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New video of protest about 76+ countries’ anti-LGBT laws

New video of protest about 76+ countries’ anti-LGBT laws

Protesters had their faces painted with the names of 76-plus countries with anti-LGBT laws. (Click image to see the video.)
Protesters had their faces painted with the names of 76-plus countries with anti-LGBT laws.  The countries represented here include Botswana, Senegal, Lebanon and Pakistan (Click image to see the video.)

A new video about last month’s B.Right.On Festival provides glimpses of the festival’s protest against the anti-homosexuality laws that are on the books in 76-plus countries.

Two protesters represent Grenada and Uzbekistan, two of the 76-plus countries with anti-homosexuality laws. (Click the image to see the 10-minute video.)
Two protesters have a message for Grenada and Uzbekistan, two of the 76-plus countries with anti-homosexuality laws. (Click the image to see the 10-minute video.)

Organizer/poet/activist Vince Laws said an estimated 400 people attended the protest, with 100 to 140 of them standing under a “Banned” banner with their faces painted with the names of countries with laws against homosexual activity.

The protest was part of the opening festivities for the B.Right.On Festival, which marked the start of LGBT History Month in Brighton, England.

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Andrei Kotov in custody in Moscow (Photo courtesy of X @Mediazzzona via The Advocate)

In the 10-minute video “Vince Laws and the Launch of the B.Right.On Festival,” Laws discusses the face-painting protest starting at the 4:04 mark.

Protester in Brighton has her face labeled "Swaziland" in hopes that the country will repeal its anti-gay law. (Click image for video.)
Protester in Brighton has her face labeled “Swaziland” in hopes for change in that country, where sexual relations between men is a common-law offense. (Click image for video.)
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