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Jamaican politicians' role in 2 more homophobic mob attacks

Jamaican politicians' role in 2 more homophobic mob attacks

Jamaican police escort alleged homosexuals to safety, removing them from a house besieged by an anti-gay mobe. (Photo courtesy of
Jamaican police escort alleged homosexuals to safety, removing them from a house besieged by an anti-gay mobe. (Photo courtesy of

During the day on Aug. 1, 2013, Jamaican news reported that onlookers found two men in an intimate position inside a police car in Kingston. This sparked protests by residents and the police had to fire shots in the air and use pepper spray to disperse the angry mob.

In addition, last night, the Primetime news station CVM TV reported that a crowd gathered at the house of two alleged homosexuals in Spanish Town, St. Catherine.

One member of the angry mob that had gone there to attack the two men said, “Not in my cabinet.”

Bruce Golding, former Jamaican prime minister (Photo by Antonio Cruz via WIkimedia Commons)
Bruce Golding, former Jamaican prime minister (Photo by Antonio Cruz via WIkimedia Commons)

Those were words used by former Jamaican PM Bruce Golding in a BBC interview when he was asked if he would allow gays to serve in his government.

See Also
Manuel Guerrero Aviña was was released in August 2024 after being detained since February 2024 in Qatar in connection with his use of the Grindr gay dating app.

It is clear that Jamaican politicians play a part in sustaining the country’s notorious homophobia. And they also have a role in stopping it.

It’s time for political leadership on tolerance for gays!

View Comments (2)
  • I just cannot understand why people have so much hate towards such a small portion and in most cases harmless portion of the world population. Can’t they just let people love who they want to, within certain moral ethics? What I mean by that is no zoophilia (sp – sex with animals) or pedophilia or necrophilia (sex with the dead) things that are really at the bottom of depravity.

    When you have two consenting adults who love each other, whether they male/female, female/female or male/male couples, why can’t everybody just leave them alone it takes a sick very mind to watch what a couple is doing in their home. Whether it is in the bedroom, the bathroom or on the kitchen floor, keep your big fat noses out of their business, because it is none of yours.

    I can only blame religious zealots in promoting and pushing for this violence against people and they chose areas where there is a low education and near poverty levels for their agendas. Then they convince these individuals that our gay brothers and sisters are to blame for their plight and that if they drive them out using whatever it takes, God/Jesus will look down on them favorably and make thinks better. It makes no sense. If you are a believer, it sounds like these zealots are minions of Lucifer and not of the God that I grew up with. I guess the only thing I can do is to pray for those people who are violated almost daily.

    السلام يكون معكم / As-salaamu ‘alaikum / Peace be with you / Einheit mit Vielfalt

    Shelly Ann,
    A Proud American (since 1868) and Veteran (1969-1994)
    Et secundum diversitatem unitatis pro scientiam (Unity through diversity and knowledge.)
    LPN/ret, HM2c (FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, CWVet, VNeVet, GWVet, DAV/VFW Life Member.

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