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Ugandan trans, sex-worker activists target HIV

Ugandan trans, sex-worker activists target HIV

Kuchu Times reports:

Workshop sponsored by Uganda's Come Out Post-Test Club. (Photo courtesy of Kuchu Times)
Workshop sponsored by Uganda’s Come Out Post-Test Club. (Photo courtesy of Kuchu Times)
[On July 1] several members of Come Out Post Test Club (COPTEC) gathered for a community meeting aimed at enhancing their knowledge about HIV/ AIDS and human rights. The event attracted 55 members of the LGBTI and sex workers’ communities, who were treated to a HIV testing and counseling session.

“I think the workshop was worth the time spent and the resources invested because people turned up in large numbers. Expectations were met and I am glad that participants were able to learn new things about HIV/AIDS and its prevention as well as get good security tips,” Babu Ramadan, a community peer educator and participant, said of the meeting. …

“As the founder and Director of COPTEC, my hope is for an HIV-free LGBTI community and I will continue working hard to see that those already infected get proper medication and care and those that are still negative continue practicing safer sex to prevent new infections,” [workshop co-coordinator]  Joseph Kaweesi said. …

“This project is targeting transgender women in Uganda and addresses community mobilization and awareness. We basically aim at a zero-AIDS transgender community,” [workshop co-coordinator] COPTEC’s Executive Secretary Bad Black said of the initiative.

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Peter Marocco in 2019.. (Gabriel Aponte/Getty)

COPTEC runs on a vision — Creating and promoting a community that supports and cares for those who are HIV positive and enabling them to live the best life possible. It is also a community that is informed enough to prevent and protect itself from HIV/AIDS-related illnesses that may lead to death.

For more information, read the full article “COPTEC Continues Struggle for HIV Free LGBTI Community” in Kuchu Times.

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