Europe targets anti-gay laws in Uganda, Nigeria
Colin Stewart is a 45-year journalism veteran living in Southern…

The European Parliament today called for action against new anti-gay laws in Uganda and Nigeria, the parliament’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights reported.
Those actions include redirecting aid away from the governments of Uganda and Nigeria and toward civil society organization there.
The parliament also urged consideration of refusing to issue visas for Ugandan and Nigerian leaders, both inside and outside of government, who are responsible for passage of those laws.
It also suggested considering the possible ouster of Uganda and Nigeria from the Cotonou Agreement, which governs the political relations between the European Union and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.
For more information, see the full report by the Intergroup on LGBT Rights: “Uganda and Nigeria: European Parliament calls for targeted sanctions over new laws.”
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No matter whaT we nigrians stand again Gay
Nigeria and uganda should pray for the denial of visa to our government ……. There changes will come to africa and our leaders will think of doing things on thier own and investing in the country…… Parts of GAY eradication in nigeria.
If the purported general notion of Europeans is that truth is subjective and not objective, why is the EU pushing this LGBT agenda as a dogma? Why not focus on things of life – child mortality, people living under the poverty line, education for all, …
LGBT is a set of people and not equated to humanity.
Those with the tendencies need to be understood and loved. But what we cannot do is set up the tendencies as an ideal for humanity.
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