snowballed into a heated debate with netizens taking on both sides of the matter. Read more via the Rakyat Post.
Related articles on this blog
- Great generosity aids Caribbean fight vs. anti-gay hatred
- Hearings begin over LGBT rights to travel in Caribbean
- Lawyers, activists target anti-LGBT bias in Caribbean
- In Malaysia, Obama focuses on LGBT rights
- Raids, arrests of 21 trans women after Malaysian ruling
- Malaysia: Top judges send opposing politician to jail for sodomy
See my radio interview About Catherine Judith Burn deputy comissioner working with a gay pedophile suspect Garry Burn who’s suing my dad for homosexual baby rapist villification. That’s right NSW Police work with pedophiles who argued sucessfully in court that sex with infant is a holy act that must not be vilified! Why is my dad being sued? It’s all explained in the interview with ONE NATION PARTY SENATE CANDIDATE FOR QLD MIKE HOLT! My Christmas present for the Gay Greens Policitians who are legalizing pedophilia by crimilzing dissent against it. VOTE INFANT SEX NORMALIZATION VOTE GREENS. See them exposed in My Restore Australia radio Interview with Mike Holt One Nation Party Candidate for QLD : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/restoreaustralia/2015/12/23/restoreaustralia-radio-show-24-december-2015 “This show is explosive. Join my guest Luke McKee as we discuss the socialist attempts to legalize pedophilia in Australia. Luke names the major villains in this sordid expose of sex for sale, pedophilia, political and judicial corruption in high places. Fasten your seat belt. You’ll need it.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/290041909/2015-06-11-NCAT-Burns-v-McKee-Affidavit – This AUSCERT offical court transcript proves that it really is a crime according to the NSW Goverment to do homosexual villification of published gay marriage activist gay dads convicted 22 month old Russian Infant sodomy one anal rapists (Mark Newton Peter Truong) of young children (Drake Newton) – See the young gay dads baby rape victim’s uncensored photo being used as a poster boy for gay marriage on a criminal gay blogger and biggest gay activist in Singapore Alex Au’s blog (he opened the first gay orgy bathhouse there) https://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/pastor-ambushes-goh-chok-tong-with-demand-to-defend-377a/ https://plus.google.com/107737496154974531069/posts/bqceQQax7Nf . The gay judge in my father’s case also ruled that again. Search tinyurl.com/abcplugspedos in austlii.edu.au case law for the June 25 Decision and read it carefully, also check out that link. These guys that ABC says are better than regular dads http://archive.org/details/TwoDadsAreBetterThanOne http://tinyurl.com/equalmarriageequalsboyrape . If you can’t villify those pedos who rape infants who can you vilify? Garry “Boylover” Burns says “you can’t vilify them” in court. Court audio to be released soon. Say hi to the gay pedophile suspect for me http://twitter.com/garryburnsblog Hear the science behind the claim that a gay male is 30 times more likely to abuse children. It’s been tested in court right now!
You understand that “gay” is not the same as “pedophile,” don’t you?
— Colin Stewart, editor/publisher of this blog
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Finally some good news to report!