Dear Belize, it’s time to scrap your ban on LGBTI visitors
September 3, 2015
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

Belize is one of only two countries in the Western Hemisphere that still bans the entry of homosexuals. While the law is rarely enforced, it serves to stigmatize and vilify LGBTI people, who are regularly fired from jobs, evicted from their homes, bullied in schools, and suffer verbal and physical assaults.
Repealing the entry ban on gays will send a clear signal that LGBTI people are welcome, and belong, in Belize.
Related articles
- Campaign seeks repeal of Belize gay immigration ban (April 2013,
- Caribbean overview: LGBT rights vs. anti-gay status quo (August 2013,
- An LGBT victory in Belize (September 2013,
- Archive of this blog’s articles about Belize
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