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British Lords seek repeal of 41 countries’ anti-gay law

British Lords seek repeal of 41 countries’ anti-gay law

Guy Black, Baron Black of Brentwood
Guy Black, Baron Black of Brentwood

Peers in Britain’s House of Lords are pushing for the repeal of anti-gay laws that have led to increased levels of HIV/AIDS in many of the 41  Commonwealth nations where they remain on the books.

Pink News reported:

Peers in the House of Lords have called on the British government to push for all Commonwealth countries to decriminalise homosexuality. …

The first openly gay Conservative Peer, Lord Black of Brentwood, led a debate on the issue on 13 March, and emphasised a “link” between the criminalisation of homosexuality and the spread of HIV and AIDS.

The BBC added:

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Lord Black condemned laws discriminating against homosexuals as a “monument of man’s [in]humanity to man” and argued that repealing those laws could “make the difference between life and death for many who are sick now and who are yet to be born”.

He was followed by Labour’s Baroness Gould of Potternewton, president of the Family Planning Association, who said gay men and women in many Commonwealth countries were often “unable to seek [health] advice or support because they then have to admit to an illegal act”.

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