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’10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay’

’10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay’

Robert Mugabe at the United Nations on Sept. 28, 2015. (Photo courtesy of
Robert Mugabe at the United Nations on Sept. 28, 2015. (Photo courtesy of

Definitely worth a look: “Au Contraire, Robert Mugabe: Top 10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay,” an amusing response from the online magazine Unicorn Booty to Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s outburst on Sept. 28 at the United Nations.

Some examples:

Mugabe once proposed marriage to Barack Obama.

This summer, Robert Mugabe proposed to President Obama! Sure, he says he was making fun of us for marriage equality, but look at his quote:

I’ve just concluded since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance – thus if it becomes necessary, I shall travel to Washington, D.C., get down on my knee and ask his hand.

Aww, who knew he was such an old-school romantic!  Sure, he followed that up with stuff like “I can’t understand how this people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy,” but methinks he doth protest too much, if you get my meaning… and I think you do.

See Also
Justices of the Supreme Court of Ghana (Photo courtesy of GhanaWeb)

Mugabe’s got his own fashion label.

Robert Mugabe fashion show 1. (Photo courtesy of Unicorn Booty)
Robert Mugabe fashion show 1. (Photo courtesy of Unicorn Booty)
Robert Mugabe fashion show 2. (Photo courtesy of Unicorn Booty)
Robert Mugabe fashion show 2. (Photo courtesy of Unicorn Booty)

The Zimbabwean government is weirdly obsessed with gay activists

For a country that Mugabe says isn’t gay, they sure have a lot of fear about gay activists. In one article Makhosini Khumalo, CEO of the group Africa Against Western Influence and Interference, says “gay and lesbian groups [are]mushrooming in the country”. In fact, they’re not — the most prominent is the Association of Gays and Lesbians in Zimbabwe (GALZ). GALZ is so prominent, in fact, that googling for “LGBT groups in Zimbabwe”, as well as other similar queries, only brings up references to GALZ.  GALZ has been a frequent punching bag for Mugabe and company since their founding in 1989…. often literally.

For more, see the full article: “Au Contraire, Robert Mugabe: Top 10 Reasons Zimbabwe Is Super Gay,”

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