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Ukraine lawmakers seek ban on gay pride parades

Ukraine lawmakers seek ban on gay pride parades

Ukraine gay rights rally in Kiev. (Photo courtesy of
Ukraine gay rights rally in Kiev. (Photo courtesy of

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports:

Sixty-one Ukrainian lawmakers have signed a petition urging Kyiv’s mayor to ban a gay-pride parade in the Ukrainian capital scheduled for May 25.

Ukraine’s Family Movement leader Pavlo Unhuryan, who is also a [member of parliament], announced on May 20 that the petition requests a total ban on gay-pride parades “and similar events in Kyiv in May-June 2013.”

The petition states that such events “may lead to violent clashes” between those who support homosexuals and those who oppose them.

Last year, plans for a gay pride parade were abandoned after police said they could not protect marchers and one of the organizers was beaten by an anti-gay mob.

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Viktor Pylypenko, a combat medic and the first openly gay Ukrainian soldier, came out in 2018. (Photo courtesy of the BBC)

The Ukraine parliament, known as the Verkhovna Rada, is  considering a ban on “gay propaganda,” but the parliament is also considering an antidiscrimination law that would apply to sexual minorities.

Last week, the parliament postponed a debate on that issue when  hundreds of anti-gay protesters gathered  outside the parliament. In February, the parliament had added that bill to its agenda.

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