In Jamaica, summertime is gay-bashing time
June 19, 2014
Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

In the meantime, the anti-gay rhetoric is heating up (which is usual for the summer period). On June 14, we saw the savage mob attack on an ALLEGED gay man for ALLEGEDLY putting on lipstick in a public mall in May Pen.

At the same time, the Minister of Youth is investigating the possibility of suing the largest human rights group, Jamaicans for Justice, because it introduced a comprehensive sex-ed manual in some private homes that taught kids how to protect themselves from HIV if they engage in anal sex.
There is overwhelming evidence that the average age of sexual debut in Jamaica is 9 years old and many kids have anal sex as a way to prevent pregnancy and to preserve their virginity. However, thanks to misinformation spread by the churches, many kids do not use condoms as they believe only gay men contract HIV.
If anyone is interested in finding out what was so offensive in this manual, please see this link.
Among the more “damning” passages is the recommendation that persons use condoms during anal sex. HORROR!

Summer usually coincides with silly season and increased attacks against LGBT Jamaicans. This is shaping up to be more of the same.
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